The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1342: There was no movement


Nian Nian frowned in discomfort, her voice was hoarse, "I don't know what you are talking about, there is no one in my house at all."

"No one? Do you think I will believe it?" After hearing Ayun's words, Liu Qiang was naturally more sure that there was someone in Nian Nian's house.

He held on to Nian Nian tightly and walked into the inner room in two or three steps. He searched around inside and saw only a messy ground that Ayun had rummaged through. He did not see anyone. He gritted his teeth. The voice became sharper again, "Let me ask you, where is Tong Weilin?"

Nian Nian took a breath and looked at him in astonishment, "How did you know Tong Weilin was here with me..." She said, and closed her mouth in a hurry and panic.

Liu Qiang's eyes narrowed and he sneered, "Since he is here with you, hand him over quickly."

As he spoke, his fingers tightened again.

Nian Nian turned her neck in discomfort and spoke with difficulty, "You, what are you doing with Tong Weilin? Liu Qiang, is it possible that the destruction of the Tong family has something to do with you? What do you want to do to him, kill him and silence him?"

"So what? I'm telling you, either you hand him over obediently, or... you die for him." His entire face became ferocious, with an excited smile.

Nian Nian felt that his mind was a little abnormal, as if he had been overstimulated and lost his mind.

Nian Nian frowned, and then said hurriedly, "Why do you want to destroy the entire Tong family? Their family has no enmity against you, and you want to commit this murder? Are you still pushing this responsibility to the royal family? What do you think? rebel?"

"They said you were naive, but I didn't expect you to be quite smart."

"They, who are they? Do you have the main messenger behind the scenes?" Niannian narrowed her eyes slightly, "Yes, the Tong family is one of the four major martial arts families. You Liu family will definitely not be able to compete with the Tong family. There are only three other major families, who are they? The Jiang family, the Lu family, or the Huang family?"

Liu Qiang shouted fiercely, "Shut up, just tell me where I am, you shouldn't know other things."

"Why are you so excited? Are you angry? Or did I guess it? It's the Jiang family, right? Your expression changed when I mentioned these two words just now."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, who told you to say this?"

"It is indeed the Jiang family, so why you came to Su Guogong's mansion to arrest me today is also the intention of the Jiang family, right? They are so courageous. Aren't they afraid that my parents will come to Tianyu Kingdom to settle the score with them after they find out?"

Nian Nian felt uncomfortable being pinched by him. This man had no sense of control when he was excited. But she still spoke quickly, pressing harder and harder, trying to get something out of Liu Qiang's mouth.

"Haha, settle the score? Your parents are far away in Feng Cang Country. If they come here after knowing that something happened to you here, the day lily will be cold. What's more, this is Tianyu Country, so what if your parents come here? ? They are rich and powerful, and there are many capable people around them. Unless your parents lead troops to attack, you won't get any advantage at all."

"Ha, I have great wealth and power, and there are many capable people around me. Why did I send a fool like you to come here today to deal with me at Su Guogong's Mansion? Where is Su Guogong's Mansion? Do you think you Liu family father and son can make it happen? People It is clear that I have abandoned you and asked you to be buried with Duke Su."

"You're talking nonsense, why did you abandon me? I naturally believed in the abilities of our father and son when I came to Su Guogong's Mansion. I am the eldest brother of the Duke's wife, and it is much more convenient to enter and leave the Duke's Mansion. To deal with the Duke of Su, except for me, Who else?"

"Hahaha, only you will believe this. What does it mean that you have so many conveniences in and out of the Duke's Mansion? As long as people from the four major families post a message to come to the Duke's Mansion, no one will be turned away. You What convenience do you think you have? Is it convenient to convince the Duke's wife to be your helper? Have you succeeded? It's a joke. I think you are being fooled by the Jiang family. Maybe they are laughing at you behind your back. .When you die, they will still be glad that there is no longer a hindrance."

"Shut up, it's just nonsense. Jiang Mosheng said personally that I am a pillar of talent, and that the Liu family just lacks opportunities. Otherwise, how could it be possible to succumb to Duke Su?"

Nian Nian's eyes lit up and she continued to press, "Is it true that you said you are a talented person? Did others coax you, and you believed it? He just said this because he wanted you to sacrifice your life for him, and he didn't even wait for your life. Well, the so-called pillars of talent are just casual remarks."

"It's just a casual comment that farts on you. He promised that when great things are accomplished in the future, I will be able to make him a marquis and prime minister. I..."

Liu Qiang suddenly stopped talking, damn, what was he talking about? Why would he follow her conversation? He clearly wanted to find Tong Weilin.

Liu Qiang's face suddenly stiffened and he shouted angrily, "Don't change the subject to delay time. Say, where is Tong Weilin?"

Nian Nian's throat was filled with smoke. She was pinched by the neck and said so many words. It felt like her throat was injured. It was really painful.

Fortunately, Liu Qiang still said something useful when he was in a state of excitement and confusion.

She frowned and said, "I'm not delaying, I just want to tell you some facts. Why do you work so hard for others? You can only live a good life, but you have to turn against the Duke of Su. Today's saints are virtuous and love the people. You Aren't you afraid of arousing public anger if you oppose him?"

Liu Qiang sneered, "It's useless for you to say so much. I only count to three. If you don't reveal the whereabouts of Tong Weilin, don't let me be ruthless."

"Hey, what's the point of threatening a weak woman like this? If you have the ability, go to Su Guogong or Bai Liuyi..."

"One." Liu Qiang didn't listen to her words and said coldly.

"Even if you kill me, it won't do you any good. Every injustice has its own debtor, so you..."

"Two." Liu Qiang's voice was a little lower.

"No, I'm telling you..."

"Three." Liu Qiang said with a dark expression on his face. He pulled out a dagger and pointed it at Nian Nian's arm, about to swing it down.

"Wait a minute, I said." Nian Nian hurriedly spoke loudly.

Liu Qiang laughed and retracted the dagger slightly, but still waved it in front of her threateningly, "Where is Tong Weilin?"

"Yes, in the bed over there." Nian Nian stretched out her hand and pointed to the bed not far away, "There is a secret room over there..."

Liu Qiang raised his chin slightly and immediately shouted, "Ayun, go and take a look."


There was no movement.

Liu Qiang frowned, "Ayun?"


Still no movement.

A bad premonition flashed through Liu Qiang's mind, and he suddenly turned around. Sure enough, there was no one behind him.

"Ayun, what are you doing?" he yelled.