The Divine Hunter

Chapter 3: Butcher


On the pitted path of the village, two children, one big and one small, walked towards the house of Fletcher the butcher in the north.

In Roy's impression, Uncle Butcher seemed to be a distant relative of Susie, and the two families would occasionally move around, so his ideas might have a chance.

"Humph! Cock killer, look at your little arms and legs, thin like a wooden stick, and you want to be my father's apprentice? Just stay home and let you go!" Brandon sucked and slid it to his upper lip The translucent snot, said with great disdain.

Roy followed behind the boy, the other party was less than 4 feet (1.2 meters), he was almost 5 feet and 4 inches (about 1.6 meters), looked down at the latter's watermelon head, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to flatten the bunch of heights on the other side's head. Before Brandon turned his head alertly, he withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened.

Well, it's comfortable now.

He had lived for 18 years in his previous life, so he couldn't care less about a brat. He shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I'm already a thirteen-year-old adult. Killing a chicken is such a big deal. Only brats who haven't seen the market will Will make a fuss. Cock killer? It's nasty to die for, you can't figure it out."

"A fool who doesn't even know how to plow the ground actually has the courage to kill chickens with his own hands. There are various indications that you are very likely to be possessed by the devil. I have to judge this point slowly. But, say I haven't seen the market? "Brandon's dirty little chubby hand wiped the snot from his mouth, and then skillfully wiped it off with his clean white shirt.

As the butcher's child, his family's financial situation is much better than that of most households in the village. There is no shortage of meat, and his clothes are more polished. Although he is young, he is favored by several children of the same age. Since childhood, he has a sense of "superiority", how can he resist ridicule

"Mud legs! My father once met Queen Mivi of Leiria and Livia at the winter solstice festival, and told me every night about the grand occasion of the year, you hillbilly who has never been out of Caye dare to say that I did not Have you seen the market?"

"Oh, you have to listen to your Uncle Fletcher bragging every night. Then has he told you about conjuring tricks?" Roy quietly observed the other party's expression, and as soon as he heard the word "conjuring", Bran Dong's eyes lit up immediately, and he spoke with saliva flying, his words full of envy and longing.

Seeing this, Roy calmed down, suddenly stopped, raised his head and put on his air, "If you can help to persuade Uncle Fletcher to accept me as an apprentice, then the great Lord Roy will show Brandon again. A miraculous trick."

"The rooster killer, you should keep the lie to deceive Uncle Tangji's milk doll, so I won't fall for it?" Brandon choked suddenly, his eyes widened, his mouth wide enough to fit an egg , the caterpillar-like snot slid uncontrollably from his nostrils.

"Hmm... how did you do it." Right in front of him, under the bright sunlight, a stone in Roy's right palm disappeared without warning, as if it had been moved out of thin air to an invisible place.

The palms closed and opened again, and the stone reappeared.

"That's the trick I'm talking about." Roy was very satisfied with the little boy's performance. In fact, the stone was quietly lying in the cubic space attached to the template, and he could put it away at will as long as his mind moved. in the vicinity.

"I don't believe it, let me see it again!"

"For a change of props this time, do you have any money on you?"

"Yes." Occasionally, Brandon would steal some change from the butcher's father secretly, and take his close friends in the village to the pub to buy some dried fruit and taste the sweet and sour fruit wine.

"Give it to me, a crown will do!"

Brandon didn't know if it was stupid or just out of curiosity. He really took out a yellow crown from his arms and threw it to Roy. Then he stretched his neck, watching the other party hold the crown and turn it down, waiting for his fist. Turning around and opening it again, the crown disappeared without a trace.

"I always stay at home and stay out of the house, just to study tricks. Now that the study is successful, it should also let you see and see."

Brandon searched Roy's body in disbelief, and the latter was completely clean and had nowhere to hide. This time, he had nothing to say and agreed to Roy's request.

"You teach me tricks, and I beg my father to accept you as an apprentice. This business is not a loss."

