The Divine Hunter

Chapter 11: Witcher


This morning, Roy woke up from the straw mat.

After a lapse of a month, he saw the "+" sign after his personal level again: level 1 (503/500), close to 500 experience, which was the result of his endless battles recently, and a pair of dark circles were also attached. Although not able to brush out long-range weapon skills.

But he was very satisfied.

In addition, his three weaker attributes have also been improved, although not as much as last month: Strength 4.2→4.3, Constitution 4.1→4.2, Will 4.5→4.6.

The four attributes of Agility, Charisma, Spirit, and Perception remain in place. This made him realize that if the attribute exceeds 5, if there is no targeted training or other factors, he cannot grow naturally.

The slaughter level in the skill remains at LV2, apparently the 40+ animals he killed this month is not enough to level up.

Roy poured his thoughts into the experience bar, and the text in the template jumped for a moment, becoming—

Personal Level: Level 2 (3/1000)

You gain 1 attribute point and 1 skill point.

Attribute points are the same as before, and perception is added. After the wonderful feeling that everything is under control, perception becomes the highest attribute from 6 to 7, and there are more tips in the template.

You unlock a new skill.

Unnamed LV1: Your perception is far beyond that of ordinary people, and you have evolved a new sense. You can obtain the basic information of the target through a special observation method. The higher the target perception, the stronger the suppression on you, and the more limited the information that can be obtained. Level 1 grants you a 1 Wisdom bonus on observation.

Roy was stunned for a moment. If the attribute increases to a certain extent, will he automatically acquire skills? This was something he had never thought of, and it was a pleasant surprise.

The new skills are of great strategic significance. If you can calmly observe the basic attributes of hostile creatures and master the abilities in advance, wouldn’t you do a good job of targeting them first and formulate a battle plan. After all, the higher the perception, the farther he can see, and the more hidden his position is.

He was excited, and the scene couldn't help but come to his mind - hiding thousands of feet away to quietly observe the weakness of the enemy in the distance, while taking out a long-range weapon from space.

Tsk tsk... Roy's thoughts changed, and the skill name changed to "Observation".

The skill points are useless for the time being, he plans to find an experiment subject to experience the effect of the new skill, and then decide whether to add it to Slaughter LV2 or "Observation" LV1.

The Night's Watch and Old Jack are good targets.

Roy said hello to the old Moore and his wife, and rushed out the door.

Before taking a few steps, he was surprised to find that there were uncharacteristically many people on the street today. Dozens of men, women and children gathered around the bulletin board in the center of the village, making noises.

The terrifying shadow left by the tomb witch was swept away.

Roy's heart moved, and he leaned up.

"The witcher is here, and the village of Kaye is saved!"

Among the chaotic crowd, there are three figures of dusty figures, and their distinctive appearance and dressing characteristics are impressive.

The man standing on the left side of the bulletin board had a red headband wrapped around his forehead, his face was grim, and his features were angular; half of the man on his right was covered under a gray hood, with deep nasolabial lines on his cheeks. There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. The facial features are vaguely similar to the hairband man, and the two are probably related by blood. They are all about 6 feet (1 meter 8) tall.

The last person was bald and shiny, with a high nose bridge and sunken eyes, and his expression was old-fashioned and serious. He has a turtle-backed figure, huge muscles that are clearly like rocks, and is over 6 inches by 4 inches (1 meter 9) tall. Just standing with his hands around his chest gives a strong sense of oppression, making people feel asphyxia.

The three wore uniform black leather armor, covered with mottled scratches and faint dried blood.

A leather bag the size of a fist was buckled around his waist. Small glass bottles could be seen on the medicine belt that went around his shoulders. A pair of short swords were crossed in front of his chest. There were also several finger-length flying knives on the leather armor of his thighs. .

Each person has a peculiarly shaped necklace hanging on his chest - a venomous snake coiled up in a complex and mysterious pattern.

The sword on his back - under the unpretentious black scabbard, the blade is nearly 4 feet 4 inches (1.3 meters).

