The Divine Hunter

Chapter 37: ask


Roy was going to settle down and investigate the whole thing, so the morning work would have to be postponed.

Before returning to the mill, he told Old Ruhr at the poultry stall and Tros at the herbal shop.

"Ask for leave tomorrow morning? Of course, no problem. I have done a good job in the past half month, and I will pay for the rest of the day." Tros readily agreed, "But I am a little curious, what can you do? Is it possible? Edsberg got a little girlfriend? Going to date her?"

"Little brother, as someone who has come here, let me remind you that spending money on women is a bottomless pit! Women's vanity will never be satisfied."

"Uncle Tros, don't make fun of me." Roy didn't hide it. "My girlfriend is very far away from me. I'm going to find someone in Xiacheng tomorrow morning. As for who it is, you don't care."

"Oh, then you must pay attention to safety." Tros's wrinkled face became very serious, and he solemnly warned him.

After a night of rest at the mill, the next day, in gloomy weather, Roy arrived in Edsberg's lower town early in the morning. According to his idea, to verify Vivien's words, he should first find the old alcoholic who went to school yesterday to ask for money, that is Vivien's father.

No matter how drunk the alcoholic is, it is impossible to forget whether he has a young son or not.

In the past half month, Roy had already figured out Vivien's home address. In the easternmost part of the lower city, a dilapidated wooden house was easy to find. And the reason why he chose to act early in the morning was because he was worried that he would encounter the gangsters of the Sparrow Gang again.

But sometimes, people come to whatever they are afraid of.

As soon as Roy stepped on the street in this area, the feeling of thorns on his back came up instantly.

From the corner of his vision, he glanced back, and he could see a strong bald man wearing a thick yellow cotton coat, black trousers, long boots, and a tattoo on his neck following him.

At a glance, the face seemed to be Leto, but this guy's facial features and expressions were completely different from Leto's. Leto was indifferent, and his face was full of anger, as if his chest was full of anger, ready to explode at any time. .

He was more than 6 inches by 4 inches (1.9 meters) tall, with a thick and short neck, and his padded jacket was bulging.

It was after six o'clock, and the cold wind blew like a steel knife scraping the face. At this time, there were very few pedestrians on the streets of Xiacheng District. Most of them were still asleep, or they had gone to the market to work hard.

Roy pretended to be unaware. He didn't try to shout or ask for help to attract others' attention. Instead, he quickened his pace, left the wide and flat street, and went into the surrounding remote, dark, sewage-flowing alleys.

The bald-headed man picked up speed and followed.

Gradually, both of them trotted and chased for five minutes in the alleys extending in all directions, getting more and more remote as they walked. Until entering a dead end, a mottled high wall covered with moss and dirty water ruthlessly blocked Roy's way.

The stalker behind him took out a handkerchief with medicine from his arms and rushed towards his back with a grin.

"This eldest brother... I didn't offend you, did I?" Roy turned around, smiled cowardly and reluctantly, and showed his empty hands to the 30-year-old strong man, "I'm not a threat to you at all. Can you spare my life, no matter how much money!"

The strong man who had already rushed to less than 20 years away from him slowed down when he heard the words, a greedy light appeared in the slits of his long and narrow eyes, and said in a raspy voice like a rasp, "When you are subdued, everything on your body will be natural. It belongs to me. But you can try calling for help and see if someone with a good heart can save you."

Compared with a strong man, Roy's size is like the difference between a child and an adult, and he can't see any weapons all over his body. In the eyes of the strong man, he is not threatening at all. It is no different from the fat on the chopping board, so why not give him a ride at the end

"Ding... ding..." A melodious and crisp sound sounded, Roy threw a handful of yellow krona onto the dirty ground under the bald man's feet without warning. The latter seemed to have never suffered such a special attack. The man was stunned for a moment, and involuntarily squatted down to pick up Krone on the ground.

"Are you from the sparrow gang?" Roy took the opportunity and asked a few more questions, "Now the local gangsters are so dedicated? It's not even seven o'clock, so I'll be squatting at the gate of Xiacheng, aren't you cold?"

