The Divine Hunter

Chapter 116: Earth-shattering


Dear Roy, sleep talker

Well, allow me to call you that. First of all, I'm sorry, my inaccurate "Supplementary Research on the Trial of Green Grass" almost made you confused and say goodbye to this world - by then, Rita will probably become the first Warlock to be hunted to death by the snake witchers. .

Luckily, you survived and got back to health at an appalling rate - to be honest even the top warlock in the Brotherhood couldn't have figured out what happened to you, and I'm still curious as to what happened to you. What is the phenomenon of that golden light

You're in amazing shape now, keep training hard and Rita Ned will help you figure it out, one day you'll definitely be able to beat your savage teacher, before he's old, of course...

Even so, I can't hide my recklessness and mistakes, and to express my deepest apologies, Rita Ned will be greeted by a couch in Karak, waiting for you. If you can make it during the year, the coral will surprise you.

Two last questions, it's understandable that you kept me away from that bastard Geralt, after all he's "notorious" and still entangled with Yennefer, I don't understand how Yennefer would treat that "Stupid" never forgets!

But I'm curious, why did you tell me to never, never go near Sodden, for whatever reason

So what secrets does Sodden hide

You must tell me next time you come!

There is not much time, and if I don't rush back to Bei Luoheng, I will go crazy.

Va faill!

your friend coral

The Blooming Moon, at the Temple of Meritelli, Elland"

A thin teenager was lying on a hammock in the courtyard of the temple, he sighed,

"Dark golden pupils, is it because the concentration of induced mutants is too high?"

He gently closed the snow-white envelope, and then the hazy and blurred scene flashed in his mind again—the sorceress who was as beautiful as fire stood in front of the vortex-shaped portal, slammed into the sky by the "rumbling" spring thunder-like giant In the sound, graceful gestures waved goodbye to him.

The young man couldn't help rubbing his bare head and felt a little melancholy. Does he have the disadvantage of talking nonsense

As for why the sorceress was warned not to go to the mountain? According to the original history, in the first northern war, the coral will be killed in Suoshan Mountain, fulfilling the title of the Fourteenth Mountain.

However, during this period of time, he and Shanshan got along day and night, and they had formed a friendship, and he would definitely find a way to save her life.

"Speaking of which, before I leave, you can't help me make my face, and make my eyebrows and hair longer. It's really weird now." Mingming said that he would not go bald, but he didn't know if it was a powerful mutant. Negative effect, he was indeed bald before.

Fortunately, the slightly thorny stubble can be felt on the forehead. It is obvious that the hair is growing rapidly, and it will never be bald like Leto for a lifetime.

It was unexpected that the "full recovery" did not restore the hair. Probably the template didn't think that the hair that was too short was a negative effect.

In the trial of grass modified by coral, the horror is not only in hair removal, if there is no template, he will be dead.

Roy still had lingering fears when he thought of the state of being unable to live or die after drinking the elixir. Although he had prepared in advance, he planned to take the initiative to escalate when he was about to die to relieve the crisis. However, in the final stage of drinking the elixir, his consciousness was always in Chaos state, almost completely bid farewell to this world.

In the end, the powerful will of the main attribute played a role, and he regained consciousness briefly on the line of death, like a return to light.

The four-month green grass trial has finally survived!

The young man clenched his fists excitedly, and his mind sank into the attribute template.


Age: 14 years and 5 months

Status: Civilian, Viper School Demon Hunter

Life: 146 (Grass Trial +40)

Magic Power: 145 (Grass Trial +40)


Strength: 5.3→9.3

Agility: 6.3→10.3

Constitution: 6.6→10.6

Perception: 7→8

Will: 6.5→8.5 (main attribute +1)

Charisma: 6→7

Spirit: 6.5→10.5


Slaughter LV4, Observation LV2, Meditation LV3, Crossbow Specialization LV1, Long Sword Specialization LV1, Grace of the Wind (passive curing)

Alchemy lv1.

The witcher's senses LV1: After the trial of grass, the witcher's organs and tissues are mutated, and the perception is uniquely strengthened: the five senses and intuition have a linkage effect, and they can "see" smells and sounds, and track traces that are difficult for ordinary people to detect. The effect of the skill is determined by the perception attribute and level, and you can improve the skill through training.