The most peculiar thing is that the color of the pupils of the three is similar to the amber color of cats, which is strange and terrifying.

Roy stared at the bald giant in the lead, always feeling that the other party was similar, and his eyes suddenly became dark and deep.

A translucent information sheet appeared on top of the bald man's head.


Sex: Male

Age: 80

Occupation: Viper School Demon Hunter

As a child, he has undergone three mutations and survived the trials of green grass. He possesses speed, strength, reflexes, coordination, vitality, and resilience far beyond ordinary people.

He has received professional training in swordsmanship, alchemy, and monster knowledge.

The immune system is extremely powerful, and it is immune to most plagues and diseases, enough to fight the poison that can kill ordinary people.

A witcher sigil of spell-like, long-lived but infertile. )

life value:? ? (insufficient perception, unable to obtain)





Perception: 19

Will: 10

Charisma: 6

Spirit: 10


alchemy? ? (Insufficient perception, unable to obtain specific levels): A manufacturing technology that includes sword oil, potions, decoctions, special poisons, magic bombs and other fields.

Witcher senses? ? : After the trial of green grass, the witcher's organs undergo mutations, and their perception is uniquely enhanced: the five senses and intuition have a linkage effect, and they can "see" smells and sounds, and track traces that are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

meditation? ? : This is the practice of the body and mind. It regulates the mind and body through meditation, and speeds up the recovery of injuries, magic power and physical energy. At the same time, the coordination ability is slowly improved, and the affinity for chaos energy is increased.

Pit viper school double sword flow? ? : A secret swordsmanship created by the snake demon hunters for hundreds of years, using two-handed daggers to fight various powerful creatures such as monsters.

Witcher Seal? ? : After the mutation, the witcher, who was originally insensitive to chaotic energy, successfully awakened a simple spell-like ability. The magic seal of the witcher's core ability: no need for spells and casting materials, using one-handed gestures to guide the body to release the magic seal.

There are five types of seals:

Quinn: Creates a shield of energy that surrounds you to block damage.

Alder: Inspires a strong airflow that can effectively destroy obstacles and knock enemies into the air.

Igni: Fires a cone of fire from the palm of the hand to burn the target.

Arden: Summons a circular binding magic circle, which reduces the speed and reaction of those who enter except for itself, and extremely restrains the ghost-like monsters with virtual bodies.

Ashik: Harnesses the power of the mind to hypnotize and apply psychological cues to manipulate thoughts and behaviors.

The power of the Sigil is affected by the combination of mental attributes and skill levels.

other? ?


Roy was horrified when he saw it.

"This is the witcher? Physical fitness and skills are too perverted."

"Still an eighty-year-old man?"

This 80-year-old witcher, Leto, looks like he is in his thirties, and his body under the thin leather armor is strong and full of vitality, and the rich blood almost seeps out.

There are still many attributes and skills that are difficult to discover due to lack of perception, and Roy even suspects that the other party is a monster in human skin.

The witcher is really not well-known, and no matter how many you have seen in the game, it is not as shocking as seeing it with your own eyes.

The bald Lesso, the Viper School, and two companions who look alike.

At this time, the information that Roy had in the past quickly flashed through his mind, and he suddenly realized that the three witchers in front of him were the three northern kingdoms who assassinated Aden, Temeria, and Kaldwin a few years later. The combination of the kingslayer and the assassins of the Snake faction.

They didn't stay in the base camp of Nilfgaard in the south, and why did they enter the northern kingdom

The bald giant glanced at everyone with his stagnant eyes, and said, his tone was full of energy, low and magnetic, "I'm Lesso, a demon hunter from the Viper School, and these two are my companions Serui. Special, Oaks. We took over the commission, but more detailed information is needed to determine the commission amount."

The white-haired village chief was relieved to hear the witcher's self-introduction.

"Well, the Viper School, it's better if it's not the Cat School!" A hint of happiness flashed on the village chief's face. He seemed to have some bad memories about the Cat School witcher.

He was about to speak when a thin figure suddenly emerged from the crowd and walked straight to the witcher.

