The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 65: Hit third base?


As far as the current situation is concerned, Li Yalin feels that the explanation of personality replacement is the most appropriate, which can also explain why Chessia's personality has undergone such a huge change in an instant.

But the crux of the problem is, why did Cecilia's personality change

Could it be... the wine

Combining the current situation, the explanation of personality change after being drunk is the most reliable, but in this way, Li Yalin's plan to melt the iceberg has completely failed.

Damn, if you still melt a piece of wool, the iceberg will melt by itself, okay? Flip the table!

"Your Majesty the Demon King, thank you very much for this invitation. I think this is the happiest night I have ever spent."

Just when Li Yalin secretly lifted the table of the soul, Chessia on the opposite side spoke again, and at the same time, she showed the most charming smile on her face.

In the past, the probability of seeing a smile on Cecilia's iceberg face was undoubtedly lower than that of the end of the world! But today, Li Yalin has seen smiles on Chessia's face more than once!

"It's nothing, this is what I should do, I should..."

Chessia's smile made Li Yalin stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, touched his nose in embarrassment, and then quickly answered.

This change in the script was really beyond his expectation. At this moment, he didn't know how to continue.

"Although there is no music, is His Majesty the Demon King willing to dance with me?"


Chessia took the initiative to invite herself to dance

Yes or no

At this time, Li Yalin was a little unsure how to choose.

"Is His Majesty the Demon King unwilling?"

Seeing Li Yalin's hesitation, Chessia's face suddenly turned pale. Facing such a Chessia, how could Li Yalin refuse it!

"No, I just never danced before, I was afraid that if I danced so suddenly, I would step on you or something..."

Li Yalin explained with some embarrassment. After all, this is also true. He has never had experience in dancing or something. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be even more tragic

"It doesn't matter. On the day of His Majesty's coronation, there will also be a grand celebration in the Blood Alliance City. At that time, His Majesty will inevitably invite dancers to dance. This time, let's use it as a rehearsal first."

"Dancing at the coronation?"

Li Yalin was taken aback by Chessia's words, why hadn't he heard of this before

"Didn't Kamel tell His Majesty? It's no wonder that her girl is very careless in this regard." Li Yalin's stunned expression made Chesia chuckle, and immediately after, her pair of slender hands stretched out. In front of Li Yalin.

"Please dance with me, Your Majesty the Demon King."

"Then I would be more respectful than obedient."

There is no way, the girls have already extended their hands, so I can't refuse anymore, not to mention that since there will be dancing during the coronation, it is also a good choice to practice with Cecilia now.

At least practicing in advance is better than catching the blind and making a fool of yourself.

Chessia's hands are very gentle, not as cold as Li Yalin imagined, and at the moment, Chessia is also very careful, guiding the skills and essentials of dancing, and there are other precautions.

In this regard, Li Yalin kept in mind every word, and he found that the dance that Cecia taught him was similar to the ballroom dancing in his own world. They felt similar, except for some details.

Although Li Yalin doesn't know how to dance ballroom dancing, but with his current learning ability, it is not difficult for him to step on the dance step with his arms around his waist. Soon, he learned this kind of dance step, and with Qi Sia danced around the room.

Embracing Cecilia's slender waist, lightly holding his plain hand, one step, two steps. Although he experienced the initial jerky, Li Yalin quickly adapted to the rhythm, and the cooperation with Cecia became more and more perfect.

This feeling seems to be very good, it seems that I am a dancing genius!

Stepping on the dance steps, Li Yalin felt a little proud, especially when the two cooperated perfectly, he felt a sense of ecstasy, as if the whole world didn't exist, and only he and Chessia were left.


"What are you doing?"

Just as the relationship between Li Yalin and Chessia was melting, the door was kicked open with a bang, followed by an angry voice reaching the ears of the two.

what's the situation

The sudden disturbance brought Li Yalin back to his senses in an instant, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at the door, only to see a face full of anger.


Before Li Yalin could speak, Chessia called out the person's name first. That's right, the one who disturbed Li Yalin's good business right now was the third daughter of the former Demon King, the arrogant Lori Isya who had been at odds with Li Yalin for thousands of years. !

How did she come here

Li Yalin didn't expect that Isya would kick open the door so suddenly, disturbing his good business with Chessia... Wait! good thing? What happened to me just now

It wasn't until this moment that Li Yalin finally realized, what did he just do? In the process of dancing with Cecia, I seemed to be completely unable to control myself for a while.

Why? Why can't I control myself at all? This is not right! Totally wrong!