The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 87: Who is that woman?


There was a low moaning and sobbing coming from the corner, and the crying one was particularly miserable. It was the sweet little girl who served her with water before.

She frowned, walked back, put her skirt back and squatted in front of her and asked, "What's going on?"

The girl suddenly heard the sound and raised her head to meet Yu Qingluo's cold eyes. She was startled and shook her head silently. She just tried hard to hold back her sobs and even shrank slightly. body.

"Speak." Yu Qingluo lost her patience. She quite liked this girl, especially after seeing how friendly she was towards Nannan, which made her have an extra impression on her.

But, didn't she just come out of her room not long ago? Why are you crying like this now? He even bit his lip.

"Jade, Miss Jade." Mother Lin ran over in a hurry. When she saw it was her, she quickly put away the things in her hands.

Jin Liuli clamped her hand, opened her palm and took out a small medicine bottle, then handed it to Yu Qingluo.

Yu Qingluo opened the cork and smelled it, frowning slightly, "This is burn medicine."

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Mother Lin had to lower her body and kneel down, "We deserve to die if we disturbed Miss Yu. This girl was burned. The servant found ointment for her and was about to apply it on her. It's not a big deal. Miss Yu hasn't done it yet." Have a meal, I will order the meal to be brought in to Miss Jade."

Yu Qingluo sneered, "Burn? I can't stop watching." She said, pulling out the arm that the maid had just tried to retract, and a whip mark instantly appeared on her shoulder, with red blood stains, "Here There’s also a whiplash.”

The girl was frightened and wanted to pull her hand back, but Yu Qingluo's force was so strong that she couldn't move at all.

Mother Lin didn't even say a word, and her body was trembling slightly. Only now did she realize that when Miss Jade was angry, her tone and demeanor would also be cold, just like their prince, which was very frightening.

"Did that woman hit her?" Yu Qingluo raised her head and looked towards the front hall.

The girl and Mother Lin shook their heads vigorously at the same time, "No, no, it was my own fault and has nothing to do with others."

Yu Qingluo would believe that they were the only ones with ghosts. It was reasonable to say that he was burned, but how could he explain the whiplash on his shoulder? Is it possible that when you are full, you hold yourself up and whip yourself

She stretched out her hand, used a little force, and stood up holding the girl's other uninjured arm.

"Come on, go in first, and I'll show you the wound."

The girl and Mother Lin looked at each other and shook their heads together, "Miss Jade has beaten us, we can do it ourselves."

What Yu Qingluo disliked the most was their frightened appearance, as if he would eat them if he said a harsh word.

"Follow me." Regardless of their expressions, Yu Qingluo directly pulled the girl towards the house next to her.

Mother Lin had no choice but to keep up.

It wasn't until they unbuttoned half of the girl's clothes that they realized how serious her burns were. Most of the skin on her elbows had blisters, and the whiplash wounds on her shoulders were also shocking.

Jin Liuli spat fiercely, "Thank you for being able to bear such a serious injury. That woman is too cruel, how could she end up like this?"

The girl could hold it back at first, but after hearing Jin Liuli's words, her nose immediately felt sore and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Yu Qingluo looked serious, and after doing some simple processing for her, she took out a porcelain bottle from her bag.

As soon as Mother Lin saw the thing, she knew it must be expensive, so she quickly came over to stop it, "Miss Yu, leave it to me to apply the medicine. I have burn medicine here, and I'll apply it to Ruying right now."

"Yes, Miss Yu, I can use that one." Ruying also nodded hurriedly.

Yu Qingluo glanced at Lin Ma and saw that she was really trying to dig out the scalding medicine. She raised her hand expressionlessly and threw the small porcelain bottle to the ground.

Lin Ma and Ruying were both stunned and speechless.

"That burn medicine has been left on for too long. Applying it will not only fail to cure the burn, but will cause the wound to ulcerate." She said, handing the small porcelain bottle on her hand to Mother Lin, "Use this, and your arms will not be damaged in the next two days." If you touch the water, rub it for a few days and it will be healed and there will be no scars.”

Lin Ma and Ruying blinked. After hearing what she said, they knew it was even better.

I didn't dare to pick it up, but I didn't dare not to pick it up. Finally, under Jin Liuli's signal, I slowly picked it up.

"Where did Ye Xiudu go?" Seeing Lin's mother starting to apply medicine to Ruying, Yu Qingluo turned around and asked in a low voice, listening to the still arrogant shouting outside.

Mother Lin lowered her head, looking at the white ointment that was as clear as snow, and whispered back, "Master went out with Master Mo and Master Shen early in the morning."

"Where are Wen Tian and Peng Ying?"

"The young master said he wanted to go out to play when he got up in the morning. Mr. Wen was worried about the safety of the young master, so he went with him. Mr. Peng was in the house, but two-quarters of an hour ago, Wang... someone came to see Mr. Peng, and he went out. , said he would be back in a moment and asked us to take good care of Miss Jade."

Smelling the smell of the medicine, Mother Lin felt a slight chill and she was reluctant to use it.

Yu Qingluo frowned, that is to say, is there really not even half of the people who make the decision in this mansion

Seeing that everyone who was bullied was hurt and suffered, but they didn't even say a word, as if they could only let that woman be lawless.

If we really allow that unruly woman to continue, wouldn't outsiders think that everyone in this house is easy to bully

"Who is that woman?"

Lin's mother's hand when applying the medicine suddenly paused, and she lowered her head and looked very hesitant, as if this question made her very embarrassed.

After a long while, she replied thoughtfully, "She is the daughter of Weiyuan Hou family, Liu Xiangxiang."

Jin Liuli laughed so hard at the side, "No, why did I seem to hear her say that she is Ye Xiudu's fiancée?"

Lin Ma's body stiffened for a moment. She raised her head in panic and glanced at Yu Qingluo's face, and hurriedly explained, "Miss Yu, don't get me wrong, the master doesn't know about this at all. That Liu Xiangxiang does love the master, but the master doesn't like her at all." , Liu Xiangxiang’s unruly temperament in this imperial capital has long been known to everyone.”

Yu Qingluo found it funny, "Okay, Mother Lin, there's no need to explain it so clearly. I just need to know who she is. I didn't ask Ye Xiudu about his attitude towards her."

Although, when she heard that Liu Xiangxiang was Ye Xiu's only fiancée, she felt irritated for a moment.

Mother Lin lowered her head, her face turned red, and she didn't dare to say any more.

The sounds from the front hall still came from time to time. Yu Qingluo's eyes had a hint of coldness in them. She turned around and strode towards the source of the sounds.
