The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 127


Li Yu asked the system and wanted to know about the humanoid childbirth, which was definitely different from the fish shape.

He also stuffed small pillows into his clothes before, but it must be different from pretending to be true, and he is even more afraid that if he has four more daughters at one time, hey, after giving birth, can he still be there? okay

The system introduces the task of giving birth to a child or a daughter in great detail. It probably knows that the host is often unreliable, and it also tells Li Yu with certainty that a humanoid can only give birth to one child.

It can be regarded as pressing back Li Yu's heart that was about to jump out.

He can still have the courage to try to have only one, and the human shape also has the advantages of a human shape. Now it is in the imperial city, under the eyes of the emperor, the fish shape is convenient and not painful, but there are many risks. Although King Jing I want him to rest assured that Dao will arrange it properly, but if the emperor finds out, it will be a big disaster, and it will also implicate King Jing and the four treasures. It's all safe, and it can also bring back the arrangements of King Prospect in the Western Frontier.

That's it, Li Yu thought righteously.

The system gave Li Yu popular knowledge about humanoid pregnancy. Generally speaking, it is not much different from human pregnancy. It also told him that a humanoid pregnancy is a normal baby directly, it will not become a fish, and it does not have to be born in the shape of a fish. Like fish eggs, they have to hatch into juveniles first, and the juveniles have to do tasks to become human beings. Although the whole process is hard work, as far as children are concerned, there is no external risk. This is another one that Li Yu is willing to try soon. the reason.

He has confirmed from the system that his daughter is pregnant, but the humanoid's belly is still very flat, because human beings usually show pregnancy after three months, Li Yu is not in a hurry.

King Jing, as another father, concealed his pregnancy last time, and he felt bad, so he must not conceal it this time. As for the emperor, Li Yu hoped to wait until the month was older to inform him.

King Jing is now the only prince that the emperor values, and there are too many people staring at them, including poisoners and assassins. If it is revealed too early, Li Yu is also worried that someone will hit the unborn child. He was wearing a palace script, and he didn't want to make any mistakes in it.

Li Yu first disclosed the news of the pregnancy to King Jing. I remember that King Jing became a father for the first time. When he learned that Li Yu gave birth to fish eggs, King Jing was dizzy. Now he learned that Li Yu was pregnant with a daughter, and The child will be conceived in human form, King Jing was overwhelmed by happiness first, but he felt that something was not right.

"Little fish, you..."

King Jing's inquiring eyes fell on Li Yu's flat abdomen. If he was conceived in a human form, wouldn't he have to suffer the pain of childbirth

Li Yu understood and nodded.

King Jing paused, realizing what a sacrifice this would be, and held Li Yu's hand tightly.

King Jing was very moved that Xiaoyu could easily give birth to a child in the shape of a fish, but was still willing to bear the pain of childbirth in a human form.

Who is this for, King Jing also understands very well.

He decided that this is the only time, at least until he takes full power, he will not let Xiaoyu suffer like this again.

After that, if the little fish wanted as many little fish, he would help hatch them.

"I won't let you suffer again." King Jing assured.

Li Yu was also infected by his emotions, and looked at King Jing with red eyes.

With this guarantee, it doesn't seem like a big deal when it hurts.

In the west side, King Jing asked Li Yu to pretend to be pregnant, but his care for Li Yu was not adulterated at all. King Jing was far more aware of the pregnancy than Li Yu himself, and when he learned that Yu was pregnant, he immediately looked for someone. The subordinates who are good at obstetrics should check Li Yu's pulse on time every day.

My daughter is too young to disclose it to the public, but some taboos have to be paid attention to. In addition to the daily pulse diagnosis, King Jing also added servants to take care of Li Yu, so that they will always follow Li Yu and must not let Li Yu bump into each other. .

For a few children, I was afraid that they would accidentally say something and didn't tell them in advance. Li Yu used to hug them, but he can't hold them recently, but Yu Daddy didn't ignore a few treasures because of this, and he often stayed with them. Play, tell them stories, teach them how to be human.

I heard that if you want to have a second child, you have to take care of the emotions of the older child. Li Yu was afraid that a few treasures would be wronged.

