The Divine Hunter

Chapter 103: Doubtful


The cocoon was successfully pulled out of the hole, and when Old Huck saw the terrifying face, he was suddenly dizzy, took a step back, and sat down on the ground with his limbs sore.

"He... he's Basher?" The old man turned to look at Roy, his lips, the corners of his eyes, and his nose were shaking, tears silently leaking out of his eyes, quickly sliding down his cheeks,

The young man couldn't bear it, Mei Feng nodded tightly.

"My child, what's wrong with you!?" Old Huck almost crawled up, staring at the man lying on the ground, his trembling palm was about to touch his bulging cheeks...

"I think you'd better not touch those places..." Roy pursed his lips and reminded, "It will be very painful to stimulate the eggs... You can try calling your name, if he can wake up and explain a few last words …”

"What last words?! Don't talk nonsense, Basher will go home alive! I'm going to save him and find the best doctor in Elland to treat him!" Old Huck pulled the cobweb like crazy, while pulling, while With a heart-wrenching cry, "Basher, can you hear it? Open your eyes and see, it's old Huck, Dad is here to save you!"

The cobwebs of the deformed spider are so tough, the old man's pulling for a while has no effect, and Roy will help him when he pulls out the steel sword.

But perhaps it was the call of his relatives, and Basher suddenly made a muffled "uh, uh" sound, his swollen eyelids twitched twice, and then opened with difficulty.

He saw his father's gray hair, ravines and thin old face.

In an instant, pea-sized tears dripped from his puffy eye sockets and flowed down his deformed cheeks.

"Ha, ke... Ha, ke..." He moved his lips excitedly and let out a faint cry, his facial muscles began to twitch because of the pain,

"Here, my child, Huck is here! How do you feel?" The old man looked ecstatic, put his ear to his mouth, trying to hear what he said, "Where does it hurt? Don't worry, good boy, Dad will find him Someone cured you."

"Pain... I... "

Tears streamed down the old cheeks, and Huck suddenly turned to the boy and asked, "Master Roy, help me, let's transport him back to the city together!"

"Then I'll carry him, it's faster." Roy glanced at Basher, squatted down, and shook his head sadly, "Put him on my back."

The teenager didn't think anyone could heal such an injury, not even a warlock.

I am afraid that only by making a wish to the powerful air spirit Dijing can his life be saved.

"I..." At this moment, Basher suddenly said, "I..."

"What's wrong son?"

"Emily... ya"


"Who is Emily? Do you want to see her? I'll bring it to you when I get back to town, I swear, I promise you!"

"White... rose..."

"White Rose!"

The black-haired and black-eyed witcher was surprised, at this juncture, why did the other party mention White Rose.

The Knights of the White Rose, could it have something to do with what happened to him

"Don't worry, child, take a few breaths first, go back and explain later, and speak slowly when you recover."

"kill me… "

Old Huck shuddered when he heard the words, and froze on the ground at a loss, forcing an ugly smile on his face.

"Be patient, and go home immediately."

"Pain... kill... me!"

"Pain, kill me!"

Old Huck suddenly took a deep breath, closed his eyes tightly, covered his face, his shoulders trembled, and he choked silently.

"He was parasitized by a deformed spider, and there are many spiderlings hidden in his body... And he is very weak." Roy sighed, but had no choice but to tell a cruel fact, "Living for an extra second is a kind of torture, maybe we should Set him free."

"No! Master, you are a witcher, you must have a way to save him, right?"

Old Huck suddenly approached the boy and hugged his legs, "Please, I'll pay you five times, not ten times! I'll give you all the money, just save Basher. "

"I just want him to live!"

"Sorry, I can't do anything..." Roy said with difficulty. But looking at the father and son who were about to die, an impulse suddenly surged in his heart.

help them!

What if it was Leto

The boy frowned, he thought... It's better to do something than stand by!

"I have a 'bad idea' that can probably kill the spiderlings in his body..." The boy used the blade of a steel sword to cut the spider web on Basher's body, "but there is also a very high probability of hastening his death. If the worst happens Can you accept the situation?"

The young man pulled off the severed cobweb, glanced between Basher's uneven chest and abdomen, shook his head and sighed.

