The Divine Hunter

Chapter 100: investigation


Outside the city of Ellander, in the southern Wigan River, Roy squatted on a raised boulder, rubbed the pebbles in his palms, his eyes swept across the sparkling river, and swept across the river to the lush greenery on the other side of the river. Intentional bamboo forest.

The Wigan River flows south through the swamp and joins the Ismina River, and to the north, it passes through the Temple of Meritelli and joins the tributary of the Pontar River. Weeds, algae, and the river surface is green in the sun, with low visibility.

"How's it going, little brother?" Old Huck, who had changed into a gray casual suit, shook his hand while holding a simple fishing rod and asked nervously, "Did you find any special clues?"

"What's the hurry? Didn't I just come here for a quarter of an hour? How could it be so easy?" The boy clapped his hands, then stood up and looked around. "To confirm again, Basher was fishing on this rock in the past?"

"That's right..." Old Huck nodded and replied, "I've been with him many times, and I haven't seen him change places. Basher is an old and hard-working kid with no fuss. Once you identify something , somewhere, he basically won't change halfway."

"Then 'Emti' was also found on the stone?"

"Yeah..." Old Huck inserted the rod into a sunken hole under the boulder. It was a rather labor-saving fishing spot. "The rod got stuck in this place."

Roy could imagine the mood of lying on a boulder with his hands behind his head, blowing the river wind, and fishing leisurely.

"Then let's search the river bank here first..."

"But I searched the river bank with a few old guys yesterday, and found nothing!" Old Huck shook his head and said, "It's no use searching!"

"If you want to find your son, just listen to me and search again," Roy pondered, "Remember, if you find anything similar to fish scales, bring it to me immediately!"

"Fish scales?" Old Huck wondered, "Master, I asked you to help me find my son, didn't I catch any fish? If you want to eat fish, let me know, and I'll give you one for free, grilled or stewed. , with my bread, won't it?!"

"What do you know?" The boy shook his head. He didn't want to scare the father, but now he can only say truthfully, "The water ghost also has fish scales! However, the scales of the water ghost are different from ordinary fish. A small synapse, and it smells like a rotting corpse."

After hearing this, Old Huck's face turned pale, but wherever there is a river passing through, the nearby residents have basically heard of the name of the water ghost.

As if he had caught a life-saving straw, he retorted loudly,

"But Basher has been fishing in these waters for seven or eight years, and he has never seen water ghosts haunt them!"

"Everything is changing. It didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist now... If you talk nonsense for two more seconds, maybe he will lose a finger!"

"I search!"

Missing by the river, if it is not man-made, then it is most likely to be a water ghost. If the traces of their infestation and the scales left behind can be found nearby, the matter is almost clear.

He is also not what he used to be. He is no longer the rookie who was beaten up by a water ghost. In the space, there are Dancing Stars, Dragon Dreams, and hand crossbows that almost burst. As long as he is not swarmed by several heads, he has the power to fight.

But reality often runs counter to expectations, an hour later.

Roy looked helpless. The two searched the river for nearly a mile. They found a few fish scales, but they all came from ordinary fish and had nothing to do with water ghosts. No rags or shoes were found on the water.

Anything he did would leave traces, and he could almost conclude that there were no monsters in the nearby waters.

Old Huck, who was with him, was relieved, and ruled out water ghosts, then his son still has hope of survival!

It's not a monster, so why did he disappear

"The fishing rod was still stuck on the rock at that time?" Roy thought, "So, Basher should have an accident during the fishing..."

There is no shelter by the river, it is too empty, and it is not a good place to launch an attack.

Roy looked back at the lush yellow poplars and grasses not far away. This watershed is located in a remote area. If the murderer attacked in the bushes, it would save time and effort to cover up many traces.

"Did you search the bushes yesterday?"

"Also searched..." Old Huck hesitated, "but I didn't have time to search carefully, because I went to the bulletin board this morning to post a request. I planned to come back in the afternoon..."

"That's not right!"

It took the two of them half an hour to open almost every bush and examine them carefully.

Thanks to his extraordinary perception, Roy actually smelled a faint smell of urine from a green boxwood, and was overjoyed, "Old Huck, near this river, there are often other fishermen, A washerwoman?"

"No, as far as I know," the baker shook his head, "the neighbors all live in the north, near the shore of the Temple of Meritelli. Further south is the swamp, and no one goes there! Except for my Pakistani. Sher, few people come."

In this way, the extremely faint smell of urine is likely left by the missing person, and of course it cannot be ruled out that it was the person who helped Old Huck to search yesterday.

Roy went through the bushes near the smell of urine to find it again. This time, he didn't let go of the bushes that submerged his ankles.

The effort was not in vain. After working for an hour, the teenager found a piece of dried blood on the grass... The blood was radial, not the natural form formed by the spray of the wound, and it was obviously squeezed by something...

He has smelled evil ghosts, water ghosts, deer head spirits, and human blood. Although his sense of smell is not as sharp as that of a witcher, he is still 50-60% sure that it is human blood.

no more than three days.

It was at the juncture of Basher's disappearance again, and there was no doubt that he could not get rid of the relationship!

"Roy, did you find something?" Old Huck opened a row of tall elephant grass and squatted down beside the boy... Following the position where he pressed his palm, he saw the bloodstain at a glance, the bloodshot Eyes full of horror, stuttering nervously,

"Blood, blood? Has my poor child been killed?"

"Don't be too pessimistic..." Roy comforted without looking back, "I can't say whose blood it is..."

In fact, he could almost conclude that Basher was attacked by something while he was urinating here. The thing was fast and powerful, and Basher had no resistance.

"Follow me." The two searched along the blood trail, and soon found a small group of white flocs the size of a fingernail, which didn't smell any peculiar.

The two fingers are squeezed together and then pulled apart, forming a white drawing, which is very sticky.

"Mixed with blood, what is this?" Roy had a strong premonition that this mass of floc should be able to identify the murderer.

Some kind of monster? But for a while, he really couldn't think of where it came from.

The two continued to search along the blood trail... Every time they walked a certain distance, they could find a few drops of dried blood on the tip of the grass, extending inland away from the Wigan River.

They laboriously tracked for half an hour, and the bloodstains became less and less and less and less.

Until the cluttered grass and bushes in the wilderness came to the far east corner of Elland City, a few sparsely deserted lands.

They stood still.

There are also lush and dense flowers and plants growing in the ground, exuding a fragrance. Turnips with green leaves and red pulp should be uninhabited nearby, so these mature turnips are not picked.

The eyes of the two moved forward along the way, and they suddenly discovered that a deep black hole appeared strangely on the high field ridge.