The Divine Hunter

Chapter 4: Newcomers on duty


That night, the old Moore and his wife agreed to Roy's request to be an apprentice to the butcher.

The two couples are very familiar with the eldest son they have seen since childhood. On this day alone, since he woke up, his behavior has been completely different from the past: from a quiet and shy boy, he has become cheerful, lively and talkative.

But Roy's deep concern for the old couple in his words and demeanor cannot be faked. Therefore, the simple parents did not think much about it, but felt heartfelt gratification for the change of their children. They feel that the child has survived a disaster and has grown up a lot at once.

The next day, many Kaye villagers were surprised to find a thin apprentice beside the burly and rude butcher Fletcher.

"The old Moore's child was hit by a horse just fine, but it is possible that he has lost his mind again. He has the same temperament as a bitch, how can he come to slaughter livestock?"

"What do you know, a country bumpkin, it's strange that you were almost killed, and your mentality hasn't changed. But I bet little Roy lasted for less than a week. Not everyone can do the job of a butcher! And it's a rich job, why is a butcher? To cheap him?"

No matter what the villagers said, Roy worked with Fletcher wholeheartedly. After one day of contact, he found that the work content was different from what he thought.

After large livestock such as cattle and sheep are brought over, Fletcher will first feed the livestock a yellow powder to numb the animals' nerves and prevent the animals from struggling before they die.

According to the butcher, the powder was an anesthetic given to him by the village herbalist.

After the livestock is killed, the hardest part comes. To cut the meat just right, and how the knife cuts the flesh without destroying the texture of the muscles, it is necessary to have a very good understanding of the body structure of cattle, sheep and pigs.

The butcher's educational level could not draw a picture of the physiological structure for Roy to remember. He could only guide him through action demonstrations.


Roy watched Uncle Fletcher calmly peel the steak, take out the guts, and split the flesh. His nose was filled with a strong stench, and his eyes were full of steaming bright red.

"Nausea..." The stomach rolled violently, and I couldn't help bending over and retching for a while. The first knife to kill the cow was fine, and the subsequent division was called a test.

"Hey..." the butcher teased, "I didn't see you being soft-handed when I was killing cattle yesterday, so I'm afraid now. It's not my nonsense that this craft is dirty, otherwise, after all this time, there will be no one except the ignorant little Roy. , no one else in the village is willing. Of course, I will not take advantage of outsiders casually. See if you have the perseverance and perseverance to take my class!"

Roy recovered from retching, only to feel slightly dizzy in his head and weak in his legs and feet. The butcher didn't give him more time to rest.

"Come here and take the knife, I'll teach you how to work hard and cut along here."

"I told you to go up, where will your knife go?!"

"Damn, didn't you have enough to eat?"

Something was wrong with Roy, and he was immediately scolded.

He lamented in his heart that this butcher apprentice not only had to adapt to the filth and blood in the yard and endure rude abuse, but also wielded a knife for a long time, and his arms became sore in a short time. His physique is less than 5, inferior to normal adults and more prone to fatigue.

The physical and psychological pressure instantly made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm really self-inflicted, I have to come to be a butcher's apprentice."

He kept complaining in his heart, Roy still completed the butcher's task meticulously, and he could still prioritize.

Of course, the most important reason is that all the animals to be slaughtered were robbed by him with a fatal knife to gain experience.

"People are under the roof. Exercising, gaining experience, and eating meat, it's just perfect... woo woo... What else am I not satisfied with... "

The first day of the apprenticeship passed with difficulty. The butcher's family slaughtered two beef cattle from other villages and received ten crowns from the villagers. According to the butcher, not every day is such a good business. Kaye only has about a hundred households, and even if you add customers from other villages, it is not every day that someone asks him to start work.

After finishing the work, the butcher was not stingy, and generously gave Roy a palm-sized piece of fresh meat. As for the wages, the butcher did not regard him as a free labor, and he only gave him one krona a week during the apprenticeship period, which was only a dozen or so a day. For a copper coin, Roy is not dissatisfied. In the early stage of learning a craft, naturally he can't care about income.

"Uncle Fletcher, what about the internal organs?"

"Take it and throw it away in a while."

In the wizarding world, it is similar to the habits of Central Europe in the previous life. Not everyone accepts animal offal. After beef and mutton are processed, the offal is often sent to the wild for burial and burning, or directly thrown into the small river not far from the village to feed the fish.

"Give me these things..." Roy can't control that much. He was born in China, where all kinds of flavors can be eaten in his previous life.

He is at the stage of growing his body, so he can't let go of these foods.

As evening approached, Roy cleaned up the blood in the yard, took a heavy bloody cloth bag with ten experience points, and left the butcher's house with dark eyes.

In Kaye in the sunset, the gray and black chimneys spewed white smoke, the men who had been busy all day returned from the fields with their hoes, and the dirty children were chasing chickens and dogs in the small courtyard in front of their house. run around. Candles were quietly lit in the small wooden houses.

Roy took a deep breath. "How long can this peace last?"

There was still some distance from home, and Roy vaguely saw two sturdy soldiers in yellow cotton armor and long swords on their waists carrying several heavy linen bags to the entrance of the village, and then got on a trolley and left quickly. The villagers took it for granted during the whole process. any reaction.

Roy knows this. Every month, the village of Kaye has to hand over a certain amount of agricultural products to the lord of Posada to be used as a tax. The tax accounts for about 30% of the total harvest. The old Moore family grows silt grass and hops, and this month they harvested it again and handed in two sacks of dried silt grass.

The silt grass is similar to the tobacco leaves on the earth. The villagers who are fine on weekdays like to hold a silt bucket in front of their house and breathe in the mist, which is very pleasant.

Returning to taxes, the entire kingdom of Aedirn, including its vassals, has always taxed peasants much higher than the other three northern nations. As a result, Aden has been devastated by the "peasant revolution".

Roy learned from the villagers' chat that at this time, a peasant uprising broke out in Edsberg, southwest of Aden.

"I don't know what the senior officials of the kingdom think about it. No wonder Adian will be lost in the north and south, and it will become a broken country."

"It's too dangerous, we must hurry up."

The urgency in Roy's heart can only be relieved by food. There are some roosters left from yesterday's slaughter. Tonight, he brought back beef. Aunt Susie simmered a large pot of broth unceremoniously. Although there is no seasoning, the taste is faint and fishy, and finally there is some oily water.

As for the offal that the butcher didn't want, he didn't think it was dirty and cleaned it up. He found some celery and wild vegetables, and asked the old couple for a bit of precious salt and stir-fry it.

After frying a plate of meat and offal, it smelled of oil and a lingering fishy smell. In the past, Roy would never be able to swallow, but now this body does not dislike it. On the one hand, food is precious and meat is scarce. On the other hand, people here only eat two meals a day. He, a child with a long body, will not miss any opportunity to eat meat.

But unfortunately, this meal only gave Roy 0.1 experience points, and he understood that killing was the best way to level up.

"Even if you kill livestock every few days, the upgrade will be much faster."

Roy is looking forward to this.