The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 74


In order to achieve the best effect, Li Yu used red carp for all the fish in the fish array. He only asked for this, and when training the fish array, no one was allowed to watch it. King Jing had no objection. The koi in the palace are precious, and they look happy.

Rehearsal is not enough, Li Yu also asked King Jing to write the character for longevity as a reference for the fish array. King Jing originally had the idea of coaxing the little fish to play even if it didn't work out, but seeing the fish array in order, the longevity characters displayed were no different from his own handwriting. I was deeply moved, only a small fish in the world can have this ability.

Next, for the rehearsal, the fish lost sleep and food. King Jing vaguely felt that his fish had lost a lot of weight, so he prepared a lot of fish food to supplement the fish. consciously let go.

Just kidding, the fish will also appear, and the body shape can't be too different from other fish. Li Yu was unaware of it before, but now he is with the group of fish, and only then does he know what the star figure of the fish is.

However, Li Yu didn't eat much on his lips, but he thought very much in his heart that the fish food and supplements that King Jing fed himself were too fragrant, so he might as well eat more after the Longevity Festival.

He was practicing the fish array here, and the person whom King Jing sent to monitor the sixth prince came back and reported that the sixth prince had bought a lot of paper lanterns. Li Yu knew it, and it seemed that he was right. This kind of plot is not very relevant. , the sixth prince really prepared the light and shadow according to the original book.

It's just that they stare at the sixth prince, will the sixth prince also stare at them

Recalling the cold eyes of the sixth prince, Li Yu shuddered for no reason, and decided that he should not take it lightly. This person should never be underestimated.

Considering the possible omissions of the fish array, Li Yu also made some other preparations in advance.

Soon it will be the day of Longevity.

King Jing was going to enter the palace early in the morning, and Li Yu was afraid that he would change into a human form at this moment, and he would not change when he entered the palace and encountered an emergency, so he made an agreement with King Jing the day before, and asked Li Gongzi to sue for a whole day." Fake". King Jing brought the crystal bottle and small fish into the palace first, while Wang Xi brought the guards and transported the other fish into the palace.

For fear of being seen by others, these fish were placed in large fish tanks covered with cloth, and they agreed to the outside world that King Jing wanted to give the emperor a congratulatory gift.

The emperor held a banquet in the Hall of Preserving Harmony on this day and received congratulations from hundreds of officials. The congratulations from various prefectures and counties had been delivered to the palace one month ago. There were also many people from various places who came to the imperial city to celebrate birthdays and observe the ceremony. The emperor ordered along the way. Build a shed to entertain.

During the whole process of celebrating his birthday in the Hall of Preserving Harmony, Li Yu followed King Jing, and his eyes widened. He used one word to describe the emperor's birthday, that is, "Hao." If you can't stack it, the value of the gift is so expensive that any one can become a family heirloom for ordinary people.

The emperor was very happy, and had a few drinks with several important ministers and six ministers. It was the princes' turn to present gifts. Anhou, the second prince, who was at the top of the line by age, was allowed to enter the palace on a special day to celebrate his birthday, but Mu Tianzhao did not live up to his expectations. The emperor didn't recognize it, and the emperor, from the present Anhou, remembered the elegant second prince in the past, and it was inevitable that he felt sad.

Soon, this sadness was diluted by the other princes. The third prince, Mu Tianming, was also allowed to enter the palace. The emperor looked at Mu Tianming's humility and nodded. The third prince presented a carefully selected gift, which was a Buddha bone relic purchased for thousands of gold. The emperor was moved. I feel that the third prince has filial piety, but the relic must have a place to enshrine it. If it takes so much trouble, the Buddha may not be happy.

Because it was a big day, the emperor did not show any dissatisfaction, but thought more deeply. The third prince had been on grounds before, and he could only read and copy books at ordinary times. How could he get such a valuable thing as a relic

There was a question left in the emperor's heart. The third prince kept saying that he would repent if he knew that he was wrong, but the emperor wanted to check the bottom of the third prince again.

Li Yu also saw the relics sent by the third prince in the crystal bottle. The dark one could not tell what shape it was. Regardless of whether the third prince bought the real product or not, the relics were actually made from the bones of monks. , Li Yu is a little afraid of this kind of thing.

