The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 133


Li Yu was swimming quickly in deeper water, and only occasionally would he approach the surface to take a look at his current position.

The water is very safe, and the guards patrolling come and go one after another, but they will not notice that there is a fish with a tiger talisman hidden in the river and pond beside it, passing them by.

Li Yu originally canceled the human form and turned into a fish, and the purpose was to inform King Jing, but because of the sudden appearance of the sixth prince, he was accidentally taken to the Qianqing Palace. Now transporting the tiger talisman can be regarded as fulfilling his wish, which has come in handy for him.

If you can swim directly out of the palace from the water, it will be the best, if you can't…

He also needs to be able to create conditions. King Jing, the emperor, and the rest of the Qianqing Palace are all counting on him. With the tiger talisman in his hands, he will definitely live up to his mission!

Li Yu was swimming non-stop for a moment. I don't know how long it took, and he forgot how many waterways he had changed. Finally, he swam into a small river across the wall from the palace gate.

His luck was not bad, no one noticed along the way, but at this moment, there was a team of guards who were replaced by rotation, staring at the narrow river with nothing to do, talking and laughing.

Li Yu's speed gradually slowed down.

This is the only waterway that can go out of the palace. Do you want him to swim in front of this team of guards

If he was still a little black fish, he would not have been worried about being discovered, but he was already a koi with gold in silver, and the color of the fish's body was quite obvious in the water.

In particular, he had to swim in front of the guards. These guards were all looking at the water for some reason. If he was caught, he would have lost all his efforts.

To be cautious, Li Yu first found a place with aquatic plants to stop, and wanted to wait for the guards to leave before rushing, but after waiting and waiting, this team of guards had no intention of leaving.

Li Yu was a little impatient, and suddenly he heard a low whimper, and a white cat ran towards him briskly.

Li Yu was taken aback. Could it be that he was discovered by the cat

He has hard fish scales now, and is not afraid of cats, but he can't conflict with cats at this time. Li Yu was about to hide lower, when the white cat suddenly turned around and ran towards the guards.

"Meow!!" The white cat yelled, attracting all the guards' attention.

Li Yu:

Guards: ? ?

The white cat rushed into the pile of guards, slammed into one of the guards' legs, and scratched the guard's paw. Taking advantage of the guard's pain, the cat took away the money bag that the other party accidentally dropped, and the guard was hit and scratched. He also lost money, and immediately yelled, chasing the cat in trouble.

The rest of the guards laughed, and their colleagues were bullied by wild cats who came from nowhere.

Are you safe

Li Yu held his breath and waited for a while, making sure that no one was there before swimming over.

Before leaving the palace wall, he glanced in the direction the cat fled.

Although it is a white cat, its body is dirty and almost gray, and its stature is no longer as sturdy as when it was a cat owner. Only one pair of eyes still shines like gems.

...Thanks, Piaoxue, Li Yu's heart.

He finally understood why "Gongjiangshan" was refreshed after he helped Piaoxue.

I thought that this main line would not have a dime relationship with Piao Xue, but Piao Xue proved with strength that it actually has a relationship with a bag of money.

Although animals are not people, they also reciprocate.

Li Yu swam out of the palace like a sharp arrow.

At the next stop, he decisively decided to go to Cheng'en Gongfu.

The children and Wang Xi are in Cheng'en's mansion. The family of Cheng'en are trustworthy. As long as he puts the tiger talisman into their hands and lets them know what happened in the palace, they will definitely go to the guard. Army, lead the army into the palace to save the car!

Li Yu has been to Cheng'en's mansion several times, and he is very familiar with the environment near Cheng'en's mansion, but this is the first time that the waterway has passed.

The river coming out of the palace did not pass through Cheng'en's mansion. There was another river near Cheng'en's mansion, but the two roads did not meet. Li Yu swam a few times, but it became farther and farther away from Cheng'en's mansion. .

Seems to have to change course.

Li Yu jumped to the shore and jumped a few times. Although the fish tail could slide for a short time, it was too slow. I was afraid that he would not be able to breathe before he jumped into another river!

If it's a humanoid, just run over it with big strides.

But his transforming skills have been canceled and can no longer be used today...

It was the tiger talisman that mattered. Li Yu didn't think much about it, so he turned into a murloc.

He seldom used this skill, the murloc would be in danger of not being able to breathe, and his face was too ugly, so he wasn't as happy as a mermaid when he played, but he couldn't stand the owner's legs and ran fast, so he couldn't care too much at this time. .

Li Yu took a piece of clothes from the space, wrapped his upper body with his head, and ran desperately before he couldn't breathe.

It was late, and Li Yu could not see clearly, and accidentally bumped into a few pedestrians.

I'm so sorry!

Li Yu couldn't speak, and only waved with his fat and short fins.

A passer-by who accidentally caught a glimpse of most of the fish's heads was stunned: what's the matter, why does it seem to have seen a fish... The fish ran past... The fish... It turns out that it has legs, is it for running

Li Yu ran to another small river in no time, and a fierce man plunged down, returned to the shape of a fish, and continued to rush.

