The Divine Hunter

Chapter 19: slaughter


"Air, water, earth, fire, circling around you... and finally leaving you? Unsurprisingly, you're just an ordinary person."

"An ordinary person..."

With these words echoing in his ears, Roy sighed. "Sure enough, as the son of a farmer, I should be an ordinary person."

"I was not sent to the witcher because of the law of accident and became the son of an accident, nor did I have the blood of a quarter of the elves, and the excellent magical aptitude. If I want to gain a foothold in this world, I can only rely on my own efforts."

At this moment, he was slightly determined to become a witcher.

In addition, after the first active meditation, there are more tips in the template:

You successfully unlock a new skill:

Meditation LV1: This is the practice of the body and mind. It regulates the mind and body through meditation, and speeds up the recovery of injuries, magic power and physical energy. At the same time, the coordination ability is slowly improved, and the affinity for chaos energy is increased.

Note: Every time this skill is improved, the physical and mental attributes will be permanently enhanced.

Roy opened his mouth slightly. This was the first time he had seen a skill that could improve attributes.

I have to say, he was moved, and he wanted to rise to the next level immediately and put his skills up. Of course, just thinking about it, he quickly calmed down. Without unlocking the magic value, there is no way to release the witcher's sigil. It is meaningless to improve the spiritual attributes that affect the power of spells...

Lesso has been watching secretly beside him, and his excellent perception made him quickly discover that some invisible changes seemed to have occurred in Roy, and the details were hard to describe.

"What a kid full of secrets. But he belongs to the Viper Academy now, and his secrets will eventually belong to the Academy and become a force for revival."

The next morning, the two left the wilderness and set foot on the trail leading to Edsberg.

The indentations of the wheels and the hoof prints of horses' hooves can be seen everywhere on the trail, and there are dense woods on both sides. As the morning wind hits, the branches and leaves rustled, bringing a fragrance of soil and plants mixed in the woods.

The wind became stronger, and the big man seemed to have received some kind of signal. He suddenly stopped and reined in the reins. He squatted down and touched the traces of the ground with his fingers. Then he looked up at the empty front, and his amber pupils flashed. A little bit of vigilance.

"Roy, get your crossbow ready to fight!"

It has been calm and peaceful, why did something go wrong in the last section of the road

Roy pressed the bowstring made of beef tendon and quickly pulled the string to set the arrow. He didn't have too many waves in his heart, and he didn't know if it was because of meditation, or the mighty figure in front of him gave him confidence.

The two continued to walk forward, Roy quietly raised his ears, and his body gradually tightened.

But two hundred or so later, Leto stopped again, and the swift wind blew the black cloth on his shoulders high and backward.

"call out-"

A sharp whistle pierced the woods, and almost at the same time, a group of men in ragged clothes with dry yellow faces rushed out from the grass on both sides.

Farmers, or what kind of motley crew

They were dressed in tatters, and they didn't look very good, and even the weapons in their hands were somewhat comical shovels, hammers, and even pitchforks.

Their formation was disorganized, and their mouths were shouting and screaming, and they surrounded the two and one horse in the center, and their faces showed the fierceness of hunger.

Then a middle-aged man with a green leather cap, yellow jacket, black pants, and a black mole on his face walked out.

He held his head high and arrogant, like a big cock showing off his majestic figure.

"Put down your weapons and get down on the ground!" he ordered.

Roy held the crossbow with both hands according to the training, and secretly counted, there were about thirteen gangs surrounding them.

As if he hadn't heard the other party's words, the big man put his arms around his chest and asked, "The peasants rebelled against the army, how did they become robbers?"

Roy was thoughtful after hearing this, the peasants rebelled against the rebel army, the revolutionary army, right? He had heard rumors in Kaye Village that Edsberg was making a peasant revolution? Could it be that the group of people in front of them looked like they had been beaten with blood.

"Fart! What is a robber, you are slandering?" The leading man blushed and shouted righteously, "We are for a great revolution, to overthrow the tyranny of Demawi and Tavik! This is justice If you are righteous people, then please lay down your weapons and donate your property to support this righteous act. If you resist, you will be the executioners of the tyrant and the tyrants, and honestly accept the sanctions of the brothers in the revolutionary army!"

Roy's cheeks twitched when he heard it. He had never seen such a shameless person who called robbery a righteous act, but self-defense and rebels became villains.

Only people from the west would be so brazen.

Leto frowned. In his long memory, there were very few people who dared to steal money from witchers.

Before it was changed, he might have rushed forward without saying a word, but now that there are more people around, it seems inappropriate to start killing people directly.

Leto squeezed the pendant around his neck and showed it to everyone in front of him.

"Do you know what this is?"

There was a trace of greed in the leader's eyes, "This is made of silver? Throw it over here!"

"Boss, he... he's a witcher!" A lanky farmer with a long chin suddenly pointed at Letho, a look of horror on his face, and stammered.

"What? Is this guy a freak, a mutant?!"

"Look at his eyes, amber, cat's eyes!" A group of farmers took a step back in unison after hearing the words. Roy's eyes twitched. He didn't expect the word "Witcher" to have such a deterrent effect. .

"Boss, the witcher can kill even monsters, we are not his opponents!" Another farmer said tremblingly.

"What are you afraid of!" The leader saw his subordinates so timid and cowardly, his face flushed and roared, "They only have a witcher and a child."

"What are so many of us afraid of?!" The leader took two steps back a little, and said sternly, "Everyone goes together, I don't believe they have three heads and six arms. One person will poke them into holes."

