The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 144


Chu Yanyu has been cleaned up by the prince, and Piaoxue has been bathed and wiped several times by Wang Xi and Xiaoluo. The cat's hair is white and shiny, and there is no trace of dirt on her body, and she can't smell any odor anymore, prince. He also asked the housekeeper of the cat and dog room to visit the house several times, and they all said that the cat was fine, and the prince still did not allow Li Yu to approach the cat.

Just because Chu Yanyu once put black dog blood on Piao Xue, although Li Yu emphasized countless times that he was not afraid of Taoist priests or black dog blood, the prince was still worried that this fish would have an accident.

It is difficult to convince the paranoid person. Li Yu also knows that the prince is for his own good. If it is not the blood of a black dog this time, it is other dirt, and the prince may not let him touch it.

Got it! Li Yu had an idea: "Then can you hold it for me?"

It is said that the husband and the husband are one, and the old attack has already hugged. Does rounding up mean that he has hugged

Prince: "..."

The prince hesitated for a moment, he had rejected Xiaoyu many times, and he knew very well that Xiaoyu had given in. For the sake of safety and for the happiness of the little fish, this request cannot be denied.

The prince agreed, and Wang Xi smiled beside him, and handed the washed snow to the prince.

Piao Xue gave up resistance long ago after several tossing, eating dried fish, nesting without dried fish, suddenly picked up, Piao Xue:

Then, it was pushed in front of a tall man.

Piao Xue: "Meow!!!"

When Piao Xue recognized this man, she was about to frizz, and screamed desperately.

The prince didn't like snow either, so he held the cat up stiffly.

Piao Xue opened his mouth to bite, but the prince poked his eye-knife at it, and Piao Xue was stunned. Recalling the fear of being dominated by the prince, he didn't dare to move, but was held by the pair of iron pincers.

The prince gestured to Wang Xi with his eyes, and Wang Xi's mouth twitched with laughter, shaking his hands and handing a dried fish.

The prince bluntly put the dried fish to Piao Xue's mouth. Piao Xue didn't dare not to eat it, so he took two bites in fear. For the first time, he felt that the dried fish was no longer fragrant.

"...Hello." The prince said.

The prince was disgusted with the cat, so he put the cat down after completing the task.

Piao Xue immediately picked up the dried fish and hid behind the prince.

Li Yu was sitting in a chair, too amused by this scene to speak.

The prince went to take a bath first, changed from head to toe, and then came to hug the fish that was laughing so hard that he was about to slap it at any time.

What is there to hold a cat, the prince thought to himself, he still prefers to hold a fish.

Because of Chu Yanyu, Piaoxue temporarily lived in the Prince's Mansion for a few days, enjoying a life of brocade clothes and jade food. It doesn't like playing with rabbits or chasing ducks. Sleep and sunbathe.

After all, it is still incompatible with the Prince's Mansion.

A few days later, the snow cat suddenly disappeared again.

It must be looking for its owner, Li Yu thought.

Piao Xue did not know the way before, but now he should have recognized it.

Li Yu asked Wang Xi to go to the cold palace to confirm the situation of the snow. Wang Xi went, and came back and said that the cat was already beside Chou Clan. It was really strange. Piao Xue was dazed in the Prince's Mansion, but in the cold palace, he ran around excitedly, fluttering butterflies and catching mice, living dragons and tigers, even if Chou Clan was If you're in a bad mood, scold it a few times, but you won't be able to drive it away.

There is no dried fish in the Qiu family, and he often feeds Piaoxue with leftovers, but Piaoxue eats as fragrant as dried fish.

Every time Wang Xi went to the cold palace, he would bring dried fish to Piaoxue, and this time was no exception.

Knowing that Wang Xi often came to feed her cats, Mrs. Qiu chatted with Wang Xi in a low voice. Wang Xi told her by the way that Chu Yanyu had used the snow to frame the prince, but the prince did not pursue it.

Wang Xi originally hoped that Mrs. Qiu would be grateful, but Mr. Qiu's face sank and said coldly, "I'm waiting for someone with poor luck, the kindness of the Crown Princess is really too high."

This means that the prince will not be allowed to come again.

