The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 85: From now on you will belong to me


"Lin! What are you doing?"

Although everyone stopped attacking under Li Yalin's stop, everyone was quite worried about Li Yalin putting away his weapons and walking towards the girl with the strange hat.

You know, the person standing opposite is a cold-blooded killer who kills without batting an eyelid, and she cannot be judged as harmless to humans and animals just by her cute appearance.

Maybe as long as Li Yalin gets close, the girl will shoot at him continuously in the next moment. If it is really because of this, it is not worth dying.

"I know what I'm doing, you protect Kou Kou first, and you don't want to interfere with me."

Li Yalin knew everyone's concern, but the Qianxia in front of him was something he had to fight for, let alone such a good opportunity.


At this time, Qian Xia has completely entered the absent-minded mode, without a gun pointed at her, her premonition of crisis has not exploded, and naturally she will not wake up, let alone have any plans to escape.

Now she just stared blankly at the master's body, not knowing what to do.

Master died just like that? How can she accept this

"Your name is Qianxia, right?"

Slowly approaching Qianxia, Li Yalin tried to open his mouth, but before his words fell, Qianxia immediately let go of the hand holding the master's body vigilantly, and took out a pistol at a very fast speed and pointed at it. allowed him.

"It's you?"

Qian Xia, who had just fallen into a trance, had no idea that the boy she had taken a fancy to was already standing in front of her, and she had no reaction at all before.

"That... this is your master, right? I'm really sorry, that... sorry..."

Although Li Yalin felt that as long as he turned on the talk mode, he should be able to persuade Qianxia to surrender, but when he really spoke, he found that he was quite poor at words.

What should be said better

Li Yalin is currently considering this issue, but after much deliberation, all he can say is sorry and condolences.

"Are you stupid?"

Obviously, Qian Xia was stunned by Li Yalin's words, she never expected that the other party would say sorry to her.

"We are killers! Who do you think will apologize to the killer?"

"Forehead… "

As soon as he came up, Qian Xia complained about it, which made Li Yalin a little speechless, but he was right, speaking of which, he was the victim, so why should he apologize to the killer who attacked him

"Ahem, well, I didn't say the apology just now, but what I want to say now is, Miss Qian Xia, are you still planning to target Kou Kou? Do you want to continue this job?"

Li Yalin coughed lightly, with a slightly embarrassed expression, but finally got to the point decisively.

This is what he wants to say, facing Qian Xia, the first thing he has to do is to determine whether Qian Xia is still hostile to Kou Kou.

"If I say yes, will you kill me now?"

Facing Li Yalin's question, Qian Xia sneered directly. The master's death shocked her greatly, and at the same time, she lost her mind and plunged her into the abyss of complete despair.

At this time, Qian Xia has nothing left, so if there is one thing that can continue to support her, it is probably only revenge.


To be honest, Li Yalin didn't think about it, if Qian Xia refused to give up chasing Kou Kou, and refused to accept her own solicitation, what would happen to her in the end.

But the only thing that is certain is that once Qian Xia is really obsessed with her obsession, even if she doesn't do it herself, Kou Kou's subordinates will not let her go.

"It seems that the answer is yes, so weapons dealers are the most annoying!"

Li Yalin's hesitation made Qianxia continue to sneer twice. At the same time, her gun was aimed at Li Yalin's head. Although the body of the gun trembled a little, it gave people the feeling that they would shoot every minute.

She can't shoot bullets!

At this moment, Li Yalin suddenly made such a judgment. Although he was pointed at by the gun, for some reason, Li Yalin had a feeling that Qianxia couldn't shoot.

However, Li Yalin made a judgment. This does not mean that the elites behind Li Yalin think so. In their eyes, Li Yalin is being pointed at the head with a gun, and maybe he will be shot in the head in the next moment!

"Lutz shoot!" Seeing that Li Yalin was in danger, Rem immediately gave the order to kill.

"But... she's just a child!" Although he got the order, at this critical moment, Lutz softened his hands.

No way, although Lutz is a sniper, he can't be cold-blooded and ruthless. What's more, before he joined Kou Kou's team, he was a member of the regular anti-terrorist special forces, and he had never pointed his gun at innocent people.

Although the girl opposite is a killer, in Lutz's eyes, she is also a child. Facing such a child, can he really kill him

"What a hassle."

Lutz's soft hands made Rem sigh secretly, but the next moment, he raised the Colt m733 in his hand and aimed at Qianxia opposite Li Yalin.

Lutz couldn't make a move, but Rem, who had already experienced big storms, didn't care about such things at all.

Aim and shoot!

Rem pulled the trigger mercilessly. If there were no accidents, he should be able to kill Qian Xia before she shot.

But with Li Yalin present, how could he let such a thing happen!


Feeling bad, Li Yalin immediately rushed towards Qianxia in front of him, the speed was so fast that Qianxia couldn't react at all, and then Rem's bullet flew past Li Yalin's scalp.

Close call!

If it weren't for Li Yalin's pounce, Qian Xia would probably die here.


Rem didn't expect that Li Yalin would actually interfere with him. Could it be that he is going to die

"Leave me alone! Take care of Kou Kou!"

Li Yalin yelled loudly, which immediately made Rem helpless. What was this kid thinking? Rem was completely confused.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Facing Li Yalin's sudden pounce, not only Rem was stunned, but even Qianxia didn't know what Li Yalin was thinking.

Obviously I was going to shoot him, but why did he save me? Isn't he afraid of death

This made Qianxia very confused, and even said that she didn't even notice that she was being pressed to the ground by Li Yalin in a very naked posture.

"You want to die?"

Li Yalin has already sensed Qian Xia's purpose. Since she didn't want to kill herself, she had no choice but to take this opportunity to kill herself, but why did she do this

"Death, or revenge, I can only choose one, but I have no other choice now."

Just being pressed under Li Yalin, Qianxia stared straight into Li Yalin's eyes. From her eyes, she couldn't see the slightest expression or any emotion. She was like a puppet, mechanically answering Li Yalin's question. question.

Although she has no feelings, what Qian Xia said is correct. Although she really wants to choose revenge, she can no longer escape under the current situation.

Since there is no way to escape, the only choice is to die with the master.

"No, you have other options."

"What's the meaning?"

Li Yalin's words made Qianxia puzzled, what exactly did he mean? What other options are there now

"The last choice is, from now on, you will belong to me. You will no longer be a member of the symphony duo, nor will you be a killer hiding in a dark corner. Do you understand what I mean?"

Faced with Qian Xia's question, Li Yalin smiled, but at this moment, Li Yalin's smile looked so strange, his black pupils seemed to be swallowing people at any time.

"You mean, let me work for the arms dealer over there like you? Don't be kidding, I'm a killer! And that kind of woman I hate the most!"

Although the eyes were not bright at first, Li Yalin's gaze just now made Qian Xia almost faint, but this feeling was only fleeting, and Qian Xia soon returned to normal.

Regarding Li Yalin's words, her cognition is to be loyal to Kou Kou, but this is not acceptable to her.

But what Qianxia didn't expect was that when she refused, Li Yalin suddenly stood up and pulled her up from the ground.

"Did you get it wrong? I mean you belong to me, from top to bottom, from body to heart, it's all mine! It's not about Kou Kou, and it's not about anyone else, and then I'll take you with me Fall into the abyss forever!"

I don’t know if it was blown too much last night or what, but this morning I got a terrible headache, and I can’t code words at all. I’m crying when I just coded this chapter. T_T