The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 82: Symphonic duo


Knowing that the goal of the symphony duo is Kou Kou, Li Yalin naturally wants to act immediately, but after he contacted Kou Kou by phone, he was surprised to find that Kou Kou didn't rest in the hotel, but went with Falme ran out to go shopping together.

"I'm sorry, Lin, Falme must date me alone. This time, I will fulfill her little wish. After we finish shopping in a while, I will go to you immediately."

On the phone, Kou Kou's tone was apologetic. In fact, when she first went out, she wanted to call Li Yalin, and then the three of them went shopping together.

Seeing Falme's downcast expression, Kou Kou couldn't bear it, she had no choice but to decide to have a private date with Falme.

But now is not the time to talk about dating or not!

"Listen to me, Koko, I just met the symphony duo on the road, and their target should be you! Go to a safe place with Falme immediately, and I'll go find you right away!"


Li Yalin spoke so fast that Kou Kou almost couldn't hear clearly, but just when she wanted to continue asking, Li Yalin had already hung up the phone.

"Rem, ask Tojo to lock Kou Kou's position, and then send me Kou Kou's position! There are killers targeting Kou Kou, immediately reinforce!"

After Li Yalin hung up the phone, he immediately called Rem, asking Rem to quickly reinforce him, and at the same time, he also needed Kou Kou's location at this time.

When he first came to Dubai, Li Yalin was not familiar with the streets here. If he wanted to find Kou Kou in this strange environment, he could only rely on the map positioning function in his mobile phone.


Rem's answer was simple and quick, and then Kou Kou's team started working quickly.

In just a dozen seconds, Tojo locked Kou Kou and sent Kou Kou's location to Li Yalin's mobile phone.

Looking at the map, they are only a few blocks away, not very far away.

Looks like I have to say sorry to the truck driver!

In this case, driving is obviously faster than running on two legs, and Li Yalin happens to have the keys of these trucks in his hand.

Although the driver was not there, Li Yalin kept the key. After all, he was a local tycoon with millions of dollars in his hands, so it was impossible to steal his own broken truck.

In this regard, the truck drivers were very relieved, but they did not expect that Li Yalin would encounter such a sudden situation, nor did they expect that a truck would suffer a catastrophe.

Opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, but immediately Li Yalin became a little dazed.

He doesn't have a driver's license, and apart from touching his friend's car a few times before, he has no driving experience at all, especially now that he is still riding in a small truck, which makes him a little helpless.

But when he thought that Kou Kou was about to be in danger, Li Yalin couldn't care less. He recalled how Jiyou taught him how to drive, stepped on the clutch and inserted the key, and turned it lightly!

Started! This is not as difficult as imagined.

Put it in gear, OK, no problem, let's go!

Gently opening the clutch and stepping on the accelerator, Li Yalin thought that driving would be stress-free, but what he didn't expect was that the car moved, but instead of moving forward, it reversed.

With a bang, although Li Yalin stepped on the brakes immediately, the car still had a close contact with the truck behind.

Damn it's in the wrong gear!

Li Yalin didn't expect that he would put the first gear into the reverse gear. Who made the two gears so close together

After taking a closer look, it was confirmed that there was no problem, so Li Yalin finally put the gear on, stepped on the accelerator, and let's go!

I have to say that drivers who are newbies on the road for the first time are definitely street killers. The truck driven by Li Yalin has never walked in a straight line. If he hadn't, he probably wouldn't have known how many people had been knocked into the air.

I must learn to drive in the future! Must learn!

At this time, Li Yalin in the car was also terrified. He didn't expect that driving a car would be so troublesome. It seems that this person who walks the rivers and lakes can't do it without some skills. After this trouble is settled, he must find a car. Teacher, study hard, at least you must learn how to drive!

Fortunately, Li Yalin and Kou Kou met not far away. After scaring away N pedestrians and urinating N drivers who passed by, Li Yalin finally drove to Kou Kou's location.

No gunshots! In that case, the symphony duo should not have arrived yet!

But even so, he couldn't be careless. Li Yalin slammed on the accelerator, drove the truck out of the road, and drove the car directly onto the sidewalk. Finally, he braked and finally stopped the car.

Where is Koko

After getting out of the car for the first time, Li Yalin quickly searched for Kou Kou's location, and at this moment, there was a sound of alarm from a distance.

The driving was too intense for the first time, and it seemed that the police in Dubai were also disturbed.

"Lin! Here we are!"

The sound of the police not far away gave Li Yalin a headache, but Kou Kou, who was hiding with Falme, also found Li Yalin's location, and even said that she waved her hand at Li Yalin to indicate where she was. .

not good!

The moment Kou Kou appeared, Li Yalin suddenly felt something bad, and his keen senses told him that the symphony duo had arrived! A murderous aura rushed towards Kou Kou, she was in danger!

"Get down!"

While shouting at Kou Kou, Li Yalin searched for the location of the symphony duo. He must find those two people before the opponent shoots!


At this moment, Li Yalin's keen perception suddenly exploded, following that strong sense of crisis, Li Yalin miraculously found the location of the symphony duo.

At the next moment, Li Yalin immediately manifested a USP.45 pistol and shot directly in the direction of the symphony duo.

The timing of Li Yalin's shooting was very good, but the reaction speed of the other side was also very fast. No, it should be said that Qian Xia, who didn't like to wear underwear, had a very strong sense of crisis.

As soon as Li Yalin fired a shot, Qian Xia had already dodged away with the jagged mouth master, but in this way, they would naturally have no chance to attack Kou Kou.

"Falme! Protect Koko!"

The gun in Li Yalin's hand never stopped, and he used bullets continuously to suppress the opponent. As long as Qianxia and Master Zigzag showed their heads, his bullets would pour over mercilessly.

"Why him?"

Qian Xia didn't expect that it was obviously a pleasant trip to hunt down weapons dealers, why would she meet that interesting guy who just bumped into her here

How did he get here? Why did he shoot himself? Was he protecting the arms dealer

Big fire! Qian Xia suddenly felt very angry, and she didn't know why, but she was very angry!

It seems that humans and animals are harmless, and they are cute in a daze. Why is it like a different person after picking up a weapon

It's all the fault of that weapons dealer!

"It's really troublesome, you can suppress the two of us with a pistol, Qianxia, it's time to play a perfect music!"

Just when Qian Xia was unhappy, the jagged mouth master beside her also became unhappy. After all, she was suppressed by one person with a pistol. If it spread, it would be a disgrace.

"Understood, master."

When Master Sawtooth Mouth said this, Qianxia also quickly took out weapons from the bag that accompanied him. First of all, Master Sawtooth Mouth used the AK74. This kind of assault rifle is extremely lethal and can play beautiful music. Master Mouth's favorite.

"Come on brat! Let me show you what real performance is!"

The sawtooth-mouthed master who was holding the AK laughed, and ignored Li Yalin's burst shot, instead he rushed out and swept towards Li Yalin.

The madman!

After all, the pistol is a single shot, and the opponent is also a master. It is a bit of a joke to suppress the enemy holding an assault rifle with only a pistol.

What's more, that jagged mouth didn't seem to care about his own life at all, and what he was playing was the heartbeat of one life for another. Li Yalin would not be brought into this killer's rhythm.