The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 150


Mu Tianchi was surprised for a moment, not because of Li Yu's bold mention of Jiangshan, but because of that sentence - the last calamity.

Finally, what do you mean

Although Xiaoyu himself didn't say why he stayed by his side, Mu Tianchi was reminded by the air, and he could also feel that Xiaoyu was going to save the calamity.

The last time to cross the robbery, because of the bandits, Xiaoyu Dao was not completely successful.

Mu Tianchi naturally thought, since this time is the last calamity, after the calamity, will Xiaoyu leave him

Now that he has become a prince and has both children, he is already very complete in the eyes of outsiders. He is very afraid of this consummation, and it will make the carp spirit think that he has stayed by his side enough time, and it is time to leave him. But he has cared more about the little fish day by day, and he absolutely cannot accept the little fish to leave unless he dies.

Whenever he talked about it, Xiaoyu always hesitated and said vaguely, so that he did not hesitate to use any means to trap the fish beside him.

He knew that Xiaoyu had a good heart, and even Piaoxue and Liang would want to take care of him. If he said that he was by his side for so long, it was just for the sake of winning the country, Mu Tianchi would not believe it.

Xiaoyu is not like everyone else.

If you really want to negotiate terms with him, why not choose it when he is in a difficult time, then no matter what the reason is, he will answer, but Xiaoyu mentions it inadvertently and hastily when he has no obstacles. A treacherous person, fooled by a few words, or simply refused, what can Xiaoyu do

- Could it be that these, smart little fish don't understand

In fact, there is no need for Xiaoyu to ask. He originally planned to give Xiaoyu the same rights as the regent after he ascended the throne. He knew that Xiaoyu often wanted to do something and was able to do it, but he was only bound by the names of the princess and the prince. , and I was afraid that it would cause a estrangement with him.

But how could it be, when the imperial doctor detoxified him, he was in a coma for a time, and he remembered some old things in his sleep by accident.

His muteness, the crown prince, and even his life are all inseparable from Xiaoyu's help. If the regent is not enough and Xiaoyu wants more, he will not be stingy when he can afford it.

Xiaoyu's tone was more like a temptation than he really wanted.

Mu Tianchi looked at the essence through the phenomenon, and felt that this temptation was most likely related to the last robbery.

Could it be that if he answered something, Xiaoyu would turn around and leave

Not impossible!

With the safe birth of Xuebao, Mu Tianchi felt more and more uneasy in his heart. He must not take a wrong step, he would rather not answer, and can not answer wrong!

Mu Tianchi tightened his chin and said, "Let me think about it before answering you."

Li Yu, who has been waiting for the standard answer: ? ?

Hey, didn't the prince just say that he would give what he wanted

Li Yu couldn't help puffing out his mouth, a man can be trusted, and a pig will climb a tree!

On the one hand, he felt that the prince would actually say nice things to coax him, but on the other hand, he also knew that his request was actually a bit excessive.

Jiangshan is not just a random thing. Some people can not want their parents and children for Jiangshan, and some people can even abandon their own lives. Jiangshan is so important and belongs to the crown prince's family business. Does he share the family business

Li Yu secretly scolded himself for being stupid. He was dazzled by the prince's favor and became whimsical, forgetting that the bottom line should not be touched. A very stupid question that put the prince and himself in an embarrassing situation.

"I'm sorry, I... shouldn't ask this, you should pretend that I never mentioned it." Li Yu said.

He won't hate the prince because of this. After all, he didn't have a good grasp of the matter, and he had to endure the last main line. How could it be so easy, let's just reveal it after a little bit of loss.

Moreover, the prince is not really refusing, he said that he has to think about it. If it was someone else, the prince would have turned his face long ago.

They have only been together for more than two years. Maybe in another two years, or when they are old, the prince will give an answer after "consideration"

Anyway, the boss is gone, and as a crown princess, no one dares to target it. Even if an excellent carp essence needs to be changed once a day, the difference is not that big!

Li Yu comforted himself in a timely manner, and his mentality was stable. Although he could not expect the answer he wanted, he was still intimate with the prince.

From this, Mu Tianchi was even more certain that it was right to deliberately delay and not speak his mind.

Otherwise, maybe this fish patted his butt and left him and his children slipping away.

Because of his refusal, he could feel that Xiaoyu was a little lost. But it doesn't matter, he will help Xiaoyu find it elsewhere.

Li Yu failed to complete the main line, so he devoted himself to the construction of the Women's Federation. Of course, this is ancient times, and it is not easy to understand that it is called the Women's Federation. Li Yu changed its name slightly and called it the Women's Assistance Association. Initially, he wanted to get the emperor's support. First, he built an office in the imperial city.

Since the polls, Li Yu is more confident. The prince made a crooked move for him. It is a deep-rooted concept for women to observe festivals. To change this concept, it is not enough to rely on the ideas of the common people. It is better to get officials, which is more convincing.

Li Yu thinks it is very reasonable, but how can he get officials to fill out the questionnaire

The prince looked at the princess with a half-smile, then glanced at his legs.

Li Yu's face became red all of a sudden: I have both sons and daughters, why are they coming back!

The princess muttered, and went to sit anyway.

The prince was content to hug the prince concubine. Xuebao's full moon banquet had just passed, so it would be difficult to hold another banquet immediately. This was also a dilemma for Li Yu. The excuse was really not easy to find. Go to the Prince's Mansion.