King Jing sensed the fish's nervousness, and covered Li Yu with a sleeve tube.

Li Yu looked out from the gap in his sleeve, and felt more at ease.

The two young princes, the seventh prince and the eighth prince, each copied scriptures for the emperor, and were led by their mother-in-law to kowtow to the emperor.

The emperor likes to see the young faces of his younger sons, and there is an illusion that he is not old and still young.

When it was the sixth prince's turn, Mu Tianxiao bowed his head and apologized, saying that he was poor and could not prepare a decent gift.

His remarks not only sold off the son, but also aroused the emperor's compassion. The emperor was also curious about what the sixth prince wanted to do, so he ordered the sixth prince to do his best.

Li Yu screamed in his heart: he's coming, he's coming, and then he stuck to the crystal wall.

At the request of the sixth prince, the Palace of Preserving Harmony extinguished half of the candles, and hung up a few lamps sent by the sixth prince. The emperor looked up for a while, thinking that these lights were very ordinary, but the sixth prince asked him to look on the ground.

I saw that there were many shadows of different shades on the golden bricks of the Hall of Preserving Harmony. After careful identification, they were actually the characters of longevity. The emperor was pleasantly surprised: "Tianxiao, how did you do it!"

Mu Tianxiao raised his lips and explained it to the emperor in detail. It turned out that after the sixth prince purchased the paper lantern, he pasted a lot of pre-cut longevity characters on the inside of the paper lantern. After lighting the lamp inside, he hung the lamp high. , the light can project the words on the ground.

Mu Tianxiao said humbly: "It's just a little trick of carving insects, which made the father laugh."

The emperor stroked his palm and said, "I know it's not easy for you, and you have a heart."

When the sixth prince presented the gift, the third prince was on the side. Mu Tianming had great confidence in the relic that he had given him, and hoped that he could rely on the relic to turn over beautifully, but he saw the emperor's attitude towards him and the sixth prince. Co-authored In the eyes of the emperor, the sacred relic that he had begged for thousands of dollars was not as good as the Sixth Prince's tossing with a few lamps

The third prince was in a panic, and at the same time he wondered, the sixth prince would not always take the initiative to help him, why did he steal his limelight when the Longevity Festival was so important

The third prince glanced at the sixth prince with suspicious eyes, and the sixth prince whispered: "Brother the third prince, don't be angry, you are still on the ground, I am also thinking, if I can speak in front of the father, I can help The emperor has escaped."

The third prince was stunned for a moment. The sixth prince seemed to be making sense, but was it really so

After the sixth prince withdrew, Director Luo stepped forward and whispered a few words with the emperor. The prince of King Jing’s mansion begged him in advance, and asked him to put King Jing’s gift in the final report. Luo Ruisheng was just a little effort, but he could get a favor. King Jing was mentioned at the right time.

The emperor smiled and looked at King Jing with a little surprise: "Tianchi, I heard that you also prepared an unusual ceremony this time?"

King Jing is usually written in his own hand. If even King Jing was surprised, it would be unprecedented.

King Jing immediately came out and presented the words he wrote, as well as a scroll of paintings.

The emperor smiled knowingly when he saw King Jing's words. Some people have been doing this for many years, which is also a kind of persistence. When the scroll was unfolded, the emperor was instantly full of joy.

"So you actually asked for Tang Yin's birthday picture?"

Tang Yin is the name of the painter. This painter enjoys the praise of "painting fairy" among the people, and the emperor also appreciates him very much. I didn't expect to make an exception because of the emperor's birthday.

The Sixth Prince will tell his own difficulties, King Jing just presents a painting, how to persuade Tang Yin did not mention a word, but when Tang Yin's painting is displayed, you can see how careful he is.

After the emperor admired the picture of the crane and the peach congratulations on his birthday, he was satisfied that Luo Ruisheng took it and hung it in the Qianqing Palace. The emperor wanted to see this picture more often on weekdays. I didn't pay attention to these words anymore.

After King Jing delivered the painting, he still stood still. The emperor asked curiously, "Do you still want to send it?"

King Jing nodded lightly and made a gesture of please.

