The Divine Hunter

Chapter 107: Sorceress


The next morning, under the guidance of the witcher, Roy continued to correct the grip of the long sword.

Mammy Nannick came over suddenly and led the two of them into the greenhouse cave where herbs were cultivated. She stretched out her hand and pointed to the end of the cave. In that dark corner, a human-shaped silhouette came out.

"This is the visiting sorceress from Kerak, Astrid Littlened Osgolfin Bjorns Dohertyr." Nannick said with a sarcastic tone and read at an astonishing speed. After the long, tongue-in-cheek name, "Rita Ned for short."

Roy murmured the name and looked at the figure in front of him.

Rita Need

Gender: Female

Age: 105

Occupation: Warlock, Member of the Brotherhood of Warlocks, Royal Magical Advisor to Karak

Life: 80

Mana: 260


Strength: 6

Agility: 5

Constitution: 8

Perception: 5

Will: 7

Charisma: 9

Spirit: 26


Dharma source (passive curing): Self-awakening, chaotic energy is a sensitive person of magic power, favored by the elements of earth, fire, water, and air, and the body spontaneously absorbs magic power all the time. After professional and systematic training, they can manipulate magic power, release magic, and achieve challenges that are difficult for ordinary people to complete.

Magic Tricks LV10

Frost Star lv9: Intermediate water element magic, chanted with gestures and ancient incantations, consumes specific casting materials and a lot of magic power, releases a frost shock with extremely low temperature, freezes the target, and its power is affected by skill level and spirit...

Water Healing lv9: Intermediate water element magic, through gesture spells, consumes medium magic power to extract the essence of water from the air, stimulates the subject's vitality, quickly heals low-level injuries, and relieves medium-level injuries...

Frost Armor lv9: Intermediate water elemental magic, through gestures, materials, spells, consumes medium mana, uses the breath of frost to build a layer of magical armor on the body, defends against physical and magical attacks, and close attackers will be frostbitten The breath is entangled, and the skills are greatly slowed down.

Fireball LV5

Fire Dance lv4

Electric shock lv4

Resistance field lv5

Ground Spike lv5

Portal lv8

Alchemy lv9

Twenty items omitted...

This powerful sorceress has red shoulder-length hair and a beautiful appearance. Her blue eyes are like a pool of clear springs. The tall and straight nose bridge shows a stubborn personality.

Her skin wasn't the sickly white of most sorceresses, but the healthy wheat color of the Skellige sun.

Under her orange-yellow shawl, her plump curves undulating like the Mahakan Mountains, and her slender figure reached six chi (1.8m).

The breasts under the white lace underwear, as the rumors described, looked like "galleons under full sails," so large that they could not be found "on the routes, by the estuaries, in the ports, and in the naval fleet."

Even if it can be found, no man has the ability to steer this "sailboat".

Below the chest is a fertile and flat abdomen, the raised buttocks are buried by the long skirt with slits, and the two long legs are looming under the yellow skirt.

Further down, in a pair of small amethyst high-heeled shoes, ten toes are painted with a charming purple.

She walked over gracefully, her body exuding a fragrant but not pungent aroma, her eyes full of confidence, and her brilliance was a stunner.

"Nannick, this is Leto's disciple, Roy?"


"Uh..." Roy nodded absentmindedly. This woman was exquisite in every part of her body, and even her voice was magnetic and intoxicating.

This was the third sorceress he had come to meet in the Witcher world, and to put it bluntly, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

But Roy remembers that sorceresses usually use magic to keep themselves beautiful, and the effect lasts almost to death.

"Calm, calm!" He took a deep breath, saluted silently in his heart, and complimented according to the usual routine, "Charming lady, your beauty is even more dazzling than the stars in the sky."

Small dimples appeared on the cheeks around the flaming red lips, and the sorceress showed a dazzling smile,

"You've made a good impression on me, polite boy. You're much more likable than your savage teacher..."

"Barbaric?" Roy glanced at the witcher in astonishment, but listened to Coral's explanation, "Many years ago, the first time I saw your teacher, he tried to use force and let a noble warlock's convenience. ', and open the portal for him."

"Forehead… "

"If it wasn't for Mother Nannick's face, I guarantee he would have turned into a puddle of mud, washed down the filthy sewers and swarmed with stinking rats."

She cursed sternly, and the cold and ice melted on her pretty face, she said with a gentle smile,

"But you're not bad, you didn't learn his bad habits..." She paused and said with a deep meaning, "I heard that you are a different guy..."

She stretched out the back of her hand towards the boy, her skin was delicate and smooth, and her slender fingertips were smeared with purple nail polish.

