The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 89


The locust plague is just around the corner. King Jing has previously organized Li Yu's proposal into a memorial and handed it to the imperial city. Now, he has prepared a more detailed report on the management of the locust plague in several towns in the western border.

Last time, he had mentioned to the emperor about his marriage with Li Yu, but the emperor did not reply. King Jing knew in his heart that he must have been kept. Taking advantage of the emperor's slack, the emperor did not directly reject it, which means that the emperor also has concerns. If this memorial is passed, the emperor will definitely be shaken.

The true identity of Xiaoyu could not be revealed. He hoped that he could let the emperor understand how good Xiaoyu was. Even if he didn't have a prominent background, even if he couldn't have children, he could still afford the position of the princess standing beside him.

In his life, he has never asked the emperor for anything. He can take the crown prince by his strength, and he doesn't need to ask for it. All he wants to ask for is this marriage. He also thought about whether it would anger the emperor or not. It will completely cut off the possibility of his competition for reserves, if so...

King Jing glanced at Li Yu, who was teaching a few cubs to tug-of-war. Although Xibei was suffering, the days when the family of six were together were his happiest times.

If the emperor really gave up on him, he would ask himself to guard the western border forever, so that he and Xiaoyu could still be together.

But this is the worst plan, it shouldn't be like this, there are other ways he has yet to use.

King Jing finally attached his and Li Yu's marriage certificate together with the memorial.

Imperial City, Qianqing Palace.

When the emperor received King Jing's memorial again, he found the marriage certificate that came with the memorial.

The emperor was very dissatisfied with King Jing's self-assertion, but the emperor also understood that King Jing's intention to attach the marriage certificate was not only to express his position to him, but also a silent request.

In my impression, King Jing never asked him for anything, even if he only accepted King Jing's gift on the Longevity Festival, and ordered King Jing to go to the western border, King Jing didn't ask him for mercy, but accepted it lightly, lightly. He bowed his head to say goodbye and left the imperial city lightly.

King Jing was cold, he thought at least that should be the case.

But now I have accidentally discovered that King Jing also has a persistent and stubborn side. For the superiors, being too persistent is not a good thing. However, who does not have a time to be persistent? The emperor himself was not a saint.

The words "good marriage forever" on the marriage certificate were recognized by the emperor as King Jing's handwriting.

... King Jing is afraid that he is really tempted.

The emperor recalled the sincerity that Old Master Cheng Eng had jokingly mentioned. The emperor had been in power for many years, and he could laugh it off. At this time, it was unreasonably heavy.

He put the marriage certificate heavily in the memorial box, and looked at King Jing's memorial. King Jing was afraid that he was saying good things about Li Yu again.

I remember last time this young man put forward some unique insights on the management of locust plague. The emperor ordered officials from the Ministry of Industry to see it. The officials are very reasonable. If you have the opportunity, you must give it a try. Li Yu's work can make several officials of the Ministry of Industry agree. This is Li Yu's ability.

What will be the memorial this time

After the emperor read the memorial, he realized that King Jing had used Li Yu's suggestion first in the management of the locust plague in the western border.

If this matter is handed over to any official of the Ministry of Industry, it is necessary to draw up detailed regulations and submit it to the Minister of Industry for review. After the discussion above, the Ministry of Household will allocate the money - but it will take a month. It takes time, and then the Ministry of Industry can officially send people to the land of the locust plague.

But these, King Jing did not mention it in the memorial, so he was so bored that he paid for it himself. And it did a good job, the locust plague in the western frontier was actually stopped.

Brat, what a guts!

The emperor couldn't tell what it was like. Was it because he withheld the previous memorial, King Jing deliberately dumped him with a beautiful face!

He was a little angry, but he had to feel his conscience and said that he did a good job. Among the sons, the one who decided to kill the most was King Jing. The locust plague in the western frontier has reached a point where he is uneasy. If he still followed the previous rules, he still doesn’t know what it will be like now. Officials abide by the rules, but it is the people below who suffer the most. In contrast, King Jing’s actions are reckless. A little bit, but effectively suppressed the locust plague.

The emperor put down the memorial, thoughtfully. When I looked up, I found that there were still records of several states and counties near the western border, and these states and counties also handed over the records this time. The emperor read it at a glance and ten lines. It turned out that when King Jing controlled the locusts, he needed to buy a lot of ducks, and the neighboring prefectures and counties were also tossed. The plague of locusts.

There is an excerpt that describes it quite witly. The emperor seemed to have seen the scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping at that time, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

The trip to the western frontier actually gave King Jing an invisibility, which was unexpected by the emperor.

He can let King Jing continue to grow because of King Jing's merits, or he can choose to suppress King Jing, because this son has also plotted against him and wants to arrogantly ask for an impossible princess, which makes him extremely unhappy.

The emperor remembered something and turned over King Jing's book to the end, and sure enough, King Jing gave all the credit to Li Yu.

All this is still paving the way for Li Yu.

If it is not easy to test, the emperor would like to know, the crown prince and Princess Jing can only choose one, which one will King Jing choose

The emperor sighed, still staying.

What King Jing did in the western border was not a secret, it had long been known in the court.

At first, when they learned that King Jing was sent to the Western Front by the emperor, many courtiers felt that King Jing had offended the emperor, but the sixth prince was worried. , why didn't they reprimand in public? !