Grass Trial (Passive Curing):

You have endured inhuman torture. After hormonal catalysis, virus infection, and herbal decoction induced mutations, your immune system has been transformed into an extremely powerful immune system that is immune to most plagues and diseases. Eye.

Your attributes gain explosive growth, your life limit is permanently increased by 40, your magic power is unlocked, and your magic power limit is increased by 40.

Roy took a deep breath, his pupils flickered with golden light, his toes grabbed the ground and jumped in place, easily touching the ten-high ceiling, twisting his neck, wrists, and ankles, and a crackling sound erupted from various joints.

Full of energy and in perfect condition.

A trial of green grass, the total attribute increased to 20 points, and the more important thing is to unlock the magic value, which means that he can already learn the core ability of the witcher - the magic seal, only waiting for Lesuo to teach him personally.

At present, there is still a huge gap between the melee attributes of the senior witcher Leto 20 points, but when his professional level continues to improve, he will surpass the witcher sooner or later.

It should be noted that he has been in this world for less than a year, and his willpower attribute is the same as the witcher's 10 points, and his spirit and charm even surpass him.

What's more, he also has the ability to bind weapons and other beyond the conventional ability. Compared with before, the combat power has undergone tremendous changes.

The explosively increased attributes also brought him some hidden dangers: his super-high perception made his hearing amazing, and he was easily tormented by various subtle sounds; his strength was nearly twice that of ordinary people, and if he was not careful, he would crush the glass with excessive force, etc. Small objects, the swordsmanship that I used to use very smoothly also began to feel awkward...

He needs a little time to get used to this body again. Of course, the agility that affects the coordination of the body has also improved a lot, which will greatly speed up the process.

In addition to attributes, Roy's appearance has changed a lot - he has grown to 5.7 chi (1.73 meters) tall, and his body has become lean. When he stretches out his hand, there are tough muscles in his arms, chest, abdomen, back, and thighs.

His facial features are more distinct and handsome, his pupils turn into dark gold vertically, and his whole personality is very unique. When his face is expressionless, he is as sharp as a sword out of his body, and when he smiles, he appears very gentle.

This may be why the fascination grows.

It's just the short hair that has just grown a little, and the thin eyebrows, which make him extremely weird and conspicuous, and a well-informed person can recognize his identity at a glance - a witcher.

Fortunately, all appearance changes are within the acceptable range.

"It's not like Geralt who looks like an albino, and he didn't suffer from Leto's permanent baldness, and he didn't become mentally ill and turned into a lunatic neurosis. What else am I dissatisfied with?"

His mind sinks into the career template:

Witcher LV5 (2/2500)

Stage: Junior Witcher

Condition for Intermediate Witcher:

1. Drink the second herbal decoction other than Snake Pie

2. Hunting magical creatures with a single attribute of more than 10 or stronger 0/10

3. Obtain common level mutagen 0/10

Note: The Six Schools of the Witcher were originally one family, and you need to constantly fill in the incomplete recipes.

School: Viper

Occupational characteristics:

Primary Attribute: Locked to Will. Each time you level up, you don't need to consume attribute points, and your willpower will increase by 1 (primary stage)

Binding Weapons:

Hand Crossbow - Gabriel (to be selected)

Steel Sword - Guvisher

(This ancient black iron flaming sword crafted by goblin craftsmen has unearthed the power contained in the powerful monster organization after the second strengthening.)

Type: Steel Sword

Material: dark iron, lava, meteorite iron, leather, pine wood, powerful monster organization.

Features: 3.06 pounds, 9.3 inches (0.23 m) shank, 36 inches (0.91 m) body,


Cycling: Each time an enemy is killed, a small amount of stamina is instantly restored to the wielder.

Ignite: Each time the target is hit, there is a very small chance that the blood in the wound will ignite, causing burns.

Thrash (New): Each time you hit a target, there is a very small chance of causing an extraordinary amount of pain that will make ordinary people faint. Note: The hit target may have extreme hatred for the sword bearer.

Silver Sword - none

full recovery...

Mount (new): How can a witcher who travels the world not have a mount that is as fast as a gust of wind? Bind a creature you tamed, you will have telepathy with it, better communication, and consume 100 mana to immediately summon it from a distance, or heal it.

A mount is different from a weapon, you can disband it at any time and let it go free.

Loot Package: 2→4 cubes.