"I've seen that monster, and I'll explain it to you!"

Of course he is Roy!

The three witchers followed him to the old captain's tavern, ordered a few drinks, and listened to the three survivors from the monster's minions, Roy, old Jack, and Thompson recounted the experience of the night.

"Crypt witch." The bald man quickly came to a conclusion, "This guy is worth at least one hundred crowns. Roy, right, go and inform the village chief to prepare the bounty, we will be dispatched at noon today when the sun is at its peak. Accident," his carrot-like thick fingers pointed at the grandfather clock in the corner, "will be back with the spoils before three o'clock in the afternoon."

Leto's rough face had no emotion, as if he was describing a trivial matter, but Roy knew that some unfortunate witchers would turn into the same poker face after the trial of green grass. They have vivid expressions, but their deep feelings are still as delicate and sensitive as ordinary people.

Otherwise, there would be no arrogant and affectionate Geralt.

Maybe it was because Roy stared at them for too long, Serrit, the hottest of the three, asked coldly, "Boy, have you never seen a witcher? Think we are very annoying and scary?"

"No, no, on the contrary, I think you can be trusted..." Roy looked at his amber eyes sincerely, and made no secret of the goodwill in his tone.

He played the witcher, it was a virtual experience of sleepless nights, and he did a lot of extra homework for it, and he knew almost everything about this special group.

To a certain extent, witchers are a group of poor people, either adopted by the school as war orphans, or handed over by their parents as a reward for the "law of accident".

After entering the isolated witcher school, they did not have a happy childhood, time was occupied by all kinds of cruel training, and they had to survive the terrifying trial of grass with high mortality before they had the opportunity to see the outside world. Look.

They accept the entrustment of ordinary people, risk their lives to kill monsters, and get the bounty they rely on to make a living, but because of their appearance and extraordinary fighting power, they are excluded from the secular world.

In fact, with the exception of cat witchers and a handful of indiscriminate murderers, the vast majority of witchers are reputable. But the warmth given to them by ordinary people is still pitiful.

Demon hunters can only huddle with the same kind to keep warm, lick each other's wounds, and continue to slaughter monsters after the wounds are healed until death sends them away. None of them survived.

This group is full of legends and cursed tragic fates.

Roy said sincerely, "The witcher's work has saved many innocent people from monsters, which is much fairer than those soldiers who only get money but don't work hard."

"Heh..." Serrit seemed to have heard something funny, showing a stiff smile, but with irony in his eyes, "I haven't heard such a compliment from my mouth for a long time."

"Don't talk nonsense to us, boy. Say what's on your mind!"

Roy said his request sternly, "At noon, I want to go with the three of you."

"It's impossible!" Serrit stood up and categorically refused, "Hunting monsters is not child's play, we don't have the energy to be your babysitter!"

"Please listen to me," Roy tried his best to be sincere, "my friend and the teacher who taught me how to make a living were killed by that bastard, and I wanted to kill it myself in my dreams! I think... you can understand this. a feeling, right?"

"No, kid... You're wrong, witchers don't have feelings." Serret exchanged glances with his two companions, but still refused coldly.

Jack, who was silent for a long time, couldn't help but interject, "Three gentlemen, don't look at Roy's age, but his hand crossbow is very accurate, you take him to the cemetery, he only needs to be far outside. Look, use a hand crossbow when the time is right."

"If you find it troublesome, how about I pay 50 crowns in addition to the commission promised by the village chief?"

Roy gave Old Jack a surprised look. He didn't expect that instead of stopping him, he would help. 50 crowns was not a small amount.

He seized the opportunity and quickly assured the witcher solemnly, "I will never cause trouble with you, just watch from a distance and wait for your orders!"

"A half-eldest boy in his teens, an ordinary person, what is it that makes you have the courage to face monsters."

The bald-headed giant Lesso next to him gave him a deep look with amber eyes, as if he wanted to see through him, but the latter felt guilty for no reason.

"For the sake of fifty crowns, we agree to your request."