The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 89: Good news and bad news


With Li Yalin's words, several bachelors were shot one after another, even Luz silently shed two lines of sad tears.

"Lin! Master! Teach me the secret of dating girls!"

All of a sudden, Luz ran in front of Li Yalin in an exaggerated manner, and tightly grasped one of Li Yalin's hands, and he would not let go no matter what.

"Lin! Teach us! Please!"

Not only Lutz, but even R and the others reacted in the same way. When it comes to dating girls, Lin must be very good.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to hook up the killer girl opposite with just a few words. Didn't you see how determined the killer girl is? This can only be done by a master of picking up girls!

In fact, right after Li Yalin subdued Qian Xia, everyone suspected him, suspecting that he knew the symphony duo, otherwise, how could a killer be subdued in an instant

But on this point, there is a guarantee from Kou Kou. Before that, Li Yalin must have nothing to do with the Symphony Duo. After all, Kou Kou knows his origins. How could he know the Symphony Duo in advance when he came from another world? Group.

In this way, apart from Li Yalin's mighty and domineering means of picking up girls, everyone really can't think of any other possibilities.

But having said that, this is not something incomprehensible. After all, Europeans and Americans are inherently unrestrained, and they are not as reserved as those from the East when it comes to love.

If love comes, they may go to sex every minute, even if they are enemies, they may become entangled because of love at first sight the next moment, so everyone really didn't make too much fuss.

It's just that this kind of means is not available to ordinary people, and it is precisely because of this that these bachelors are crying and howling one by one, wanting to ask for apprenticeship and experience.

But for this, Li Yalin's forehead is full of black lines, what are you going to do

"Lin, I have something to tell you, can you come here?"

Just when Li Yalin was hugged tightly by Qian Xia on one side and entangled by a few hard-working bachelors on the other, Kou Kou, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly spoke.

"Of course no problem, Qianxia, you stay here for a while, I'll be right back."

When Kou Kou spoke, how could Li Yalin refuse, and gently warned Qian Xia, but those bachelors could only let her go with regret.

No way, the eldest lady summoned them, they can't still pester him.

"Owner… "

To be separated from Li Yalin, Qian Xia suddenly became very reluctant, even if Li Yalin wanted to be separated from her, she still wanted to hold Li Yalin's arm and not let go.

"Hey, be obedient, and can you stop calling me master? How about calling me by my name?"

Li Yalin has a headache, why is Qianxia so clingy? Could the previous hints still change her personality

And the name of the master also gave him a stomach ache, because as soon as Qianxia called it that, the bastards around him would immediately look at him with weird eyes, making him feel very weird all over.

"No! The master said that my body and mind belong to the master, and I can only be called the master!"

Faced with Li Yalin's tone of discussion, Qian Xia was very happy to refuse, but after she finished saying this, the strange eyes around her became even worse.

"Forget it, whatever you want."

Li Yalin pressed his temple helplessly, he was completely useless to Qianxia, so let her call her what she likes.

Although Qianxia refused to change the name of Li Yalin, at least she was quite obedient. Although she was very reluctant, she finally let go of Li Yalin and sat down quietly on the sofa alone.

"What are you going to do about that child?"

After being alone with Li Yalin, Kou Kou immediately spoke first, and her purpose was also obvious, it really was about Qian Xia.

After all, Li Yalin does not belong to this world, and will leave soon, but he can't take Qianxia away, so the question of Qianxia's future stay becomes the key.

"To be honest, I didn't think about it. At first, I only thought that Qianxia would be a good helper, but how to arrange her, this..."

When Kou Kou mentioned this matter, Li Yalin also seemed a little hesitant. After all, he was a brainstorm and accepted Qian Xia at the beginning, and he didn't think too much about the future arrangements.

He still can't take Qian Xia away, so in the future, I'm afraid he still has to entrust Qian Xia to Kou Kou.

However, in view of Qian Xia's resistance to Kou Kou, this also caused Li Yalin a headache. These two women don't seem to be able to coexist peacefully. After he leaves, he really doesn't know what will happen.

"I really don't know what's going on in your head, and how you tricked the little girl into your hands? I see her as if she is very attached to you. Could it be that you used some kind of magic on her?"

Li Yalin's performance gave Kou Kou a headache, and she didn't think about how to arrange Qian Xia. After all, Luz just shot Qian Xia's head off. Although she was subdued by Li Yalin, it doesn't mean that Qian Xia will be able to make peace with her team. coexist.

In particular, Kou Kou saw that Qian Xia had been giving her hostile eyes just now, which would make things even more difficult.

But what caught Kou Kou's attention the most was that Li Yalin subdued Qian Xia with just a few words. She didn't think it was Qian Xia's love for Li Yalin at first sight, and there was definitely a reason for it.

Although she knew it was not good to ask such questions, Kou Kou still wanted to know how Li Yalin did this.

After all, what Li Yalin showed was a bit controlling people's hearts.

"How is it possible? Didn't I say that I haven't learned magic yet? I just quietly gave her a little psychological hint when Qianxia's heart collapsed, replacing myself with the most important thing in her heart. I just didn’t expect it to be this good.”

Li Yalin didn't tell Kou Kou about the issue of the Charming Eye. After all, he doesn't want to be treated as a monster. Besides, it's hard to explain clearly.

"Psychological hint? Lin, you still know this?"

Kou Kou was surprised by Li Yalin's explanation. Although she had heard that hypnotists could give people various hints through hypnosis, she had never seen one as powerful as Li Yalin.

Can a few words give a hint? Is hypnosis really that powerful

"It was only the first time I used it, mainly because Qianxia was completely in a state of collapse at that time, otherwise I would not have succeeded."

Li Yalin spread his hands, he was telling the truth, the alluring eyes are no different from hypnotic suggestion, and they can't be used as they like, Qianxia is just an accident, it may be very difficult to meet her in a situation like her in the future.

"Then will you use it on me in the future?"

Li Yalin's explanation was a bit far-fetched, but Kou Kou didn't question it anymore, but at this moment, she suddenly took a step back, with a panic expression on her face, looking very scared.

"Koukou... can you stop making trouble?"

Kou Kou's performance made Li Yalin a little helpless, obviously not the slightest bit afraid, why are you trying to be so cute? Do you really think I can't see it

That's right, although Kou Kou was very scared, but from her eyes, Li Yalin saw a smile, it was not obvious that she was teasing herself.

"What, it was seen through."

Li Yalin's powerless expression made Koukou puff up her mouth. Is her acting really that bad

"Do you think you can still lie to me?"

"It's boring, it's really boring, forget it, let's get down to business, you have a good news and a bad news now, which one do you want to hear first?"

Kou Kou expressed her contempt for Li Yalin's ignorance, but soon, her expression suddenly became serious.

Good news and bad news

Kou Kou's words made Li Yalin stunned for a moment, but he soon made a decision.

"Let's hear the bad news first."