The Divine Hunter

Chapter 12: Skull of the Witch


In his decades of life, Lesso has seen all kinds of storms and waves, but he has rarely encountered such an unreasonable little kid. Not afraid of witchers, let alone stay away from them like others.

This is not a joke, many children will cry at the strange appearance and temperament of the witcher.

There was not a trace of disgust on Roy's face. He looked at the three witchers strangely, with a hint of intimacy and admiration

Maybe when you get older, people tend to be sentimental, and Leto can't help but shake his head slightly, but his face is still a stereotyped dead face.

He suddenly remembered himself many years ago. At that time, he was still young, and he was taken from his hometown of Gulta to Gusvid Fortress in the Tyr Torsha Mountains, the base camp of the Snake Sect.

At that time, he had not yet accepted the green grass trial, and every day he would look at his guide, the witcher mentor, the founder of the Viper School, the great master Ivar Evil Eye, standing on the high podium, to the ten people below the stage. Several Snake apprentices impart knowledge and life experience.

In front of him, he also showed the eyes of this child.

It's a pity that times have changed, and decades ago, Ivar Evil Eye lost the news in the process of hunting a bat-winged brain demon. Coupled with the crazy behavior of the cat party at that time, which was killing humans, it caused many negative comments from the public for the witcher. Under the double blow, the Viper Academy gradually fell apart, and fewer and fewer apprentices joined Gersveld.

Now the Snake Sect has withered and decayed to the point where there are only a few people left. Except for the three of them, there are only two companions who don't know where they are.

In the past 20 years, the Snake Sect has not had any apprentices who have survived the trial of green grass.

"Reinvigorate the Viper School, hunt down the school's old enemy, and find Ivar Evil Eye!" This was Lesso's greatest wish, and it was also the motivation for the three of them to travel to the North.

Thinking of this, his eyes towards Roy gradually softened.

Goddess Meritelli, today is a sunny day.

Before the three of them set off, they did a very detailed preparation. And all this did not avoid Roy at all, and ordinary people couldn't learn it at all.

They skillfully took out a bottle of amber-colored viscous liquid from the purse around their waists, poured it on the dagger blade they had taken from their chests, spread it evenly, moved extremely slowly, but filled with inexplicable tension.

After the dagger was covered with a layer of amber sheen, he repeatedly checked the quantity and usage of the potion, and tied alchemy bombs of different colors within easy reach.

When everything was ready and it was noon, Roy quietly followed behind his parents at the agreed time after the witcher left the village.

A few curious villagers also followed.

Half an hour later, Roy, who was running all the way, was out of breath, clutching his stomach and retching, while the three witchers looked at the cemetery not far away, their pupils shrinking.

"Roy, you stay here, and you will be called after you clean up the tomb witch in a while."

"Please remember, let me kill him with my own hands!"

The witcher Lesotho remained silent. He took out the brown potion that he had prepared with Oaks and Serrit, and swallowed them. A shocking, earthworm-like squirming suddenly appeared on the cheeks of the three of them. With black blood vessels, his expression became hideous and evil, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Roy felt cold all over when he saw it.

Next, Leto sneaked into the cemetery silently like a big cat with an agile posture that did not match his body shape. Serrit and Oaks copied from the other two buns.

Under the scorching sun, every corner of the cemetery was very clear, except for the skeletons in the opened graves, and two gray-brown shriveled corpses. Leto cautiously walked over to check. Judging from their skeletons, the deceased was tall and should be an adult male, but his body was so corrupted that he could not see his true face at all.

Judging from the traces, after a violent struggle before death, the body was fractured in many places, and each bone had a hole pierced by a sharp weapon.

After finishing his analysis, Leto closed his eyes quietly, his nose throbbing in the air like a hound, and the strong rotten smell of the corpse could not stop his keen sense of smell. Soon, his eyes focused on the low house in the center of the cemetery. , and steadily took out a transparent long-necked bottle from his waist, and searched around the room with the door closed.

Crypt witches fear the sun, and their dwellings are usually built so tightly that there are no gaps for sunlight to penetrate.

But this house was originally prepared for the grave keeper, and it couldn't have been without vents!