He finally swam to Duke Cheng'en's mansion, and the current also led to the mansion, and Li Yu rushed in without hesitation.

Cheng'en's mansion was brightly lit, and Li Yu was swimming anxiously in a lotus pond.

He did not know where Ye Qinghuan and Lao Chengen were.

Suddenly, he heard a series of dog barks, and his eyes lit up.

It's majestic! Li Yu found that there was still hope.

Xiongfeng came running with his tail in a short while, holding a child's ball in his mouth.

Suddenly, it stopped, sniffed hard in the air, and then ran towards the lotus pond where Li Yu was staying.


Li Yu jumped from the water to the edge of the pool in one fell swoop, flicking his fish tail loudly for Xiongfeng to hear.

Xiongfeng barked excitedly, ran over and circled Li Yu first, and poked Li Yu with the tip of his nose, confirming that it was his old friend Yu.

Li Yu said: "Go and find your master!"

Xiongfeng couldn't understand the fish language, but he was still running around the fish and calling.

Fortunately, it barked loudly and was heard by Ye Qinghuan who was nearby. Ye Qinghuan felt that his dog seemed to be overexcited, so he came to take a look during his busy schedule.

At a glance from a distance, he saw the ball being thrown on the ground, and Xiongfeng was wandering and screaming by the lotus pond, but Ye Qinghuan didn't notice anything unusual, and was about to lean over to pick up the baby daughter's little ball.

It was impossible for Li Yu to let Ye Qinghuan go away like this. Both the human form and the murloc had been used. Li Yu turned into a mermaid and shouted, "Ye Qinghuan!!"

Ye Qinghuan was taken aback by the sudden sound, and when she turned around, she saw a figure standing in the lotus pond.

Most of Li Yu's body was submerged in the water, he quickly put on his clothes, and hid the mermaid's tail in the depths of the lotus flower.

"Master Li... cousin?" Ye Qinghuan came over tentatively.

Li Yu wiped the water droplets on his face and nodded quickly: "It's me."

"Why are you here... Tianchi?" Ye Qinghuan asked.

Wang Xi said that King Jing and Princess Jing had entered the palace. The news was unknown. His family was in a hurry. Princess Jing suddenly appeared in his lotus pond, which was incredible.

"Ye Qinghuan, you may find it strange, but it doesn't matter."

Li Yu took a deep breath, took out the tiger talisman from the space, and held it in his palm.

"I have a very, very urgent matter entrusted to you."

Yuyu Express has finally arrived at the end!

Li Yu told Ye Qinghuan the truth, and Ye Qinghuan immediately clenched the tiger talisman.

"Don't worry, I will go to Grandpa and the others right away. I will definitely live up to my trust and rescue the emperor and the others as soon as possible."

Li Yu nodded, Ye Qinghuan took two steps and looked back at him puzzled.

"You... stay in the water all the time, are you alright?" Ye Qinghuan was still very sensitive occasionally, and he could sense that Li Yu seemed very different.

But at this moment, the situation in the palace is critical, and there is no time to worry about these.

"I'm fine, nothing, hurry up and save His Highness!" Li Yu urged him to leave quickly.

Ye Shizi understood, and before leaving, Li Yu changed his tune and said, "Can you do me a favor and keep people away for a while?"

Ye Qinghuan looked at Li Yu suspiciously again.

He was almost certain that Li Yu was obsessively staying in the lotus pond, and he must be covering up some secret.

But what if there is a secret, Li Yu is King Jing's wife and his friend, and he will help guard it.

"I promise you that I won't let anyone approach you." Ye Qinghuan straightened her back and said loudly, "But I will send the children here, you should really want to see them."

"it is good… "

Li Yu really misses the children, Cheng'en's mansion is safe, and after Ye Qinghuan left, Li Yu's spirit relaxed.

He originally planned to take a nap in the lotus pond while waiting for the children. The whole day was almost over, and he was looking forward to the moment when he could change back into a human form.

But not long after, he fell asleep.

After all, it is a pregnant fish, even if the fish body protects the little padded jacket well, he will feel tired.

When he woke up again, Li Yu found that there were four more small "mountains" in front of him.

Several treasures were sitting in a row facing him, from the one on the far left straight to the one on the far right crooked.

What the hell are these few doing, the fish father is curious.

It was impossible for the children to keep quiet all the time, and within a while, Li Yu heard them talking softly.

The second treasure and the third treasure are very worried: "Daddy is still awake."

Sibao shook his head: "Daddy is still sleeping."

Dabao was busy asking them to whisper: "Shut up, be quiet, and take care of Dad."

Li Yu: "..."

I was touched by the fish father who was taken care of by the children. It was really hard for these fish cubs.

After a whole day, the human-turning skill was ready to be used again. Li Yu quickly turned into a human and coughed heavily. The cubs turned their heads when they heard the sound, and called out "Father" in surprise.

Li Yu walked to the shore and hugged the children tightly in his arms.

What's the big deal in sharing the country, with such a lovely child, he will definitely protect their home!

It is not too late, we must hurry to save the old attack!