The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 8: The fish is angry


Li Yu was beside King Jing, and when he learned that the imperial concubine was coming, he also wanted to take a look at the imperial concubine.

The emperor had seen it, and it was roughly the same as what was written in the book. Li Yu also wanted to know what a woman who dared to provoke a tyrant looked like.

It's just that his position at the moment is a bit biased, and his line of sight is blocked and cannot be seen.

Li Yu swam to and fro and kept adjusting the angle, but after several times, it was still to no avail.

Just when he thought he could only hear the sound, King Jing, who had been staring at him for a while, suddenly moved the bowl of fish, which happened to be facing the temple door.

Li Yu:! ! !

How can it be so coincidental

Could it be that King Jing noticed that he wanted to see the imperial concubine

But even King Jing, who can occasionally think about fish pets, shouldn't be so meticulous, maybe it's just a whim to change the position of the bowl.

Li Yu quickly persuaded himself not to worry about whether or not there are some.

Soon, a graceful woman in palace attire led a tall young man, surrounded by the servants of the palace, and stepped into his eyes.

The imperial concubine Qiu's head is full of pearls and emeralds, and she is dressed in a light purple palace dress. The skirt is embroidered with golden silk begonias in full bloom.

Concubine Qiu Gui is very well maintained. If it weren't for the tall and majestic second prince who followed closely behind, and the second prince's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to those of the Qiu family, it would be hard to imagine that the Qiu family was in her thirties.

Li Yu couldn't help sighing, with such a face, it is no wonder that she is the most favored concubine in the emperor's harem in recent years.

According to the book, at this time, the Qiu family was at the most proud moment in her life. The emperor had disclosed to her privately that he planned to make the second prince Mu Tianzhao, the second prince she brought out, as the crown prince.

Like many ancient emperors, the emperor hoped that the first-born prince would inherit the throne. In the early years, the eldest prince from Empress Xiaohui was established as the crown prince. Unfortunately, the first prince died when he was seven years old. The emperor was sad for a few years. Queen Hui had another four princes, and the emperor moved the heart to establish the crown again. Unfortunately, the fourth prince was lucky. He suffered a cold at the age of two, and he died. Well, despite everything, he gave birth to the fifth prince, the current King Jing, but God made a vicious joke with the emperor and Queen Xiaohui. The youngest son, who was highly anticipated, was born dumb. The emperor and Empress Yu Xiaohui were both heavy blows...

Empress Xiaohui passed away, and the emperor felt that he was afraid that he would miss out on his direct son in this life, and he never mentioned the matter of establishing a prince again. After more than 20 years, he suddenly leaked a word, and Qiu was ecstatic.

Although the emperor's love for her has been obvious to all in recent years, he has never meant to make her the empress, but so what? As long as her son, the second prince, can become the prince and ascend the throne in the future, it doesn't matter if she is the queen or not!

Mr. Qiu felt that he was about to end his life, and he was walking with wind!

The Qiu family saluted the second prince, and the emperor ordered the noble concubine to come forward. He has the intention of establishing the second prince, and he still has to give this respect.

Qiu shi smiled tenderly, sat next to the emperor, glanced at King Jing who was next to him with a victorious attitude, and thought with disdain, what if he was the son of the first empress and the second prince who was born higher than her

In the end, I still have to bow to the prince and the emperor in the future.

The Qiu family and the second prince smiled tacitly, but King Jing didn't react.

King Jing kept his eyes fixed, his fingers still dipped in the sea bowl, pinching the smooth back of the little carp one by one.

Li Yu was a little angry when he pinched him: Aw, with such a force, the fish can't bear it!

Li Yu dodged and glared at King Jing defensively.

King Jing fluttered his fingers, and his dark eyes stared at the little carp without blinking.

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu felt that the surrounding air suddenly condensed.

... If you don't pinch, will the tyrant be angry

Forget it, a good fish does not fight with people, let alone its master.

He knew that King Jing would be unhappy when he saw Mrs. Qiu sitting next to the emperor. Which child would like another woman to take the place of his mother

Although Qiu's face was full of smiles, he was just showing off and provoking King Jing.

For the sake of King Jing's bad mood...

Li Yu persuaded for a reason, snuggled up again, and rubbed King Jing's finger in a pleasing manner.

Pinch for you, pinch for you, just don't do it so hard

King Jing pursed his lips at the sight of the fish, and continued to pinch the fish's spine with his fingers.

Li Yu endured silently, feeling that King Jing's strength was too much to bear, so he flicked aside and wagged his tail, but after a while, he swam back again, letting King Jing let out his breath.

King Jing also discovered that the little carp didn't seem to hate his touch, but why did he avoid it and come back

... Is it because of his strength that it is too big for the fish

King Jing's finger movements felt a little softer.

Li Yu suddenly felt comfortable, and it was almost the same. It didn't seem to be particularly uncomfortable to pinch his back, and it was a little itchy...

Li Yu curled King King's fingers with the tip of his tail to show his love.

King Jing: "..."

King Jing found that this little carp was not particularly difficult to understand.

One person and one fish are immersed in their own world, regardless of how the people around them react.

The emperor had seen King Jing like this before, and watched King Jing interact with the little carp with great interest. He never knew that this cold-hearted son would also tease the fish.

Qiu's smile froze on her face, and King Jing treated her as a silent humiliation when she didn't exist.

"His Royal Highness King Jing, what's wrong?" Qiu tried to make the emperor realize King Jing's rudeness.

The emperor smiled and said: "Prince Concubine, King Jing recently raised a fish, what do you think?"

Mrs. Qiu: "..."

Of course, Mrs. Qiu didn't think it was very good. She had her own purpose in this trip, how could she let a gray fish go astray

Like this, the emperor probably forgot her previous remarks and softened to King Jing.

