The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 88: The way you really interact with girls


I have to admit that the name of the CIA in the United States is definitely known to everyone. Whenever the CIA is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the mysterious and pervasive spy organization.

But the CIA is not omnipotent. At least the scarecrow in front of Li Yalin has nothing to do with Li Yalin.

He was threatened in front of all the Dubai police, but when he arrived at the police station, it was the Scarecrow himself who was imprisoned. If you want to ask why, it is naturally someone above Kou Kou.

Originally, Kou Kou was not prepared to conflict with the CIA, but since Li Yalin is fighting with others, it is impossible for Kou Kou to continue to let the scarecrows go. After all, this is Dubai, even if it is the CIA, it is just an ordinary citizen here. There is no law enforcement power at all.

As long as the identity of the scarecrow is questioned a little, the police in Dubai can detain him for a few days and conduct a strict review. Although this kind of matter can usually be resolved with a phone call, who would not delay? Detaining him for a few days is not enough.

The scarecrow is very depressed about this. He is used to showing off his power. How could he think that a small Dubai police station would dare to detain American spies. Aren't you afraid of the pressure from the United States

In fact, there are not many Americans who think like scarecrows. In their eyes, the United States is the most powerful country. As the CIA, they should walk sideways wherever they go.

Look at the fact that they will buy it. Besides cents and dog legs, how many people will there be

So, the scarecrow's fire was getting bigger, and he swore that he must take revenge! Not only Kou Kou Hekemedia, but also that guy who dared to threaten him, he will not let anyone go!

But just when the Scarecrow was upset and was detained by the Dubai police, Kou Kou was talking happily with the Dubai police chief. Even though many Dubai policemen died in this shootout, but this kind of thing wants It's not a big deal to press it down.

Although in front of Kou Kou, the police chief was very depressed, but in fact, he just wanted to sell Kou Kou a favor.

Kou Kou was well aware of this kind of thing, but she didn't say too much, and after she got up and said goodbye to the chief of police, she pretended to be cute.

But after leaving the police chief's office, Kou Kou encountered some trouble.

Although Kou Kou is usually very calm and calm, no matter what kind of danger he is in, he can stay calm in the face of danger, and even smile from beginning to end.

But once she separated from her teammates, Kou Kou could no longer maintain her composure.

Especially as soon as she walked out of the police station, she found that she was the only one left in the whole world. The fear spread in her heart, which even made Kou Kou unable to move her feet.

It's not that Kou Kou has never been single, but that's only when someone is secretly protecting her, just like the first time she met Li Yalin, if she didn't know that she would meet Rem soon, Kou Kou wouldn't behave so well calm down.

But now, she really felt the fear.

"Miss Kou Kou, I don't know if I have the honor to take you home?" Just as the terror was spreading, the appearance of a voice instantly made Kou Kou recover from the fear in her heart.


Seeing that familiar figure, Kou Kou suddenly showed a pleasant expression, the fear on her body dissipated in an instant, and she turned back to the original Kou Kou again!

After the shootout, Kou Kou's team was detained in the hotel and was declared not allowed to go out casually, but Li Yalin's innocence and lack of evidence made him an exception.

Therefore, the task of receiving Kou Kou back was naturally handed over to him.

You know, Falme has been resentful about this for a long time, and she really wanted to pick Kou Kou back, but the police at the door looked down on her and wouldn't let her out of the room at all.

"Let's go, Coco."

In fact, Li Yalin saw Kou Kou's expression when he walked out of the police station just now, and the fear at that moment could not be hidden from him no matter what.

Because of this, Li Yalin smiled and stretched out his hand towards Kou Kou.


Looking at Li Yalin in front of him, feeling that heart-warming smile, Kou Kou couldn't help holding his hand, let's go home!

Although for Kou Kou, she does not have a real home, but as long as she is with everyone, then no matter where she is, it is home!

At this point, the killer incident came to an end temporarily, but on the way back to the hotel, Li Yalin still told Kou Kou many times, especially the scarecrow, who must not be underestimated.

Although that guy alone can't cause any big storms, but the constant small troubles are annoying, right

But Kou Kou seems to have her own idea about this, she is not going to do anything to the scarecrow right away, such jumping clowns, in some cases, it is still necessary for them to exist.

On this point, Li Yalin is not as shrewd as Kou Kou, and his skills in calculating people are still far behind.

As for a guy like a scarecrow, as long as Kou Kou thinks about it, he can kill him in minutes. It is precisely because he understands this that Li Yalin didn't say anything more.

It's enough for Kou Kou to be aware of this matter, he doesn't need to get involved too much, as long as Kou Kou is not harmed, everything will be easy to handle.

I just hope that the scarecrow will not be too hard to think about. If he hits the muzzle of the gun again, Li Yalin doesn't mind killing him.

Anyway, it's not that he didn't have a life in his hand, and he might feel uncomfortable when he kills for the first time, but after killing, he will get used to it.

After returning to the hotel with Kou Kou, Falme was naturally the first to rush up, hugged Kou Kou in her arms, and rubbed Kou Kou's cheek back and forth with her big plump body.

The weather here is hot, and Falme is only wearing a small vest. The two balls shaking back and forth immediately made everyone dumbfounded.

so big! So round!

Such an intuitive feeling is simply unstoppable!

To be honest, Falme, as the only fighting sister in the team, is very much admired by the bachelors, but unfortunately, no matter how hard everyone tries, no one can get Falme to the ****.

Even if it goes a little too far, the end will be very miserable. After all, it is a battle lily, an invincible existence that can only be seen from a distance and cannot be played with.

I'm really envious, if I replace the eldest lady with myself, enjoying that kind of touch, it's simply...


When all the bachelors looked at the lily scene in front of them, they were flirting in their hearts, Rem suddenly yelled, which immediately aroused everyone's vigilance.

In an instant, everyone took out their weapons and became vigilant. At the same time, a figure appeared in front of everyone.


Li Yalin didn't expect that Qianxia would find him so quickly. She had just come back with Koukou, why did she appear

And being able to appear in the room without telling so many people, Qian Xia is really amazing!


After seeing Li Yalin, Qian Xia flew straight into his arms, not only that, but also like a kitten, she pressed her cheek against Li Yalin's face and rubbed back and forth several times, as if she was acting like a baby.

This... What's the situation

Looking at the burning eyes in the room, Li Yalin suddenly felt a lot of pressure. By the way, Qian Xia, please stop rubbing me, okay? Don't you see I've sparked a public outrage

"Lin, you really like this tune."

At this moment, Uncle Rem didn't forget to add insult to injury. Everyone was already unhappy enough, and with Rem adding fuel to the fire, the result can be imagined.

"Lin! I think we should have a good chat. It's really enviable to let a girl call you master or something... Oh no, it's too embarrassing!"

"Exactly! As your senior, I think we should educate you well and let you know what is the real way to communicate with girls!"

The resentful men headed by R and Luz began to attack Li Yalin officially, but hearing from R's mouth the real way of interacting with girls made Li Yalin burst into laughter instantly.

"You guys... If you know how to really interact with girls, you don't have to be single for so long!"

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