The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 13: Fish want to fight for favor


Bright Pearl - Got it!

The long-lost system sound sounded again, like the sound of heaven, and Li Yu was so happy that he would float away. Of course, King Jing was still in front of him. He had to restrain himself.

The moment Ye Mingzhu completed the task, it should be of no use to him. Li Yu couldn't always hold the beads, he wanted to put the Ye Mingzhu down, but King Jing and Wang Xi had been gathering in front of the blue-and-white porcelain fish tank and looking at him with bright eyes. .

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu felt that if he dared to lose Ye Mingzhu at this moment, he might be stabbed to death by the tyrant's eye knife.

King Jing thought he liked this bead very much, so he gave it to him, right

He just apologized, the beads can't be thrown away, he has to pretend he likes it, but the fish's mouth is always sour...

Li Yu thought for a while, put the beads at the bottom of the tank, shyly arched his mouth, the round beads rolled forward twice and stopped, Li Yu continued to use his mouth to arch the top, and pushed the night pearl to the old man. Far.

As if he was playing football, Li Yu had a great time while comforting himself.

"His Royal Highness, look, you rewarded the little thing with beads, and the little thing liked it very much. This is rolling the balls."

And just now the little carp jumped like a joy, and knew that he caught the night pearl from the master, Wang Xi was very excited.

Uh, even though the bead that was rolled is worth a fortune, the prince and the prince felt pain for the imperial concubine when he saw it.

The night pearl is chased and played by the little carp, and the clear light and the silver-gray fish shadow are interlaced, which is a rare spectacle.

King Jing smiled lightly, this little fish really wanted beads.

Li Yu rolled the beads all the way to the corner, pretending to be tired and wanting to rest, spread out on the white stone bed and entered the system.

Sure enough, the reward prompt for completing the side quests came to me.

Li Yu suppressed his excitement and carefully read the use of the shape-shifting medicine. Just as he was about to confirm the acquisition, he suddenly had an idea and remembered something.

The bottle containing the medicine is simple and simple, engraved with patterns that he can't understand. Although it doesn't look big, if he takes it directly, where would he put the medicine bottle

Is it possible to let the medicine bottle float in the clear water in the portable space

… seems a little ecstasy.

Li Yu made a quick calculation and asked the system: If you don't collect it immediately, will the shape-shifting medicine disappear

System: "No. The rewards for completed tasks will always be there."

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction: Very good, then keep this reward for now, and when I need it, I will use it directly!

system:"… "

Li Yu found that he seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and even if the capacity of his carry-on space was not large enough, it would not prevent him from using this clever method to keep things that were not in a hurry. It is always pitted by the system, and it is not bad to pit the system once in a while!

At first, he heard that there was a shape-shifting medicine, and he was too late to be happy, but after thinking about it carefully, this medicine could not be used casually. There was no such person in the world of the original book, and rashly appearing in human form might cause unnecessary disturbances and deformity. It can only last for an hour. The timing of the transformation and what to do are very important. It has to be planned in advance, and a suitable retreat has to be found, so as not to become a fish in the public, which is also inappropriate.

Anyway, there is no need to worry if the medicine is in hand.

Li Yu closed the task of "Bright Pearl" with great pride, checked the main line again, and immediately wilted again.

The countdown to "getting along" is still decreasing, reminding him that there is less than a day left until the deadline.

If he can't complete this step of the main line, even if he gets the potion, he has no chance to use it.

Li Yu: At this time, the pit fish system doesn't even give a hint, won't your conscience hurt

System: "The system has no heart. Please be patient and complete the task."

Li Yu: "..."

You know it's a system that doesn't get emotional.

Li Yu exited, it was quiet in the dead of night, and the night pearl was still emitting a faint fluorescence, illuminating the celadon fish tank as if it were daytime.

Li Yu put the aquatic weed quilt on the night pearl to cover the brilliance of the night pearl, yawned, and slept on the night pearl.

When he woke up again, Li Yu smelled the fragrance of ink, and there was a row of fish food that he hid and wanted to give to King Jing not far away.

His King Lijing didn't move. If the gift could not be sent out for a long time, it would be broken, so Li Yu had to solve it by himself.

After eating the fish food, remembering the unfortunate main line, do you want him to wait for the timeout

Impossible, he has to see what King Jing is doing, and then step in himself to strive for a little interaction.

Li Yu could hear King Jing's movements in the house, but the blue-and-white porcelain fish tank was a bit high for him. If King Jing didn't take the initiative to come over, it would be difficult for him to see King Jing.

Li Yu's tail is secretly accumulating power. He is very skilled in using his tail now, and he is very good at jumping out of the fish tank. This time, he wanted to grab the edge of the fish tank and stay on the top of the fish tank, instead of falling back to the bottom just by looking at it. This is a new trick, he has never practiced it before, and he falls down and grabs the fish tank, and also requires good coordination between the body and fins of the fish. He doesn't seem to be very good at it.

King Jing, who was writing at the desk, heard a soft sound, and the little carp jumped up with a flick of its tail.

King Jing had seen the carp wagging its tail a few times, and he was not very surprised. He heard Chou Shi kept saying that the carp could fly in the Qianqing Palace. The emperor did not believe it, but King Jing did not doubt it. He knew that his own fish could actually "fly" in a unique way, but King Jing wouldn't speak for the Qiu family.

Seeing that the fish jumped up again, King Jing had a calm demeanor, and would fall down in a while anyway.

But after waiting for a while, the fish actually fell, and instead fell on the edge of the tank, the fins and tail flapped wildly, and the whole fish slowly slid down.

Then, puff.

King Jing: "..."

