The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1366: Not too happy


Nian Nian's originally smiling expression suddenly froze, and she suddenly stood up from his arms and stared at him with wide eyes, "What did you say?"

Bai Su also turned slightly sideways, took out a letter from under the pillow and handed it to her.

"Beibei just gave this to me, saying that they will arrive at Tianyu Kingdom in the next two days."

Nian Nian's expression turned ugly in an instant.

Bai Sulfur was also surprised, "Why, you don't look happy." This expression is very thought-provoking.

Niannian squeezed out a smile and said, "I'm happy, how can I be unhappy? I don't know how happy I am."

"..." This smile is very fake, it's strange to see that he is happy.

Nian Nian had already opened the letter and read it. She snorted softly, almost inaudibly, and then stuffed the letter back under the pillow, "I'll sleep a little longer."

After she finished speaking, she lay down again. Bai Sulfur was also stunned, and then he laughed. He lightly scratched the tip of her nose, leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I thought you wouldn't be able to sleep."

Niannian waved his hand away, "Don't make any noise."

As soon as she finished speaking, low footsteps came from the door, and Wen Ya's lowered voice asked, "Are you thinking about it?"

Awen was probably standing guard outside the door, and he also lowered his voice and replied, "There seems to be some movement. You must be awake, right?"

Bai Sulfur also looked at Nian Nian with a half-smile, "Are you still sleeping?"

Nian Nian glared at him and said in the direction of the door, "I'm up, what's the matter?"

"Miss Yue'er is awake..." Wenya at the door spoke immediately, but hesitated for a moment after saying the first half of the sentence, and then continued, "It's just that she doesn't recognize me and is very wary of me and won't let me touch her."

Niannian immediately sat up and looked at each other with Bai Suiyi, who also frowned slightly.

Niannian quickly put on her clothes, did a simple hair drying, and then opened the door, "I'll go take a look."

Bai Sulfur also followed.

When I walked to the wing where Yue'er lived, I saw Ding Xiang and Hong Ya at the door. Seeing her and Bai Sulfur walking together, the two of them hurriedly and respectfully said hello.

Niannian hurried in and saw Yue'er huddled on the edge of the bed, looking at the door warily.

When he saw Nian Nian, his eyes lit up instantly.

Nian Nian can understand very well that Yue'er has suffered such torture and it is normal for her to be wary of others.

She sat next to her and smiled, "Don't be afraid, it's safe here, no one will hurt you."

"I..." The suture on Yue'er's mouth had been removed by her, but it was still red, swollen and broken, and there was pain when she spoke. She looked at Nian Nian and nodded, and her eyes involuntarily drifted to the person standing aside and staring closely. His own white sulfur is also on his body.

In fact, she and Bai Sulfur had not seen each other for many years. Even when he was a child, Yue'er could not remember clearly.


Seeing Bai Suiyi, she felt full of grievances and an indescribable sourness. This person is obviously a stranger, but he feels... very familiar, and I want to rely on him very much.

"Yue'er..." Bai Liuyi's voice was a little hoarse. She sat on the edge of the bed. She didn't know when there was a handkerchief in her hand, and helped her gently wipe away her tears. "Stop crying. I will have a big brother to protect you from now on." , I won’t let you suffer anymore.”

"Big brother?" Yue'er's lips trembled slightly, and her eyes brightened a little more, "Is it really the big brother?"

"I'm sorry, I have wronged you all these years." He failed to find her early, and ended up putting her in danger and almost losing her life.

Yue'er shook her head vigorously, her eyes fixed on Bai Liuyi's body, Nian Nian looked at their appearance, it seemed that she had a lot to say, but Yue'er looked like this, it was not the time to talk.

She pulled Bai Liuyi and said, "You stay here and talk to her. Yue'er's mouth is not good, so she can't talk too much, she can only listen."

Bai Sulfur also knew what was going on, and nodded to Nian Nian, who then exited the wing and closed the door gently.

He didn't look back until Nian Nian's figure disappeared.

Yue'er looked at his expression curiously, Bai Suiyi met her gaze and couldn't help but laugh, "She is Niannian, you should know her name. Last night, she went to Prince Lie's Mansion without telling me Yes. Big brother originally wanted Nannan to go find out about you, but she didn’t expect that she also went and brought you all the way here before I found out."

Yue'er opened her bright eyes, "Eldest brother likes her very much?"

"Well, she is a very good woman. Apart from her, no one else in the world can look at her." When talking about Nian Nian, Bai Suiyi's expression is always particularly gentle, "Yue'er, I have made you suffer this time. The injuries on your body..."

He paused, thinking of her broken limbs, his throat felt like it was blocked.

After a long while, he put on his smile again and said, "Don't worry, Nian Nian's medical skills are very good..."

Voices came from inside the house intermittently. Nian Nian stood outside the door for a short while. When she heard that most of the voices were Bai Suiyi's, she felt relieved and turned around to leave.

She went to see Mo Piao again. She was recovering well, but within a day and a night, her face became much rosier and she became more vivid.

When Nian Nian went in, she was arguing with Wen Ya.

Seeing that she was injured, Wen Ya rarely gave in to her. She gives whatever she wants and is very considerate.

Mo Piao was a little pushy, which made Wenya feel at ease.

Nian Nian diagnosed her for a while, and when she went out again, she happened to see Tong Tianyu in the corridor.

Tong Tianyu clasped his hands behind his back and looked in the direction of Prince Lie's Mansion, wondering what he was thinking. His internal strength is no longer under control, and his recovery is much better than that of others. Although it only lasted a day, his spirit is already better than before.

Hearing the footsteps, he turned around, with a smile on his calm face, "I haven't thanked you yet. Awen has already told me about the Tong family. You also saved Weilin's life. We The Tong family owes you a lot."

Niannian smiled and said, "It's okay. If I need it in the future, I will pay it back to you."

Hearing what he said, Tong Tianyu felt a little more relaxed.

"How is Miss Yue'er?"

"She's fine."

"That girl has a tough heart. She is a rare person with backbone. King Lie's methods were cruel, but she withstood them one by one. Now she finally escaped." Tong Tianyu spoke highly of Yue'er. He must have seen it with his own eyes. Let’s look at the suffering Yue’er suffered.

Nian Nian thought of the injuries on Yue'er's body, and her eyes darkened a bit. Just looking at the wounds, she could also imagine the original punishments.

Yue'er has no foundation in martial arts, so it's a miracle that she can survive until now.

"She will be fine in the future." Nian Nian murmured and breathed out lightly.

At this moment, there was a sudden bustling sound outside, as if someone had broken in.