"There is one more thing, I solemnly warn you!" Seeing that the other party didn't mention it, Roy laughed at the Krone and emphasized, "Never call me a rooster killer again, and don't presume it in front of anyone."

In the yard of the butcher's house, a middle-aged man with a big shoulders and a round waist was stroking a ox that was tied up by its limbs and hung upside down on a wooden frame. He ignored Roy, but roared at the little fat man with a stern face, "Stinky boy, where are you going to wander around? I said that I didn't report to the village chief's house a few times this month, wasting my hard-earned money. Money! If you don’t know a few big characters, what kind of bard do you want to be in the future? Just learn the craft from me!”

Brandon was exposed to the "ideal" in person, and suddenly his fat face flushed and he lowered his head. He was the son of a pig butcher, but dreamed of being a suave bard, and if the rest of the village knew about it, he would not laugh out loud.

In fact, in the entire Kaye Village, there are no more than three people who are literate and hyphenated, including the village chief. Ninety percent of the villagers even need to pay for help to write a letter to their relatives in the distance on weekdays. Although the butcher Fletcher Five big and three rough, but he doesn't want his son to continue to be illiterate.

"Brandon, if you can get the praise of the village chief, I will let you, Uncle Tom, drive you to Vangerburg to have a long experience. If you learn well enough, then Dad, even if I lose my family, I will send you to Ossenfer. Studying at a special university! Your mother thought the same thing before she died, don't let her down!"

Roy didn't feel anything at first when he heard about Brandon's ideal of becoming a bard. When his father finished talking, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised that this guy had such a vision

The butcher's job can make people live a very nourishing life, but in terms of decency and status, it is not as good as a literate person. Let's not talk about going to university. As long as you can read and write the common script of the northern kingdom, you will not have to worry about food and drink in the countryside. Good luck. It's more respectable to be a transcriber in a big city.

As for the University of Ossenfurt in the mouth of the butcher, it is the best university in the world, along with the Imperial College of Nilfgaard. Geralt's best friend Dandelion and confidante Shani are both graduates of Orsenfurt.

"You can't underestimate the country people." Roy looked back and forth between the butcher and his son.

Fletcher scolded his son, but ignored him. "You stinky boy don't go back to the house yet!" Brandon cast a look of help at Roy, who immediately stepped forward and said, "Uncle Fletcher, today I'm coming..."

The butcher waved his hand impatiently and interrupted him directly, "Little Roy, are you healed? Buy a piece of fresh meat for a while and go back to make up for it! Susie has been exhausted these days, so I'll spend more time with you if you have time. she!"

At this time, Brandon was thinking about learning tricks, and he said bravely, "Fletcher, he wants to be your apprentice."

"Just him?" Fletcher squinted and swept Roy all over, and said unceremoniously, "Uncle is going to recruit an apprentice, but you haven't even planted land, Susie can agree with you to come to me as an apprentice. Apprentice? Besides, your body is too thin, and I'm afraid you won't be able to handle a single animal for a long time, so don't come and make trouble with me, where you can stay cool!"

The work of slaughtering pigs and slaughtering sheep, despite being dirty and tiring, is a sought-after job. The knife makes it slip a little bit, and oil, water and crowns are indispensable. Fletcher used to want to pass this business on to his son, so that he can live and breathe. But now, this kid has a better way out - to learn common characters, and he will no longer force it.

The weak Roy had already made up his mind to find a stable source of experience, how could he be scared away by this little difficulty, clasped his fingers, and said with a straight face, "Uncle Fletcher, give me a chance and listen to my explanation, okay? ?"

The butcher nodded.

"Actually, I have already discussed it with Old Moore and Susie. I have the final say on this matter." Roy paused, "You mentioned that being a butcher requires a body, which is true. But this craft is more about technology and experience. , and these can be accumulated slowly. As I know, with your experience and skills, even with your eyes closed, you can divide livestock neatly."

"Don't look at me thin now, but I'm young, energetic, my strength grows fast, and I learn things quickly. As long as you are willing to teach me hands-on, I promise I won't let you down!" Roy gritted his teeth and added Turn the fire, "If I can't work well during the apprenticeship, I don't need wages! As long as you occasionally cut me a piece of meat or something."