"Boy, if you want to blame yourself for being stupid! You believe in the wrong person." The bald-headed strong man hurriedly shoved two crowns into his arms, and suddenly came to his senses, stood up and rushed towards him again.

"Wait until the mine, and then you—"


The strong man's voice and movements stopped abruptly, and the last thing he felt was a strong and short pain in his right eye, and then he died.

The huge body that had been leaning forward aggressively was pushed by inertia, and still staggered forward two steps before falling down heavily, kneeling on both knees, and then hitting the ground heavily with his face, as if he was going down at the young man who was close at hand. Kneeling and nodding.

Then a cloud of blood gushed out from the two blood holes running through the skull, polluting the surrounding ground.

"Kill Fossa

Gain experience 20. "

Wonderful news flashed in the template, Roy sighed, the crossbow disappeared, walked over and patted the corpse, and the corpse disappeared. When he looked at human corpses now, he felt the same as those dead animals.

He continued to take a few steps forward, picking up the remaining crowns on the ground, and the arrows stained with flesh and bones, these two things were also included in the space.

The entire space was basically filled.

Roy is very satisfied. In the past, the crossbow arrow penetrated from the eye socket of a human, and it would definitely get stuck in the brain, but this time it was less than ten minutes away, and the actively activated crossbow specialization plus the additional damage of the slaughtering skill, the arrow directly The skull of the strong man was broken, and it seemed that the bonus of skills was more powerful than he imagined.

As for why he had to talk so much with the other party, it was mainly because he wanted to figure out a problem.

The first time I was followed by the sparrow gang, it may be a coincidence. But the second time, during this time period, Roy realized that it was definitely not a coincidence, someone sold him...

Knowing that there were only a few people who would come to Xiacheng this morning, and then contacting the motive of the last trip to Xiacheng, the suspect was ready to come out.

It seems that the other party has contacted the Sparrow Gang and is going to sell him to a private mine on Mahakam

Roy sighed and suddenly lost his interest. It didn't feel good to be betrayed. After more than half a month of getting along, he had already trusted that guy and thought he was a friend.

"Am I being too naive?"

After a few seconds, Roy left the alley.

Only the filthy blood speaks of a massacre that no one knows about.

Passing through the narrow alleys with the cross-flow of sewage, in the fence surrounded by a row of branches, a low house quietly sits deep in the lower city.

Vivien's house was simpler than Roy imagined. The outer walls were cracked and covered with stains and cracks. The roof was leaking and covered with black rags.

At this moment, a bloated man with a face full of flesh was sitting on a tree stump in the yard in a daze, his cheeks were stained with a morbid red, and there was a little drunken mist in his cloudy eyes.

"Hey, boy, who are you looking for? How did you come to this place where birds don't shit?" Bob glanced at a teenager outside the fence and asked impatiently, he always felt like he had seen this guy before, but alcohol Years of erosion of his brain, his memory has become very poor.

"You're Teacher Vivien's father, right?" Roy stepped into the fence with a shy smile. "I'm a student at Kadel House. My name is Roy. I have something to ask you about."

"What the hell, what the hell did you ask me for?" Bob was sober from his confused state, his eyes were surprised, "If you ask me which pub in my city has the best reputation, the least amount of water is added to the wine. , I can tell you the answer, don't bother me with other things, I don't know if I ask!"

Bob paused, "It's early in the morning, shouldn't you go to the Cardell's House for class? Huh?"

He suddenly moved his nose, licked his lips and swallowed saliva, showing a greedy appearance. Roy, who was standing opposite, did not know when a green wine bottle appeared in his hand, and he deliberately dangled it in front of him.

Drunk Bob has been drinking for decades, and at a glance this bottle is his favorite dwarven spirit. Because he had no money, he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol for two days, and when he smelled this familiar and pungent smell, he instantly lost his resistance.

"Just ask, little brother! I'll answer any questions you have, as long as... just give me this bottle of wine!" Bob looked like an addicted patient, staring straight at the bottle, his expression exaggeratedly intoxicated.

Roy nodded with satisfaction. To get the answer from the alcoholic, he naturally had to do what he liked.

"Uncle Bob, go get a glass... I'll give you a drink every time I answer a question later..."

"Okay, okay, wait for me, don't leave!"

