The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 10: problem occurs


Yu Qingluo glanced at him, still ignoring him. He just raised his head slightly to look at the man sitting at the top and asked, "Did you set up that formation in the yard?"

"Shut up, who allowed you to be so rude to the master?" Before the man on the couch could speak, a low scolding sound suddenly came from behind the pillar next to him, sharp and cold.

Yu Qingluo turned her head and realized that there was a woman standing on Shen Ying's left hand side. A woman with rosy lips and white teeth, a delicate figure and a soft figure, like a bright and shining pearl.

If her words weren't too sharp, Yu Qingluo thought, she would have regarded her as a frail, well-behaved and lovely vase.

Yu Qingluo retracted his gaze from her, looked at the man on the couch again, and said with a smile, "I'm very interested in the battle method. How about you teach me?"

"Bold, what is your identity? You actually want to be your master..."

"Udon, shut up." The man on the couch finally spoke, and with a slight lift of his finger, Udon shut his mouth with ferocious eyes. He could only glare at Yu Qingluo unwillingly.

There was a slight cold sweat on Shen Ying's forehead. He knew that his master was a little impatient, and he understood even more clearly that if the woman in front of him said anything that made his master unhappy, she might become the food of the black panther next to him.

I don't know if this woman is too brave or if she is really ignorant and fearless. No one has ever dared to say these words to her master. Even he, Mo Xian, and even Wen Tian and Pengying who were out on business didn't dare to let their master teach them the Five Elements Bagua. She just didn't answer the master's questions, and she had to go even further.

Shen Ying moved two steps to the side without leaving a trace, trying to keep as far away from her as possible.

Yu Qingluo caught his movement with sharp eyes and snorted in her heart. Before she could sarcastically speak, she heard the cold voice of the man on the couch, "Teach you? You burned my Hundred Flowers Array, you should beg me not to kill you." Why do you think I will teach you these things?"

Yu Qingluo's eyes lit up, and she felt that his voice was clearly cold and powerful, but when she heard it in her ears, it seemed unusually magnetic, lazy, sexy and sultry.

"Why?" She raised her eyebrows and smiled again, "I can heal your injuries."

"..." Shen Ying and Udong's expressions changed drastically at the same time, and their sharp eyes shot at her, as if she would just move, and they would kill her without hesitation.

Seeing how they looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, Yu Qingluo couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth twice.

Is it okay to have some success? Does she look like the kind of person who would take advantage of someone's situation? It was such a injustice to her.

"How did you know I was injured?" The man on the couch was also stunned for a moment. He thought that his breathing was steady and his movements were gentle. There was nothing that could indicate that he was seriously injured. This woman had only been in the door for a quarter of an hour, how could she tell that he was injured

"Oh, it's nothing. Just when I came in, I smelled the slightest smell of blood."

The smell of blood

Not only the man on the couch, but also Shen Ying and Udon frowned. Sandalwood was placed in the hall, and even if it really smelled, the scent that wafted into their noses was sandalwood, and they didn't smell the slightest hint of blood.

This woman's nose... is it really that sensitive

Udon sneered, "It's nonsense. I bandaged the master's wounds myself. There was no blood stain on his body at all. Where did the smell of blood come from? I think you had an ulterior motive when you broke into Mo Mansion, or maybe you were the one who injured the master." We are all in the same group, you..."

"Udon!!" Shen Ying scolded coldly, with a lot of disapproval flashing in his eyes. Can you say this casually? It’s simply not self-inflicted.

Yu Qingluo raised an eyebrow, finally fixed her gaze on Udon, and said with a smile, "So it was you who treated your master's injury. No wonder he is still so weak now. A quack doctor misled him."

She said, shaking her head very cooperatively, sighing with heart and eyes.

These words made Udon's face turn red and angry, and he almost slapped her face. But Shen Ying was blocking her, so she couldn't move even half a step. But the master didn't say a word, and he didn't even blame this woman. This made her angry even more intense, and she couldn't help but sneered, "You say I'm a quack? Then who are you? You are now The sinner who broke into the Mo Mansion and burned the master's Hundred Flowers Array will be dragged out directly to feed the black panther according to the rules of the Mo Mansion. Oh, you still have time to judge my medical skills here, you still worry about yourself, So that you don’t even know how you died.”

Yu Qingluo couldn't help but admire her. Is this woman indirectly reminding her master that she can be executed

Seeing that she was so excited and hostile to him, she was probably interested in her master and was afraid that she would steal his love. Tsk tsk, if that's the case, then her vision is too narrow. Does she seem to be such a hungry person who just pounces on any man she sees

After all, she also has a son and is a good wife and mother.

"Did you say so many words in one breath because you were so angry? Or did you feel guilty that your medical skills were really incompetent?" Yu Qingluo didn't show the slightest hint of anger, her tone was calm, light and crisp, and unusually pleasant.

The man on the couch raised his eyebrows slightly, and seeing her calm appearance, he actually raised the corners of his lips in a rare move, with a hint of appreciation in it.

Udon was getting more and more irritable, especially at this moment when the master and Shen Ying were in the hall. She was at a disadvantage and her face turned pale after being ridiculed.

The fist at her side was squeezed hard, and her eyes were slightly sinister, "Am I not good at medical skills? I am the only disciple of Qiongshan Medical Elder. No one in the world dares to speak ill of Qiongshan Medical Elder Disciple. What kind of medical skills do you think you have?"

Qiongshan Medical Elder? Yu Qingluo blinked and felt that the name seemed familiar.

She turned her head to look at Shen Ying and asked sincerely, "Is this so-and-so doctor from Qiongshan very famous?"

The corner of Shen Ying's mouth twitched violently twice, wondering which cave this woman came from? Even the doctor in Qiongshan didn't know. After a pause, he answered sincerely, "The medical skills of the Qiongshan doctor are unparalleled in the world. No matter the dignitaries or the common people, they all regard him as the reincarnation of Hua Tuo. But he lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests and rarely shows up, so many people get sick." Even if you are seriously ill, it is difficult to find him. Wudong is his only disciple, and his medical skills are truly inherited from the Qiongshan doctor."

so smart? Yu Qingluo couldn't help but touch her chin. In other words, she would have to meet this Qiongshan doctor another day. She is quite interested in discussing medical skills and other things.

However, why did such a powerful person accept such a helpless apprentice? Still the only one

If this Udon really has the true inheritance of Qiongshan Medical Elder, then this person who is regarded as the reincarnation of Hua Tuo is just a wasted reputation.

Seeing her silence, Udon finally let out a sigh of relief in his heart. She didn't believe that her master's name was mentioned, and she couldn't control this woman who only knew how to talk. Now she wanted to see what else this woman could say.

However, just when she was expecting to be ridiculed severely, an urgent voice suddenly came from outside.

"Master, Master, something happened."
