The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 22: The child's father


Ye Xiu looked up in surprise and saw her staring at the jade pendant on the couch, her deep eyes narrowed slightly. He reached out and took the jade pendant into his hand.

Yu Qingluo suddenly came back to her senses, slowly stomped to his side, and whispered, "That jade pendant is quite exquisite."

"It has nothing to do with you." Ye Xiudu sneered, seeming unwilling to bring up this topic. The hand holding the jade pendant tightened, and Yu Qingluo had no doubt that if he pressed harder, the jade pendant would definitely break into pieces.

She turned her head silently and prayed silently, hoping, hoping that things were not what she imagined, otherwise she would really have the urge to die.

For the next time, neither of them spoke. Yu Qingluo was pretending to be something, and Ye Xiudu also looked a little gloomy because of the jade pendant.

It wasn't until Shen Ying came in with the things he had prepared that the silence between them was broken.

He probably also noticed that the atmosphere in the room was a bit strange. Shen Ying looked at this and that, and didn't dare to say anything unnecessary. He couldn't afford to offend anyone, so he could only obediently give Yu Qingluo a hand and look at her. Pull out a bunch of weird stuff.

The room was very quiet. Shen Ying watched Yu Qingluo go about her work, and his pupils dilated. After several attempts, he couldn't hold it back, "Miss Yu, what are you doing?"


There was no answer. Shen Ying touched his nose and looked at his master again. Seeing that he just closed his eyes and looked like he was letting Miss Jade do whatever she wanted, he could only suppress the weirdness in his heart and watch in silence.

But the next moment, he watched with wide eyes as Yu Qingluo stabbed the needle into... his master's flesh without hesitation.

Shen Ying gasped and felt the hairs all over his body stand up just by looking at it. "Jade, Jade, Miss Jade, you..."

"Shut up." Yu Qingluo shouted, her hands moving very quickly, as skillfully as if she was just sewing an ordinary piece of clothing, which dazzled everyone watching.

Shen Ying didn't dare to say much, for fear that if she opened her mouth, it would disrupt her concentration and kill her master directly. But he was very shocked. He was well-informed. He had seen various doctors treat knife wounds, but he had never seen one that could use needles to sew up human skin. Even the palace The imperial doctors in China have never used this method.

But he saw that Yu Qingluo was so fast, it was obviously not the first time he had done this kind of thing. What kind of background did this woman have

The last stitch was settled, and the deep and long wound was finally sutured. Yu Qingluo straightened up with an expressionless expression, took the time to glance at Ye Xiudu, and then pursed her lips.

She deliberately didn't let him take anesthesia, but from beginning to end, the man not only didn't even hum, but his muscles didn't even tense up painfully while sewing, which made her sewing go smoothly.

He is indeed tolerant.

Yu Qingluo admired him very much, but at the same time, she also understood one thing. This man was not easy to mess with at all. If that jade pendant really belongs to him, she must stay as far away from him as possible.

"Okay." Yu Qingluo wiped his hands, threw all the tools into a small basin, then handed Shen Ying a small porcelain bottle and said, "This is the medicine for him, take one in the morning and in the evening, don't forget I'm done. I'm a little tired. You can take care of the rest. I'm going back to my room to rest."

Shen Ying took the bottle in a daze, and when he looked up, he saw Yu Qingluo leaving the room with the small basin containing the tools. After looking at her back for a long time, he murmured, "Why does it feel like something is chasing her from behind? She's running away so fast."

Ye Xiu remained silent as pain spread across the wound. Although he could endure the pain, the entire suturing process made him exhausted. With Shen Ying here, he completely let down his guard, and soon he fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Yuzhuyuan was a little far away from Duxuan. Yu Qingluo didn't sit down until she walked into the door of Yuzhuyuan and took out a jade pendant from her arms.

It was a semicircular jade pendant with a circular groove in the middle. The pattern on the jade pendant was very delicate and delicate, as if there was a small person on it, and the carving was lifelike.

And this jade pendant was exactly what appeared on her body six years ago, no, it appeared on the original Yu Qingluo.

Grandma Ge said that she suddenly disappeared from the Yu Mansion that night and did not come back the whole night. She did not appear at the back door of the Yu Mansion until dawn. It's just that he looked very embarrassed, his clothes were disheveled, his pants and skirts were stained with blood, and his face was pale.

Grandma Ge was someone who had been there before, so she knew what was going on. Although she was heartbroken, she still carefully concealed the incident. But she didn't expect that after that night, she would have a child in her belly.

And when she came back that day, in addition to being sore, she was still holding on to a jade pendant in her hand, a jade pendant that looked like it had been split into two.

Yu Qingluo knew that it belonged to the child's father.

But now, she saw the other half of the jade pendant on Ye Xiudu. If this jade pendant belonged to him, then Nan Nan...

Yu Qingluo's breathing suddenly became tense, and her entire brow was twisted into a tight knot. She thought that because Yu Zuolin hated her so much, even if he really planned it, he would probably find a beggar and the like to insult her. She could not imagine that her partner that night would be Ye Xiudu, such a man, such a man…

She stood up from the chair suddenly, feeling extremely agitated. Thinking that Nannan was now in the Mo Mansion, so close to Ye Xiudu, she felt her scalp starting to tingle.

No, Ye Xiu must not be allowed to know about this alone. She must inform Nan Nan to leave Mo Mansion as soon as possible.

As for her, well, she couldn't bear to leave without getting the fifteen million taels.

Yu Qingluo pressed her forehead, lowered her head, took out the small porcelain bottle from her bag, and released the finger-long scorpion. Then she sprinkled a little bit of red powder on Scorpion's back. This was a small tacit understanding between her and Nannan. The color red meant running quickly in danger. The little guy saw it and should know what to do.

The scorpion quickly crawled out of the room, got into the crack of the stone along the corner of the wall, and crawled forward quickly.

However, as soon as the scorpion left Yuzhuyuan, it abruptly turned around and headed towards the door of Mo Mansion. It swished out of the door of Mo Mansion, its tail moved slightly, and it headed towards Yu Qingluo when it came. The direction went.

People were coming and going on the street, and the voices of shouting and selling were coming and going. No one noticed the little scorpion that was crawling forward cautiously.

However, compared to the scorpion, which is only the length of a finger, the other behemoth has to be frightening.

Whenever it passed by, everyone held their breath and stepped back involuntarily, looking at the swaggering... one person and one leopard with frightened eyes.
