The Divine Hunter

Chapter 16: Hypnosis and herbal medicine


The skyline, a flash of white light tore the darkness.

Dawn comes.

"Um… "

Roy stretched and opened his eyes, only to feel extremely relaxed, as if he had soaked in a hot spring for a night. In the past two months, it was the first time that he slept so comfortably.

When the cold wind in the morning blew, the tiredness of yesterday disappeared, and I felt refreshed and refreshed.

"By the way, what's wrong with me, last night... Axi seal, bastard, how can you use the seal on your own people."

Roy's face turned pale, and he quickly touched himself up and down. He was completely intact, his clothes had not been touched, and he was sure that nothing felt strange. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, bald heads don't have that kind of hobby."

"Wake up, kid..."

In the deep greeting that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Roy's eyes flashed, and he saw a roasted golden thigh meat drawing a beautiful curve in the air.

"Hiss... hot!"

He was in a hurry all the time, swaying from side to side and finally caught the barbecue, while blowing hot air, he asked, "What did you do to me last night?"

"Look at the wound on your thigh?"

"Hey, it's all good." Originally, Roy's inner thigh was severely frayed by the horse's back, and he looked bloody and could not be cured for three or five days without rest.

However, the wounded area was actually scabbed over the night. Although the layer of reddish-brown dead skin looked extremely ugly and felt hard to the touch, it didn't hurt at all.

"Last night I hypnotized you with Axifa and gave you some herbs by the way."

"Hey, Master Letho, isn't it inappropriate to do this, you can't let me know in advance? But... I didn't expect the Axifa Seal to improve sleep."

"Wait a minute, won't you feed me potions?"

The witcher's potion will cause great harm to ordinary people. Roy didn't want his developing body to suffer any damage, so he hurriedly checked the attribute list.

Fortunately, the physical condition is healthy.

The stamina attribute actually increased by 0.1 to 4.3. One night was worth the effect of his hard work for a month. I don't know what the witcher did to him, what kind of panacea he poured.

"It's not so good with defense," Lesso explained. "The grass trial has to be prepared for a long time. Before that, taking the potion will only take your life. What you eat is suitable for ordinary people. The special effect herbs. Long-term use can slightly improve the constitution.”

Roy's eyes lit up when he heard the words. Is there such a good thing

He stopped complaining at the moment, and devoured half of the thigh meat, tsk tsk admiring while eating, "The craftsmanship is good, the taste of the meat is also good, fragrant and chewy, master, what kind of animal meat is this?"

Leto's left eyelid twitched hard, and he took a deep breath, "This is the wolf's thigh, the guy who wanted to eat us last night."

Leto didn't let Roy ride with him anymore, but led the horse around slowly in this wilderness.

This land is full of strange plants and muddy loess.

The air is moist and fresh.

From time to time, a sneaky roe deer, honey badger, and deer poked their heads out of the low vegetation. They were startled by them, and they fled with their fat buttocks up.

"where are we going?"

The big man has begun to get used to the endless questions. He shrugged and said mysteriously, "If you think about it carefully, you will have an answer in your head."

Roy squinted his eyes suspiciously, and after a while, a large amount of unfamiliar and vivid information came out of his mind.

Calendula: A biennial herb, the whole plant is hairy. Leaves alternate, oblong. Flowers yellow or orange-yellow.

Likes to grow in cool climates, afraid of heat and cold.

Can promote digestion, accelerate wound healing.

Sage: An annual herb with erect stems and tufted, pubescent plants.

Prefers a warm, well-lit, well-ventilated environment. Drought tolerant, but not flood tolerant.

It has the functions of anti-toxin and detoxification, and eliminates the plague.

Nettles… Belladonna… Aggregates… Zinnia… Chamomile… Cypress stems and fruits…

The shape characteristics, growth environment, and medicinal value of more than 30 herbs were still in front of him. He could easily recall all the details. He was sure that no matter which one he saw, he could quickly identify them.

"After leaving Kaye Village for a day, your injuries are almost healed. It's time to learn something new." Leso led the horse and walked in front, and said slowly, "So last night I made you remember with a seal. I have lived in some common herbs, which can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, detoxify and resist poison... Keep them in mind, and you will use them in the future.”

Roy suddenly realized that the bald master witcher brought so many surprises in one night, enhancing his physique and imparting knowledge of herbal medicines—more than half of the more than 30 herbs were unfamiliar to him, and he was sure that there was no such thing in the game never appeared. But it's normal to think about it, the real world will not be as narrow as the game, and there will be more and more things he doesn't understand.

With a witcher to guide him, he stood on the shoulders of giants.

The witcher has really developed the seal to the extreme. Roy has never used the seal of Axi like this before

Similar to the legendary "Initiation Dafa"

"Master, why don't you leave something more in my mind? For example, alchemy, can you continue tonight?"

