The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 41: sorry


Before Yu Qingluo's voice fell, she only felt a blur in front of her eyes. Ye Xiudu was already standing in front of her, reaching out to cover her lips with a low voice.

She and Ye Xiu had never been so close to each other in such a posture. At this moment, she could only feel that his breath was continuously entering the tip of her nose, which made her frown uncomfortably and tried to move her body to talk to him. Get some distance.

"Don't make any noise." Ye Xiudu's voice lowered a bit, and his eyes quickly crossed the roof and landed outside the door.

Yu Qingluo endured it and didn't say anything.

But at this moment, there was a soft knock on the door, followed closely by a soft female voice, "Mr. Ghost Doctor, sir?"

Yu Qingluo remained silent and motionless, probably knowing something in her mind.

Ye Xiudu narrowed his eyes and stared at the door with a sinister expression. This person jumped down from the roof quietly. In this case, he must not be the person seeking medical treatment in the hall outside.

"Mr. Ghost Doctor, can I come in? My sister has been inside for a long time, and I'm a little worried." The people outside seemed to be asking tentatively.

Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu looked at each other alone, and at the same time looked at Udon who had passed out in the corner.

It seems that the woman outside the door is the woman who kidnapped Udon here.

Ye Xiu let go of Yu Qingluo alone, walked to Udon, and directly dragged her legs behind the screen. The action was so simple and rough that Yu Qingluo couldn't help but clap her hands in secret, and felt even more sympathetic to Udon.

However, the next moment, a hand suddenly appeared on her waist, and with a slight movement under her feet, Ye Xiu had already jumped onto the roof, holding them tightly together.

Bullying her for only crawling on two feet, right? Qinggong and stuff like that are so annoying.

Yu Qingluo turned her head and glared at him fiercely, dissatisfied with his behavior of doing things without explaining anything.

She just couldn't allow her to talk anymore. The woman outside the door finally lost her patience. Her gentle voice suddenly changed and suddenly revealed a hint of sharpness, "Mr. Ghost Doctor, please excuse me. I'm worried about my sister. I hope you won't take offense."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the room creaked and was pushed open.

Ye Xiu changed her tone and began to recognize who she was. Unexpectedly, we ran into each other here after not seeing each other for a few days. It seemed that Yu Qingluo was right, this woman was probably here for her.

Covering the wound on his chest, Ye Xiudu's eyes suddenly became cold and sharp.

Yu Qingluo quickly noticed the change in his breath, glanced at him strangely, and then looked at the woman who pushed in the door.

Glancing over, she couldn't help but admire. With her bright and charming figure, most men would find it difficult to tolerate her beauty.

As soon as Shuang Ke entered the door, her legs couldn't help but the nerves in her whole body became tense. She raised all her attention and looked around the room cautiously.

The whole room was eerily quiet, not a single person in the room was talking, even Udon was missing.

Shuangke couldn't help but straighten the corners of his mouth and frown. If she hadn't seen Udon go in and not come out for more than half an hour, she wouldn't have come here specifically. She was just afraid that Udon would be in trouble and couldn't get the ghost doctor to agree to find another time to treat him alone, so all his efforts were in vain.

Fortunately, her subordinates came to report and found a flaw in the guard's leak-proof backyard, allowing her to sneak in without being noticed by Shopkeeper Jin.

Unexpectedly, there was not even a single figure in the room. Not to mention the ghost doctor, Udon, the man she had threatened to entrust with the important task, also disappeared without a trace.

Where has this person gone

Shuangke stepped back slightly, feeling a bad feeling welling up in her chest.

However, before he could retreat to the door, the door suddenly slammed shut behind her, leaving her alone in the middle of the empty room.

"Who? Come out." Shuangke's hand has already touched the soft sword at his waist, ready to attack at any time.

Ye Xiudu sneered, and finally retracted his hand around Yu Qingluo's waist. With a little effort, his legs fell to the ground.

Shuang Ke suddenly turned his head, his eyes widened when he saw Ye Xiu Du, and with a "swish" sound, the soft sword was drawn out, and the tip of the sword was pointed directly at the tip of Ye Xiu Du's nose.

However, Ye Xiudu's appearance like this completely exposed Yu Qingluo's position. The latter rubbed his brows, wishing he could find a place to sneak out, so as not to get involved in such bloody and violent beatings and killings.

She is a doctor with a benevolent heart and a compassionate heart. She does not see blood or blood.

"Ye Xiudu, you are indeed here." When Shuangke saw him, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and there was a hint of excitement.

Although she didn't understand why Ye Xiudu appeared in the ghost doctor's room, it didn't make any difference to her, as long as the person showed up. Today, she must take his life so that she can return to his wife.

Shuangke's hand quickly touched his waist, took out a bamboo tube the size of a finger, and put it towards the open window...



Two sounds sounded at the same time, one was the sound of the pole holding the window being knocked down and the window was closed, and the other was the sound of Shuangke's flare hitting the wooden board, spinning twice on the ground and being stepped on by Ye Xiu alone. The sound of going out.

Shuangke's eyes suddenly narrowed and he suddenly looked at Yu Qingluo on the beam.

Yu Qingluo shrugged innocently, "Sorry, I originally wanted to hit your flare, but I didn't expect that my skills were not good enough. I missed it and hit the window pole. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." It's so annoying. If there are too many people fighting, it will destroy the flowers and plants, and it will also ruin her plan.

Ye Xiu just wanted to laugh, this woman...

Shuang Ke gritted his teeth tightly and snorted coldly for a while, "It doesn't matter, even if I am alone, I am more than enough to deal with you. Ye Xiudu, take care of your injuries. Don't risk your life like last time." It can’t be saved.”

Ye Xiudu had a cold expression and had no reaction to Shuang Ke's words. However, his aura suddenly dropped and his fingers were slightly spread.

Shuang Ke snorted coldly, with a flash of sharp cold light, the tip of the sword was pointed at Ye Xiudu and came straight towards him. Without hesitation, it aimed at his right chest... the wound that reached to his waist.

Ye Xiu took a step back, and in a flash, he was already standing behind her, pointing his finger directly at the back of her head.

Shuang Ke was startled, her body bent down softly, and she kicked back with her toes. She quickly pressed her wrist down, pressing against his chest again.

Yu Qingluo's eyes were bright as she sat on the beam, feeling like her blood was boiling. Ye Xiu Du's hands were ruthless and decisive, and he didn't realize that he was still a patient whose wounds burst when he moved two days ago. The woman's figure was soft and agile, no wonder she was so confident and dared to face Ye Xiu Du head-on.

Yu Qingluo was so excited that she held her breath while watching.

However, before she could finish evaluating the skills of both parties, Shuang Ke suddenly jumped up, and the tip of the sword came directly towards Yu Qingluo's throat...