But so far, not at all. Li Yu once tentatively asked what would happen if Dad had another younger sister. The eyes of the big treasure, the second treasure, the third treasure and the fourth treasure all lit up, and they all thought of Uncle Ye's little sister.

"I want a sister!" The children said happily.

The children did not reject it, and Li Yu was relieved. The humanoid can only give birth to one at a time. According to the enthusiasm of him and King Jing, there may be more brothers and sisters appearing in the future.

Li Yu had already started raising a baby. Besides waiting for news from the emperor, King Jing also began to investigate the assassins in Jingtai Hall. It's not that King Qiang didn't check it himself, but because of the wrong direction, he didn't find any useful clues. This time, due to Li Yu's reminder, King Jing realized that the power behind the assassin might be the one who poisoned him. The two of them had already speculated that Xue Wuzi was from Loulan, and King Jing found many ancient books about Loulan. Look, a suspicious record was found in a book called Loulan National History.

"The Loulan people are good at fighting and poisoning. The two armies face each other, often leaving the opponent's bones dead."

Although this national history does not mention the specific practices of the Loulan people, according to the description, it is somewhat consistent with the corpse water.

This corpse-turning water was originally a name given by Xiaoyu. King Jing felt it was appropriate and used it himself.

This clue found in the history of the country made King Jing more inclined to the conclusion of Xiaoyu, and it was really possible that the same force was causing trouble.

The history of Loulan also records the life of Chang'an, the last monarch of Loulan. The emperor of Chang'an angered the emperor, and the two countries were at odds. Although the people of Loulan were good at war, it was a small country and could not stand the iron cavalry of the dynasty. .

The emperor was young and vigorous at that time, and he would not be merciful when dealing with captives. In order to save his life, the emperor of Chang'an had no choice but to sacrifice his daughter as the emperor's concubine in exchange for freedom.

When King Jing was reading the history of Loulan, Li Yu was also studying with King Jing, euphemistically called prenatal education for the little padded jacket. King Jing spoiled him and tossed with him. If the little fish was tired, let him rely on himself. sleep. God knows that the little padded jacket is only a few days old, and it doesn't even count as a ball in Father Yu's belly. At this time, the prenatal education is also taught by Father Yu himself.

A history of Loulan can be described as turning a corner, Li Yu never fell asleep for the first time.

Li Yu also saw the next record, and he found a pen and made a heavy mark.

The emperor did have foreign concubines.

But in today's harem, there is no such person who meets the conditions.

what does that mean

If a concubine disappeared, it would either die or be expelled.

Li Yu remembered that when he mentioned foreign countries, the emperor's expression seemed to be thoughtful.

If all this is really related to the long-extinct Loulan, does the emperor remember the former concubine Loulan

But the emperor said nothing.

In fact, if you want to know the situation of the emperor's concubine, you can also ask Director Luo.

But unfortunately, Director Luo went to investigate the evidence related to Pu Liu's poisoning for the emperor, and has not returned to the palace yet.

Li Yuyuan thought that he would know when Director Luo returned. If you can't wait, maybe you can ask other people.

King Jing raised his head, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

There are unknown forces in the palace, and the truth should be found out as soon as possible. The assassin in Jingtai Temple missed his return, and the other party most likely realized that he had been discovered.

This is more difficult than adding several princes together. It is hard to say what the other party will do next.

late at night.

King Jing's bodyguard was ordered by King Jing to bring back a person, a blindfolded woman in a black cloth bag.

King Jing ordered Wang Xi to remove the cloth strips from the person's eyes.

The woman was wearing a worn-out palace uniform. When she first saw the light, she was a little uncomfortable. She narrowed her eyes slightly and found that King Jing was in front of her. She was very surprised and sneered again and again.

"What did you ask me to do!" The woman looked at King Jing with hostility.

Li Yu was guarded by King Jing, so he was far away. Seeing the woman's face and aura, he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Until the cloth bag made a "meow" sound, a cat rolled out, and the guards were busy wondering how the cat jumped in. Li Yu looked at the dirty and unrecognizable hair on the cat's body. A faded begonia flower veil in the woman's hand suddenly realized.

This is Liangliang, the noble concubine who used to drink Qianli soup, Mrs. Qiu!

And this cat is the enemy cat that Li Yu met when he first passed through the book - Piao Xue.