Several terrifying bulges also appeared on the skin of his chest, ribs, and abdomen, and it could be seen that there were already hatched eggs in the thoracic cavity.

Those horrible little things were eating his guts.

In addition to the bulge, the opponent's right abdomen also has a half index finger-length, flat incision. It doesn't look like a scratch from a deformed spider's claw foot. According to the experience he learned from the witcher, it should be a sharp weapon stab wound.

Ironically, the mucus from the transfiguration web sealed the wound, stopping the bleeding for him.

So before the Transfiguration, anyone else hurt Basher

Roy remembered a few words that were difficult for young people to understand, "White Rose? Emily?" What is the relationship between these words

While the teenager was thinking, Old Huck was stopped by the previous question - should he take his son back to the city to find a good doctor, or should he try the method that the witcher said was almost certain to die

He couldn't make a choice.

"Kill... kill... me!" the tortured young man pleaded hoarsely, beads of sweat oozing from his puffy cheeks from the extreme pain.

"kill me!"

"Please... you... uh—"

"Go ahead, don't let him suffer again!" Old Huck yelled in a brokenhearted voice, "No matter what the outcome is... I'll accept it!"

The young man nodded and grabbed his palm in mid-air, and there was an emerald green long-necked narrow-mouth bottle, which was the magical medicine "Swallow" in the space.

"It's a little trick, don't worry about it. As for this potion, it is the magic potion used by witchers to heal wounds, and only a mutant body can withstand it. The poison contained in this potion is too severe for ordinary people, and after drinking it, it will cause Some irreparable sequelae, but it is also deadly to monsters." The potion was brought up in front of him, and Roy observed its pure background in the sun, the rippling emerald juice in it, full of hope and death.

"Once Basher drinks this potion, the poison in the potion is enough to poison all the spiderlings that are parasitic in his body and draw nutrients from their flesh and blood."

"What about Basher?"

"The potion is both toxic and healing, but he's seriously injured right now, and he may die at any time. The hope of surviving is extremely slim..." The boy's voice stopped abruptly.

There was a "puff" in the air, he took off the cork and sniffed it between his nose, "Besides, after taking the potion, the spiderlings will struggle more intensely in a short period of time, and the pain Basher will suffer. will intensify."

"Do you want to continue?" Roy looked solemn, his eyes swept over the father and son one by one.

The cloudy eyes of the young man in the cobweb stared at him, filled with pleading and longing... His mouth grew silently, revealing a festering mouth and tongue.

"give me."

Seeing this, Old Huck looked depressed and desperate, and nodded heavily.

"Grumble rumble..."

With his throat squirming, Basher greedily drank a whole bottle of "Swallow", and all of a sudden, the entire abandoned field was almost silent, and only heavy breathing could be heard.

Two pairs of eyes locked on the poor man.

Old Huck sat on the ground, pulled his son's right hand to his chest, looked at his unrecognizable face lovingly, and whispered, "Son, when you recover this time, we will go fishing in another place... Outside the temple, there is a good place, the girls of the temple often go there to wash their clothes, and they are all beautiful girls."

"Look at it when you see it, which one you like. Dad will tell you for you."

"You're so old that you haven't even held a girl's hand. The last time you saw the old tailor's daughter, you were blushing... You can't be so shy, you always have to have children, and let old Huck hold a grandchild..."

Lying on the ground, Basher's complexion was blue, his facial features were twisted, his body was arched at times, and his body was slack at times.

Under the skin, the spiderlings are like ants on a hot pan, burrowing frantically from one part to another...

After a long time, half an hour, or an hour.

Basher's chest that arched from the ground and swelled shrunk down, all the pain on his face disappeared, and even the bulge caused by the baby spiders calmed down, except for the blue and purple complexion, he turned back to a simple face young man looks like.

Basher sighed and smiled weakly, staring at the baker next to him.

"Ha... gram..."


"I'm here, I'm listening, kid." Old Huck held his son's hand tightly, the veins sticking out on the back of his hand.

"I am..."

"What did you say child?"

The young man's eyes suddenly brightened, and the small body of the baker's owner was reflected in his pupils, becoming incomparably tall.

"I love you-"

"Woooo... I love you too!" Huck burst into tears, hugging the corpse whose eyes were always closed, and wept bitterly.

