The Divine Hunter

Chapter 25: Dwarf's Secret


"Witchers don't get involved in politics." Leto made a decision for Roy in one sentence, and tore up the notice abruptly.

Roy didn't plan to participate in the so-called parade. The brutality of the revolutionary army's robbery outside the city really disgusted him!

Furthermore, no matter how the revolutionary army and the government army fought, the civilians would always be the ones who were hurt the most. He could almost imagine the situation where the civilians who participated in the parade tomorrow were wailing and being taken into prison by the soldiers.

The night passed, and the two came to Sevier Hogg's mansion early the next morning as the guards entered the gate, and the dwarf wine merchant who had been waiting waved away the guards and maids.

He lowered his head, gritted his teeth, clasped his hands tightly, and was extremely uneasy. He even paced back and forth in front of the two of them for several times. After a long while, he sighed deeply.

"Can the two of you give me a promise to swear that I will never tell anyone... No, including the ancient races, any creatures that leak what I'm going to say later."

Seville raised his head suddenly, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

Leto and Roy looked at each other, and the dwarf dared to listen to their promises without a word

Seville seemed to see what the two were thinking, "I can't help it, I really can't stand that monster... It's the torture that the two people called Sim, and I'll die if this goes on!"

His eyes widened, his pupils were bloodshot. It seemed that after the witcher left last night, he still hadn't rested well.

"And even if you make an oath, as long as you spend enough money, I don't think anyone will be tempted! I want a guarantee from you, just for peace of mind."

He smiled wryly.

Leto raised his eyebrows like a knife when he heard the words. As one of the few remaining members of the Viper School, his pride would not allow him to lie about this kind of thing.

"Money can buy a lot of people, but not witchers!"

"Before accepting the entrustment, Your Excellency never stated that we need to swear. The oath is by no means an ordinary guarantee. It is like the law of accident entangled with the power of fate, and fate is hard to violate."

"So, the witcher's oath is never taken lightly!"

Letho held out a finger towards the dwarf.

"I have to pay more!"

The dwarf's cheeks twitched after hearing this, but he was a little bit overjoyed. Doesn't the more serious the witcher's performance mean, the more credible he is

Seeing this, Roy stretched out 5 fingers on the stick, "50 crowns, well, as long as you pay half of Master Leto, you can get the oath of an apprentice of the Viper School."

The three hit it off, and the total commission has now risen from the initial 200 to 350 crowns, but it is completely affordable for a dwarf wine merchant with deep pockets.

"My Gulta's Leto swears by the reputation of the Viper Academy that I will never divulge the secrets of Lord Sevier Hogg today to anyone, ancient races, or other guys, or the gods will punish me and make me unable to live in my lifetime. The moment to see the school re-emerge."

"I, Roy, swear to... um... Goddess Meritelli, I will never divulge every word I heard from Lord Sevier Hogg today, otherwise..."

Roy did not believe in the Prophet Rebioda, nor in the goddess Meritelli, but his oath was not false, and he would keep his mouth shut.

Half an hour later, Leto and Roy followed Sevier Hawke into the master bedroom on the third floor. Leto first used an Igni sign to set the fireplace on fire, and then lit four torches the height of one person, circling the room. placed against the four corners of the dwarf's bed.

In the whole bedroom, all corners are bright, and there is no shadow at all.

"Mr. Sevier, please lie down on your bed now."

The dwarf did what he said, covered his body with a quilt nervously, and then let Lesso's voice sounded in his ears, "There are only three of us now, you can tell your nightmare, that secret."

The dwarf closed his eyes, his face slightly contorted in pain, and began to slowly tell his story.

"This is a story about my good brother Akon."

"Aken is from Redania, his father is a half-elf and his mother is a human. Yes, he is a quarter-elf who is destined to be extraordinary, so his appearance is no different from a pure human being. ."