After all, Anhou and the prince are enemies, and the relationship cannot be repaired. Mrs. Chou himself hates the prince. This time Piaoxue was used by Chu Yanyu. In the final analysis, it was the care of Piaoxue from the Prince's Mansion, which attracted the attention of those who were interested, and Mrs. Chou became aware of it. At this point, I don't want to be too involved with the Prince's Mansion.

Wang Xi had to convey Qiu's words, and Li Yu fell into silence for a while.

He remembered that Mrs. Qiu was secretly brought into the house and entrusted them to take care of Piaoxue. At first, Wang Xi went to feed the cat, but Mrs. Qiu did not stop him. Why has it changed now

Maybe the snow was gone, and the Chou Clan realized the hostile relationship between them.

… or forget it.

Li Yu just wanted to thank Piao Xue and asked the prince to help him hold the cat. People always have to choose, if it will affect the prince, or make the prince embarrassed, there is no need.

"That's very good, Piao Xue can go back." Li Yu said to Wang Xi.

Wang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Li Yu would be unhappy, and in order to please his master, Wang Xi said something else.

"... This time I went to the cold palace, and the old slave met someone else." Wang Xi smiled.

"Who?" Li Yu didn't respond for a while.

"It's Chu Gui - oh, the old slave's memory, the surnamed Chu has no place, and now he is a commoner, and the old slave has seen him."

... Is it Chu Yanyu

Li Yu almost forgot about this person. Since Chu Yanyu was beaten and put into the cold palace, he has not taken the initiative to ask.

Seeing that he had no intention of stopping Wang Xi, he continued.

"The way he looks now, the old slave is almost unrecognizable, but if he doesn't go to the cold palace, it's no wonder..."

The way to survive in the palace is to pay attention to people's connections and relationships, especially in a place like the cold palace where you basically don't expect to go out. For example, there is an Anhou mansion outside the palace, although Anhou himself does not It’s best to use it, as long as the brand of Anhou Mansion is there, even if it can’t take care of the Qiu family very often, it is better than nothing at all.

As for those who did not really have a backer, they did wrong and were rejected by the emperor, and they were left to be tossed by the cold palace servants and palace maids.

If you have some money on hand, you can live a little better, so you have no choice but to live a little better.

When Chu Yanyu first arrived in the cold palace, he originally had some valuables on his body, but because he was beaten, he was unable to move, and watched most of the property was instantly divided up by the jealous palace servants and chamberlains.

These palace servants are like hungry wolves, even if a bracelet is broken into several pieces and taken away, Chu Yanyu is incompetent to stop, but also needs to be healed. He wants to ask a doctor and take medicine, but after being deceived by people he doesn't know for a few waves , there's basically not much left.

Leng Gong had a maid who knew a little about medicine. He checked his pulse at will, took his last money, and gave him a few commonly used plasters.

This plaster somehow saved his life, but it couldn't save his leg. Because it was dragged on for too long, his injured leg left sequelae. He walked with a limp, and the scars he was whipped couldn't fade away, but he was alive at last. go down.

Chu Yanyu now lives in a house whose roof is more than half collapsed. Every morning when he wakes up, he has nothing to do. The only thing he can do is to look at the sky above his head with a pair of empty eyes.

It would be great if the Crown Princess had not been exposed, and the Crown Prince had not been angered.

How good would it be if she hadn't entered the palace to be a concubine.

How good would it be if he was with the prince at the beginning.

It would be great if... I didn't know the sixth prince.

Without these, it is impossible to happen, but fantasizing about these has become the comfort of Chu Yanyu.

The cold palace only has two meals, which are distributed uniformly by the general manager of the cold palace. Those who have money and backers can naturally get a better share.

But Chu Yanyu spent the last bit of money in order to treat his injuries, and he didn't even leave any valuable material on his body. The general manager saw that he had no oil and water, so he gave him some leftovers, and Chu Yanyu ate it like chewing. Wax, even so, he had to eat it, because if he didn't eat, he would be hungry, starve all day, eat one meal, and then go back to sleep.

On this day, he had just finished eating when someone suddenly came looking for him.

