The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 121


The emperor was also in a hurry. King Jing must not be in trouble. He ordered the guards to send King Jing back to the tent and called all the accompanying imperial physicians to see King Jing.

King Jing suddenly vomited blood, and Li Yu was more anxious than the emperor.

In his impression, he vomited blood when he was seriously injured or seriously ill. King Jing was not injured, so was there something wrong with him

Thanks to them staying together all day, he didn't even notice that this princess was too incompetent!

Li Yu was remorseful and worried for King Jing. The guards came to send King Jing away. Li Yu jumped up and insisted on staying with him. King Jing had vomited blood, but he was still very conscious, lying in the sedan chair. Holding Li Yu's hand, he wanted Li Yu to feel at ease.

Li Yu nodded in front of him, no matter what he signaled, how could he actually be at peace in his heart? If King Jing falls and his sky falls, what should he do

Once some people get too hasty, they will unexpectedly calm down a lot, which is the case with Li Yu at this time.

He still has children. If King Jing is sick, he has to support the family. He can't patronize his own sadness. He also has to think about the children and how to help King Jing.

After returning the account, Li Yu quickly wiped the wetness from his eyes, and went to see the children first. Let them not be noisy, and then continue to entrust them to Wang Xi. When Wang Xi learned that King Jing was ill, he couldn't be more anxious, but the princess was right, the young masters also need to be taken care of, so His Highness cannot be worried about his illness. Wang Xi knelt down and begged Li Yu to take good care of King Jing. Li Yu agreed, and then he stayed beside King Jing, looking at King Jing without blinking.

The imperial doctor came wave after wave, and asked Li Yu to rest several times, but Li Yu sat dry, ignoring him except asking about his condition.

"Tianchi, what do you think?" Li Yu touched King Jing's cheek worriedly.

Jing Dynasty smiled, and it was not a big problem.

After vomiting blood, King Jing's complexion improved and his breathing became smoother.

Li Yu felt that King Jing didn't lie to him, but the imperial doctor repeated the consultation many times, and for some reason, he never said what the disease was.

The longer the consultation time, Li Yu's heart went up and down, and the imperial doctor did not say whether it meant that the disease was very serious, and even the imperial doctor could not treat it well, so he was not sure.

"His Royal Highness King Jing, I have a few questions that I would like to ask you again. Please tell me the truth." An elderly doctor came out to ask after discussing with the other doctors.

Li Yu looked at King Jing inquiringly. If the imperial doctor asked a complicated question, King Jing would have to write it. I wonder if King Jing's current body can hold up

King Jing was actually no longer sick. The imperial doctor wanted to ask, King Jing nodded in response, and Li Yu immediately rushed to the side of the case and grabbed a pen and paper.

The imperial physician said, "Before Your Highness vomited blood, did you feel any discomfort?"

King Jing wrote: Qi and blood were surging, the chest was stuffy and painful, and the throat was burning like fire.

The imperial doctor said cautiously, "Has your Highness been in a similar situation before?"

King Jing thought about it carefully, nodded, and wrote: Yes, but he didn't vomit blood.

The Imperial Physician asked, "Then Your Highness still remember, when was the earliest?"

King Jing: "..."

King Jing wrote: More than a year ago.

Over a year ago

Li Yu's eyes suddenly turned red: "Why didn't you tell me?"

King Jing hurriedly wrote for him: You caught a cold and fell ill, and I was in a hurry and felt sick, but I got better right away, and I didn't think much about it.

… catch a cold

Li Yu was in good health, with very few minor illnesses and disasters. He was stunned for a while before he realized it. This was not the case when King Jing showed his love to him earlier.

At that time, just thinking about how unhappy he was, how could he think that King Jing was sick and uncomfortable

"I'm sorry, I don't know..." Li Yu was so depressed that he was about to cry.

King Jing shook his head quickly: It has nothing to do with you, I don't care.

King Jing was busy comforting Li Yu. After the old doctor got King King's answer, he was busy discussing with other imperial doctors, and then carefully checked the pulse for King Jing.