The emperor was in a happy mood and was willing to listen to King Jing. He moved in the direction indicated by King Jing. King Jing led the way and led the emperor to Taiye Pool.

Luo Ruisheng supported the emperor and looked into the pond together. He saw patches of red jumping in the pond, and when he looked closely, there were many red carp swimming around.

These red carp kept swimming, gathered more and more, and stayed in front of the emperor for a long time.

Luo Ruisheng understood that this might be the reason why King Jing led the emperor over, and said with a smile, "Look, the emperor, these fish are congratulating you."

The school of fish was very pleased, and the emperor nodded with a smile.

The sixth prince followed behind the emperor, with a smile on his face, but he was a little disdainful in his heart. What is this, as long as the fish food is sprinkled into the pond before the emperor arrives, the fish will gather together. Compared with the light and shadow longevity characters

The emperor was looking at the fish in the pond, and suddenly realized that these fish seemed to have formations, horizontal and vertical, which looked very much like strokes.

Luo Ruisheng had seen it now, and whispered excitedly, "Are these fish in a word?"

The emperor took a step back and had a panoramic view of all the red carps. The bright reds were connected together, and they formed a very spectacular and upright character.

- a longevity character.

It is his birthday, and it is also the birthday that King Jing wrote for many years.

Luo Ruisheng was so shocked that he almost cried with joy: "Your Majesty, this is a red carp offering a birthday!"

The emperor first got Tang Yin's picture of a crane and a peach, and now he got a red carp to offer his birthday. The dragon's heart was very happy. Luo Ruisheng immediately took the lead and said auspicious words to the emperor. Not gone!

Everyone had never seen such a scene before, and they rushed forward to watch the excitement.

The emperor was most satisfied with King Jing's ceremony, and he exaggerated and praised King Jing, but did not ask how King Jing did it. Needless to say, the beautiful scenery of the good time is a spectacle, the emperor regarded it as a spectacle.

Mu Tianming looked at all this angrily, and seeing that Mu Tianxiao was also watching, he sneered: "I can't compare with your clever mind, but you are not as good as a mere dumb."

The sixth prince just smiled and said: "The ceremony of the fifth emperor is extraordinary, and I am indeed far from it."

Mu Tianming saw that he was going to serve as a foil for others, and hurriedly retire.

Mu Tianxiao was always smiling, and no one could make a mistake.

The emperor had rewarded the red carp for a long time, but the red carp was still there, and the sixth prince was moved.

The carp can put the character for longevity, he knows that King Jing must have moved his hands and feet in the water, but he doesn't know how King Jing did it, but if he can destroy the fish array, King Jing can no longer be proud.

It didn't take a while for the sixth prince to find the loophole, and asked the inner servant nearby, "Is there fish food? I have never seen such a scene before, and I really want to feed these fish."

The sixth prince is not stupid, he will not poison under the eyes of the emperor, he just wants to be fed. There must be a reason for these fish to display the character for longevity, but fish are fish, and they can have some brains. As long as he throws a handful of fish and eats it, the fish will immediately fight.

In this situation, most of the onlookers would want to feed them. The sixth prince's actions were not abrupt, and even the emperor said, "Yes, even I want to reward them."

King Jing raised his throat for a moment, but remembered Xiaoyu's warning and repeated assurances that Xiaoyu's plan could not be ruined, King Jing forced himself to calm down and stared at the fish.

The sixth prince smiled smugly, took the fish food from the waiter, and threw a lot of it.

Sure enough, the red carps rushed over to fight for food, and the huge longevity characters disappeared in an instant!

The emperor realized something and felt a little regretful, but just as the red carp dispersed, he saw a koi with a silver bottom and gold, slowly swimming up from the original position of the character for longevity.

This koi held a lotus in its mouth, and its golden fins cut through the blue waves of Taiye Pond, swam to the emperor's feet, and made a circle gracefully.

emperor:! ! !

The surprises of the emperor in this life are not as many as this moment!

"Tianchi, this is... your fish!"

The emperor quickly recognized King Jing's fish pet.

King Jing nodded and looked at the fish in the water who wanted to dance the seaweed dance.

The sixth prince did something wrong, but fortunately Xiaoyu kept his hand and was prepared.

This fish in the water is both his love and his pride.