The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 9: Fish turn white belly


Because of King Jing's ignorance, the emperor was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Five Emperors, Father Emperor asked you something." Mu Tianzhao reminded with a smile that was not a smile.

Because of King Jing's background, the second prince has always been a little jealous of King Jing.

King Jing raised his head, but instead of paying attention to the second prince, he looked at Luo Ruisheng, the chief servant. Eunuch Luo made preparations when he learned that the emperor only allowed King Jing to enter the palace alone. When King Jing needed it, he ordered a few servants to attend and bring the pen, ink, paper and inkstone to King Jing.

Can't speak, just use writing, but it's not very convenient.

King Jing took the pen in his right hand, while his left hand was still concentrating on catching fish. He just finished writing without looking at it, and then dropped the pen.

Luo Ruisheng didn't dare to read what King Jing wrote, so he lowered his head and presented King Jing's words to the emperor in person.

The emperor's eyes fell on the iron painted silver hook and the strong and powerful words, and he felt sad in his heart.

But this is not the time to feel that King Jing's words are not bad, because King Jing wrote "deserving it".

emperor:"… "

In the emperor's impression, King Jing had never lied, which was why he was willing to directly summon King Jing to question him. King Jing would never deny him even if he had beaten other princes before, and the emperor did not think King Jing would lie.

King Jing said that the cat deserved it, and there must be some twists and turns that he didn't know about, so he shouldn't be too arbitrary.

The emperor looked solemn and looked at Director Luo: "Luo Ruisheng, go check it out, who else saw it that day."

Concubine Qiu Gui's expression suddenly turned bad. She had set the stage for so long, but who would have thought that the emperor would question her just after seeing the wordless words written by King Jing

But even if she went to investigate, it was a fact that King Jing abused cats, and she even had witnesses... If King King admits it, it's good, but it's even better if King Jing doesn't admit it and makes trouble.

The imperial concubine wiped the corners of her mouth with a silk handkerchief embroidered with begonia flowers, and her originally hideous face returned to her beautiful appearance.

Xiao Linzi in the imperial dining room was quickly brought to the palace. It was about King Jing, and the emperor decided to ask him personally.

Xiao Linzi knelt down and said shiveringly what he saw that day.

"... The servants saw it, His Royal Highness King Jing saw the cat of the noble concubine, and he grabbed the cat."

It turned out that Mrs. Qiu had ordered the confidant to bribe Xiao Linzi before he spoke to the emperor, so she knew that what the witness said was beneficial to her.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the concubine has not misunderstood. Should His Royal Highness King Jing give the concubine an explanation?" Mrs. Qiu smiled.

"King Jing, what do you say?"

Asking and asking, the emperor rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

A look of cruelty flashed in King Jing's eyes. Xiao Linzi didn't tell the truth. He must have done something secretly. King Jing originally planned to ask the emperor to summon the guards who were on duty at that time to confront him. In the huge palace, Xiao Linzi may not be the only one who can testify. But on second thought, he was not happy to do so.

It's hard to say whether there are any other people around, even if there are, both sides insist on their own words, and it will not help, why is it so troublesome. If he didn't directly grab Xiao Linzi's throat, he wouldn't believe that this person would not change his mouth when his throat ruptured. This is the fastest and most effective way to make him speak the truth.

… do not do that!

Li Yu was in a hurry. He had read the original book and could guess what means King Jing would use in this situation. However, if he acted in front of the emperor, he might have hit the imperial concubine's plan, and he would have a problem with the relationship between the emperor and King Jing. The father-son relationship is also extremely unfavorable.

But what if King Jing didn't use his own means

The imperial concubine had already prepared, first through the emperor to prevent Wang Xi from following King Jing, no one could speak for King Jing, and now there is another witness who is extremely unfavorable to King Jing, what should I do

At the time, apart from Xiao Linzi, there was only the cat with him. Xiao Linzi was bribed. He couldn't speak human words. How could he testify to King Jing and count on that enemy cat!

Or, is there any other evidence...

Li Yu forgot to even swim, and stopped quietly at the bottom of the bowl to try to recall how the white cat met King Jing and how it crashed into King Jing.

The result really reminded him of one thing. He remembered that when King Jing was changing his clothes, he had peeked at King Jing, and he remembered that there seemed to be a bruise on King Jing's leg.

That glance was too hasty. He was a little embarrassed at the time, and he didn't think too much about it. Besides, it's not unusual for a man to have a little injury on his body. Li Yu didn't take it to heart. The calf feels about the same height as a cat. Could it be that it was left by the King of Piaoxue and Jingjing

There is such a possibility, if so, it can prove that King Jing was attacked by a cat, and there is a reason to clean up the cat!

When he finally thought of it, Li Yu was excited for a while, and then the most difficult thing came again. How to remind King Jing of everything he thought of

Language is not feasible, only special methods can be used!

Li Yu was in a hurry, concentrated his strength on his tail, and waved with the strength of sucking milk.

Wow, the water in the bowl was thrown out by the large swing of the fish's tail. The needles could be heard in the Qianqing Palace, but the sound of water pouring on the bricks was particularly harsh, which finally caught the emperor's attention.

"King Jing, what's wrong with your fish?" the emperor asked in surprise.

King Jing originally looked at Xiao Linzi like a dead man, but the little carp suddenly fluttered. King Jing turned to look at the fish, and the little carp was waiting for him.

When King Jing gets close, take advantage of it now! ! !

Li Yu quickly and accurately flicked his tail, and threw the water in the bowl towards King Jing.

Originally, in order to tease the little carp, King Jing had already rolled up his sleeves in advance, so that he didn't get any wet, but now he was splashed without any precaution. Water splashed all over his cheeks, and his chest and hem were all wet. Trousers are the worst.