At the Emperor's office, he should not have come to visit directly, but when he learned that the imperial physician had not reached a conclusion, the emperor couldn't sit still and came to King Jing's tent in person.

"What happened to King Jing?" the emperor asked in a deep voice.

After going through so many things, the emperor already thought that King Jing was the heir, and he didn't want anything to happen to King Jing.

The emperor personally intervened, and the old doctor looked around and asked the emperor to retire the idle people.

The emperor complied, and the old doctor knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the ministers and others have diagnosed that His Royal Highness King Jing must have been poisoned, and it has been a long time. Because of the critical situation just now, His Highness's blood was surging, and it was buried deep in the ground. Some of the poisonous blood in the body was vomited out, and it was discovered."


King Jing was shocked, and both the emperor and Li Yu were shocked. How could King Jing be poisoned? Could it be the sixth prince did it

Li Yuxin was caught, and he didn't care about the emperor's presence, and rushed to say: "Emperor doctor, what kind of poison is it, can it be cured, what does it mean for a long time?"

According to King Jing, was it poisoned a year ago

Because of poisoning, so... vomited black blood

The emperor did not care about Li Yu's rudeness, and said to the imperial doctor: "Quickly answer, this is also the question I want to know."

The old doctor rationalized his thoughts and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please allow the minister to answer the last question first, Yichen waits for the diagnosis, the poison of Your Highness may have been lurking in the body for decades, until this year, the toxicity Retreat a little, and this is because of the upsurge of qi and blood, which unexpectedly revealed clues."

"Decades?!" The emperor was shocked. King Jing was only in his twenties, how could he have been poisoned for decades

Looking at King Jing's appearance, he was also very stunned, even King Jing himself didn't know!

"What do you mean, is it that King Jing was poisoned with this kind of poison when he was young?"

The emperor recalled that King Jing was very weak from birth, and the imperial doctor had been diagnosed and treated several times in a very small month. He grew up and got better, but there was no sign of poisoning. Besides, King Jing must have also called the Ping An vein at ordinary times, and he has been poisoned for a long time. Well, why wasn't it discovered earlier

The old doctor explained: "Your Majesty, this poison is not overbearing. His Royal Highness King Jing has no obvious discomfort on weekdays, and the Ping An pulse is difficult to detect."

The emperor said: "Is there any fear of life if you are poisoned by this poison?"

The old doctor hesitated and shook his head: "I only know that Your Highness looks poisoned now, but what kind of poison is this poison, I have to look at the medical manual again, and combine with His Highness's pulse to confirm. But this poison has already been in His Highness's body. It's been a long time, thinking about it, it shouldn't hurt your life right away."

The emperor was so heartbroken that he made up his mind to choose King Jing. Is God going to play such a big joke with him

King Jing was born dumb, and it was rough enough. The dignified prince was poisoned under his nose without realizing it!

After so long, it is absolutely impossible for the sixth prince who is younger than King Jing to do it. Who would that be? Who else wants to harm King Jing

The emperor was angry and felt guilty for not being able to take care of King Haojing, and even more sorry for Queen Xiaohui under Jiuquan.

"No matter what, we must relieve King Jing of this poison!" the emperor ordered.

The old doctor agreed.

The emperor turned around and remembered the four treasures, and asked anxiously, "Will this poison be passed on to the children?"

The old doctor was not sure, but the emperor ordered Wang Xi to carry the four children over. The old doctor checked the pulse one by one, and discussed with the other doctors for a long time before affirming: "The little prince and the other three little princes are not poisoned."

The emperor finally got some pretty good news, which was a fortune among misfortunes.

The emperor called Wang Xi to inquire. Wang Xi had been following King Jing all the time. If King Jing was poisoned when he was young, something would have been different. Wang Xi could not have known it.

However, Wang Xi repeatedly recalled that in the end, he even guaranteed his life. He never found that King Jing had symptoms of poisoning.

