The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1325: No regrets


Nian Nian narrowed her eyes and looked down at the rope beside her.

It seemed that he was blocked by the sharp weapon in his eyes. Wen Ya clearly searched Ren Meng's body, but still couldn't find it clean. As expected, he was the secret guard next to the prince's uncle, and he did have some skills.

She raised her head again, "Can't stop being with me? What do you want to do?"

Nian Nian said, taking a small step back.

As soon as she moved, Ren Meng's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his right hand turned into a claw, and he suddenly rushed towards her.

Nian Nian moved her steps and dodged to the side.

Ren Meng moved faster and kicked her with both legs. Nian Nian raised her foot to block, followed closely by her fingers, grabbing Ren Meng's hand directly.

Ren Mengque was unprepared and took two steps back, looking at her in disbelief, "You..."

Nian Nian stopped her hand and stood straight in the direction of the door, "You want to take me back to claim credit in front of the master?"

"You are very important." Ren Meng did not deny it.

Niannian smiled, "So you deliberately let Wenya catch you before, and deliberately said you wanted to talk to me alone. From the beginning, you planned to use me as a hostage, leave the palace, and hand me over to your master. idea?"

Ren Meng pursed his lips and remained silent.

Nian Nian tightened her fingers slightly and smiled sarcastically, "It seems that you are really wholehearted and loyal to your master."

Ren Meng gritted his teeth and raised his head suddenly, "But I seem to have underestimated you."

"How could it be? Didn't you put in a lot of effort to catch me from the beginning?" She showed no mercy just now.

"Even if you score twelve points, you can easily avoid it." Ren Meng also smiled mockingly, "Master said that although you have martial arts, you only have three-legged cat kung fu, and you are not my opponent. I have always said I feel like this, along the way, Wen Ya has always been the one to take action. But now it seems that you not only deceived me, but also deceived the master."

"My father has told me since I was a child that I should act in a low-key manner. If I can retain seven points of my skills, I must not only keep five points. I must not show all my abilities in front of others. Only in this way can I turn defeat into victory." Nian Nian He smiled and said, "My father's words are always more reasonable than my mother's. I am very obedient."

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Ren Meng twitched the corner of his mouth, no longer talking nonsense, and not daring to take it lightly. His movements became more agile, and he aimed at Nian Nian and attacked.

Nian Nian knew that her kung fu was on par with Wen Ya's, but at this time, she would never allow her to escape, so she would naturally have no reservations.

Ren Meng only felt that she was always being beaten, but with just a few moves, she could make her understand the gap between herself and Nian Nian, and the effect would be immediate.

She was a little desperate, and sweat quickly broke out on her forehead. Not long after, her shoulders felt sore, and she fell to the ground. Her body was so limp that she couldn't move.

She looked at the silver needle stuck in her waist, smiled bitterly, closed her eyes slightly, and looked like she was letting you slaughter her, "I lost."

Nian Nian looked at her condescendingly, with a cold expression on her face, "Who is your master?"

"..." Ren Meng twitched the corner of his mouth and curled his lips slightly, but said nothing.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth and tried to bite her tongue to kill herself.

But her body was so limp that she couldn't exert any strength at all. She looked at Niannian in shock, but she didn't expect that one day she wouldn't even be able to commit suicide.

Nian Nian glanced at her, walked to a chair nearby, sat down, and whispered, "It's the Jiang family, isn't it?"

Ren Meng was stunned and looked at her in shock. Does she know? How did she know that the Jiang family was exposed

Niannian laughed, "I just thought carefully about what benefits the Jiang family gave you to make you willing to risk your life to help them. But after thinking about it for a long time, I only think there are two possibilities. One is that they saved Take your life..."

Nian Nian said, smiling and shaking her head, "But you are a secret guard. My parents also have secret guards. People like you will not do anything treacherous just because someone saved your life. You might rather not do it yourself." Even if you are rescued, you will stick to your principles. Then there is another reason... you have fallen in love with someone from the Jiang family, or someone you like has fallen into the hands of the Jiang family."

Ren Meng looked at her suddenly, his lips opened, but he couldn't utter a word.

"My mother said that women are actually very strong, but they are also very weak. Especially when it comes to emotional matters, they will always become unable to control themselves. I have been with you for a while, and I can tell a little bit about you. What kind of temperament. And from the look on your face when you called me master, it doesn’t look like the person you like has fallen into someone else’s hands. That can only mean that you have fallen in love with someone from the Jiang family. Who is it? Jiang Mosheng ?"

Ren Meng's expression changed several times and he turned his head slightly.

Nian Nian knew that she had guessed correctly, and couldn't help but sneered, "Jiang Mosheng asked you to sacrifice your life. Obviously, he was just using you and didn't love you. How would you go out of your way for such a person?"

Ren Meng looked desolate, "You also said that emotional matters are beyond your control. I know he doesn't like me, but even so, I am willing to die for him."

"..." Nian Nian gritted her teeth, stupidly.

"Nian Nian, for the sake of being a friend, if he falls into your hands in the future, let him live." Ren Meng knew that now that the Jiang family has been exposed, it will be very difficult to succeed...

Nian Nian is also a master who hides his secrets. I am afraid that he may not be at a disadvantage if he competes with Jiang Mosheng. What's more, that Bai Sulfur... doesn't seem to be a simple character.

Nian Nian's eyes became even colder, "It's impossible. If he falls into my hands, I will make his life worse than death."

He dealt such a heavy blow to the Tong family and almost killed her imperial grandfather five years ago. Should such a person be kept for the New Year

Ren Meng smiled bitterly and closed his eyes slightly, "You have such a violent temper. What will you do if your husband's family doesn't like it in the future? From now on, you should rein in your temper and live a gentler life. If you give birth to a child in the future, , it’s better not to be like you, just be a quiet lady."

Nian Nian pursed her lips and said nothing.

"From now on, it should be the same as before. Don't let people see through your abilities easily, so as not to suffer a loss. What Prince Xiu said makes sense, Nian Nian, you are a blessed person." Ren Meng stared blankly above his head. His voice became lower and lower, "In the future... if you meet... him, please help me pass a message to him."

Niannian stared, it was impossible.

"Tell him." Ren Meng didn't look at her expression at all, and still spoke quietly to himself. "Tell him I don't regret it at all."

Nian Nian's chest rose and fell violently, and her eyes looking at Ren Meng became colder and colder.