Isn't Mr. Chou in the cold palace? Why did King Jing order someone to secretly take Mr. Chou out

Li Yu pushed King Jing's arm, expressing puzzlement.

King Jing couldn’t reveal to the outside world that his mute disease had recovered, so Wang Xi asked him to inquire.

Wang Xi opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Chou, my Highness has something to inquire about, you can be smart and answer whatever you ask, if you want to play tricks, His Highness can make you come out without knowing it, and it can also make you ignorant. Feel free to go back - carry it back and send it back!"

Mrs. Qiu hated King Jing from the bottom of her heart and was unwilling to answer, but she was already in King Jing's hands, so she had no other choice, so she stared fiercely at King Jing and said, "What exactly do you want to inquire about?"

King Jing glanced at Wang Xi, and Wang Xi said, "A concubine of the emperor, from Loulan."

Qiu shi was stunned and smiled proudly: "Then she was already dead, what did you ask her for?"

Wang Xi scolded: "His Royal Highness asks you to say it, just say it, stop talking nonsense!"

King Jing meant that, with the exception of Director Luo, the older ones among the emperor's concubines, who accompanied the emperor for a long time, would always know about Lou Lanlai's concubines.

It was not convenient for King Jing to ask others. Except for the Qiu family, the Qiu family had been removed from the position by the emperor and put into a cold palace. King Jing still had a way to meet.

"You mean Concubine Mei?"

If King Jing asked about other Chou clans, she might not be able to answer. She still knew this person. The history of Loulan only recorded that the emperor of Chang'an offered a daughter, and after that, the woman was beautiful and beautiful. After entering the palace, the emperor rewarded him with a title called Concubine Mei. .

Li Yu's eyes lit up, Mei Fei had a plum in her title, and those killer assassins had a plum blossom pattern on the hilt. Is this a coincidence

Judging from the fact that the emperor seldom gave concubines and concubines titles, the emperor should be very fond of this concubine Mei, even if Qiu's own, even if he was in the limelight later, did not have a title.

But Concubine Mei didn't think so. She was dedicated to the emperor by her own father, Chang'an Jun, and she did not want to enter the palace. Three days after entering the palace, she tried to assassinate the emperor and was given death by the emperor.

From this, the emperor deeply felt that it would be very dangerous if the person beside him had dissent. From then on, he would no longer accept foreign concubines and concubines, and because of this, he angered the emperor of Chang'an. Emperor Chang'an was originally demoted to the point that he could not even secure the lowest titles. Because of Concubine Mei, all the Loulan royal families were enlisted as slaves.

Concubine Mei's story is very short and can be explained in a few sentences. Mr. Qiu stayed on the spot.

King Jing ordered the guards to send Chou Clan back to the cold palace, and Chou Clan clenched his teeth and knelt down.

"I've told everything I know, can you promise me one thing too?"

King Jing looked at her and asked her to speak.

Li Yu thought that Mrs. Qiu wanted to take the opportunity to beg King Jing to let her leave the palace. After all, the cold palace was too hard. Who knew Mrs. Qiu pointed to the snow on the side and whispered: "This cat, you can do whatever you like, I don't want to. wanted."

Li Yu and King Jing: "..."

After Mrs. Qiu finished speaking, she got into the cloth bag on her own, and her cat's eyes were about to follow, but Mrs. Qiu didn't give any chance and scolded Mao Yitong.

Piao Xue seemed to be scolded often, but after Mrs. Qiu scolded it a few times, it didn't dare to move.

When it finally looked up, it found that its owner was gone.

Piao Xue roared mournfully, and waited and waited, but couldn't wait for the Qiu Shi to turn back.

What to do with this cat

Li Yu used to be caught in the shape of a fish by Piao Xue. He was just wearing a book at that time, and he was still a little unclear about the situation. Because fish and cats were natural enemies, he had a bad impression of Piao Xue.

If it were other small animals, maybe they could stay and raise them directly. What exactly did Mr. Qiu mean

"Tianchi, can I..."

No matter what, Piao Xue is just a cat, and has not actually done anything evil.

Li Yu was hesitant to make this decision. Piao Xue not only offended him, but also offended King Jing. Would King Jing agree