The Divine Hunter

Chapter 31: Vivien


"What would you like to have today? Brisket with basil?" Beside the barbecue stall, a young man with red hair and a big nose in his 20s quickly brushed spices on the skewers on the grill with both hands, and the smell of meat wafted far away in the wind. , the young man next to him couldn't help moving his nose.

"Then this is the one you recommended. Emil, remember to add more chili peppers, the weather is getting colder and colder." Roy, whose cheeks were flushed from the cold, brushed off his feathers in the cold wind, and glanced at the gloomy Sky.

Three days have passed in the blink of an eye, and November 1, the New Year recorded by the Elf calendar, is not far away.

In the past three days, Roy has completely adapted to the work of the market. The poultry stall can provide about 30 experience points per day, and the work of the herbal shop is also very smooth. He also became acquainted with Tross, Emile who sold roast meat, and old Ruhr from the poultry stall. He lived an extremely regular life. Apart from his routine training every night, he was just an ordinary young man who went to big cities to hunt and hunt. The traces of the devil seem to disappear from life at once.

"Here, your meat is ready," Emil handed over the forearm-length string of sizzling meat. "You're a regular customer, so I'll add more."

Roy took the meat skewers and walked to a remote corner to take in the space. The meat skewers were not prepared for himself, but for others. In the evening, he was about to leave the market and return to the mill, but was stopped by Tros of the herbal shop.

"Well... Roy, a washerwoman named Cuilin ordered a bag of honeysuckle, how about you bring it to her?" Tros said casually, "She lives in No. ** in the lower city, and I have to guard it. Shop, can't go."

During this time, the other party often asked him to help with errands. But it was the first time that he asked to be sent to the lower city, and Roy thought of the reminders from the Sparrow Gang and Henk. But things have passed for several days, so you won't be so unlucky, right


Roy walked through the market in Midtown and headed for the ghetto to the east. The sky was dark, large dark clouds gathered in the distant sky, and the orange sunset was hidden in the past.

Across a narrow and murky stinky ditch, there is an endless expanse of low-slung shacks, which constitute a filthy slum.

A few steps into the slum, Roy frowned and covered his nose. Most of the houses were in tatters. Sewage poured out of the sewers and polluted the ground. Domestic garbage was piled up in the dark and narrow alleys. mouth.

The people who passed by him were wearing cheap clothes, with disheveled faces, and their expressions were urgent. When the cold wind blew, their flushed faces flashed a trace of confusion. Some men are young, but their backs are deformed by heavy physical labor.

The smell of fish in the air, human and animal excrement mingled into an indescribable stench.

Compared with the clean and tidy wealthy area, here is the difference between hell and heaven.

But this scene is the norm of the times.

Roy resisted the urge to turn and leave, came to the destination of the trip, and handed the herbs to the thin woman who was washing the sheets in the yard outside the house.

But on the way back, a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart, a feeling of thorns on his back. Roy deliberately walked to a corner and glanced covertly in the direction he was passing from the corner of his field of vision.

Unsurprisingly, there were two men in fancy dress who looked ruffian and ruffian hanging far behind him.

"What are these two guys trying to do, why are they following me?" Roy remembered the warning from the miller Henk.

"So unlucky when you first came to Xiacheng?" Roy took a deep breath and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

The two stalkers had no idea what was hidden on the seemingly harmless target.

Such a scene appeared on the dirty street. A young man walked in front of him with his head lowered, and two men with gloomy faces stalked and chased after him.

On the second floor of a dilapidated house on the side of the road, some residents who were collecting their clothes on the balcony noticed the strangeness, but they just held their chins to show a good show. There were also residents who hurriedly glanced here, but speeded up their pace, disgusting. Not walking fast enough.

Nobody minds their business.

Roy quietly focused his attention on the hidden hand crossbow, and estimated the size of the remaining space, suddenly accelerated his speed, and jumped straight forward.

"Hey, little brother, come here!" A sudden voice interrupted his plan. When Roy looked up, he saw a beautiful young woman waving to him not far ahead.

are you calling me

He glanced back at the two stalking guys, hesitated for a moment, "Forget it, there are too many people. It's not good to make a big move again."

He approached the woman, a faint scent hit him, he felt dark in front of him, and his left arm was instantly embraced by Wen Xiangnuanyu, "Little brother, don't be afraid with me, those two bastards dare not What to do with you!"

The woman blinked at him, and the two who were following really stopped as they said. Among them, the man with a large tattoo on his neck spit out thick phlegm at them.

"Boy, you are lucky!"

Rapid footsteps sounded, and the two men left cursingly.

