The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 151


Is the prince hiding something from him

Li Yu had such an intuition, and he was also quite embarrassed. Both of them have five children. Since the prince believes in him, why can't he be honest with him.

But when he thought of his own lies that were blooming everywhere, Li Yu lost the confidence to ask.

These days, is it a little secret that there is still no old age

… there! A bright light bulb popped out of Li Yu's head, how could he forget that he also had a ready-made secret viewing machine-system!

Li Yu immediately entered the system that he hadn't entered for a long time. In the past, he had accumulated a bunch of secrets from the old attack, and he had to destroy them all before he had time to read them.

I want to extract the secrets accumulated in the past... Li Yudao.

The system immediately responded to him and listed the secrets of His Royal Highness.

There is still no text description, it is a scene of changes.

Li Yu is depressed, isn't this blind! And he couldn't describe it himself, what the prince's latest secret was about.

… lo and behold, it’s almost a jingle.

Li Yu asked tentatively: Are there any recent secrets

The system said: "Secrets can only be refreshed randomly, and cannot be specified to find."

Li Yu: … Well, I know you are a pit fish system.

Li Yu had to read all the secrets one by one.

Most of these secrets are some unknown means of the prince. Li Yu usually sees who appears in the scene and can roughly judge.

Li Yu soon learned a lot of things that he didn't know before.

There is Mu Tianxiao who was impeached by Zheng Jing, the minister of labor, and lost the trust of the emperor. In fact, it was the news that the prince ordered to deliver to Zheng Jing.

There was a prince who wrote a letter to the emperor, taking every step of the way, until he was asked to make him the concubine.

And before the prince left the western border, he went to Ye Qian, the old man of Cheng'en, and asked Ye Qian to bring out the green plum wine that the two of them brewed.

Li Yu was dazzled, but this is the normal prince...

After reading one of the secrets, a new one will be refreshed.

Li Yu suddenly saw a scene where a fish swam past.

Is it here

Li Yu quickly clicked on the secret to check.

This secret scene is that in the water, a black fish with gold in it is struggling to swim up to the surface of the water while holding a child's clothes.

This... Isn't this his fish body before it completely turned into a koi? At that time, the background color of the body was black, and there was no time to change the task.

Li Yu would not admit his mistake, but he should have never held a child in the water. This child looks bigger than Dabao.

The child just turned his face around, his cheeks were red, and his eyes were full of surprise when he saw that it was a fish who saved him.

Li Yu was even more surprised than he was.

This child—although not Dabao, has a face that is very similar to Dabao.

Li Yu finally recognized it, this is the little fat man! Dabao's father when he was young!

Li Yu choked and almost forgot that this was the prince's secret, and the child in the secret must be the prince.

However... there are also inconsistencies.

Li Yu remembered that his fish body had met the little fat man. It should have been in an illusion. How could he come to the prince's secret

Illusions are imaginary and do not exist at all, while secrets are real.

Why is there such a mess here

Li Yu couldn't figure it out, and continued to look at it. This should be the perspective of the little fat man. Li Yu also saw the black and gold fish.

Li Yu: "..."

Originally, he was a little suspicious that this black goldfish might not be him at all, but he was so active, who else could it be besides him

The black goldfish took the little fat man to the shore, and the little fat man hugged the fish excitedly. Inspired by the fish, he rubbed the fish's head unskillfully...

The little fat man played with the fish for a while, and when he heard a voice, the fish bone slipped into the water.

Li Yu saw the golden light shining in the pond, and that position was obviously where the fish hid.

The little fat man wanted to find the fish. At this time, the emperor brought a group of imperial doctors hurriedly to ask about the little fat man. The little fat man fainted, and the imperial doctor found that he had a high fever.

In the end, a monk appeared...

This monk Li Yu recognized that it was Kie Kong when he was young.

Liao Kong helped the imperial physician to cure the feverish little fat man, and the emperor also obeyed Kong's words and decided to change the name of the little fat man.

The emperor smiled and said: "I see the golden light in the pond, so let's call it Tianchi."

Li Yu: "..."

When he is a fish, he hides and hides, unaware of the changing light on the water.

From the perspective of a bystander, he knew that the golden light the emperor saw was due to the refraction of the golden scales on his stomach.

