The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 21: Sell fish


Li Yu was dizzy for a while, and soon realized that he had changed back to a fish.

His method was impeccable, he pretended to jump out of the window to escape, and then people would naturally "disappear", leaving only the fish. But for the first time, I didn't expect King Jing to break the door directly. Well, he was quite moved that King Jing cared so much about a fish, but this time he was too hasty. Not only did King Jing see his true face, but he almost died Transforming in front of King Jing...

He was so anxious when jumping out of the window that he almost fell, but fortunately he turned back into a fish the moment he jumped out.

He thought that he had finally dealt with it, and secondly, he didn't expect that King Jing's breaking the door was not enough, and he even ordered people to set up an ambush outside. Even if he was lucky enough to "escape the window", it would be of no use. I didn't even see the figure. How to explain that one person disappeared with clothes all over the floor

Li Yu felt that King Jing was sometimes more pitted than the pit fish system. At least the pit fish system pitted him, and he could find a way to save him. When King Jing pitted him, he was basically pitted... he lost his temper.

The guards in charge of the ambush said that they didn't see any teenagers. Seeing that King Jing was going to check the clothes on the ground in person, Li Yu immediately wagged his tail loudly, hoping to divert King Jing's attention.

The clothes he dropped should be nothing, I am afraid that King Jing will think about it, and he will fall off his horse.

Although I rely on wagging the tail to divert attention, it is suspected of betrayal...

Li Yu: Oh, it's okay to sell a little bit of fish color, but it's not okay to drop a horse and become a carp essence!

King Jing heard the sound of the fish tail, stopped, and leaned down to pick up the tea cup, Li Yu swung his tail even more vigorously.

King Jing was still a little angry. He glared at Yu, and Li Yu was inexplicably guilty. The tip of his tail fawned over King Jing's fingers. He felt that King Jing liked it. Every time the tip of his tail was gently stroked, King Jing's Looks a little relaxed.

Sure enough, under his deliberate cuteness, King Jing didn't bother about the clothes scattered on the ground for the time being, but pursed his lips and gently pinched the back of the little carp, which was what King Jing wanted to play with him.

Li Yu held back his shame and continued to sell fish.

"His Royal Highness, there is a pond near the house. I think the thief took advantage of the unpreparedness of the ambush and fled in the water."

A guard came over and reported that the guards also speculated based on the clothes on the ground, otherwise people would never disappear out of thin air. The guards had a headache thinking about it, and only thought of this possibility.

Li Yu was stunned, how could he explain it so forcefully

Also, how would ordinary people think that people would turn into fish, and fish would turn into people, and the first reaction was that the suspicious boy escaped.

The guard's explanation was not impossible. King Jing nodded and wanted to go to the pond to see if there were any suspicious footprints.

Li Yu hurriedly jumped onto his palm, there was nothing in the pond, and King Jing couldn't find it!

King Jing was interrupted several times by him, his brows stretched, and he tapped the fish on the head lightly.

Knock on the head - what does it mean

Li Yu wanted to ask for a long time, but no one would tell him.

Seeing that King Jing relaxed his guard, Li Yu let out a sigh of relief, but he could be considered to have escaped.

Since everyone thought he escaped by swimming, that's not bad.

After the guards had checked the clothes on the ground, Wang Xi had already rushed over to confirm that, among the clothes on the floor, the lining and trousers belonged to King Jing, the outer shirt was ordinary old clothes, and there was a pair of old cloth shoes.

Aunt Xu was quickly taken and recognized the old clothes given to the boy. Aunt Xu was also very wronged. At first, the boy who thought that humans and animals were harmless, who would have thought that he would have stolen His Royal Highness’s fish

Aunt Xu recalled that she had brought fish food to this young man, and regretted that her bowels were green.

According to Aunt Xu, the identity of the fish thief was a male concubine who was driven out of the main house. The prince said, "..."

What the hell is this, because he was bullied by the principal, so he came to steal His Royal Highness's fish? There's no way that the eight poles can hit each other.

Li Yu was listening in the hands of King Jing, and he didn't understand that he was at most a lost person. How did Aunt Xu make up his mind to become a concubine.

Aunt Xu kept kowtowing, Li Yu couldn't bear it in her heart, and peeked at King Jing, afraid that if King Jing was angry, she would deal with Aunt Xu.

Wang Xi guessed King Jing's expression, and said sternly: "Hide the thief, you should be expelled from the palace."

Li Yu:! ! !

No, he's not a thief at all, and Aunt Xu just saw him pitifully giving him a bite to eat, why did she drive him out? He didn't want to implicate Aunt Xu, who was kind enough to help him.

Li Yu quickly used the tip of his tail to wrap around King Jing's fingers, and rubbed it pitifully.

King Jing: "..."

King Jing found the fish, the fish looked fine, King Jing was in a good mood, and glanced at Wang Xi.

Wang Xihui felt relieved: "For the time being, you don't know about it, and there is nothing wrong with the fish master, so I won't be expelled this time. You will get thirty boards by yourself, and you should remember this lesson in the future."

Aunt Xu was very grateful. It was true that she was too careless. She couldn't lose her life in the palace. She was thick-skinned, and it was much better to be expelled from the palace if she only had a board.

Li Yu was not satisfied with the result that he was still going to be beaten, but seeing Aunt Xu's sincere thanks, he felt that he had helped somewhat, and his guilt was a little better.

If you use too much fish color, it will be ineffective, and Li Yu will close it when he sees it.

King Jing, who used to enjoy the touch of the fish's tail, suddenly lost everything: "..."

Wang Xiping retreated Aunt Xu and said to King Jing, "Your Highness, although the Xu family has been disposed of, the old slave still feels strange, why did the thief steal the fish?"