Remaining: 1 skill point, 1 attribute point.

Roy's dark golden pupils shrank, showing surprise, and spent a long time sorting out the information in the career template.

First bind the weapon.

Can a steel sword unlock a new enchantment every time it is upgraded

Now Guvihir already has three special effects of enchantment, although the probability of triggering is extremely low, but when the number of enchantments increases and accumulates to a certain extent, such a scene emerges in the mind of the young man—

After dozens of times of strengthening, Guvihir slashed down with one sword, and the target immediately burst out with colorful rays of light, and several enchanted special effects erupted at the same time!

Even trolls die in place, right

He was so overwhelmed with emotions that he could hardly help recalling Guvisher on the spot to watch it carefully, but the witcher took the steel sword when he helped Dennis Kramer to solve the problem. But suddenly summoned his weapon, wouldn't that kill him

The boy temporarily dismissed the idea and waited until he saw Leto.

Closing his eyes, he could clearly feel that Guvihir was located in the city of Elland, not far away, and he was faintly worried, but the witcher who attached great importance to the inheritance of the school did not come to greet him "victory".

"Kramer's commission is so tricky? I'll have to go to town and see later."

After making up his mind, Roy focused his attention on the long-range weapon hand crossbow again.

The way this thing is strengthened is different from that of a steel sword.

Gabriel (to be selected)

(Originally, this was just a simple, old pocket crossbow. After two enhancements, it was rejuvenated, its power was improved, and it became more in line with the owner's style. The second enhancement combines the owner's attributes and abilities. , it gets two unique branches, you can choose one of them, and different branches will lead to very different strengthening paths in the future:

1. Enchantment - Burst: Every time you pull the trigger, Gabriel will shoot two bolts in a row, please make sure there are enough bolts in the space, otherwise this ability will be invalid.

2. Enchantment - Guided Arrow: Actively infuse 20 points of magic power, and shoot an arrow driven by magic power, the effective range and penetration power are slightly increased, the arrow will lock on your target, and it will automatically make a 45-degree angle during flight. Orientation adjustment within. )

Roy took a deep breath.

Two branches, one focuses on strengthening the number of arrows, allowing him to overturn more arrows in the 0.4-second shooting interval;

One focuses on enhancing the accuracy and power of the arrows, and even tracking the target to a certain extent...

He had a guess in his heart. If he chooses the first branch, then if he continues to strengthen it, the future burst may become a multi-shot, or an arrow storm that covers a range

As for the second branch, it involves the magic value that has just been unlocked. The direction of reinforcement in the future will probably continue to strengthen the accuracy, distance, and power of single targets, which will have a richer chain effect with magic.

Which one to choose

The teenager didn't think about it for too long. The former only needs to consume arrows, while the latter is linked to magic, and there are more possibilities in the future.

After making up my mind, the information on the hand crossbow changed instantly—


Type: Pocket Crossbow

Material: Mulberry, tendons, hemp, magic.

Features: Weight 5→6 lbs, Bow Length 2→2.2 Chi, Pulling 30→40 lbs, Effective Range 150→180 Chi.


Simplified: As long as the arrows are stored in the loot package, it will automatically pull the string and place the arrow without the owner's action, and the time required to load the arrow is shortened to 0.4 seconds.

Guide Arrow: Actively infuse 20 points of magic power, and shoot out an arrow propelled by magic power. The effective range and penetration are slightly increased. The arrow will lock on your target, and the direction of the 45-degree angle will be automatically adjusted during flight.

Roy fondly rubbed Gabriel once, and after the two enhancements, its size was already larger than the original, and the surface was full of texture, like the skin of a living creature. I don't know if it continues to strengthen, will the weapon be given a soul in the end

It is too early to imagine, and he will take the crossbow into the space.

He shifted his attention and became an official witcher. It is expected that the loot package will be expanded again. With 4 cubic meters, he can reserve more resources and has more confidence in dealing with crises.

Continuing down, the new occupational feature - mounts:

Long-distance summoning and spiritual communication are simply the perfect means of transportation... Just tame a horse as a mount, it will take some time, and another brilliant idea arises in his mind-

There is no emphasis in the characteristics that only horses can be selected for mounts. Can other animals, even magical creatures, do it

These are the projects he explores later.

Now he was going to Ellander City to find out why the witcher was stranded.