The Divine Hunter

Chapter 15: Wilderness Night


"Here, chew it up and put it on yourself." Leto threw a plant with orange-red petals to Roy expressionlessly, watching the other side rubbing his thighs with a suffocated appearance, the corners of his mouth curved covertly for a moment.

Leaving Kaye Village this time, the bald-headed man has been galloping for dozens of miles on horseback, and only stopped in a wilderness area when the twilight is all over.

Roy's inner thigh hurts badly. He opened his pants and saw that there were bright red blood droplets crawling all over it, and a huge area of skin was torn by the rough pants.

The health in the template has been reduced by 5 to 37. His physique is not as good as an adult's, and he won't be able to ride a horse for a few days until the injury heals.

"I'm someone who doesn't know how to ride a horse, so I have to ride with a pervert like a witcher. I'm really tired of living."

"Master Leto, what herbs did you give me?" Roy bared his teeth in pain and couldn't help chewing the herbs in his mouth. The taste was good, not as bitter as most herbs, and had a light and moist taste.

"Calendula, have you heard of it?" Lei Suowang lost a piece of dry wood in the bonfire and explained patiently, "Pain relief and prevent wound infection. It can be found outside the town."

Roy rolled his eyes and secretly wrote down the witcher's words. He is willing to embark on this road, on the one hand, it is also for this part of practical knowledge. The witcher has lived for many years, and his own experience and memory are equivalent to a treasure trove. .

Leto threw a few pieces of dry and hard jerky over, while he drank the wine in the jug, looked at the twilight in the distance, and chewed silently. After a while, he undid the long sword behind him, his arms resting on his back. Lying on the grass behind the head.

With the sky as the quilt and the ground as the seat, the demeanor is leisurely and at ease. As if this was his home.

The wild life of living in the open air is commonplace for witchers.

The faint aroma of wine swept across the tip of his nose, and Roy couldn't help swallowing.

"Can I have a taste?" The thighs coated with the herbs were sticky and awkward. He took the wine bag and took a sip. The wine had just finished, and he couldn't help stretching his neck and widening his eyes, like a The tongue stuck out like a toad.

"What's the smell!" A strange mix of spicy and sour smell made him spit it out.

Leto's face froze, "Little brat, don't waste it if you don't know how to drink. This bottle of wine is what I got from Beauclair with great effort. Ordinary people will never have the chance to taste this kind of tribute-level wine in their lifetime. Learn to cherish."

"I don't feel very good, this wine is not good," Roy said honestly, "the fruit wine in the old captain's tavern is better, and the dwarf spirit is better than this!" He changed his words again, "You just now Speaking of Beauclair, if I remember correctly, this place is in the Duchy of Toussaint? Have you been there? Have you seen Duchess Anna Henrietta, is she as beautiful as the legends say?"

Toussaint is the place where the story of "Blood and Wine" happened in the future. Roy was deeply impressed by its beautiful fairy tale scenery. In addition, there were a large number of high-level vampires, "Yun Zhen" who wanted to die. ', and the pretty face of the Duchess.

"Madame didn't see it, but her husband, Duke Raymond, did meet..." Leto said, and glanced at him in surprise, "Little devil, where did you, a countryman from Aedrian, hear the name of the Duchess? "

Toussaint is located in the Nilfgaardian Empire, and cannot be hit with Aedirn. Leto feel more and more that this kid is weird and has some secrets.

"I said the answer long ago, but you don't want to believe it."

The witcher naturally didn't believe in the nonsense of foreshadowing in the dream.

Roy leaned closer to the fire with his shoulders in his arms, rubbing his palms constantly, "Master Letho, do witchers live as long as you?"

"Most of them will die in missions of hunting monsters and various battles, and less than half of them will live to the age of fifty."

Roy smiled slightly, but he knew that the Wolf School hides an old monster over 200 years old. Maybe other schools too

"Do you regret it now?" Leto suddenly turned around and looked straight at Roy. "Going down this road may die faster than being a farmer."

"To be honest... a little bit."

"Huh?" There was a faint murderous aura on the bald giant.

Roy quickly changed his tune and said sternly, "Sorry, I drank too much, how could I regret it."

"The two old guys have already sent your parents to Novigrad as agreed, if you dare to change your mind halfway through... The Viper School doesn't have as many lunatics as the Cat School, but it is absolutely impossible for those who dare to deceive and take advantage of us. Don't be soft."

The meaning in Leto's tone was self-evident.

"Calm down, Master Letho, let's change the subject."

"I heard that witchers don't carry two swords with them, so why is there only one sword behind you?"

