The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 31: Let's take a shower together


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, stand up and salute obediently. "It's fine!" Zhou Daofu said cheerfully. "When you are old, you can only feel angry when you are here with lively children. Don't be polite. Tomorrow is the birthday banquet. There may be more things. I will do it. Asking people to take you to the first-class guest room to rest

We are also tired, I am a bad old man, so I won't say much. "

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I heard a few words quickly, and then left.

The Zhou family was indeed very grand to them. They arranged an exquisite courtyard on the cliffs near the sea for them, with more than a dozen servants.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she was really tired. She didn't have time to enjoy the sea view. When she came back, she fell on the soft wooden bed.

"Well, this is Shang Jingmian, right? The Zhou family is really rich!" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, holding the quilt, said enviously.

Ye Chenyuan closed the door and saw that there was no one around, he pulled the dzi beads into the Yuan Dynasty together. Before the Yuan Dynasty could stand firmly, he eagerly asked, "Master, is that albizia fruit really effective for you?" Yuan When I first knew that he had always remembered the spirit of Wannian, he smiled helplessly and said, "It is effective and effective. You must know that the main effect of the spirit of Wannian is strong spiritual consciousness, and the main effect of Albizia Julibrissin is to stabilize the soul, so single In terms of the effect of the spirit, it must be the albizia fruit better

. "

So, don't worry about the essence of the ten thousand years anymore!

Ye Chenyuan pursed his lips and thought to himself, if this is the case, could he ask the Zhou family to exchange more fruits

After all, there are a few magical artifacts in the dzi, and he can't use it if his level is not enough. It is more than enough to exchange the albizia fruit.

At this time, Li Lao, who had been pretending to be dead, came over, “However, I think that Zhou Daofu is a bit weird. A natural gathering formation is set up where he lives. I can smell a trace of death on him. Angrily, logically speaking, he should be dead." Old Li said so, touching his chin and nodding at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, "I also think that Zhou Daofu's three sentences are not far from his age. Obviously, he is extremely concerned about this matter. I saw the six-tier pill given by the head, and ordinary people can prolong their life for a hundred years, but Zhou Daofu is too old to accept it.

Too heavy medicinal power, the pill can only extend his life for a few years, which is really a waste. "

Ye Shenyuan frowned and said, "You mean, that Zhou Daofu, is he using improper means to extend his life?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty nodded, "This is very likely!"

Old Li was not interested, "Whatever, we will leave in a few days anyway, even if he wants to make an idea, he won't be able to hit us." You know, Yuan Ying was also Venerable Yuan Ying in the early Yuan Dynasty!

When he said that, he started to cry at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, "That is, don't look at who I am!"

Next, the birthday banquet passed very peacefully, and a lot of people from all parties came to celebrate the birthday. It seems that the Zhou family's influence is still there.

The birthday banquet was held for three consecutive days. During these three days, the mood was still high at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but afterwards, I was a little lacking in interest.

"What's the matter, master?" Ye Shenyuan asked in confusion when he saw that he didn't even eat his favorite baked Yun'e egg in the early Yuan Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, "It’s okay. It’s the little girl we saved before. Didn’t I give her a piece of jade when she left? I told her to go back and crush it to give me peace, but it’s been a few days since she left. I still didn't touch the jade, I'm afraid, something happened..."

Seeing that Master was thinking of others, Ye Chenyuan said dullly, "Perhaps something has been delayed on the road."

"Perhaps!" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she got up and thought that she would go to the Zhou Family Holy Land to practice in the evening. With the mind that the fat and water would not flow to outsiders' fields, she suddenly leaned toward Ye Shenyuan and said mysteriously, "Yes. , Since Zhou’s spring water is so useful, go to the bubble with me tonight!"

Bubble... Bubble? !

Ye Shenyuan was stunned when he heard this! He wanted to agree in one fell swoop, but faintly felt that this was inappropriate for the master, and it took a long time to say it with difficulty.

"No, the headmaster used a sixth-grade spirit pill in exchange for the master you to go to the spiritual spring to practice. What if you let them find out?"

"It's okay! Just be careful!" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he smiled slyly, "Otherwise, a sixth-grade spirit pill will be exchanged for a fruit and I will be in the hot springs alone. It is a bit of a loss, so let's say it happily! "

Ye Chenyuan originally wanted to refuse, but the selfishness that spurted out of his heart made him weirdly swallow what he had almost said, his heart beating, his fingertips were holding chopsticks, but he was a little out of control.

Soon, the banquet was over, everyone left one after another, and at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, they were also taken to the holy land of Zhou's family.

"It's here." Zhou Ji, the Patriarch of the Zhou Family, looked into the distance very enviously, "Going back in is the Zhou Family Holy Land. We can't enter without the permission of our ancestors, so next, please enter by yourself."

"It's hard work." Go go, go! At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, smiled and said gratefully.

After Zhou Ji was gone, she ran in at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Sure enough, the spiritual energy became stronger as she went deeper, and when she walked to the big tree that had fallen into the sky, she took out a small gourd and opened the stopper. Ye Shenyuan appeared.

Because Ye Chenyuan is the first master of Dzi Beads, he will come out from wherever he enters. Others cannot move, but this little gourd is different. Although it is not large, it can enter living people and is convenient for yuan. The smuggling plan was implemented at the beginning.

"How is it? I just said this place is worth coming, you still don't listen!"

Ye Chenyuan nodded, the spiritual energy here was so thick that it melted into fog, it was indeed a good place for cultivation.

But I didn't expect that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he began to take tuōyī. When Ye Chenyuan saw this, he was shocked, his body was faster than the reaction, and he turned away immediately!

"Master! You, how do you undress?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he looked at him inexplicably, "We are going to practice in the spring water, do we still go in neatly? It's too uncomfortable for our clothes to fit on the body?"

Besides, is the male lead too strict? She is a seven-year-old baby, who is about the same size as others. What's so ashamed of

Ye Chenyuan's face exploded red and it had spread to his neck!

"Yes, but..."

"It's nothing, come down! So if someone comes, I can put you in the gourd in time." Yuan Chu urged.

Even Lao Li happily instigated in Ye Shenyuan’s sea of knowledge, "That’s right, the kid actually knows how to defend against men and women? This trip is not in vain! Go ahead! The fog is so heavy, even if you get into the water, what are you doing? I can’t see it, don’t linger, this spring water is a good thing, and it will be of great benefit to you in the future."

Ye Chenyuan had nothing to do, neither of those two guys cared. He moved to the side of Lingquan step by step, then closed his eyes, cruelly, and jumped straight down!