"Yeah, what are you afraid of?!" The farmers seemed to have found their backbone. They raised their hammers, forks, and shovels again and pointed at the two people in the circle, but no one made a move first.

"Finally, put down your weapons!"

"Then let the people be slaughtered by you?" Leto lowered his face and shook his head, while Roy slowly walked around behind him when he saw this. He was not a witcher. For the sake of safety, let the big man stand in front.

"I smelled a strong smell of blood from your body. You shouldn't do anything less about killing people and stealing goods." Lesuo said solemnly, his tone dry and without the slightest emotion.

"Bastards, that's why they resisted and suffered for themselves!" The leader was still quibbling, "For the sake of a great revolution, sometimes sacrifice is inevitable!"

Leto finally stopped talking. His five fingers on his right hand were as flexible as a snake, and before everyone could react, he drew a seal.

A triangular red light instantly shot into the leader's eyes.

Then there was a terrifying scream in the field, and a farmer clutched his stomach tightly and stumbled back step by step, his face full of disbelief.

On the opposite side of him, the arrogant leader wearing a green leather cap, with eyes blank, held a bloody long sword like a puppet.

"Ah... Boss is controlled by the witcher!"

"Lear was killed by the boss!"

Under the horrified eyes of the farmers, Leto slowly drew out the steel sword behind him instead of the two-handed dagger.

A cold light flashed from the broad blade.

The witcher is like a ruthless predator, leaping forward and charging into the flock!

In terms of strength, reflexes, fighting skills and experience, the crappy farmers in front of them couldn't even compare to Letho's fraction. Leto turned into a human-shaped meat grinder, with broken arms and thighs, scattered pieces of meat, The splattered blood dyed Roy's eyes red.

on a narrow forest path.

Every time the sword light swayed, it was an exclamation and a life.

The frightened peasants fled desperately, but how could they escape the agile witchers of the Viper School. I could only hear the continuous wailing from the woods, begging for mercy.

Roy was stunned. He had killed many animals, but they were all livestock and beasts. He had never killed anyone.

But now a group of people were slaughtered one by one without resistance. No matter how painful, desperate, and howling, the cold-faced Leto was completely indifferent, just stubbornly brandishing his steel sword.

He didn't use the potion seal, it was purely instinct.

Is this the same guy who carefully instructed him in herbal medicine, crossbow shooting techniques, and taught him to meditate every night under hypnosis

Maybe this is the way a witcher behaves... Not only can he hunt down monsters that cause trouble everywhere, but he is also ruthless to some humans.

Holding the hand crossbow, Roy began to take a deep breath, spread his feet apart, and hung his arms in the air, as if he had trained hundreds of times in the standard posture of standing crossbow shooting.

A lucky man stumbled and dodged Leto, his face covered in blood, and his expression was half collapse, half hope, and rushed towards him.

"Grab him, grab this kid, use him to blackmail the witcher, and you'll survive."

He leaned half of his body, trying not to fall, trying to keep his balance, and his other hand trembled and stretched forward, as if to grab the child's neck.

One step, two steps, and you'll be able to catch him in no time!


A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the farmer seemed to be hit by a battering ram head on, his whole body slammed back, then raised his head, stretched his arms, and fell back to the ground softly.

Between his rounded eyes, a crossbow arrow with a tail feather penetrated the skull.

Gain experience value 20, LV2 (300/1000)

Roy exhaled half of the breath in his mouth, continued to inhale, used his hands and feet to pull the strings and set the arrow, aiming at the other side.

Ten minutes later, the ruthless killing was completely over.

Leto took out a blue cloth and slowly wiped the blood on the steel sword.

And Roy sat beside him with a blank expression, blood was still on his black hair and clothes.

"Hu-" After an unknown time, he suddenly took a deep breath.

Leto said coldly, "Have you seen it now, this bad world? There's no right or wrong. If we don't kill them all, let any of them escape and return to Edsberg, our next path will be difficult."

Seeing that Roy was still in a daze, he sighed,

"I smelled a strong smell of human blood from them. This group of people are not good people. They do a lot of robbery and murder. Do you feel better now?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little unaccustomed to it." Roy said sincerely, without pity for this group of people at all. Otherwise, who will pity the innocent souls who died under their hands

Leto complimented,

"Also, your arrows just now were good, and you haven't forgotten what I taught you."

Roy shot and killed three farmers who were fleeing wounded.

He remembered the breathing rhythm when firing, and pulled the trigger at the moment when the exhalation was about to become heavier. The shot was very steady, and three arrows took three lives.

In fact, he could kill more, but in the end he hesitated. The first time he killed, he couldn't be as hard-hearted as Leto.

A human life has 20 experience points, which is equivalent to a water ghost. After three lives, the experience value has grown to 340/1000.

Roy suddenly felt a little ridiculous. To a certain extent, for the template, all beings are equal, it is just cold data.

Soon after, the bodies of all the attackers were moved by the two to a large pit in the forest, and then Leto put some dog fat on them, and the Igni seal ignited and burned to charcoal.

Lest it nourish the plague and attract ghouls.

All the property looted by the robbers, nearly 100 crowns, was also pocketed by Reso.

A lot of money and experience, the harvest of this killing is beyond imagination. But Roy didn't want another time.

"Little devil, if you count the water ghost's brain, you can almost get half of it." Surprisingly, the witcher gave Roy 50 crowns.

"Lesson 3, the spoils must be distributed fairly." Leto said solemnly, "When you become a witcher in the future and don't want to turn against your partner, then never be blinded by greed."

Roy originally wanted to reject it, but he had an ominous premonition in his heart for no reason. It seemed that Leto had other deep meanings in giving him money.