The butcher grinned and said, "Little Roy is different from before. Before, you couldn't hold back a word for a long time, but why is your mouth so slippery now? It seems like I'm committing a crime if I don't accept you. Look. For Susie's face, then I'll give you a chance, do you dare to do it?" He moved away to reveal the big ox behind him.

"As long as you dare to send this big guy away with your own hands and hold back your nausea and don't spit it out for me, then I, Fletcher, will accept you as an apprentice."

He knew in his heart that Roy, a half-year-old boy who had never seen blood, would not dare to do anything.

But I don't know that the body of the young man in front of him was forcibly stuffed into the soul of a young man on the earth in the era of information explosion. What bloody scene have you not seen on the screen

Roy took the ox-eared knife from the butcher's hand without changing his face, walked straight to the hanging ox, turned around and said sincerely,

"Uncle Fletcher, to tell you the truth, I had a very long dream after being hit by that horse a few days ago. After I woke up, I decided to make some changes. I am a countryman and can't farm. But I also have to learn a craft to support myself and subsidize my family... Old Moore and Susie have taken care of me for more than ten years, and I should repay them."

The whole yard instantly became audible. Brandon was pale and held his breath. Although he was the son of a butcher, he had never done anything. Every time his father slaughtered livestock, he would hide from a distance and cover his ears. . The thin back in front of him, holding the ferocious cold blade, suddenly gave him a strange feeling.

Roy, it seems that he is no longer the gentle, cowardly Roy he used to be.

As for Mr. Butcher, there was a hint of surprise on his oily face, is this growing up? They know how to think about their family. Fletcher couldn't help but glance at the naughty man with a runny nose beside his eyes.

Could it be that being hit by a horse will suddenly grow up and mature

"Roy, in the area near the cow's neck, you should see a bump. I just found it. Your knife will stab at that bump and stab accurately, and the cow won't suffer too much pain."

As soon as the former's voice fell, Roy's eyes narrowed.

He captured the feeling of killing chickens.

With a steady wave of the hand, the knife is clean, fierce and decisive, and the wrist is sent forward, the knife is drawn, and the knife is retracted. The big yellow ox looked at him with his huge black eyes, two wet marks flowed from his eyes, and he mooed weakly twice, but he didn't even struggle and he didn't make a sound.

At the same time, the experience value in the Roy template has increased to 7 points. Killing a big ox gives him a full 5 experience points.

The second drop of blood, the legendary vomiting, and emotional agitation still hadn't appeared.

But killing chickens and killing cows are different after all. Roy didn't have much joy in gaining experience points, but instead felt a touch of sadness and a trace of fear.

Killing a life, you can get experience points, what is the principle

If you kill a person, how much experience does it have

For the personal template, the only meaning of life is experience value

How does the template determine experience points for each type of life, the bigger the body, the higher it is? Or the strength of vitality, the quality of soul? other reasons? Roy has to make sure with more kills.

Countless questions popped up in his mind, and he was dazed while holding the bloody sharp knife.

At this time, the butcher smiled heartily, slapped him on the shoulder, and slapped Roy with great strength.

"Good boy, do you really dare to do it, and you will become more courageous if you are hit by a horse?! This time you pass the test. If you don't dislike being dirty and tired, come to me tomorrow morning before the sun comes out and try it out. If you can Hold on, let’s not talk about wages, you will be indispensable for oil and water.”

Fletcher is not too young. His son is devoted to learning common languages and is unwilling to take his class, so he needs an assistant to help him. Although Roy is thin, he has seen the elders since he was a child. He is simple and honest, and knows how to repay his parents. Because of Susie's sake, he has some kinship with him, and it seems good to cultivate slowly.

"Uncle Fletcher, I'll be there on time!" Roy broke away from his sentimentality instantly, and his eyes became firm. He laughed at himself, "I can't get enough to eat, and there are unknown threats, why should I pretend to pity a beef cow?" Roy put away the crocodile's tears and clenched the sharp knife.