The Divine Hunter

Chapter 38: Find no such person


There is still a long time before noon.

Roy left the lower city, quickly returned to Cardell's house, hid outside the classroom and looked inside. The students were listening intently to Cardell's history lesson on the podium.

Vivien sat alone in the last row.

The time card is just right, and now the whole school, except for him and the fat cook who has been in the kitchen, everyone is in the classroom.

Roy sneaked into the principal's office room on the second floor. Seeing that the door was locked, he ran to the far left of the corridor and leaned out of the guardrail to observe the window on the second floor on the side of the house.

The window was wide open, not far from the corridor, and not too high from the ground. Roy took a deep breath and squatted on the guardrail, estimating the distance and doing a few squats, and then the springs that were tensing his legs seemed to loosen instantly. Open, the whole person seems to be a big bird fluttering over at once, with arms outstretched, successfully clasping the window sill.

With a strong waist, he turned into the room flexibly like a cat. For him, whose physical fitness is no weaker than that of an adult, this set of movements is not difficult.

The room was exactly the same as when Roy arrived on the first day. He went straight to the desk behind the bookshelf and pulled a few drawers and cabinets.

Too bad it's all locked. But let him leave like this, he was not reconciled, so he searched everywhere in the room, bookshelves, sofas, pen holders...

Half an hour later, Roy surprisingly took out a bronze key from the corner of the bookshelf, a book of poems called "The Age of the Moon". Insert it into the keyhole of the cabinet near the corner of the desk.

With a crisp sound, the cuboid-shaped cabinet under the desk was opened, revealing several stacks of neat papers.

Roy came to school on the first day, and the personal information registration form left behind is in it. According to Cardell at the time, every incoming freshman needs to do the same registration, which includes the specific date of admission, name, gender, age, home address, family relationship, and a simple appearance description, such as hair and eye color. , birthmarks or scars on the body.

According to Roy's idea, if Vivien's younger brother is indeed someone and went to school at Kadel's house, then there must be such a record.

Wherever you walk, you will leave traces.

Even if no one remembers that "he", words will never lie by themselves.

The registration form has been classified by Cardell according to the year of admission, and it is placed in the pile in which year. According to Roy's rough count, there are actually 13 thin piles, which means that the Cadell House has existed for at least so many years.

Starting in 1248, there were only two or three registration forms in the first year, and then the number increased year by year. In the last three or four years, it has become stable, and there are about thirty new students every year.

The vast majority of new students entering the school every year, and the old students leaving the school after graduation are around the May Festival, and there are very few people like Roy who jump in the queue halfway.

He sighed slightly, the piles of inconspicuous papers in front of him were the history of the Cardell House, which recorded a school that served poor children based on faith, how in a chaotic era, where gangsters and revolutionary forces were rampant , has grown step by step to the scale it is today.

Light and thin paper has another unspeakable weight.

Roy carefully read the pages one by one. He didn't read it word by word, it was too slow, and he didn't know some words. He only looked at the year of school, name, kinship, and it was within six or seven years, because Cadell House allows students to stay for a maximum of five years.

"Hill... not right,"

"Frick... the relatives are wrong,"

"Karlz... the home address is wrong,"

There were more than 200 registration forms, and it took a quarter of an hour to browse through them. There were several piles of empty forms, which may have been used by Cadell to comfort him. Then he checked it a second time and a third time.

After three times, Roy sighed, folded the registration form with a complicated face, and locked it in the cabinet again.

Roy couldn't find a shred of information about Vivien's brother. This conclusion made him feel that most of the investigation had been completed, and the result was as expected, which made him uncomfortable.

Does Vivien have some kind of mental illness

Among the dozen or so records, there are some that Roy finds very familiar, those are the children who are still in school.

Two of them impressed him deeply. They recorded a boy who had appeared in Vivien's diary - Miffin who had a fight with "him".

And the boy with the scar under his eye, the outstanding graduate Helheim, whom Cadell had painted.

Roy glanced at the wall clock, there was still 1 hour to 12 o'clock, and after lunch, he was going to ask Mifen, and finally add some evidence.

Roy hesitated for a moment before leaving the room. Out of curiosity, he opened another drawer with the copper key.

"Well, books, quills, ink..."

"Cosmetics? Can't tell that the stern and serious-looking teacher Kadel is also a woman who loves beauty,"

"Well, this is?" Surprisingly, Roy found a crumpled notice in the third corner drawer...

"Vernon Ryan, the great revolutionary leader of Edsberg, who ran for the benefit of the people, was captured and imprisoned by the cruel Baron Tavik for three months. The righteous who went to the protest march were violently suppressed by the baron ! But the revolution will not compromise, new teams are being assembled..."

A bright light dispelled the fog in his mind.

Roy finally remembered the identity of the outstanding graduate, Helheim. Isn't the boy with the scar at the moment the same man in the cloak distributing the revolutionary bulletin that he ran into when he left the dwarf mansion, a member of the revolutionary army

There was such a notice hidden in the drawer of Cardell, and he kept saying that he sent outstanding graduates to work in other places.

Obviously, this esteemed lady principal must be inextricably linked with the revolutionary army. Thinking about it, Roy even felt that Kadel had a pivotal position in the revolutionary army, and the entire school was founded by her to cultivate the backbone elites of the revolutionary army.

Right... He still remembered the history class he stumbled across from Cardell on his first day at school.

At that time, he had a strange feeling that the principal seemed to be more inclined to the position of the revolutionary army, criticizing Edsberg and even the upper class of the Aden Kingdom.

Then everything makes sense. The supporters behind this Kadel House are the Revolutionary Army! According to his performance, if he stayed for a few more years, Cardel might have a showdown with him.

Roy took a deep breath, feeling quite complicated. Obviously, I just came to check the information of Vivien's brother, but I didn't expect to catch Kadel's heel by mistake.

So, is Vivien's brother related to Kadel, who was smuggled into the revolutionary ranks by the other party, just like Helheim

Roy quickly rejected the idea. No matter how high Kadel's position in the Revolutionary Army was, she was a human being, and it was unlikely that Vivien, her family, and her neighbors would lose their memory. Even Helheim left a portrait and a registration form, but that "he" didn't.

The testimony of old Bob, plus the missing registration form, is enough to show that the "he" in the diary does not exist. If the Mifen in the diary is denied, then...