"He was a wise man, and he often said, 'Beverage can corrupt people's reason', so he didn't drink a drop of alcohol. After coming to the Mahakam Mountains, he often gave me advice and asked me to learn from Broval Hogg An obscure nephew under his command became a hot figure, and eventually defeated Zoltan Ziva and other competitors, and mastered Edsberg's beverage agency."

"He is my great benefactor and also my good brother. But his character is not born to be under people for a long time. After coming to Edsberg with me, he soon had a new goal and left my team. ."

"Maybe it was because he saw his father in Redania when he was a child who was abused and discriminated against by humans because of his elf blood, and never enjoyed a fair social status. He despised all injustice and discrimination from the bottom of his heart, and put it into practice. Take action and actually resist.”

"There is no doubt that the high taxation of the entire Aden is extremely unfair. Therefore, he used his wisdom to secretly gather all the civilians who dared to resist."

"Regardless of race or past, as long as you have a heart that pursues freedom and justice and has the courage to resist, you can join Aken's team and get free board and lodging. Of course, some of his funds are funded by me. Perhaps it is due to the blood of the Adian people. There were seeds of revolution in it, and the ranks grew very quickly, to the point where Baron Tavik had to take it seriously."

"In addition to the Baron's army, the commoners, the sparrow gang, and the dwarves of Mahakan, a fifth force appeared in Edsberg. The initial balance of power was broken, and Tavik, the moderate baron, opened a relationship with Akon. The negotiation was very smooth at the beginning, and the negotiation achieved a result that almost everyone was satisfied with. The tax on farmers was reduced by one-fifth. I advised Akon to stop, but he was not satisfied and calmed down for a while. Then continue to put pressure on the Baron."

"Alas, the Prophet said 'the wrath of an honest man can burn down the entire Mahakam', and the baron was angered by his aggressive behavior and issued a warrant!"

Hearing this, Roy's eyes lit up, and he had already guessed the true identity of this Akon.

"In order to avoid the search, Akon secretly found me for help. As a good brother, I obliged to take him in. I swear to the holy mountain, I hid him in the most hidden place in the entire Seville mansion."

Roy and the witcher were silent, as if they didn't know.

"The wine barrels in the basement are endless, and the soldiers are constantly searching, not to mention I don't allow them to open the wine barrels and waste my wine. The baron dare not offend Mahakam's forces too much and let the soldiers do it. As it should be, they Arken was not found hiding in a barrel of dwarven spirit over sixty years old."

"Aken is very safe..." Sevier showed a wry smile on his face. "Unfortunately, I missed one thing. He doesn't drink a drop of alcohol, and he has never drank alcohol. He is even lighter than a newborn baby."

"When I went back to the wine cellar to open the barrel, he actually... actually... fainted by the smell of spirits, lying flushed in half a barrel of spirits, as if he had fallen asleep, but no matter how much I called him he didn't wake up."

"He's dead!" Seville sat up straight from the bed, grabbed Leto's bear paw, blew his beard and stared, his heart almost jumping out of his chest.

"It's absurd! God's jealousy! A wise man who didn't drink a drop of wine died of drunkenness in my wine cellar. I dreamed of Akon every night, and he came to me and asked me why he murdered him with fine wine. life. I betrayed his kindness to me."

When Leto heard the whole story, a sense of absurdity rose in his heart, but the guy who was obviously not drinking died in the barrel.

"I'm a bastard... I... I deserve nightmares... I'm sorry for him! But I didn't murder him!"

"Woooo..." The dwarf with five big, three thick panda eyes kept talking like a dream, then covered his face and wept, like a huge child, Roy couldn't help twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, we know everything about the cause and effect. Sir Seville, calm down and follow us to the wine cellar to see the situation. According to you, the wine cellar is undoubtedly the place you are most afraid of, no accident Simm It will show up there!"

"Ah? I... Can I not go?!" Seville tightened his body in panic. His mood was very tangled. He wanted to see this guy who had been haunting him for months, but he couldn't hold back his heart. of fear.

And Leto pretended to think for a moment, "You're watching us from the door of the cellar!

"Give... the key... the key to you!"