There is also Duke Cheng’en’s mansion. The group of Duke Cheng’en and Ye Qinghuan are one with King Jing, and they are King Jing’s biggest backer, but King Jing is about to leave the imperial city. They didn’t ask the emperor for mercy. They were warned otherwise.

Mu Tianxiao couldn't figure out why the emperor wanted King Jing to go to the western border.

This uneasiness in his heart was quickly wiped out by the emperor's next move.

The emperor beat the third prince and the sixth prince because of the nursery rhymes and fake monks, and also fined two people. The emperor punished the third prince really hard, but he was angry with the sixth prince. messenger. In order to regain the trust of the emperor, Mu Tianxiao also made a lot of preparations in private, and his efforts paid off. After King Jing left, the emperor gave him the messenger of the Ministry of Industry where King Jing was originally.

King Jing had already done almost the job of this mission. Once he was in charge of finishing the work, the emperor pointed the servant of the Ministry of Works to take him. Basically, nothing could go wrong. This achievement was given to him for nothing.

Although the Ministry of Works is the last of the six departments, repairing the Zhongcui Palace is not a decent mission, but at least it shows that in the emperor's heart, the sixth prince who stays by his side is obviously more important than King Jing, who is thousands of miles away.

Mu Tianxiao calmed down, King Jing is a mute after all, and the western border is a place of trouble, if he does something at the right time, he may be able to completely solve King Jing...

However, he only gained the trust of the emperor, and he must not take action rashly. It is better to watch King Jing's good show first. Maybe it doesn't matter what he does, King Jing will kill himself first.

But he didn't wait for King Jing's good show, King Jing defeated the bandits first, which made several ministers complimented, and the emperor was in a good mood. In contrast, his credit for repairing the Zhongcui Palace was simply not enough to watch. .

There were officials who secretly supported the sixth prince in the courtroom, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the praise of King Jing.

Only then did Mu Tianxiao deeply realize that even if King Jing was far away in the Western Frontier, he was still his formidable enemy.

In the past few days, I heard that King Jing had done a good job in controlling the locusts in the western frontier. It stands to reason that the emperor would be happier and appreciate King Jing. At this point, I sent people to Qianqing Palace and King Jing's Mansion to inquire many times, and finally discovered the secret.

It turned out that King Jing was so daring that he fell in love with a young man in the Western Frontier, begging the emperor to appoint him as his concubine!

King Jing was originally a mute, and the mute disease may be passed on to his children. If he really married a male princess who could not bear children...

This is extremely beneficial to the sixth prince. Mu Tianxiao wakes up with a smile when he dreams. Knowing that the emperor is also suffering from a headache, Mu Tianxiao thinks that he must make this happen no matter what.

He knew that the emperor always felt guilty for Empress Xiaohui, so he urged his mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhang, to come forward, and so on.

For the sixth prince’s own marriage, the emperor had appointed a marquis’s daughter for him not long ago. When Mrs. Zhang thanked the emperor, because she was the maid of Empress Xiaohui, she was able to have today and was very grateful for the kindness of Empress Xiaohui. In front of the emperor, the old master was recalled.

Mrs. Zhang recalled the various things that Empress Xiaohui had in her lifetime, and "unintentionally", Empress Dowager often said, wishing King Jing a safe and happy life.

The speaker has a heart, and the emperor also thinks. Zhang's identity, coupled with his sincerity, it is rare to talk about this with him, but it is somewhat credible. And King Jing also played a lot of role in the foreshadowing of Li Yu before. After the emperor returned to the Qianqing Palace, he sat alone for an hour. After thinking about it, he finally wrote an approval on King Jing's memorial.

"Li Yu's character is worthy of being a concubine, but he is a man and can't bear children, so he is specially granted the position of a side concubine."

When Li Yu heard the news, he ran to comfort King Jing. At least the emperor agreed that the two of them would be together. There will be a long time in the future. Maybe he will make more merits. If the emperor is happy, can he turn him into a positive person

King Jing smiled when he received the reply from the emperor. He made several plans and waited for the emperor's words.

As long as the emperor gave the only reason why the little fish could not be right is that it was infertile, then it would not be a problem for him at all.

Xiaoyu has given him four fish sons.

Counting the time when the cubs took shape, it was the right time to announce that they were pregnant.

King Jing originally wanted to get a non-existent concubine out, and put the fish cubs under "her" name for the time being. If they have children, I believe the emperor will talk a lot easier, but he is afraid that Xiaoyu will have new cubs in the future. I can't hide it, and secondly I'm afraid that the emperor will still reject Xiaoyu because he can't be born.

In fact, why do you need to pretend to be someone else and say that Xiaoyu is a man with a special physique, and he can give birth. Even if no one else has seen such a person, it does not mean that there is no such person. Although it is a bit unbelievable, the fish cubs should be the best evidence after they transform.

Since the emperor has clearly stated the words "I can't bear children", it can no longer be opposed.

There are various inconveniences in the western border, but there is also a good point.

As long as he knew that Young Master Li was pregnant, no one dared to question. If the emperor wants to send the gynecology master, the journey is long, and when they arrive, the fish cubs have also become babies, and they are "born".

The reason why he didn't show this trump card at the beginning was because he was afraid that the emperor would find another reason to refuse it categorically. King Jing took every step of the way, and gradually made the emperor dispel other prejudices against Xiaoyu. Only this one was left. Although it was a little tricky, he could also solve it.

King Jing held Li Yu's waist and touched it, thinking that it was time to put a small pillow inside.

Li Yu: ? ?