King Jing remembered the sleeve that he had just torn off, and motioned Wang Xi to take a look at it. In addition to the water stains, there was also a piece of silver fish scales on the cloth.

Li Yu:! ! !

Damn, why did he leave such a big handle!

Does King Jing think that this is what he left behind when he turned into a fish

"His Royal Highness!" Wang Xi said in surprise, "How come there are fish scales on the thief's sleeves?"

King Jing's eyes darkened.

In the past, there were fish scales on the hijab of the imperial concubine, because the imperial concubine had touched the fish, but now the thief has it on the sleeve, so... That means that the thief also touched the fish.

How dare these people!

Wang Xi said for him, "Your Highness, Master Fish has really suffered."

King Jing touched the fish's head, as if to comfort, Li Yu: ? ?

Can this work? Shouldn't he be glad that he had tricked the imperial concubine before

Now that King Jing has found the fish, Wang Xi reminded him that there are still a large group of guests waiting in Ninghui Hall. Even if many people want to leave, they still have to wait until King Jing returns to say goodbye. After all, this is the emperor Zhang Luo. During the banquet, King Jing as the host had something to leave temporarily, and King Jing had such a temper, but they could not leave at will.

King Jing was too lazy to go back to the backyard first, so he held the tea cup in his hand and took the fish to Ninghui Hall.

Li Yu, who also wanted to secretly make a good aftermath:? ?

No, he doesn't want to see the second master!

But the owner's decision could not allow a fish to say no. King Jing took him into Ninghuitang and put him on the main case. A group of guests in Ninghuitang were stunned. They heard that King Jing kept a pet fish. Baby can't do it, this is it!

I don't know who started it, but all the guests tacitly praised the fish raised by King Jing.

Li Yu flicked his tail happily, a little fluttering. Oh, how can he be so good, saying he is smart and cute is almost the same, saying that he is better-looking than koi, he is absolutely blind.

Suddenly, Li Yu's dark fish eyes saw a young man in a white dance costume. This young man was very good-looking, his eyebrows and eyes seemed to be drawn, and he stood quietly in the hustle and bustle of the crowd, looking so different. .

This is the protagonist's temperament that I don't hook everyone else...

When Li Yu was shocked, could it be the legendary protagonist Shou

The protagonist is named Chu Yanyu, and Li Yu looked at Chu Yanyu with the tea cup. Although he didn't like the second master, Chu Yanyu was so good-looking that he couldn't complain that the fish also liked it.

King Jing: "..."

King Jing frowned, what the fish was looking at.

King Jing flicked his fingers and put the little carp back into the tea cup. Li Yu suddenly stumbled and threw a handful of water at King Jing, only to be avoided by King Jing!

King Jing laughed silently, Li Yu wagged his tail and thought happily, the master is also very good-looking, it is enough to see the master, not Chu Yanyu!

The second prince Mu Tianzhao moved his lips when he saw the fish brought by King Jing, but the second prince didn't say anything, he knew that the fish would not die easily, and it was probably King Jing's conspiracy.

The second prince secretly hated that King Jing coerced him for a fish, and he would definitely get this hatred back after he ascended the throne.

The third prince, Mu Tianming, saw King Jing returning, so he daring to ask for a dance for the third time.

King Jing is right.

Chu Yanyu was left out twice, and she was not impatient, she shook her sleeves and glanced behind her.

The sixth prince was not far away, and looked at him, the sixth prince nodded lightly, Chu Yanyu bit his lips, turned around and saluted generously.

This time, Li Yu's whole fish was placed on the edge of the tea cup. Others were amazed at Chu Yanyu's appearance. Li Yu raised his head, but focused on the moment when Chu Yanyu and the sixth prince looked at each other.

King Jing fell in love with Chu Yanyu at first sight, but Chu Yanyu didn't like King Jing. What he liked was the sixth prince. The sixth prince was not favored since he was a child. When he grew up, in order to live a better life, he became the servant of the third prince. The third prince needed someone who could sing and dance, so the sixth prince pushed Chu Yanyu, who was in love with him, out of the house...

Because the sixth prince also has hidden ambitions, but there is only this trusted and trusted person by his side.

For the great cause of the sixth prince, Chu Yanyu was also willing to sacrifice. On the surface, he was the dancer recommended by the third prince to King Jing, but he was actually the sixth prince.

The fish lotus dance began. This was a song composed by Chu Yanyu. Although the dance of the line was interrupted one after another, the guests were quickly immersed in the exquisite dance. Soon after the group dance, they welcomed Chu Yanyu. Dance with another stunning woman…

The dancers with their skirts flying and dancing gracefully are like white lotuses blooming in the lotus leaves.

Li Yu was not interested in dancing, and wanted to sink to the bottom of the water, but the tea cup was too shallow to sink. He lay in the tea cup, staring at King Jing from the corner of his eye, King Jing... was admiring Chu Yanyu's dancing.

Li Yu let out a light bubble, turned his head away, and didn't want to pay attention to this person.

After Chu Yanyu danced, according to the original book, King Jing should ask his name, but after dancing for a while, King Jing didn't say anything.

The second prince was unavoidable to gloat in misfortune. Although he failed to act as a brother and brother with King Jing, the third prince also failed to take advantage.

The third prince couldn't sit still, and asked King Jing's opinion. King Jing held his cheeks and glanced at Wang Xi lightly.

Wang Xi immediately said, "It's still acceptable."

And then no more.

The third and sixth princes who failed to offer beauty: "..."

Li Yu: ? ?

It's hard to extricate yourself from falling in love at first sight. Master, are you asleep? Wake up, your daughter-in-law is going to die!