The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 82: Zhuzhu, where are you?


Nannan was no stranger to secret rooms in the back garden. He slept there all night and took the opportunity to walk around. He also paid attention to Ye Xiudu and Mo Xian's movements when they entered and exited, and knew where the switch was.

Of course, when it comes to finding beads, I can’t let my mother know about it, nor can I let anyone else know about it.

Therefore, while Yu Qingluo was still soaking comfortably in the bath, the little guy had disappeared.

It wasn't until the air was quiet for a long time that Yu Qingluo frowned slightly. Watching the ripples in the water gradually calm down, she tentatively called out, "Nannan, Nannan?"

No one responded to her, not even the familiar awkward hum.

Yu Qingluo was extremely strange. She stood up, wiped off the water drops on her body, put on new clothes, and then walked out of the room.

A sudden cold wind blew by outside, and a slight chill hit her arms. Yu Qingluo shivered unconsciously.

Looking at the empty doorway, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Mother Lin happened to be walking over here, holding a light cloak in her hand. When she saw her, she smiled slightly and saluted, "Miss Jade, the night wind is a bit cold, please put on some clothes." The master had specially ordered them to come out in the morning. The materials and workmanship were good, but they all took some thought.

The master really cares about Miss Jade very much.

In fact, they are also happy to see this happen, hoping that their master will find a woman to get married and have children. Now it's good, my son has come out, and he is still a son that everyone loves. This child's mother is also different from other young ladies. When she sees her master, she becomes sticky as if she has not seen a man in eight lifetimes. Girl Jade is temperamental and is Nannan's mother. She is also his savior. She How wonderful it would be to be with the master in the future.

I just don't know what my life experience is, but it doesn't matter. The master doesn't care about this. They are servants and there is nothing to care about.

Yu Qingluo nodded slightly at Mother Lin's kindness. She was a woman about the same age as Grandma Ge. Although she didn't get along much, she knew she had a good temper. After tying her cloak into a knot, Yu Qingluo raised her head and asked, "Mother Lin, have you seen Nan Nan?"

"Nan Nan?" Mother Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, I just saw him walking to the backyard carrying the two bags of silver. When I asked him what he was doing, he also said that he had something to do." That little baby egg is really interesting. I’ve been carrying two bags of money for a whole day and I’m not tired yet.

Mysterious? Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes, knowing that the little guy must be hiding some secret from her.

"Miss Jade, it's getting late, why don't you have dinner first? The young master said that he will come back to eat by himself in a while."

Yu Qingluo shook her head, "No, I'm going to see Nan Nan first. Mother Lin, please tell the kitchen not to serve the food yet."

"Eh?" Mother Lin was stunned, then nodded quickly, "I understand."

After saying that, he nodded slightly and the people retreated.

Yu Qingluo narrowed her eyes. Lin Ma's movements were extremely polite and graceful, as if she had been specially trained to advance and retreat appropriately.

This Ye Xiu Du's identity is not a simple problem that gives her a headache.

Sighing secretly, Yu Qingluo looked away, turned around and walked towards the backyard that Lin's mother pointed to just now.

The entire backyard garden was dark, and without the light, it looked particularly eerie.

Yu Qingluo looked over and asked, "What is Nannan doing in such a dark place so late?"

Full of doubts in her heart, she walked inside again, her footsteps very light, as if she was afraid of disturbing him.

However, Yu Qingluo searched for half an hour in the garden, but could not find Nan Nan. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace at all.

Yu Qingluo narrowed her eyes slightly and finally stopped behind the rockery. She tapped the stone with her fingers and fell into deep thought.

But she didn't know that in the secret room under her feet, a little guy who was judged missing was lying on the ground with his butt sticking out, looking for his beloved Night Pearl.

"Why is there nothing?" Nan Nan was very surprised and began to feel secretly anxious.

The Night Pearl is very valuable. If it is gone, wouldn't he suffer a big loss

No, look for it again, look for it carefully.

For the sake of the luminous pearl, he finally let go and put the two bags of silver aside, concentrating on looking for the tool to make money from his money.

Anyway, there is no one here, and the money will not be taken away by anyone, so he can rest assured.

Nan Nan nodded affirmatively, opened the first stone door in front of him, and looked inside. Except for two empty stone benches, there seemed to be nothing there.

"Hey, have I been here before during the day?" He scratched his head and looked at a completely unfamiliar place. Then he thought about it and returned.

This secret room almost spans the entire courtyard, and the structure inside is large and complex. The two times Nannan came in and out, there were people with him. Now a man came in and walked on his back with his head down and his butt pouted. He could still recognize the road clearly. After a while, he no longer knew where he was from east to west. .

"Ye Mingzhu, Ye Mingzhu, Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu, where are you? Come out quickly." Nannan passed through another stone door and looked inside. This place seemed to be similar to the room he lived in, but Something is different.

"It shouldn't be this room." Well, Nannan nodded vigorously, turned around and walked away. Completely ignoring the night pearl lying under the bed, crying and calling silently.

He took a few more steps inside and found something was wrong. It seemed that Uncle Mo Xian had not walked that far when he brought him in.

Nannan pulled her hair hard, and finally realized belatedly that she seemed to be...lost.

"Really, why did dad build the secret room so big that I can't even find the exit? Oh, my money is still there. What should I do now? I can't get it back. No, wait until I find it. Go, you must have a good talk about life with daddy." Nannan was a little angry, especially when he thought that Yinzi, whom he had hugged all day, was lying there alone, he felt uncomfortable all over.

But the father he was talking about had passed through two stone doors a quarter of an hour ago and stopped in front of a wooden door. After a pause, he suddenly felt his ears feel warm.

Thinking of the mother and son in the house, she couldn't help but laugh. After sorting out the expression on his face, Ye Xiudu stretched out his hand. As soon as the wooden door opened, all the scenery inside came into view, including the middle-aged man standing in front of him.

Maybe he heard footsteps, and the man suddenly raised his head. When he saw him, he quickly knelt down and said, "I have seen Prince Xiu."