The latter was stunned for a moment, realizing that he came forward and gave a decent kiss. The lips touched it for a short time, but the soft touch still made him feel uneasy.

Why does this sorceress seem familiar, does she know herself

"Good start," the sorceress' bright eyes flashed with satisfaction, "I allow you to call me 'coral', this is the privilege of acquaintances and friends, people I admire. I think we will work together perfectly next time. , have an unforgettable time together.”

The word "Work together?" made the teenager feel strange, and the sorceress looked at him with horror, just like the experts and professors in some scientific research institutions who saw the research object they wanted.

"That's right, didn't Mother Nannick tell you? I will assist you in completing the entire trial of green grass, and you must fully cooperate with my research and let me record every physical data in detail."

Saying that, Coral's eyes lit up, and she raised her beautiful face slightly intoxicated. It was the look of a woman fantasizing about diamonds, gems, and gold.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank your 'abominable' mentors Leto and Aunt Nannick for making it happen - I will see things that living wizards have never seen - famous herbal trials, hormone manipulation, unknown viruses Cultivation techniques, and mysterious formulas that are famous!"

Her magnetic voice seems to be telling a fairy tale of a princess and a prince, full of fiery and yearning.

"This is an opportunity every wizard dreams of!"


Roy swallowed hard. He had the illusion that he had entered a bottomless sinkhole

So he turned to look at the witcher for confirmation, and the big man's cheek muscles twitched.

"Ahem... Ms. Coral..."

"Rude witcher, you are only allowed to call me by my first name!"

"Okay, Ms. Rita Nieder, I have to remind you that the premise of completing your research is to let Roy pass the grass trial successfully!"

"I don't need you to remind me!"

The sorceress looked directly at the witcher apprentice with great interest, and took another step forward, holding up her heavy and trembling chest quite proudly. The young man could even feel the huge heat coming towards him.

"I once saw a document. In the long past, a deviant sorcerer concocted a mutation-inducing elixir, and his successor made many improvements to the elixir. It was the successor for many years. Use magic as a means to control the process of mutation."

"And at a critical moment, the chain is broken, magic, knowledge and power are all gone, witchers have herbs and herbal trials, they have laboratories, they know the formula of elixir, but they There are no wizards."

"But I, Rita Ned, are here, and I won't sit idly by and watch the witcher do anything wrong, let the apprentice take those half-finished elixir without casting spells, and let him face the threat of death with a probability of more than 70%."

The witcher suddenly turned his face like a knife, as if remembering some uncomfortable past.

"I will use precise and wonderful magical control to reproduce the miracles of Azulie and Cosimo, so that Roy can avoid most of the dangers of mutation and become a perfect witcher."

Azulie and Cosimo are the two great wizards who created the "species" of witchers. Legend has it that they mastered the perfect way to create witchers.

Roy saw "Coral" with a solemn and sincere face, and his psychological rejection slightly weakened.

"That... Ms. Rita..."


"Ms. Coral... I would like to ask, if I agree to your assistance, what is the probability of surviving?"

"No ifs! Listen, you need my help, and you can't refuse my help."

The sorceress's tone and demeanor were aggressive, but her amazing charm was irresistible. Roy wanted to turn his eyes away, but found that his body was fixed by an invisible force, and he could only look at her, caught in her radiance. in charm.

"With the help of my spell, your survival rate will be more than half."

"Half..." Roy lowered his head. He felt that he had returned to the exam that affected his life. His heart was beating violently, as if it was about to explode.

No matter how confident you were about the green grass trial before, if you really want to take this step, the mood is completely different, uneasy, uneasy, and restless.

Roy glanced at the witcher, and said with a solemn expression, "If I don't make it through, remember to go to Novigrad to help me take care of Old Moore and Susie, and Guvisher will stay as well. Here's to you."

"Little devil!" The big man suddenly held his shoulders heavily, "Do you think the trial will be divided between life and death at the beginning? This is a long process!"

"The witcher finally said the right thing... The trial is divided into several steps, not to mention that there are still a lot of potions that are not ready," Coral said, "You have plenty of time to explain the aftermath before you die, so don't worry now!"

"Okay, just kidding..." The sorceress chuckled, covering her red lips. "I won't let you die."

Roy took a deep breath,

"Will I lose my human emotions? Go bald, or lose my pigment?"

"You'll have to ask your teacher... but from the recipe, with the help of highly skilled corals, there shouldn't be these bad after-effects."

The blue eyes blinked, and her hands painted with purple nail polish wrapped around her trembling chest. She laughed arrogantly, "Enough of the gossip. Now, let me examine your body first."