Leto said blankly, "If you are not afraid of sequelae and headaches for the rest of your life, I can do it for you."

As he said that, he stopped in front of a lush bush in the wilderness, and when he looked around, he could see clusters of plants of different shapes.

"Now go find the herbs in your head."

"What did you feed me last night? I want to get more."

"It's the cypress stalk fruit," said Leto. "It's good if you can find it. Eat it daily to slowly improve your weak physique."

Before collecting the herbs, Leto focused on the key points to note.

"If you don't understand the structural characteristics of herbs and the parts where they are used, you can pick them casually, which will easily destroy the medicinal properties and make a cherished and expensive herb not worth a crown."

"Like the cypress stem fruit you want to pick, the real useful part is the deformed red lump buried in the ground, and a neat, beautiful leaf exposed to the ground has no medicinal value at all. You can't rudely Just pull it out."

"Plants are a kind of life and have self-protection instincts. If they are subjected to a huge external force, their leaves will secrete a hormone that destroys the medicinal value of the fruit."

"So kid, you have to be as careful as you can with your movements, neither too strong nor too small."

As Leto's magnetic voice slowly flowed, Roy gradually restrained his contempt.

In the bushes, there is a layer of light frost and dew on the branches and leaves crawling on the ground. The climate in the north has always been cold, and now it is late autumn. It snowed.

Roy's face was flushed from the cold, but he still stubbornly searched along the various plants around him one by one. Fortunately, cypress stems were not a rare plant. The process is rather cumbersome.

He needs to carefully dig the cypress stem fruit out of the ground, with a slightly violent action, the fat, tender and juicy emerald green leaves of the cypress stem immediately turn black like a frightened octopus, and the connected fruit is also chemically The reaction seemed to rot in an instant.

When Roy was sweating profusely, he finally collected a considerable number of cypress stems and fruits-the appearance was fresh and dripping, the red and bright looks like strawberries, and there was a fragrance.

He put most of the fruit into the space to save, and put another in his mouth, and then found a slight poisoning state after the health value.

"Strange, the health and attribute values are normal, and the body doesn't feel any discomfort, how can it be slightly poisoned? If you can learn more about the medicinal effects of the cypress stem fruit..."

After thinking for a long time, Roy suddenly had an idea and thought of a skill "Observation" LV2 in the skill panel.

He seems to have made the preconceived mistake of thinking that "observation" only applies to humans, animals, and monsters.

Can it be used to observe herbs

Roy quickly found a live cypress stem, his eyes became as deep as the Milky Way, and an information sheet appeared on the top of the cypress stem:

cypress stems

Perennial herb.

Year: 2.5

Growing place: countries in the north, where the average temperature is lower than 20 degrees.


1. Take the fruit directly: Take one ounce of cypress stem fruit every day for one month, gradually improve the physical attributes, the cumulative effect will not exceed 1 point, and the physical fitness will not exceed 5. It is invalid if taken over 5 o'clock.

2. As a component of potions and potions.

Negative effects:

Contains mild toxicity. After each dose, it is necessary to wait until the toxicity completely disappears before continuing to use it, otherwise, the user's sense of taste will be gradually damaged.

Stamina is greater than 15, immune to this poison.

This piece of information, even the year of growth and usage, has specific data, which perfectly complements the herbal knowledge taught by the witcher.

From this moment on, Roy put "observation" in the priority sequence of promotion.

The remaining cypress stems and fruits were all stuffed into the storage space, and Roy began to sweep the entire plant.

Hundred Days Red, Crow's Eye, Ghost Needle Straw Mushroom, Black Hellebore Flower...

After a morning in this lush bush, Roy discovered a total of twelve herbs in his memory. In addition to the cypress stem fruit, an herb called dandelion flower has a weak effect on the strength attribute.

The final cumulative effect of the two herbs will not exceed 1 attribute, which does not seem to be obvious.

But attribute points are so precious, you can only get 1 point each time you level up, and now you need 1,000 experience points to level up again, and it will be more and more difficult in the future. Consuming herbs as an additional means of boosting stats is perfectly acceptable.

According to Roy's observations, if he eats these two herbs for a month, then his two weakest attributes, physique and strength, will reach the level of a normal adult 5.

The only downside is that swallowing herbs is a double-edged sword. In addition to the benefits, it also has mild side effects, which damage the sense of taste and smell respectively. But this kind of damage is time-sensitive, and the duration is very short, which is within his tolerance.

Just after eating the cypress stem fruit, he stuffed a small white petal of a dandelion into his mouth and chewed it slowly to fully digest it.

Relying on herbs to boost your attributes is definitely the easiest way to exercise.