Chu Yanyu was wondering why anyone would think of him. He hadn't seen any of his confidants since he entered the cold palace, but thinking about Hong'er, these people probably wouldn't end well. As for the others, he himself was so down and out. Why bother with others

Although I don't know who the other party is, at this time I can remember that he is taking care of him. Chu Yanyu straightened the rough clothes on his body, walked out of the room, and slapped Chu Yanyu in the face with a loud and crisp slap. Staggered.

"Bitch, how dare you harm my cat!" Qiu Shi's eyebrows stood upright, and he yelled.

Chu Yanyu's brain was buzzing like a swarm of bees flying by.

Slowly, the voice became smaller and smaller, he could only see Qiu's lips opening and closing, but he couldn't hear what she was scolding.

On the side, a snow-white cat squatted on the ground, licking its paws bored.

Mr. Qiu mumbled something, took out a bottle from his sleeve, and poured the contents on Chu Yanyu...

"Master, this old slave is finished."

Wang Xi finished telling anecdotes about the cold palace, and waited for Li Yu's instructions.

"Eunuch Wang, you mean, Mrs. Qiu beat Chu Yanyu?"

Li Yu was a little confused. How did the Qiu Clan find Chu Yanyu? Does this count as a confrontation

No matter how cool and mighty the imperial concubine is! Chu Yanyu has no strength to tie the chicken, and should not be able to beat the Qiu family...

Li Yu selfishly hopes that Concubine Liangliang will teach Chu Guiren a lesson, the act of hiding dog blood on cats is really disgusting!

"Master, Mr. Qiu not only beat him up, but also brought a small gift to Chu Yanyu." Wang Xi smiled mysteriously.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. Qiu didn't pour any potion, but poured a bottle of dog's blood, and used the way of people to treat people's bodies.

Chu Yanyu can get blood, why can't the Qiu clan

The board Chu Yanyu suffered was the punishment given by the emperor and the prince.

Chu Yanyu was immediately splashed with a stench, even those people in Lenggong who didn't take a bath for many days, had to detour when they saw him.

Lenggong did not have the conditions to take a bath, Chu Yanyu was going crazy, so he could only call well water and rush it, but after rushing several times, the smell still lingered.

"...The old slave heard that Leng Gong now calls him a walking dog's blood jar." Wang Xi said.

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu wanted to laugh and felt abrupt, so he had to cough a few times.

As for Chu Yanyu, he originally intended that the well water would not cause the river water, whoever let this person do the harm first, this would probably be the end of harming others and harming himself...

And you don't have to think that he stole the prince.

As early as when he was a fish, he discovered that the prince did not like Chu Yanyu.

What the prince likes is him, he also likes the prince, and he will not let the prince down. Chu green tea should stay where it is cool!

Li Yu wanted Wang Xi not to report Chu Yanyu's news any more. A person's time is limited, so instead of spending it on unrelated people, it is better to think more about Lao Gong's son.

His old attacking prince's mission in the Ministry of Rites gradually got on the right track, and he was not so busy at the beginning. Maybe the emperor couldn't see the prince leisurely. After that, the Ministry of Rites quickly arranged a household department for the prince. The prince always had things to do, but as long as he was free, he would go back to the house immediately to accompany Li Yu.

As for the children, it is often between the imperial study and the prince's residence. Recently, they have all started to learn to use chopsticks.

Li Yu was bored and wanted to find something safe and interesting to do.

"Eunuch Wang, how about I cook a love meal for the children and the prince?"

The treasures go to the imperial study every day. Li Yu combined using chopsticks with studying, and thought of making love bentos for the children.

And the prince has done it before, and he is familiar with it!

Li Yu was gearing up, planning to surprise the children and their fathers.

Children don't like to eat cucumbers, and tell him that picky eating is a bad habit. If he doesn't, he can make cucumbers that even the child's father praises!

Wang Xi: ! !

Wang Xi was fortunate enough to taste the craftsmanship of the Crown Princess once. The taste is really indescribable. Thanks to the Crown Prince, the whole government unified the caliber.

Originally, it had been a long time since Wang Xi thought that the Crown Princess had a noble status and was pregnant, so he should not think about it again, but who would have thought that he not only remembered it, but also wanted to do it right away!

The Crown Princess wants to cook for His Royal Highness and the little master. Who can stop this, he must notify His Royal Highness as soon as possible!