The little carp seemed to be unconvinced, and immediately jumped up again.

King Jing: "..."

King Jing roughly guessed what the fish was going to do, and when the little carp fell on the edge of the tank for the second time, he picked it up in time.

Li Yu: ? ?

The little carp was struggling with the fish tank, and suddenly felt that the fish was light, and he was lifted up. He looked up and saw that it was not King Jing.

Li Yu happily curled the fingers of King Juijing with his tail: "Master, come and help me!"

King Jing: "..."

Fingers are itchy. King Jing held the fish and coughed lightly. He shot too fast and didn't find a container that could hold the fish in advance. He was afraid that the little fish would not be able to bear it after being out of the water for too long. King Jing put the fish on the table and put it lightly on a cup of clean tea. in the cup.

This tea cup is made of white jade, surrounded by threads of greenery, shaped like petals, just enough to hold a fish. King Jing poured some water into the tea cup. Entering this tea cup, you can easily raise your head and look around.

Although he had already lived in King Jing's house, the fish's field of vision was extremely limited. He heard the voices of people coming and going all day. He had not seen what King Jing's house was like, and he quickly saw it clearly.

The little carp is a bit unpleasant.

Having seen the exquisite luxury of the Qianqing Palace, King Jing's house is a bit shabby in comparison. To sum up, it is restrained, simple and calm, which is in line with the cool temperament of the tyrant. Unless necessary, the decorations are pitiful, a bit like a snow cave.

It doesn't matter, Li Yu thought, anyway, his existence is to turn the tyrant's personality, and maybe he can warm up the snow cave in the future.

Next to the teacup where he was standing, there was a pen and ink. After King Jing placed him, he sat down and picked up the pen.

It turned out to be writing and painting. Li Yu remembered the smell of ink and wagged his tail excitedly. He still knew a lot about it and could give King Jing an idea.

As soon as the little carp was happy, its tail was raised. King Jing gave him a warning glance. Li Yu immediately put down his tail sensible and managed to get out of the fish tank. In case King Jing's manuscript or drawings got wet , will definitely be fined back.

The little carp stared quietly and enthusiastically instead.

King Jing thought for a moment, spread out the paper, and drew a vivid fish with a few strokes.

Li Yu saw this fish head, body and tail, oh, King Jing was actually painting him! !

Someone gave him a portrait, Li Yu was very happy, from the hair to the heels, how to see King Jing is pleasing to the eye.

He thought that he should also contribute a little. Since King Jing has painted, how about he become King Jing's model fish

The little carp thought again and again, and protruded a shape that felt majestic and majestic in the tea cup. In fact, it was an extremely twisted S.

King Jing smiled, thinking that the little carp was very interesting, and changed a few strokes according to the appearance of the fish.

One person and one fish, although not making a sound, they are happy.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, the emperor's reward has arrived." Wang Xi came in sweating profusely and reported.

King Jing put the pen down and put the painting aside to dry. He was about to go out to receive the order. Before going out, he looked back and saw the little carp facing the painting, flickering and wagging his tail, eager to try.

King Jing's eyelids jumped, he turned back, and put the fish in the teacup and took it away together, so as not to leave the fish alone in the house, and when he came back, he saw a few more tail marks on the painting.

Li Yu, who was "connected to the pot" by King Jing suddenly:? ?

The news of Concubine Qiu's framing of King Jing had spread throughout the palace, and the emperor knew very well that if he had encountered the framing of the prince in the early years, he would never have let it go. Concerned about the face of the second prince, although the emperor chilled Mu Tianzhao for a few days afterwards, he still did not want to change the candidate of the prince because of this.

Since the emperor punished the noble concubine, King Jing had to spend a lot of effort to appease it. It can be seen from the thickness of the gift list that all kinds of rare treasures were stuffed to King Jing like no money, and the emperor didn't even blink his eyes. of.

One of them is unusual, it is a rare koi carp that foreign countries paid tribute to the emperor, and there are only a few pairs in the world.

The emperor has also rewarded King Jing before, but he was very difficult to please the king because of the lack of gold and silver, and he was not interested in beauty. With a stroke of the pen as if he had been beaten with blood, King Jing loves to keep fish, so he might as well give him more fish.

General Manager Luo smiled and commanded his servant to carry a fish tank three to four feet long and sent it to Jingtai Temple. The rare red and gold koi, these koi are very well kept, they are big and big, they swim in groups and they are dazzling and dazzling.

Li Yu was being held by the prince and was eating the red fish food that the prince voted to feed. When he learned that the emperor had stuffed King Jing with fish, Li Yu opened his mouth in surprise, and a fish meal floated away.

In these years, is it also necessary to compete for favor as a fish

With his IQ, how can he compete with Pangyu, but he still has a task. If King Jing ignores him, who will he ask for the task

No, you have to fight.

Li Yu was covetous and decided to guard King Jing like an old hen. If other fish hook up with King Jing, he will drive the other fish away.

The little carp secretly rubbed and prepared for battle. Who would have thought that King Jing did not keep the few pairs of koi in the world after viewing the crystal fish tank with koi.

King Jing was determined not to be tempted by the beautiful koi, and Li Yu was very happy.

Of course, Li Yu was even happier when he was brought back to his room by the prince and found that his blue-and-white porcelain fish tank had turned into a huge crystal fish tank originally filled with koi.

The author has something to say:

Today is the fish that likes the Pearl of the Night!

Small Theater (Gifts)

Emperor: Son, do you like the fish that Dad gave

King Jing: Leave the fish tank, you can take the rest


Li Yu: Thank you, Your Highness, I have a new fish tank~~