Letho's face became even stiffer. "You should understand that each school is good at different fields. The Viper School is more inclined to use daggers and poisons to defeat the enemy."

Roy still stared at him without blinking, Lesso spread his hands, and there was a rare hint of helplessness in his tone, "I guess you know very well that these two swords are the stainless steel or meteorite long sword and the A silver sword that can be easily carried with one hand."

"Steel swords are used to deal with humans, and silver swords are used to restrain monsters sensitive to precious metals?" Roy asked.

Leto shook his head, "This is too absolute. Silver does restrain some monsters, but steel is more effective against other monsters."

As for why I only have a steel sword behind me, do you know how much a silver sword is worth, even if it is not forged from pure silver, but from fine steel and meteorite plated with silver? Now the situation of the Viper Academy is not as good as before, and all resources must be used on the edge, such as investment and training for you. "

Roy's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad to be so concerned by the witcher.

"A suitable silver sword is too far away from me. Actually, I am more interested in the crossbow. Is Master Letho familiar with this weapon? Can you teach me?"

He was deeply regretful that he had not been able to master long-range weapon skills after more than a month of hunting.

Compared with melee weapons, bows and crossbows of long-range weapons match his strongest attribute perception. By the way, the skill point that was raised to level 2, Roy added to the new skill, the "observation" became LV2, and the perception bonus became 2 points.

"You're asking the wrong person, kid, hand crossbows and crossbows are the best weapons of the Cat School and the Bear School," Lesso looked at the night outside the bonfire, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to think of some acquaintance. I can't say that I am proficient, but I have lived for decades, and I will use it more or less, and I will teach you in two days."

With that said, Leto took out a bag of brown powder from his pocket, and drew a circle on the grass to surround the horse, the bonfire, and the two of them.

Roy moved his nose and smelled a faint sour smell.

"What creature's feces is this?"

"Little devil, you have good knowledge! Pterodactyl excrement, sprinkled with this stuff, ordinary wild animals can't get in, you can sleep peacefully."

Roy wrinkled his nose, the smell was better than what he had smelled when he was an apprentice butcher, and he could bear it. But when the cold wind in the wilderness blew, he couldn't help shrinking his neck,

"Master Leto... Can you stop calling me kid, kid? Just call me by my name."

This kind of title always gave him the illusion that he was still that little brat with a runny nose.

"Then you have to work hard to get me to recognize it, and I will consider changing the name when the time comes." Leto replied without looking up, "From today onwards, you must get used to all this, and if it's cold, stay closer to the fire."

"Now, kid! I have to teach you your first lesson as a witcher's apprentice."

"Speak less, use your brain more, and never expose your weaknesses to others, even those closest to you... sh-"

Leto suddenly put his index finger in his mouth and made a silent gesture, Roy quietly pricked up his ears,


The long howl of the wolf went from far to near, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of firefly-like pupils appeared dozens of times away from the bonfire.

Roy held his breath and quietly clenched the crossbow tightly.

The strange pupils stared at the fire and peeped, moving left and right, but they seemed to be suppressed by some kind of invisible, and they dared not approach the circle on the ground.

With his fingers, Lesso drew an Axifa seal on the horses around him. The horse, which was snoring and a little restless, was instantly appeased, and remained motionless.

The roar of the wolves only lasted for two minutes, and in the end they didn't dare to rush over, and went away with a whine of "woo woo", disappearing into the depths of the night.

"Pterodactyl feces, the effect is good." Roy's mind became active. With the free super bodyguard of the witcher Leto, the pterodactyl feces around him could drive away beasts. If he made good use of the existing conditions, he would definitely be able to Experience comfortably brushing in the wilderness, a place with far more wildlife than the woods surrounding Kaye Village.

It means a lot of experience points. Anyway, there are some fresh meat and anesthetic powder left in the space.

"Look here, kid!" Leto's low voice sounded coldly, and the latter followed his orders without hesitation.

Then an inverted double triangle symbol took over his entire field of vision. Roy was dominated by an extremely strong sleepiness. As soon as he closed his eyes, he was completely confused.

The seal of Ashik remained for a moment, while the witcher's lips twitched and he spoke a long sentence to the confused boy.

As for what he said, he was blown away by the night wind, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

Then Lesuo breathed a sigh of relief, dissipated the dharma seal in his hand, pressed his ten fingers as thick as a carrot, and pressed against the boy who was lying on the ground and fell asleep.

Looking at the childish face under the firelight, the rough facial features quietly softened.

I almost can't remember the last time I took an apprentice... It seems to be more than 30 years ago, but unfortunately that kid didn't even make it through the first round of the green grass trial.

Will this mysterious little devil be a little different