Concubine Qiu Gui had already responded, and gave a wink to the confidant palace servant beside her. The palace servant resigned and re-entered the palace after a while, holding a mass of snow-white things in her arms, and walked over quickly.

With a happy expression on his face, Mrs. Qiu hugged the snow-white ball in her arms and smoothed it out, and said softly, "Could it be that your majesty forgot the snow of his concubine when he saw King Jing's fish?"

At this time, the emperor also remembered the purpose of King Zhaojing, touched his nose and smiled.

Xuebai in Qiu's arms slowly raised his head with a meow in coordination with the master's movements.

Li Yu, who was playing with King Jing, suddenly heard the cat meow, and was so shocked that fish scales all over his body exploded.

Why is there a cat in the Qing Palace

Li Yu carefully swam to the surface of the water to find out what happened, and saw the imperial concubine holding a huge white cat in her arms, and her blue eyes like jewels turned towards him at once.

This size, this voice, this this, isn't this the hater cat? !

Li Yu shuddered, and hurriedly dived into the water, but it was too late. The big white cat found him, meowing excitedly, breaking free from the arms of the imperial concubine, and swooping towards him as fast as a sharp arrow.

Li Yu: Ow, help, the cat wants to eat fish! !

Originally, he thought that if he met the enemy cat again, he would definitely be able to find a way to escape, and if it didn't work, he would slap the cat with his tail, but it was only when he really met again that he realized that the instinct of a fish and the pain of being bitten by a cat made him feel bad. Trembling.

Li Yu was in the bowl, and there was no way to escape. In a hurry, he rushed to the palm of King Jing and formed a ball, hoping that the big white cat would not see him.

But that's just kidding yourself.

The big white cat jumped up in a blink of an eye. The cat is not afraid of water. When he raised his mouth, he wanted to grab the fish. Seeing that the fish was about to fall into the cat's mouth, it was too late. King Jing's hand gathered the small carp to protect it. The cat only came to nibble a mouthful of wind.


The white cat fluttered, raised his head in confusion, and faced a face he will never forget.


The white cat felt that the cat was hopeless for a while.

King Jing's face was frosty, and with a flick of his finger, the white cat was swung away and hit the leg of the palace servant who brought it into the palace.

The palace servant let out a pained cry, the white cat was hit and dizzy for a while, stood up and shook his head, it did not dare to fish again, turned its head and ran back to Concubine Qiu Gui's arms.

Li Yu hid under King Jing's hands, secretly peeked out between King Jing's fingers, and laughed so hard that he was indeed the owner of a tyrant, and the big white cat was deflated again!

Concubine Qiu Gui saw that King Jing made a move in front of the emperor, and was secretly delighted. She leaned down and picked up the whining white cat, pretentiously checking it.

Qiu Shi pretended to be distressed and scolded: "Piaoxue, you are a wicked beast. You have been cleaned up once, why don't you have a long memory, why do you want to provoke King Jing, you don't take this palace in your eyes?"

Li Yu was quite happy at first, but when she heard the words, she was so angry that she jumped. The imperial concubine was training the cat, but she was actually applying eye drops, reminding the emperor King Jing that he had taught her favorite pet more than once, and did not take her seriously.

When the imperial concubine spoke, the second prince, Mu Tianzhao, of course supported his biological mother, and followed: "The fifth emperor's younger brother is just young and playful, and has no malicious intentions. Please don't blame the father, the mother and the concubine."

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu rolled his eyes to the sky, spit out a big bubble, and pointed his tail at the second prince in disdain.

The second prince's voice sounded gentle and gentle, but he was more ruthless than the imperial concubine. If it is said that the imperial concubine is using eye medicine, the second prince has even confessed the crime for King Jing, and also said that King Jing has no malicious intentions. Is this because he is afraid that the emperor will not think of malicious intentions

These vicious cannon fodder!

Although he knew that King Jing would ascend to the throne in the future, neither Mu Tianzhao nor Concubine Qiu would end well, but now the mother and son are singing together, bullying King Jing and unable to speak, and King Jing did not bring Eunuch Wang Xi with him. Li Yu was a little anxious. It seems that King Jing has saved him several times, so he can't just watch King Jing being bullied, right

But in the final analysis, he is just a fish, how can he hold the noble concubine and mother and son who are in full swing

Li Yu pouted angrily, and anxiously circled the bowl.

The eye drops of the imperial concubine's mother and son worked, and the emperor remembered the concubine's previous cry, and said with a sullen face: "King Jing, I heard that you once fell on her cat on the imperial concubine's birthday, is there such a thing?"

On the day of her birthday, the imperial concubine cried and told the emperor that King Jing had fallen on her pet Piao Xue. Now that the emperor had witnessed King Jing's attack on Piao Xue, he still believed in Qiu's words.

It's not that he likes the cat Piaoxue so much, it's just a plaything, so what if King Jing kills it? The emperor did not take it personally, but it only involved the imperial concubine. After all, the imperial concubine was the concubine of King Jing, and there was a second prince standing behind him, who was the prince he wanted. I came here to ask clearly, to give the imperial concubine an explanation, and to appease the imperial concubine.

King Jing glanced at the imperial concubine coldly, without any meaning to explain, and continued to play with his little carp.

This little fish bulged for some reason, especially when Mr. Qiu spoke, as if he was angry, but King Jing was rather amused. Could it be that even Yu could understand the tricks of a noble concubine and a mother

The author has something to say:

The concubine's head is full of "beads" green, and there are beads!

Small Theater (angry)

King Jing: He looks like a puffer fish when he is angry.

Li Yu: I really want to bite them for you! Is your Highness also angry QAQ

King Jing: No, I just feel bored.

Li Yu: …