Could it be that the prince's name is because of him

After recovering from the illness, Mu Tianchi came to the water's edge and looked at the surface of the water.

The little fat man has forgotten the details after falling into the water, and he can't remember anything.

This secret ended, and Li Yu couldn't calm down for a long time.

What is going on here, and why did the promised fantasy become a reality

Did he... really exist in the prince's childhood experiences

The system did not answer, and only the scenes of those secret representatives were kept flashing and changing.

Li Yu continued to look down.

He found a scene where Mu Tianchi had transformed into the present prince.

Li Yu chose this scene next.

In the scene, Mu Tianchi was sitting in front of the desk, concentrating on writing something on a piece of paper.

Li Yu waited for a while, but the prince was still writing without seeing anyone else.

Li Yu thought about it and went to read the note written by the prince. When the prince was dealing with personal affairs, he usually avoided it, but recalling the prince's trust in him and the various help he had given him, Li Yu mustered up the courage to read it by himself.

He felt that what the prince was writing had become a secret.

Maybe it's related to government affairs, maybe it's a secret order...

The secret is what has happened, is the memory, the prince inside should not feel him.

Just take a look.

Li Yu took a quick glance.

Unexpectedly, he saw his own name.

Li Yu paused, read it again, and vaguely recognized a sentence.

"...Let Li Yu be the queen and be the same as the regent."

Li Yu:!

Li Yu quickly reacted, this is the arrangement the prince plans to make after he ascends the throne!

If the prince ascends the throne as emperor, Li Yu will naturally be the fish queen. He has done countless psychological constructions for himself, which can be considered acceptable.

It's nothing to make him the queen, the last half of the sentence is the point, the same as the regent!

The queen's own job is to manage the emperor's backyard. At most, she advises one or two when the emperor is out of tune. The regent is different, but he has real power and can govern!

Hiss, Li Yuya's teeth are itching, he is always sneaky, what strange combination has been made for him!

The queen is the same as the regent, is it the queen regent

Wait a minute, isn't this the "shared country"

Li Yu was shocked: System, can my main story be completed

The system said: "Host, I'm sorry, the tyrant didn't make it clear that it can't be counted."

It's all written, why doesn't it count

Li Yu was in a hurry, and was just about to argue with reason, when he saw that the prince had finished writing and put the pen down, and with a smile, he carefully read the note he had just written.

Then, he sighed softly, put the note close to the lamp and lit it, watching the flames engulf all the words.

Li Yu: "..."

The note was burned by the prince, no wonder it was not counted.

But this is no wonder the prince, the prince is only one step away from the throne, such things are disrespectful, and the prince must of course deal with it.

If that's the case, why write it again

Also, since the prince intended to let him govern together, why didn't he tell him

Why did he keep silent when he mentioned Jiangshan...

In addition to knowing the prince's intentions, Li Yu has a lot of doubts. After coming out of the system, Li Yu wanted to ask the prince to clarify.

But the prince went to the Ministry of Household, not in the mansion. Li Yu remembered that she had been busy with the women's assistance meeting these days, and had neglected little Princess Xuebao, so let's take a look at the children first.

Li Yu entered Xuebao's house and found that Xiaoluo, who was in charge of taking care of the child, fell asleep in front of the cradle.

Xiaoluo is not very old, and she has to take care of Xuebao. Sometimes she is urgently called by Li Yu to the assistance club to help. There are many things in a day.

As the master, Li Yu was very good at talking, and went to sleep with Xiaoluo. He was on one side of the cradle and found that Xuebao's little face was facing the other side. Li Yu turned around and found Dabao and the others.

The four treasures were lying on the ground crookedly and fell asleep, and Erbao's fingers were still on Xiaopang's face, maintaining the gesture of making funny faces to tease his sister.

Dabao and Sanbao grabbed Erbao's face with their hands, and Sibao was a little further away from them, huddled in a ball and slept. I don't know if they rolled over to sleep or rolled over while asleep.

Li Yu smiled and tucked the quilt for her daughter first. Xuebao's little face was puffed with sleep, and her eyes moved under her lids. Li Yu hurriedly stroked her back.