Beside him, Roy watched this scene quietly, his lips squirmed and closed tightly, and finally let the old man weep alone.

Until the sun is about to go down...

Huck stood up, his body shaky, his pale, haggard face reflected in the sunset on the horizon, and he seemed to have aged by a dozen years.

He wiped the tears from his face with his muddy sleeves.

"Roy... Thanks for your hard work, help me find Basher... Killed that beast." His throat seemed to get stuck, his voice was hoarse, and he spoke intermittently, "Tomorrow morning... at the bakery... for you... remuneration."

"Sorry, I couldn't save him, instead..."

"No, it's not your fault, you warned me. It's fate! It's the will of Goddess Meritelli!"

Roy rubbed his slightly sour cheeks, and reluctantly said a word of comfort, "Then... Please mourn, as you said, his soul has entered the kingdom of Goddess Meritelli."


"Let me send you back to the city?" The young man glanced at the corpse on the ground, "You're not badly injured..."

"I'm going to carry him home myself... and accompany him on the final journey."

After Old Huck finished speaking, he bent his knees and squatted down, carrying the corpse behind him. He stooped deeply, as if he would be crushed at any time, and the bandages on his chest were blood red again.

But he gritted his teeth, turned around without saying a word, and walked towards Ellander City.

The teenager watched his back and hesitated, should he tell the other party about his previous accidental discovery - Basher had an artificial wound on his abdomen.

"Forget it, old Huck just lost his son and is in great grief. Let's talk about it when he's in a good mood."

Roy followed the old man and escorted them all the way to the city gate until a bunch of guards rushed up.

In order to avoid being troubled by Thales, he turned and rushed into the wilderness again.

It was like a wild horse running away, running towards the secluded place, the barren grass and bushes, running frantically, with a frighteningly cold face.

The parting scene kept appearing in front of me—

There is an emotion brewing in his heart, and he needs to vent!

After running until he was sweating profusely, and finally dispelling the strangeness in his heart, Roy came to the edge of the dense woods.

Sitting quietly on the grass for a while.

The battle with the Transfiguration came to mind again.

Observation skills are in full swing again.

Being aware of the attributes and skills of the Transfiguration Spider in advance enables him to make targeted arrangements and avoid various abilities.

He also realized the power of strengthening weapons more and more.

If it is an ordinary hand crossbow, at most one arrow can be fired in the entire battle, and then it will be endlessly chased by the deformed spider.

But with the simplified enchantment ability, he doesn't need to manually pull the bow and set the arrow, the hand crossbow will automatically complete this fatal process at an alarming speed.

He had a second or third shot, and at times it was the difference between life and death.

The biggest hero of this battle was the ancient Weisher sword. The incomparably sharp blade pierced through the body of the deformed spider several times, inflicting heavy damage on it, and finally ignited blood from the body of the deformed spider, causing a fatal blow.

This metamorphic spider was much weaker than he knew, so he had a chance to fight it.

Of course, if Roy had a little bit of skill in using swords, the whole battle would be more neat and tidy, not so embarrassing.

By the way, he has already killed ten kinds of magical creatures, and he only needs to pass the green grass trial, and his occupation will be upgraded from an apprentice to a junior witcher. It can be said that everything is ready.

The only thing that can train combat skills today is the technique of shooting the crossbow.

The teenager took advantage of the night to come to the edge of the woods, looking for a few tall tung trees as targets, and began to train in a disciplined manner, shooting crossbows in standing and kneeling positions, as well as breathing tips for firing.

The enhanced hand crossbow is completely different from the ordinary crossbow, and the firing interval is shortened by 90%.

In the same way as before, inhaling and exhaling again, until the moment when the breathing becomes heavier, the firing will no longer work. He must pass a lot of practice and optimize the breathing method on the basis of the original...

Under the moonlight, a figure moved around the woods at high speed, the black hair was blown by the night wind, slapped messily on the cheek, and the crystal sweat dripped from the chin wantonly.

Accompanied by the sound of "whoosh, whoosh,", wherever the figure passed, arrows like torrential rain swept through the rough bark and pierced deeply into the trunk.

Time flew by during the training, and after the nine o'clock curfew in Elland, Roy simply went to the river to clean up.

I climbed a branch of a towering tree and sat and meditated all night.