The Divine Hunter

Chapter 36: journal


Roy followed Vivien to the living room on the third floor of the school. She stayed at the school at night and would live in this room. And Principal Cadell, a homeless student, the room is next door. But now it's empty.

The woman led him into the house. The interior of the house looked much more shabby and shabby than the outside. The surrounding walls were cracked in many places, and moldy black spots could be seen everywhere.

The furnishings in the house are simple, with only a table and chairs, a wall clock, a full-length mirror, and a wooden bed covered with a blanket... A large brown wooden box is placed beside the inner wall.

After Vivien opened the wooden box with the key, she took out a stack of crumpled, yellow low-quality paper, and then separated a small stack from it and spread it out on the wooden table.

"After reading these diaries, you can understand a little bit, my feelings."

Roy nodded and started reading silently. Vivien sat next to him, with a nervous look in his beautiful eyes, explaining to him the words he had learned from time to time.

The handwriting on the paper was originally slender and beautiful, but the quill used for writing was the worst, and because of the poor quality of the ink, the handwriting from time to time stuck together and turned into a black and ugly mass, which greatly damaged the diary. neatness and aesthetics, but does not interfere with reading.

"May 12, 1256

Today, the alcoholic turned his house upside down, he couldn't find a single crown, he had no money to buy wine, and the tavern owner wouldn't let him continue to take credit. He finally woke up for a day, and the conscience that had been soaked in alcohol seemed to be showing signs of recovery.

It's like a dream scene! Our family of four was sitting in a dark, damp hut celebrating my poor mother's birthday with a smoked fish.

Merciful Prophet Rebioda, please grant me mercy and bless our family to have such a birthday next year. "

A family of four

Roy rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was wrong, Vivien, her alcoholic father, her delirious mother, and—

"There were guests at your house at the time?" Roy glanced at Vivien, "or was it a typo?"

"I don't remember any guests on my mother's birthday. More precisely, as far as I can remember, no one has come to the house except for the drinker. As for your typo," Vivien said. Pretty face is very calm, "I have always been in charge of the arithmetic class at Kadel's house. If I can't tell the difference between three and four, then what face will I have left? Keep reading."

Roy held his temper and turned his attention to another diary, which was much shorter.

"January 20, 1257

He got into a fight with Miffen because Miffen scolded our father - that guy came to school drunk and asked me for money during school hours and sprayed shit in front of everyone, like a sparrow gang The thugs and human traffickers are also disgusting and disgusting.

I agree with Miffin, that alcoholic is a total asshole. "

Roy is curious, who is this "he" referring to? Judging from the information revealed in the text, "he", like Vivien, also called the alcoholic a father, so it is indeed possible that he is Vivien's brother.

"August 19, 1257

Today, Principal Cardell, my most respected elder, talked to me. First of all, he affirmed my contribution to the school over the years, and then encouraged me to continue to work hard to cultivate more outstanding students. My ultimate goal is to get an outstanding graduate into Oxenfurt University, a feat that even Principal Cadell has not been able to accomplish!

Then, the principal mentioned to me about... and told me euphemistically that I should be properly concerned about... As a relative, even if I ignore any student in the school, I should not ignore him. It was then that I suddenly realized that my alcoholic father, my often confused mother, and me, were unknowingly… ignoring him. "

"Have you found it?" Vivien's slender fingers suddenly pointed to a line in the diary, "This place is missing a bit of content."

"Yes, it's really strange." Roy's eyes flashed with confusion. "There are two places in this diary that were left empty. We talked about 'who'? Are you concerned about 'who'?"

These two blanks were obviously left on purpose. It seems that there should have been two names

Vivien breathed a sigh of relief, "Sure enough, I'm not the only one who thinks this way. It's obvious. What else could the missing content be other than my brother's name?"

"Look again, there are a few more."

Vivien found a total of eight diaries, most of which have the same feature, a mysterious "he" throughout, strangely, but none of them mention the specific name of "his", or describe "he". His" appearance, age.

But it's clear from the diary that "he" was close to Vivien and her family, having attended school at Cadell House.

The last entry in the diary was October 4, 1258, which was less than half a month away from today's date.

"The alcoholic started to lose his temper again, slapped me, choked me and demanded money. I felt like he was really going to strangle me. I pushed him away as hard as I could before choking. Crying and running away from the house.

… Worrying about my safety, I also followed, and we ran to the school together and chatted all night.

That night, the horn tree dropped a lot of leaves. "

Roy lay back on the chair, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, sorting out the messy information in his mind.

His first impression was that there was a diary entry that completely contradicted Principal Kardel's statement in the afternoon. Principal Kardel did not admit that Vivien had a biological brother, so how could she have asked her to care about this non-existent person.

And Roy recalled the scene at the time, and it didn't seem like Principal Cadel was lying at all. On the contrary, it was the woman beside him, whose startled, somewhat neurotic expression made him even more suspicious.

An idea suddenly popped into Roy's mind. Principal Cadel, Uncle Tros, Henk from the mill, and the diary all proved that Vivien had a father who was drunk and abusive and a mother who was mentally unstable. The two incentives are added together, so does this woman with impeccable appearance and character in front of her have some kind of mental illness

If that's the truth, then everything makes sense.

Compared with the claim that Vivien has a mysterious brother, Roy is more willing to believe that there is something wrong with her mental state.

Roy observed the other party's expression, the woman's towering chest heaved up and down, her breathing was rapid, and her beautiful eyes were full of anticipation.

"Did 'he' still appear in the diaries after October 4, 1258?"

"It hasn't happened since, 'he' disappeared from my world completely." Vivien shook her head lightly, her pretty face unable to hide her disappointment, "The time can only be traced back to 1256 before "he" appeared , but I think the diaries before that are too far apart to be of any reference."

Roy tapped the table with his index and middle fingers, "After October 4th, what is the date of the nearest diary?"

"November 1, New Year's Day."

Roy took a deep breath after listening, "So it's very likely that 'he' had an accident between October 4th and the New Year, which was less than a month."

"Yes, I think so too." Vivien's voice trembled, "Roy, what do you think now? From the perspective of a witcher apprentice, do you believe me? Or do you think I am like everyone else? A lunatic, making up a ridiculous relative that exists only in the imagination."

Roy considered for two seconds, thinking that he could not stimulate the other party.

"There are many strange things in this world that cannot be explained by common sense, so Sister Vivien, I trust you. I will take the time to investigate the whereabouts of 'him'."

Although Roy already had a general idea in his mind, he couldn't jump to conclusions. After all, he only got Vivien's confession. He had to find more solid evidence to support his conclusion and prove that all this was just Vivien. imagined.

The woman stroked her chest and breathed a long sigh of relief, and with a touch of emotion in her beautiful eyes, she held Roy's hand tightly.

"I've heard of witcher rules, and I'll be ready to pay."

"No, I'll talk about the remuneration later." Although Roy didn't want to be a bad guy, but for someone like Vivien who is almost selfless and dedicated to the Kadel family, if he has the ability, he will still help a bit.

The premise is that there is not too much danger, he remembers the principle of witchers, do not choose an invincible target. He wants to do a preliminary survey first.

"Then please, help me find 'him' together. But you must pay attention to your own safety first. Don't reveal it to anyone else."

"I see."