Li Yu turned around and went to the bed to get two quilts, put one on Xiaoluo's shoulder, and one for the four treasures.

When it came to cover, he boasted that his hands and feet were as light as possible, but he still quarreled with Dabao. Dabao got up, rubbed his eyes and said confusedly, "Father?"

Li Yu hurriedly hissed, thinking that Dabao would continue to sleep like Xuebao, but Dabao woke up instead.

The responsible brother Yu and Father Yu worked together to make quilts for other fish cubs. They also followed Yu Dad's example and covered sister Xuebao with quilts, patted them, and took care of Xuebao.

Dabao is really a good and reliable brother, and Li Yu couldn't help smiling.

Xiaoluo woke up not long after she slept, and found that she had accidentally slept in the past, the princess was taking care of the child, and Xiaoluo looked guilty.

Not only did Li Yu not blame him, but he also waved his hand generously at her and asked her to rest.

Xiaoluo was very moved, gave Li Yu a salute, and withdrew, thinking that the little masters might be hungry when they woke up, and Xiaoluo went to prepare.

The weather was good and warm on this day, and the window in the house was opened with a gap, so as not to be too stuffy in the house.

Li Yu simply opened the window completely to let in the air.

The sky was very blue, Li Yu glanced casually, and there were a few dark gray clouds floating in the distance.

Mu Tianchi has recently entered the Ministry of Household, and the Minister of the Ministry of Household intends to express that he is reporting the important tasks of the Ministry of Household in these years to the Prince, and a cool breeze blows in.

The prince raised his eyes and glanced out the window. A quarter of an hour ago, his eyes were still bright, but after a while, there were dark clouds and lightning and thunder.

"His Royal Highness, please be careful." The Minister of Housing said with concern.

Mu Tianchi didn't listen. The prince stopped while holding the memorial, still staring out the window.

In the blink of an eye, a flash of lightning suddenly lit up and fell, followed by the roar of thunder.

This thunder is not so loud...

The prince looked at the location where the thunder and lightning landed just now, it seemed to be the prince's mansion!

Xiaoyu was still in the mansion, and Mu Tianchi's face was turned pale by lightning. He remembered the few ancient books on immortality that he had read before. Such a masterpiece of thunder and lightning, turbulent, it should be a thunder calamity!

The prince immediately dropped his pen and strode out the door.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing and several officials were quite surprised. They stepped forward to persuade him, but the Prince turned a deaf ear. The Shangshu could not do anything, so he couldn't persuade the Prince, so they changed orders to fetch the mink clothes and hats.

Mu Tianchi rode a fast horse, galloped in the rain, and rushed back to the Prince's Mansion.

The prince and horse didn't even have time to get off, and even people and horses broke into the mansion.

The prince was frightened by the sudden appearance of the prince, and asked nervously what was wrong, but His Royal Highness said nothing.

All the way back to the room, the prince heard the cry of the child, his heart tightened, and he broke into the door desperately.

He saw Dabao sitting on the ground, rubbing his eyes, Li Yu standing in front of the window, his clothes flying. At this moment, he thought that the other party was about to leave in the air.

No matter how he escaped the little fish's problem, did the last catastrophe come after all

Thunder tribulation is dangerous, even if the tribulation is successful, it is parting.

"Xiaoyu, don't go!" Mu Tianchi cried out.

He rushed up, isolated the fish from the wind and rain, and locked it tightly in his arms.

Dabao was fascinated by the wind and was crying, but Li Yu, who wanted to close the window when there was thunder and wind, said:? ?

Dabao forgot his sadness and stared blankly at the two fathers.

"Tianchi, what's wrong?" Li Yu asked in a low voice, puzzled.

The prince's face was covered with rain, and his brocade clothes were so wet that they couldn't get any more wet. He hugged Li Yu tightly and refused to let go no matter what.

"Don't go..." The prince muttered.

Li Yu suddenly came to his senses after hearing him repeat these words off and on.

Because he said that he was a carp essence, the prince was more involved in the play than him, and the ordinary thunderstorm actually thought he was going to survive the calamity!

What kind of evil did he do, how can this person be so stupid...

Li Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he sniffed and hugged the prince back hard.

"Tianchi, don't worry." Li Yu said, "I won't leave, and I won't leave you."