The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 96: The majesty of the devil


The political system of the Real Devil Kingdom is very simple. The lords who enfeoffed each region have territorial autonomy. As the blood alliance city of the central government, they will not interfere under normal circumstances.

As long as the taxes are paid on time, there are no riots in the territory, no acts of rebellion against the country, and support when the country needs it, then the lord can sit for a long time with peace of mind.

Therefore, under the Demon King, the most powerful are the major lords who own fiefs, and the best among these lords is undoubtedly the ten nobles.

As for the nobles and ministers in front of Li Yalin, to be honest, they are basically not much different from the decorations. The internal affairs of the blood alliance city are basically handled by Cecilia. In addition to acting as messengers and executors, they can also do something. What

The main reason why they dare to raise doubts now is that the power of the blood alliance city in the state of no demon king is being eroded bit by bit.

Although Cecilia is acting as an agent of internal affairs, her authority is not high enough, and her orders can be completely obeyed, which gives some ambitious people an opportunity.

For example, the guy who is questioning Li Yalin at the moment is a typical type of guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth when he gains power.

"Suddenly there are so many soldiers in the blood alliance city, what about the military pay? Where did the military uniforms and weapons come from? We have the right to know the truth! In addition, is this army really established to protect the blood alliance city?"

This is a middle-aged uncle who is about forty years old and wears a gorgeous coat. His appearance looks very ordinary, and he belongs to the kind of public face that is a little fat and bald.

I don't know if this guy is wearing a coat full of feathers because he has no hair on his head. All in all, in Li Yalin's eyes, this guy looks like a bald chicken with colorful feathers, which makes people feel very happy.

"Who are you? What right do you have to question my decision?"

Facing this bald chicken with colorful hair, Li Yalin didn't give him face at all. Anyway, the other side didn't ask him angrily, so why should he have so many scruples

"I… "

Faced with Li Yalin's counter-question, the colorful-haired bald chicken was taken aback for a moment. His power...he really has no right to question the soon-to-be-crowned Demon King.

"Earl Gasander, the Minister of Finance of the Blood League City, is responsible for the financial affairs of the Blood League City."

Just when the colorful-feathered bald chicken was stunned, Chessia on the side revealed his identity. I really didn't expect that such a colorful-feathered bald chicken could be appointed as the Minister of Finance.

"You are the Minister of Finance?" Li Yalin raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party with a hint of doubt.

"That's right! I'm the Minister of Finance! I'm in charge of all the financial issues of the Blood League City!" Maybe it's this identity that gave the colorful-haired bald chicken... oh no, it made Count Gasander more confident, and this guy suddenly changed. His toes became high.

"As the Minister of Finance, you are dressed in such fancy clothes. Does this tell me that you are embezzling? It seems that I want to let the devil's personal guards go to your house to check. Recently, the national treasury has been in a serious deficit. I don't know that you have been embezzled. How much do you drop?"


Just when Earl Gassander was complacent, Li Yalin's words made him instantly stupid.

corruption? Want to search my house

"Kamel! Immediately send the third team to search the house of this... Earl Gassander, give me a thorough search! I seriously suspect that Earl Gassander is taking advantage of the convenience of his work to embezzle and accept bribes, leading to a deficit in the treasury, like this The black sheep must not be left behind!"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Demon King!"

If you say, everyone thought Li Yalin was joking at the beginning, but after Kamel led the order to go out, the whole room suddenly exploded!

what happened? Earl Gassander didn't say anything, how did he end up in the trap of a house? Do you have to make it so scary

Although Li Yalin only said that it was a search, in fact everyone understood that this was the rhythm of sending troops to search the house. Such a situation was rare in the blood alliance city.

After all, as nobles, they have different privileges from commoners. It is very common for them to question policies like this now.

Especially when Cecilia was in power, once her policies were not approved, they would be withdrawn under pressure, but who would have thought that His Majesty the Demon King, who is about to succeed to the throne, would act so decisively and impulsively.

Didn't he know that the nobles in the blood alliance city are more or less relatives, if Earl Gasander is touched, it will simply affect the whole body.

Without the support of the nobles in the city, would he still want to be the devil king

"I really don't know. When will the Devil King's finances be handed over to someone else? Since I will be crowned soon, then the position of Minister of Finance will not be used anymore, so I will revoke it immediately!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Li Yalin once again made an astonishing statement, and even directly revoked the position of Minister of Finance. This is to directly push Count Gassander to the end, and let him fall directly from the heights to the clouds.

But I have to say that Li Yalin's resolute actions really shocked all the nobles and ministers. For a while, no one even dared to talk to Li Yalin.

There is no way, who knows if I will be dismissed from office like Earl Gasander after offending His Majesty the Demon King, if that is the case, it would be too miserable.

In the Real Demon Kingdom, the power of the Demon King is very great. Except for the lord, the Demon King has the right to remove the title and official position of any nobleman. Even the Lord, if there are sufficient reasons, the Demon King can also remove him.

This is kingship, a kingship that no one can touch and resist!

After the former Demon King was sealed, the Real Demon Kingdom has been in a state of no kingship, and these noble ministers have gradually forgotten the majesty of the Demon King.

But this time, Li Yalin completely sounded the alarm for them.

"No! You don't have this power! You can't revoke my official position! I am the Earl of the Real Demon Kingdom! I am the Minister of Finance! I am..."

"Come on! Pull Count Gassander down! He's sick, it's time to go home and rest!"

This time, Li Yalin was playing a game of knocking the mountain to shake the tiger and kill the chicken to scare the monkey. Count Gasander was unlucky enough to bump into the muzzle of his gun. After all, the gun hits the first bird.

But after recovering from the shock, Count Gasander kept shouting loudly, almost jumping up and down to express his dissatisfaction.

It's just that Li Yalin didn't want to pay any attention to this kind of jumping clown. He directly called the guards and dragged the bald chicken with colorful hair.

"Then next, do you have any questions? If you have any questions, you can raise them together now so that I can answer them for you."

After Earl Gassander was dragged down, Li Yalin smiled and turned his head in front of the noble ministers. Although he was smiling, it made everyone feel shuddering.

With this Lord Demon King on the table, I'm afraid life will be difficult in the future!

Under such circumstances, who would dare to question Li Yalin, he shook his head like a rattle, and soon some people took the lead in resigning on the grounds of family affairs.

With the first one running away, there will naturally be a second and a third, and within a few minutes, only Li Yalin and Chessia are left in the whole room.

"You're too impulsive."

It wasn't until everyone left in a hurry that Cecilia finally spoke, but what she said didn't seem to be blaming Li Yalin, but simply stating the facts.

"I know, but I can't help it. To deal with those guys, I can only do this."

Li Yalin shrugged his shoulders. He naturally knew that he was acting impulsively, but he had to do so.

On the approaching road, Li Yalin had already learned about the situation from Kamel. At this stage, he was completely aware of the status quo of the noble ministers in the blood alliance city.

To put it bluntly, these guys are a group of useless moths. Except for some who are really capable, most of the rest are just relying on an ancestral noble title to pretend to be a tiger.

If they were really capable, they would have become lords who could rule the fief long ago, so why would they need to dawdle here

It is also because of this that Li Yalin finally made up his mind to deal with the cancer in the blood league city. Although it may not be cured, at least the carrion on the surface must be cleaned up!