"How many people are there in your family?" Roy shook a glass of clear and transparent wine in front of Bob, who suddenly fidgeted on the wooden stake, his hands like a pair of chicken feet peeking at the wine bottle for a while Xu Zhuo, with an impatient look,

"Three people," he replied at once. "Old Bob, my crazy old woman, and my daughter who doesn't know how to honor her elders."

"Think about it again!" Roy put the wine glass in front of him, and the moment he reached out, he quickly moved it away.

"Quickly give me, I said three people! You stinky little... No," Old Bob folded his hands together, his sagging facial muscles trembling, and whispered at Roy, "I promise you, Roy Ei, I swear there are only three people in the house. If I lie, I will never drink another drink in my life!"


After Bob sipped the glass, he breathed a long sigh of relief, looking like he was about to soar happily.

Roy looked at the other party's ugly appearance and reminded himself to take precautions.

He packed up his mood and continued to ask,

"Five years ago... ten years ago, did anyone else live in your house for a long time?"

"No..." There was a trace of anger on Bob's face, "I'm afraid of being entangled by me."

"Does Teacher Vivien have any siblings?"

"That stinky girl from Vivien is an only daughter," Bob said firmly. "She doesn't have any siblings. Even if old Bob gets confused after drinking, he's not mentally retarded. It's impossible to forget how many children he has."

"Then, do you and your wife have any children who died? Did Vivien have any siblings who died in an accident?"

"Little brother, Roy, why are you asking such a strange question?" Bob resisted the temptation of the wine and asked rhetorically, "What's the purpose of investigating my family so clearly?"

"Just answer," Roy shook the wine in front of him, "don't worry about anything else."

"Okay, then let me tell you, that old woman in my family gave birth to a child of Vivien..." Bob suddenly sighed, "Actually, I also want to have more children, but unfortunately I drink too much, and my health has problems... Do you understand, do you want me to explain it to you in detail?"

A quarter of an hour later, Bob, who was drinking a full bottle of dwarf spirit, leaned against the stump and dozed off.

Before, even if he was half-drunk and half-awake, he strongly denied that he had a son. Roy felt that in this state, he probably couldn't lie.

Leaving the alcoholic in the yard behind, Roy entered the dilapidated cottage.

A woman with disheveled hair, withered complexion, and a thin body like a bamboo pole, sat on the round table by the door, speaking to the air with a strange expression.

Roy stood at the door and observed silently for a while, then walked over and sat on the chair opposite her.

"This lady, I..."

The woman didn't respond, even if her eyes passed Roy, she didn't seem to see him or hear his words.

It seems to be immersed in the spiritual world of self.

Her finely-lined, loose-skinned face was grinning gleefully with joy, her eyes wide and sullen with rage, and her brows were drooping and sad.

Roy was dazzled for a while.

"Little Lori... My jewel, I haven't seen you for a week, why have I lost weight again? Is the school work too hard? I cooked your favorite dish for you, eat more quickly." He stared at the left side for a while, grinned to reveal a mouthful of broken teeth, and warned the air with a very gentle expression, then scooped out a few tablespoons of steaming vegetable soup from the iron pot in the center of the round table, poured it into the on the left plate. "Ladies should chew carefully, otherwise how will they marry in the future?"

Little Lori? Roy thought it was probably Vivien's nickname.

The woman suddenly put her hands on her hips and widened her eyes at the air on the right, "Old Bob, what are you doing? You look so stupid with a bruised nose? Yesterday, I went out drinking and fighting with people? It smells like a piece of shit. Today Don't try to climb into my mother's bed. Next time, get out of this house for me!"

"Humph!" She scooped another spoonful of thick soup into the plate on the right, and began to eat it herself, while there was an empty plate with a spoon opposite her.

Roy watched a few scenes silently, and when the woman finished drinking the soup, she tried to call her several times, but got no response.

Really unable to communicate, Roy had to leave the house, went to several nearby houses, found two or three old men who were leisurely smoking tobacco in the yard, and asked about Vivien's home situation, the answer was no. Unsurprisingly, they all decided that there were only three people in Vivien's family.

Roy thought that it's impossible for everyone to lie, right