The Divine Hunter

Chapter 39: Forgotten people


After restoring everything in the room, Roy walked into the classroom on the first floor as if nothing had happened, and "observed" all the more than 60 people in the school, including Vivien and Cardell, who stayed with the respected principal for the longest time. , Everyone's data belonged to the category of normal people, including Kadel, not a master of the game world, or a mysterious existence.

However, what surprised Roy a little was that Kadel, a human female over 40 years old, had a physical fitness much higher than that of an adult man, with an average attribute of 7, and also possessed "well-trained" and "dagger specialization". ", two skills. Now that she has nothing to do with the revolutionary army, Roy doesn't believe it.

After lunch, Roy found Miffin among the rambunctious boys on the playground.

This burly, pimple-faced teenager, who will graduate next year, ignored him at first, with his chin up and his face full of disdain. The word disgust was obvious on his big pie face.

He has always been jealous of the beautiful female teacher's "love" for Roy.

Until Roy gave him two crowns, Miffin immediately put on a smile and became answerable.

"Mr. Vivien's younger brother?" After listening to Roy's question, Mi Fen was full of surprise on every pimple on his face, "You know, I've been in school for four years, and it's more than sixty now. A senior among the students, I have also secretly followed Ms. Vivien for four years. I can guarantee that she has no messy siblings. There are several admirers like me. Well, there are three full faces over there. Have you seen the oily brat? They're all the same. Don't lie, you have a crush on her too, don't you?"

"Fight? Roy, don't you have a fever and burn your brain out? Don't you think it's ridiculous? I haven't seen Teacher Vivien's brother, so how can I fight with him. I can't stand her alcoholic father. It's true, if I have a chance, I might really cover his head and beat him into a pig's head."

Miffin's answer was in line with Roy's expectations. He randomly selected a few students under the age of ten from a group of students laughing and playing in the yard, made an excuse to call aside, and asked about Teacher Vivien. The family's situation, or get the same answer.

Are any of them lying? Roy didn't know, he didn't have the witcher's Axifa seal, which made people tell the truth.

But it's impossible for such a small child to lie without changing his face. They still have a lot of credibility.

Roy glanced under the hornbeam tree in the yard. Vivien, who smiled sweetly and played with a group of boys and girls, felt regretful. The preliminary investigation was over. He was going to find a time to have a good talk with the other party. See if there are any other clues.

Roy and Vivien stood outside the living room on the third floor of the school, blowing the cold wind, watching the pair of students and parents who happily left under the organization of Principal Cardell,

"Sister Vivien, I have already made up my mind about your 'brother'."

"Have you found any clues to him?" Vivien's beautiful eyes were full of anticipation, and her pretty face held his hand nervously and led him into the room, "Is there an important discovery?"

"Well..." Roy pinched his temples, feeling that it was really bad to speak directly. "About 'him', the students of the school, have you asked?"

"Of course I asked," Vivien frowned and replied helplessly, "I didn't tell you before, no one admitted the existence of 'he'."

"Then what did you think?" Roy tried his best to soften his tone, "If 'he' really exists, why doesn't everyone in the school have a memory of 'him'? Not even your biological parents. Remember there is a 'he'."

"This phenomenon is totally unreasonable... But I've been investigating it privately for two years." Vivien clasped her hands into a ball, and anxiously walked around the room a few times. The light from the window fell on her fair and flawless face, creating a With a strange sense of sanctity, "all possibilities have been ruled out, and now it seems to me that there is only one reason for this phenomenon - the memory in all of us, the memory of 'he' has been erased Lost."

"That's why I turned to you, haven't witchers seen all sorts of twists and turns? Isn't there anything like that - something mysterious that took my poor brother and wiped everyone out In my mind, the memory of 'him'."

"It's all erased?" Roy's pupils shrank when he heard it. This was the answer he was least willing to consider, but he couldn't completely deny it, but he had evidence to the contrary. "But have you ever thought that even if people's memories are erased, some things will not disappear."

"What do you mean?" Vivien looked stunned.

"That enrollment form..." Roy stared into Vivien's eyes and said solemnly, "According to what you said in your diary, 'he' went to school at Kadel House. And every student will stay Such a record."

"I don't hide it from you, Sister Vivien. I have gone to Principal Cardell's office to investigate, and I have found a total of more than 290 registration forms in the past ten years, including the more than 60 students in the school today. There's no real brother of yours! That 'his' record. Do you know what that means?"

"The registration form you mentioned," Vivien shook her head lightly, her pretty face unable to hide her disappointment, "it doesn't mean anything... Roy, I'm Principal Cardell's assistant. If I can touch the pile of papers, I've long been Knowing that there is no 'his' one in it. But so what?"

Vivien asked back, "Since even human memory can be erased, is it difficult to erase a simple record?"

Roy was speechless, the lady was more stubborn than she thought. Convincing her was a laborious and thankless job.

If you say erasing, erasing, do you think it is Goddess Meritelli and Prophet Rebioda

Where is the evidence

Vivien continued to state her thoughts, "Roy, have you forgotten? In the few diaries you've read, in those strange places, the name of 'he' disappeared for no reason. You wouldn't think I was deliberately empty. Did it come out? Apparently, 'his' name has been erased along with the memories it brought to others. Once erased, the diary will be freed up..."

"Isn't this nonsense, what made you think like this?" Roy opened his mouth, suddenly stunned, and a flash of lightning smashed through his mind, "It will be empty when it is erased?"

He pondered these words and fell into a trance state.

As he browsed the registration form—he clearly remembered a few blank forms among the piles of detailed records. At that time, he didn't think much about it, he thought it was Principal Cardell's use to enrich the number of students, and he ignored it for self-comfort.

But now I hear Vivien's words-

"Once it is erased, it will be free."

So is it possible that the blank forms were originally recorded, but these records were erased along with the missing students and the memories they left behind.

In the end, it became a piece of ordinary, unconcerned white paper.

"Will the memory of the missing person and the words directly describing the missing person be eliminated?" Blessed to the heart, Roy's mind suddenly flashed back a picture—

"Roy, who drew a five-pointed star on your sleeve and only halfway it?" Toya asked curiously.

"I don't remember... Probably, some naughty kid from the Cadell House painted it on me when I wasn't looking."

Roy glanced at the sleeve on the left. The half-five-pointed star, which was drawn with charcoal and ridiculously childish, has almost disappeared completely, leaving only a faint sharp corner. Other places seem to have been cleaned countless times, not even a single black spot is left. This level of touch and friction is not possible on a daily basis.

"No, no! This star should not be half at first, but whole."

In just two or three days, this simple mark is about to disappear, which is a kind of evidence he never imagined.

"The traces left by the missing will also be erased, so it's no wonder that there is no clue." As if there was an invisible palm pinching his heart, he was breathing rapidly.

"It also means that, since entering Cadell House, I have unknowingly forgotten one person - the student who left a mark on my sleeve."

"Now even the only trace is almost gone."