Leto didn't bother to find a place that used to be a window. At this time, it was sealed tightly with clay by monsters, but it was not a solid rock after all. The witcher easily cut a hole in it with a throwing knife, then threw the alchemy bomb hard inside.

"Caz", the crisp cracking sound of the glass sounded, Lesso pulled away and quickly retreated, the rabbit rose and the falcon jumped onto the roof, and at the same time made a gesture, Oaks and Serrit, who were already waiting on both sides, ran quickly to the Both sides of the front door of the house.

Serrit's right hand sketched a two-triangle symbol in midair that was opposite to each other like an hourglass, and pushed it out. A faint white light visible to the naked eye rose up, and a circular magic circle with a radius of about 10 feet appeared out of thin air on the ground. , began to flicker a faint light.

Oaks used his right hand to outline an upright triangular symbol with two circles inside and outside, but did not push it out, ready to go.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the door was kicked open, and a deformed figure with a belly as big as a bucket shot out! The front foot jumped out of the gate, and its body seemed to have been hit head-on by an invisible sledgehammer. It trembled violently, and it lost its balance and fell head-on.

Oaks, who had been holding the seal for a while, saw the opportunity and decisively launched the seal, and saw an orange-yellow conical flame tongue spit out from his palm in the dazzling yellow light, just burning the embarrassed figure.

Before that, the tomb witch had been contaminated by the alchemy bomb that Lesso had thrown into the room, and her body was like a layer of oil and water, and was instantly ignited by the Igni seal, turning into a burning man.

The flaming tomb witch raised her head to the sky and let out a shrill whine like a night owl, and then raised her chicken-claw-like arms, sprinting towards the outside of the Arden circle that was suppressing his body.

In an instant, a figure jumped down from the roof like a ghost and stopped in front of the tomb witch, followed by a gust of wind and rain, the daggers interweaved a dense silver arc in the air, and the reflected rays of light were like two arrows. Practice flying up and down around it, cutting it like a meat grinder.

Roy, who was watching from a distance, tried his best to see the witcher's movements. It was too fast. Obviously, only Lesso was attacking, and three afterimages appeared beside the tomb witch at the same time.

After a few short breaths, the tomb witch with most of her body scorched, covered with sword marks, and her body was completely untouched fell to the ground softly, and after a second, her limbs were disconnected from her body with dark green blood, and only In the lower middle is a struggling, wriggling, and dying "stick".

Oaks went up to meet it, pressed his knees on its back, and quickly pulled his right hand with leather gloves into its mouth, pulling out a thin, long, terrifying tongue full of thorns.

Ignoring the inhuman howling of the monster under his knees, he cut off his entire tongue and threw it into a jar that had been prepared.

Leto took out a blue cloth from the leather bag and wiped the two daggers covered with dark green blood gently and meticulously. The tomb witch was so miserable, it was strange that he didn't have any blood on his body, his breath was steady, and he didn't pant at all. It seems that the figure that turned into a storm just now is not him.

The battle was over, and Serrit, who was wearing a red headband, called Roy, who was hiding in the distance.

"There's still one breath left in this thing. According to the agreement, the last knife belongs to you." Serrit glanced at Gabriel on his wristband. "Are you going to use this thing to end it?"

Roy, who was watching from a distance, looked at the "human stick" crawling in front of him. He didn't know what to say for a while, and he couldn't say the cruel words he was going to say to it.

Although he was mentally prepared, the witcher's skills were beyond his imagination. The entire battle process took only two minutes. Before anyone else's foreplay started, the witcher was finished. commissioned.

This terrifying monster that easily killed the blacksmith and Fletcher and his son was powerless to fight back under the Kingslayer.

Maybe I should have some respect for them.

Roy squatted down, took out the short knife pinned to the lower waist, the knife found from the butcher's house, and pressed it against the back of the tomb witch's neck. Looking at the two corpses in the cemetery, he showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "Uncle Fletcher, Uncle Pusig, and Little Slug, I have avenged you!"

"Shu—" The knife light flashed, and the ugly big head of the tomb witch was separated from her neck, and she rolled down to the feet of the bald man.

And a row of wonderful words appeared in Roy's template:

Kill the tomb witch, gain 100 experience points (103/1000)

The experience of this monster is actually ten times that of ordinary animals.