The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1335: Cut out words


Liu said and took a few steps forward.

However, as if he suddenly thought of something, he stopped again and said to Ayun who was walking out with her, "This won't work. You have to change your clothes."

In front of Ayun is Liu Yangyang's maid. Liu Yangyang is young and eye-catching, and the maids around him are naturally more fresh and brightly dressed.

But she is already married, and most of the people around her are steady and dignified, and so are their clothes.

Liu Qiang was stunned for a moment, compared Ayun and Ami beside Liu, nodded, and said to her, "Go ahead and change your clothes."

Ayun then followed him into the inner room.

However, Mrs. Liu handed the cat to A-Lan and told her, "Watch the cat and don't let her run around."

Then, she turned back to Liu Qiang and said, "Brother, there is a formation in Ye Qinxi's yard. You must be careful when you follow me later."

"Don't worry, I am sensible and will naturally pay attention to your steps and direction."

Mrs. Liu then breathed a sigh of relief. She was probably a little nervous. She quickly poured a glass of water and drank it hard.

But after leaving the hospital, Bai Sulfur Jue, who had gone out earlier, suddenly became serious, and he opened his palms and took a look.

Then he strode towards Mrs. Bai's Lefutang. Halfway there, he even couldn't wait to rush across the roof and took a shortcut to the courtyard of Lefutang.

Aunt Yu was walking through the corridor with some snacks, and she almost threw the thing in her hand when she was hit.

She hurriedly held the tray, patted her chest, frowned at the people walking past, "Second Young Master, what's going on? You're in a hurry."

Bai Sulfur ignored her and suddenly opened the door curtain and rushed in without even bothering to let anyone know.

Fortunately, every time Niannian came to Lefutang, she would keep the maids in the yard away from each other, but no one saw Bai Sujue's reckless move.

Mrs. Bai and Nian Nian, who were chatting in the room, were shocked by his actions.

Mrs. Bai glanced at him angrily, "What are you doing? You didn't let anyone say a word when you came in. There is Nian Nian in this room. What should I do if I scare people?"

As if he didn't hear her words, Bai Sujue strode up to her panting, "Grandma, go quickly."

"Leave?" Mrs. Bai was stunned, "Leave for what? What happened?"

She looked at Bai Lijue's nervous look and the beads of sweat on his forehead, and his expression became even more solemn, and she couldn't help but become serious.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but..." Bai Suijue took two more breaths before saying, "But just now my mother came to me and said something to me. My uncle and cousins were all present at that time. , there are people guarding outside the yard, as if they are discussing something important."

Mrs. Bai breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, "What's there to be nervous about? When has your uncle ever come here without being so talkative?"

"No." Bai Sujue shook his head and suddenly spread his palms in front of her, "Grandma, look."

Mrs. Bai was confused and turned her head to look at his palm, her eyes narrowed.

Nian Nian also followed her line of sight, and in the next moment, her eyes suddenly shrank.

There were obvious nail marks on Bai Sujue's palm, and the mark on it showed one word - escape.

"Escape?" Mrs. Bai finally saw clearly and couldn't help but wonder, "What do you mean?"

"When my mother was talking to me, she kept holding my hand, and started digging into my hand with all her strength. She also signaled me to be silent or speak, and her eyes were looking in the direction of Lok Fu Hall from time to time. , when I went out, I saw this word on the palm of my hand. I think it must be my mother’s signal to me to take my grandmother and you to escape quickly." Bai Suijue said, and swallowed hard. The look in his eyes became a little complicated, "Only my uncle's family was present at the time. I think, I think my mother's refusal to tell me directly was probably because of my uncle's presence, so, I doubt..."

"You suspected that your uncle was going to do harm to us, so your mother signaled us to run away?" Nian Nian asked aloud.

She was also shocked. She thought that the Liu family would be on the side of the Liu family. After all, no matter from which point of view, she should help Liu Qiang, otherwise her status in the Su Guogong Mansion would be...

But now it seems that she is still standing in Su Guogong's palace, and she made a decision in such a short period of time, resolutely letting Bai Sulfur Jue deliver the news.

Looking at the word on Bai Sulfur Jue's palm, the nail mark was very deep and there was already blood. One can imagine how strong Liu was at that time. She didn't even care whether her son, who she always loved and was nervous about, was in pain or would have scars.

Niannian suddenly remembered what Bai Suiyi said in her ear. He seemed to have said vaguely at that time, "Liu will not..."

Not what? Won't you betray the Duke of Su

Niannian suddenly understood that perhaps the person who knew the Liu family best in the entire Su Guoguan Palace was actually the person she hated the most, Bai Suyi.

Bai Sulfur is a very thoughtful person, and Mrs. Liu has been thinking of ways to deal with him over the years. He is well versed in the principle of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, so he has a thorough understanding of Liu's temperament, and he is not wrong at all.

Nian Nian couldn't help but shook her head secretly, Liu Shi really couldn't fight against such Bai Suiyi.

While she was deep in thought, she heard Bai Lijue's even more anxious voice beside her, "Also, my mother asked me to go over and ask me to transfer the guards from my eldest brother's yard to my cousin's Lingshui Garden. I think my mother was hinting at me. I might take action against Nian Nian."

After all, Jinfeng Garden is right next to Linyue Pavilion. If there are fewer guards there, Linyue Pavilion will also lose a layer of protection.

"Grandma, you and Niannian leave here first. In any case, we still don't know what uncle and the others want to do, or what their plans are, but at least leave here first."

Bai Sulfur never knew, but Nian Nian knew it.

She glanced at Mrs. Bai and Bai Liujue, and finally said in a deep voice, "I know."

"What?" The two of them looked at Niannian at the same time.

Niannian pursed her lips and whispered, "The Liu family and the Jiang family colluded to rebel. Today, Liu Qiang and his son wanted to take advantage of the absence of uncle and Bai Suiyi to enter the house and arrest the old lady and me. This is a threat."

Create, rebel, rebel

Mrs. Bai and Bai Lijue looked at Niannian in astonishment. The former even grabbed her hand and asked anxiously, "Is everything you said true?"

Bai Sujue sat down on the chair, his face full of shock. His uncle... actually wanted to rebel

"Nian Nian, how do you know?"

Before Nian Nian had time to answer, low voices suddenly came from outside Lefu Hall.