The imperial physician suddenly announced that King Jing was poisoned, and the poisoning time was still decades ago.

Li Yu was dumbfounded and listened to the emperor's questioning. It took him a long time to react. Did King Jing get poisoned when he was young

But why doesn't he know? This shouldn't be a trivial matter, why didn't the original book mention half a sentence

I remember that King Jing of the original book was in good health until the end. Is it possible to say that if King Jing vomited blood this time, they would not have discovered that King Jing was poisoned, and the poison would continue to lurk. So what's the use of this poison

In general, there are always symptoms of poisoning. King Jing and his... usually don't look like poisoning. In the original book and in the world today, there is nothing wrong with King Jing's life, except...

Li Yu was serving the ginseng soup to King Jing when suddenly his hand trembled heavily, and with a clatter, the silver spoon fell to the ground.

Li Yu leaned over to pick it up, his hands shaking so much that he could barely pick it up.

Just now, he had a very terrifying thought.

King Jing was poisoned when he was young. This is just speculation by the emperor and the imperial physician, but it is very strange. Wang Xi, who was in charge of taking care of King Jing since childhood, never noticed that King Jing was different. Li Yu believed in Wang Xi, and there was no need for the prince to be there. Lying at this time, will it be poisoned earlier, before Wang Xi came to King Jing

This poison is hidden so deeply that it is impossible to have no symptoms. Could it be that the symptoms actually exist and are ignored by the world, so they cannot be discovered

This symptom is King Jing's biggest shortcoming, dumbness. Even if Li Yu was not an imperial physician, he knew that there were some poisons in the court literature that could cause deafness and muteness.

If King Jing's dumbness is not born, but caused by poison, is it possible

Li Yu suddenly remembered a small incident a while ago.

In order to avoid passing the mute illness to his heirs, King Jing did not plan to have any more children. Li Yu wanted to have a daughter without dying. He once inquired about the situation of the emperor's ancestors and the ancestors of the Queen Xiaohui. , the people on both sides are not dumb, that is to say, there are hundreds of people in more than ten generations, male or female, only one dumb person has been born to King Jing.

Genetically speaking, it's almost impossible.

But life is so complicated, Li Yu has been through books at a young age, and his understanding of genetics is also very shallow, and he is even more worried about whether this is the simple and crude setting of the original book.

Now that I think about it, many of the abrupt settings in the original book can be found in this world. For example, the name of King Jing is very different from that of the princes.

Could there be a reason for the almost impossible but existing mute disease? King Jing was drugged when he was very young, and then mistakenly thought to be born, and because of this, others never found that King Jing was poisoned

Of course, this is also his guess. If it is true, it is too terrible. It is best to find evidence, overturn it, or confirm it.

When King Jing was very young... so young that Wang Xi hadn't come yet... drugged...

A scene appeared in Li Yu's mind. The young King Jing was lying in the swaddling clothes, looking at his wet nurse, who swallowed a packet of medicine powder with tears.

Damn, Li Yu was taken aback by himself, why did he suddenly think of this

This is King Jing's secret. He has never been able to figure it out. Although the time is right and there is no Wang Xi, it is the nurse who takes the medicine, not...


Li Yu recalled that when she was chatting with Princess Jin Jue, the other party seemed to have mentioned that the nurse took medicine and could pass the medicinal properties to the child through breast milk, so that the child could be cured.

Then, if the wet nurse swallows the poison, will the child be? ?

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu felt that he was thinking about it, and he posted it creepily!

Small fish? King Jing saw that he was in a trance and twisted his fingers.

Li Yu came back to his senses and restrained the urge to tell King Jing.

Everything is his guess, he can't recklessly tell King Jing, if not, poisoning has nothing to do with dumbness, wouldn't it make Jing Wangkong happy

The most urgent task is to help the imperial physician to identify the poison first.

No matter what, it will save you.

Li Yu looked at King Jing and made up his mind firmly.

Hey, Yu loves him so much, he doesn't want to be a widow!