"Well, thanks for your help." Roy's face was stiff, and the soft touch on his arm made him uncomfortable.

"Sorry, did it hurt you?" The woman released her arm and touched Roy's hair affectionately. She was about 5 by 8 inches (1.7 meters) tall, twenty-four or five years old, with an emerald green coat. The pleated skirt above the top and thigh fully highlights the beautiful body curve.

The long burgundy hair is tied behind her head, a silver pendant hangs on her slender neck, her legs are straight and fair under the pleated skirt, and her waist is tied with a waist that is full of hands. The most attractive thing is her moist eyes. Her eyes and slightly thick red lips gave her a charming look on her face.

This bright face smiled brightly, and in an instant, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be dispelled.

"My name is Vivien. Little brother, you? Why did you come down to the city by yourself, and no one told you that this place is dangerous? The sparrow gang can do anything for money."

The woman's voice is very gentle and her attitude is surprisingly good.

Roy was stunned for a moment by her bright eyes, but this body was immature and recovered quickly, and smiled gratefully at the other party, "Sister Vivien, just call me Roy, I'll do it for you. Sending a package of herbal medicines, I didn’t expect to be so unlucky, this is the first time I encountered such a thing.”

"Oh, I thought those two bastards were waiting for you..." Vivien whispered, "Where are you going now?"

"Back to the herbal shop in the market."

"I happened to drop by to buy something, let's go together..."

Roy was sure he didn't feel the threat of the two villains, so he agreed.

The two walked side by side, and it didn't take long for Roy to notice that the woman's hands were far less delicate than the skin on her face, covered with frostbite, dead skin, and calluses.

"Sister Vivien, that kind of thing often happens in Xiacheng District? No one cares?"

"Recently, the revolutionary army has made a lot of trouble. There are too many things in the middle city and the wealthy area to manage. The lower city is basically left unattended. You have to be careful in the future, and don't come here alone."

Roy asked worriedly, "You helped me just now, will those two bastards take revenge?"

The woman suddenly stopped when she heard the words, and there was a hint of relief in her beautiful eyes, her eyes seemed to be looking at a junior of her own family, "Don't worry, they don't dare to do anything to me."

Roy was surprised when he saw this, and the other party seemed to have a favorable impression of him for no reason.

The two chatted while walking, but when they arrived at the herbal shop after a while, Vivien waved at Roy, urging him to hurry over, then turned and left freely.

Tross noticed Roy and the woman who was with him, surprise flashed in his eyes, and his expression quickly returned to normal.

"Is the item delivered?"

"Well," Roy said, "Uncle Tross. Do you know Vivien, the woman just now?"

Tros raised his face, his originally small eyes narrowed into slits, and his face was intoxicated as if he was fantasizing about something, "Vivien is a good girl." His palms drew a gourd curve in the air, and licked Dry lips, "Ninety-nine percent of the women in this city, right?"

"She's also warm and kind. I was stalked by two sneaky guys down town, thanks to her for helping out."

Tross's eyes suddenly looked at him, and he said with remorse, "It's all my fault. I should have reminded you earlier that the lower city has not been peaceful, especially recently."

"Forget it, there's no big problem anyway." Roy then asked, "Vivien doesn't seem to be afraid of those two little bastards at all. What's going on?"

There was a hint of admiration on the wrinkled old face of Tross, "There is a three-story house in the northeast corner of Midtown, next to the Lower Town, called Kadel House. He only charged a very low fee to teach Eds. The children of Borg civilians are literate and provide free lunches for the children. Vivien is the teacher at the school and is loved by the locals.”

"No matter how many bastards there are in the Sparrow Gang, there are no more than the locals. Naturally, they dare not provoke her."

Tross sighed again, "A lot of good people are unfortunate. It's a pity that her mother is often not sober, and there is an alcoholic father who needs to be supported. In order to take care of her family and subsidize those poor students, she has had a hard life... "

"You said that such a good-hearted beauty lives in the filthy lower city?" Tros looked like he wanted to share her worries, and Roy couldn't help laughing. In the usual chat, the herbal shop owner revealed that I have a happy family with my wife and children.

"Uncle Tross, can I study at Kadel's house?" Roy asked slightly heartily. This matter was already in his plan. Now that his work is stable, he can take time out every afternoon.

"You're young, so it shouldn't be a problem." Tross rubbed his chin and pondered, "The tuition fee will be a little more expensive than the locals, but it's definitely more cost-effective than hiring a transcriber and others."

Roy was slightly overjoyed, the planned work and accommodation were all resolved perfectly, and now a way to learn common characters was in front of him, and the process basically had no twists and turns. All he had to do was follow it step by step and surprise him when the witcher came back.