The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 98: Orphans in the downtown area


With a strong heart of gossip, Li Yalin began to play the game of tail-stalking, which he is not unfamiliar with, after all, when he was playing games...

Ahem, it seems that something has been exposed, well, the above can be completely ignored.

In a word, Li Yalin's tracking is still very powerful, at least Isya didn't notice it at all. After all, she basically just walked in front, walked through the garden and walked along the path, and finally came to the edge of the inner city wall.

Here, Isya stopped in her tracks and looked around very vigilantly. After finding that there was indeed no one there, she groped around in the bushes near the castle for a while, and finally plunged into the bushes and disappeared. up.

Fuck! This is gone

Seeing this, Li Yalin hurried forward, and after he inspected it, he found that there was a small hole on the edge of the city wall. It was only because the surrounding area was full of weeds and bushes that no one noticed it. There are mistakes.

This is really...

For a moment, Li Yalin didn't know what to say. In places like this, basically no one would come to patrol and check. If the enemy caught the gap, it would take him a minute to sneak into the castle.

I'm really convinced by Isya's tsundere loli, and found that such a loophole is not only not reported, but also used for her own convenience. Doesn't she have the slightest sense of crisis

Sure enough, it was right to keep up. I didn't expect to catch Isya's first braid so soon. Li Yalin was looking forward to what kind of expression Isya would show after learning that her secret was discovered.

Leaning over and going through the hole, Li Yalin continued to follow Isya, but at this time Isya did not walk too far away, but was very vigilant while looking around, while moving forward lightly, as if afraid of being caught by someone. found average.

Where does this girl want to go

Following closely behind Isya, the further he walked, the more puzzled Li Yalin became.

Judging by the route she is taking now, the target should be the civilian area outside the city of the Blood Alliance. It is really puzzling why this tsundere loli sneaked into the civilian area after nightfall.

You must know that although most of the life in the civilian area is good, it is not without danger. As long as there are people, there will be disputes. will change.

Li Yalin once heard from Kamel that there are many idle young demons in the civilian area, gathered together to form small groups, engaged in some hooligan activities.

This is unavoidable, even though Kamel sent people several times to try to deal with these gangster groups, but in the end they all failed due to various reasons.

Furthermore, these small hooligan groups have not caused any major incidents, so they can only let it go.

Although both Kamel and Chessia felt that these hooligans/hooligans in the civilian areas would only fight and fight and not make a big deal, but in Li Yalin's view, things were far from that simple.

Even if it's just a group of hooligans, if they really want to develop, they will eventually become an incurable cancer.

Li Yalin has never underestimated anyone, not to mention that he has made up his mind to protect the city, so punishing the hooligans in the civilian area will definitely become one of his orders after he is crowned.

But now, Li Yalin's attention is all on Isya.

Although his purpose this time was to catch Isya's braid, if she was really in danger, how could Li Yalin stand by and do nothing.

But looking at Isya's appearance, she seems to be familiar with the streets of the civilian area. Could it be that she is a frequent visitor here

Isya turned left and right, and finally stopped in front of a building.

This is a small two-story building. From the outside, the whole building is very dilapidated, giving people a creepy feeling of a haunted house.

And Isya just stopped at the door of the small building for a moment, and then walked in. Thanks to her courage, if she were a timid girl, she might turn around and run away when she saw this building.

It's so late, what is Isya doing in such a scary small building? In this kind of atmosphere, it is impossible to meet a lover. Could it be that Isya is learning some dark magic recently

At this moment, Li Yalin had imagined that Isya was in a dark room in this building, holding a black wooden stick, throwing all kinds of strange and terrifying materials into the cauldron in front of him, with a sinister smile on her face Stirring back and forth, it looks like a picture of a scary witch!

Bah, bah, bah, my brain is so open, I almost can't stop.

Throwing out the image of the scary witch in his head, Li Yalin, who came back to his senses, continued to move forward, followed Yisya into this small building lightly.

He wanted to see what Isya was going to do.

"Evan! Gorel! Come out, everyone!"

After entering the small building, there was a spacious hall inside. At this time, Isya was standing in the center of the hall, calling out softly.

At the same moment, Li Yalin dodged and hid in a corner near the hall, hiding his figure, and paying attention to the development in the hall.

"It's Sister Isya!"

As soon as Isya's calling sounded, a series of copper bell-like voices sounded in the originally empty hall, followed by thumping footsteps. This is...

From the dark corner of the hall, more than a dozen children suddenly rushed out, and these children rushed out excitedly and surrounded Isya in the middle, surrounded Isya, as if they were very happy to see Isya Ya's coming.

"Sister Isya, you haven't come to see us for a while."

"That's right, Sister Isya, we miss you so much."

Looking at these children, the older ones are about seven or eight years old, and the younger ones look at most three or four years old. What's going on? Why do these children live in such a dilapidated place

Could it be... These children are orphans in the civilian area

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Yalin instantly understood, if it wasn't an orphan in a civilian area, which child would choose to stay in such a horrible place

But Isya she...

"I've been a little busy recently, and I met a nasty guy, really annoying..."

Very annoying, really sorry!

As soon as Isya opened her mouth, N black lines instantly appeared on Li Yalin's forehead. It was obvious that the annoying guy she was talking about was undoubtedly herself.

"Forget it, don't talk about that annoying guy, I'll bring you delicious food, Yiwen, you share the food with everyone." It seems that Isiya really hates Li Yalin, just thinking about it Just a moment, making her frown.

However, Isya didn't struggle too much, she just shook her head, took off the black package she was carrying behind her back, and handed it to a boy who seemed to be the oldest beside her.

Since it was getting dark and Li Yalin was not too close, he didn't notice that there was a small bag on Isya's back.

But when the boy named Yiwen opened the package and saw the so-called delicious food inside, Li Yalin was stunned for a moment.

Although the distance was a bit far, Li Yalin could clearly see that the package contained only some dried meat and hard bread. Can this be called delicious

But after seeing the food in the package, the children around Isya cheered and stretched out their little hands towards Ivan. After receiving their own portion of food, they immediately ate happily stand up.

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin felt a little sad.

To be honest, Li Yalin had an urge to stand up immediately and show the food in the props bar, so that these children could have a good meal.

But the crux of the problem is that he came after Isya, would it be bad if he went out so rashly

Just today, he saw another side of Isya, different from the usual arrogant, at this time she is so mature and stable, she even gently wipes the corners of the children's mouths, telling the children not to eat too much Come on, this is not at all like the Isya he knew.

I always feel that I have a very serious hallucination, um, very serious!