Li Yu: ? ?

Well, the old prince has the privilege...

Because the prince was personally guarding him, and the officials answered the questionnaires diligently, Li Yu completed the task without much effort.

At first, he thought that most of these officials did not agree with widows remarrying, but the reality was exactly the opposite. Li Yu thought about it carefully. This is probably because the officials are well-informed and know that obedience is not beneficial to women, just because the court's Just praise.

Li Yu sorted everyone's papers into categories and sorted them out. He originally hoped that the prince could help him speak in front of the emperor, but the prince said, since it is your idea, it is still up to you to talk to the emperor directly.

Li Yu panicked, the prince didn't mean to help him! Are you helping him into the fire pit

And he is a crown princess, not an official, will he be scolded in the previous court

But Li Yu really wanted to bring out the Women's Federation, not just talk about it.

The prince went to court, and Li Yu followed closely behind the prince.

Huh, I feel that the censor and a group of older officials can poke a hole in him with an eye knife.

Seeing Li Yu, the emperor looked confused and looked at the prince.

Mu Tianchi curled his lips and said, "Father, the Crown Prince has a document that he wants to present to his father. My son feels that he is also a member of the royal family and should be qualified to report to the father."

Whose daughter-in-law will hand over memorials at every turn

The emperor was a little surprised, but thinking about Li Yu's ideas for controlling locusts in the West Frontier, the emperor loved talents, and it was still accurate.

Li Yu handed over the articles he sorted out to the emperor.

After reading it, the emperor smiled and said, "This was originally an old habit left over from the past, and it was used in the dynasty. I didn't respond for a while. It's rare that you have collected so much information. I'll do it for you, and you'll make a detailed plan for me..."

This is it

Li Yu secretly rejoiced, he was also very lucky, he thought that he would have to rely on a long story to convince the emperor, but the emperor was right!

Li Yu hurriedly thanked him, all the officials around him shouted long live, and Li Yu suddenly became enlightened.

Why are officials not opposed? Just because observance of festivals is not a rule set by the emperor, if the bad habits can be abolished, it will benefit the emperor's reputation, how can the emperor not accept it

And even if he doesn't accept it at first, the emperor will consider it carefully when he sees the attitude of so many officials...

That's why the prince asked him to collect the opinions of officials!

Li Yu turned around abruptly and looked at the prince. Could it be that the prince was teaching him

The prince gave him a gentle smile in return.

Li Yu's claws scratched his heart. He could feel that the prince didn't taboo him at all, and he even pointed out that he still loved him, so why did he just share the country... Cough, need to think about it

Li Yu didn't know it himself.

The emperor later issued an decree, clarifying that one spouse is dead, and the other is free to come and go. It is a virtue to observe festivals, but there is nothing wrong with not observing them.

The emperor's will gave Li Yu the basis for doing things.

Because there were too many things in the early stage of the assistance meeting, Li Yu was distracted and incompetent, and he had to find places and people.

Finally, the assistance group welcomed the first woman who wanted to ask for help. She had been pondered by her husband's family after her husband's death. The reaction was fierce, and I tried to end my life several times, but they were all saved. I heard that a new assistance meeting was held, which was the last straw.

Li Yu hurriedly found Qin Shi, Xiaoluo and others to enlighten the woman together, and as a princess, plus the emperor's instructions, he acted both hard and soft, and finally came forward for the woman to persuade her husband's family, and the woman was able to leave peacefully.

Li Yu was already mentally prepared, and more and more realized the importance of patience and carefulness. After a while, the work of the assistance society was on the right track, and more and more people wanted to ask for help. The emperor ordered a trained female officer to take over, and Li Yu smoothly retreated to the second line, occasionally helping out with some ideas.

The Association became famous, and later, even Mr. Liang plucked up the courage to come over with his servants...

After all, if there is a new road to take, who would be willing to fall into the mud pit for a lifetime.

The prince said that Liang's situation was more complicated than that of ordinary women. Li Yu was afraid that he would not be able to convince the emperor, so he even arrested the prince to help.

Fortunately, the emperor himself issued an imperial decree before, saying that he should not embarrass the widow, and he himself could not embarrass the Liang family any more. And this marriage is the emperor's master. Although Liang's family is suspected of violating the decree, the marriage that the emperor refers to is not the source of the pain for Liang's family.

The emperor hated Mu Tianxiao in his heart, so he ignored the Liang family. Since the Liang family and Mu Tianxiao had long since lost their friendship, the prince suggested that the emperor should allow the Liang family and Mu Tianxiao's tablets to separate, and Li Yu was completely speechless. , the crown prince really spared no effort to clean up the sixth prince.

But this is not the most fundamental and effective method!

In the end, the suggestion made by the prince was very agreeable to the emperor, and the emperor agreed.

From then on, the Liang family became a free body, and successively bowed to the emperor, prince, Li Yu and others.

"You don't have to thank me." The prince said, "If it wasn't for Xiaoyu's persistence, he might not have gotten this far."

Liang Shi understood in his heart, and hurriedly kowtowed to Li Yu a few more times.

Li Yu secretly glanced at the prince, who was also looking at him.

Li Yu pondered in his heart that the prince even gave him the credit, but he had no grudge against him.

"Tianchi, can we talk about what happened last time?" Li Yu asked.

Mu Tianchi had guessed what he was going to say, and his face changed: "Farewell!"