King Jing: "..."

King Jing's complexion became more and more gloomy, and he raised his palm and wiped the water droplets from his face.

Li Yu didn't dare to look at him, so he ducked to the bottom of the bowl.

Hey, the tyrant is going to be angry!

But he has no other way... Who knows if getting so wet, the tyrant will clean up him first, then clean up Xiaolinzi, and then go to change

Ah, King Jing... stretched out his hand to him! !

Li Yu closed his eyes, he thought the tyrant might... kill the fish? !

But after waiting, King Jing's hand just tapped his head lightly, and then touched his back.

Li Yu: ? ?

King Jing glared at the chaotic little carp, got up and bowed his hands to the emperor.

The emperor said clearly: "In this case, you are allowed to change clothes quickly, and we will discuss it later."

Wang Xi was waiting eagerly outside the hall. Seeing the opportunity, he immediately rushed in with King Jing's clothes and waited for King Jing to go to the side hall to change his clothes.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately King Jing didn't have a seizure. He deliberately wet King Jing's pants, hoping that King Jing could see the bruises on his legs when changing clothes, and then remembered the bruises as evidence. But even if King Jing doesn't pay attention, it doesn't matter. He bought King Jing some time to calm down. Wang Xi has already followed him. Now he doesn't have to worry about no one to protect King Jing. Should be able to find a way to get the imperial concubine...

On the worst side, even if it can't be done, it's fine. The emperor at most asked King Jing to apologize to the imperial concubine, but in fact, it didn't really make King Jing do anything. But it's just to make the imperial concubine mother and son proud for a while, and then ask for it back later.

Li Yu wagged his tail for his overall view, and waited for King Jing to show up.

Mrs. Qiu also saw the fish that King Jing brought. Mrs. Qiu hated King Jing for a long time. Even if King Jing was not present, Mrs. Qiu still thought about burying King Jing.

Qiu Shi got up, walked over slowly, glanced at the fish in the bowl with great interest, seemed to remember something, and chuckled in return.

Mu Tianzhao also followed, and said with a smile: "Mother concubine, what kind of fish is this, why have I never seen it before."

Mu Tianzhao had never seen live food carp, and his biological mother Qiu Guifei had such an attitude, which is why he asked this question.

Concubine Qiu Gui pursed her lips and smiled sweetly: "My son, Tian Huang, how could I know such vulgar things, but it's just the most common fish used to make soup and dishes."

Mu Tianzhao: "..."

Mu Tianzhao couldn't help but curl his lips: "The fifth emperor's younger brother really has a different taste. I should ask the father emperor to give the fifth emperor brother some rare fish."

The name of the mother and son is to watch the fish. In fact, you are mocking King Jing with every word you say. Li Yu doesn't even need to cover it up, so he just stops under their eyes and listens openly. The master's eyesight is not good - this does not mean that he is not good!

He also said that he was vulgar, even the emperor did not say that to him.

Li Yu threw the water angrily while thinking about countermeasures.

Qiu Shi was also attracted by the little carp for a while. After all, Qiu Shi had never seen such a fresh fish.

Just now, the fish splashed King Jing's body, and Mrs. Qiu wouldn't think it was a fish.

But Mrs. Qiu would never have expected that this cowardly person would sometimes be fatter than she could imagine!

Li Yuyuan was also planning to throw the imperial concubine a watery face, but King Jing had thrown it all away. How could a cannon fodder be pardoned, but when the imperial concubine approached to look at him, Li Yu suddenly caught a glimpse of a golden phoenix in front of Mrs. Qiu's forehead. The phoenix mouth held a bright pearl the size of a thumb, and it flashed by.

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu secretly said that it was not good, and an ominous premonition came to his heart.

Shouldn't this be the... Night Pearl that must be obtained in the side quest Bright Pearl

The system that had been silent for a long time said softly, "Host, you are right."

Li Yu: "..."

Pit fish system, can you be any more boring!

He is a fish, how can he get the beads on the forehead of the emperor's favorite concubine!

It is not feasible to throw the water directly, the imperial concubine is still some distance away from him, and he has to lead the Qiu clan to him first, so that he can be drawn closer.

Then, Li Yu decisively showed his fish tail, and scolded her for Ye Mingzhu and King Jing!

As for how to lead...

I remember the noble concubine in the book, with a deep scheming, so the suspicion is also very serious.

Li Yu began to take bad water, and he had to use bad ideas to deal with bad people—

How can a fish turn its white belly

Li Yu rolled mischievously, trying to turn his belly up slowly, keeping this position floating on the water, motionless.

This position is not very comfortable for the fish, but as long as you stick to it for a while, I believe it will be effective.

The second prince was talking to Mrs. Qiu, his angle was facing the sea bowl, and suddenly he saw King Jing's fish twitching strangely, and then turned his white belly.

"Mother concubine, what's wrong with this fish?" the second prince blurted out!

Mr. Qiu, who was still proud, took a look after him, and his heart suddenly became cold. If the fish turned white belly, he was dead, but the fish was still very active just now...

How could Mrs. Qiu care if a fish dies or not, but this is the fish that King Jing brought to the imperial front, and even the emperor knows that King Jing is changing clothes now, counting her and the second prince, and the fish suddenly died, how to say Got it?

Shouldn't it, this is King Jing's plan, because she embarrassed him with the snow, he blamed her for a fish to turn the tables

This is very possible, otherwise, why did King Jing bring a fish to face the king, just waiting for her!

Qiu Shi, who is experienced in Gongdou, suddenly started conspiracy theories and panicked!

The author has something to say:

Small theater (adding chaos)

Li Yu: Your Highness, am I smart enough to buy you time?

King Jing: …Yes.

In fact, there is another way to deal with King Jing, who was accidentally disconnected by the little carp!