The Divine Hunter

Chapter 44: Return the body


It is impossible for Roy to take Toya to go on the witcher's trial journey, to reach Cintra and then turn to Arethusa.

He has to get help from others.

In the whole Edsberg, the big people he knew were only the dwarf wine agent Sevier Hogg, and the headmaster of the Kadel House, a member of the revolutionary army.

Wanting to send Toya to Arethusa, thousands of miles away, and let her join the academy, the way lies in these two people.

The wealthy area, Sevier Hogg's mansion, on a sunny morning.

The dwarf wine merchant is basking in the sun on the reclining chair in the yard. It has been almost a month since the witcher "killed the devil" for him. He seems to be living a good life. The thick beard and hair were black and oily.

"Roy, I haven't seen you for a while. You lived a good life in Edsberg." Seville waved, and a dwarf maid with a beard and light freckles brought a bottle of mead , filled the two, and left quickly. "If I read it right, you've grown taller and stronger. Although you still don't have a pretty beard, your manliness has grown a lot... Have you used Mahakam's dwarf spirits every day to recuperate?"

Roy, who was lying on the rattan chair next to him, took a sip of mead, which was slightly sweet and soft in the mouth. He couldn't help but compliment, "Mr. Sevier is right, the dwarf's wine is naturally not comparable to other shoddy watered fake wines. Yes. How are you doing now? Have you had nightmares since the 'Sim' was eliminated?"

"Thanks to you and Master Letho," Sevier said with a big laugh, "the nightmares are basically gone, and I'm back to being a vigorous, physically strong little Mahakam squirrel." He rolled over awkwardly on the wicker chair. With one hand on his hairy chin, he looked at Roy's side, "It's just that sometimes in the dead of night, I still remember that my poor brother Akon was still soaking in the wine barrel... and then the next day. Can't eat."

The dwarf's hoarse and low voice paused for a while, and said with a deep meaning, "When will Akon's body return to his territory and rest in peace?"

"By the way, Roy, why didn't you see Master Letho today?"

"He went out to work and hasn't come back." Roy asked, "Mr. Sevier, how about I help you solve this trouble?"

"Roy, I heard it right," Sevier stroked his bushy beard with questioning in his eyes, "You mean someone who unknowingly helped me deliver Akon's body to the revolution In the hands of the top military?"

"That's right... Mr. Sevier," Roy's eyes were bright, his voice was calm, and he looked confident, "Will you give me this commission?"

Half an hour later, in the wine cellar.

A pale male with eyes closed, his limbs twisted unnaturally, half-lying on the ground.

At the same time, the strong smell of alcohol and a rotten corpse smell that was so weak that it was almost completely covered by the smell of alcohol rushed into Roy's nose.

He couldn't help staring wide-eyed, staring unblinkingly at the long-known big man, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Vernon Ryan. That is, the good brother of the dwarves, Akon. The wise man who never drank but died of wine.

The male corpse was wearing a simple gray linen coat like a farmer and a coolie, and black leggings. His slender limbs and slender build, pointed ears at the top, aquiline nose, melon-shaped jaw, and prominent cheekbones suggest that he has a hint of elf blood.

Maybe it was too uncomfortable before he died, and his expression still had a trace of fear and hideousness, his hands were limply placed on his sides, as if he wanted to grab something, but he couldn't.

The corpse has been soaked in alcohol for an unknown length of time, the skin is covered with folds, and groups of unsightly corpse spots can occasionally be seen between the chest and abdomen.

Such scenes are similar to those of the formalin-soaked corpse specimens in previous lives.

No, it's more intuitive, creepy and terrifying.

The dwarf wine merchant had a trace of nostalgia in his eyes with grief, and covered his nose unconsciously, "Roy, now that Akon has been removed from the wine barrel according to your request, what are you going to do next?"

"If you want to sneak him out at night, I'm afraid you can't. I heard that the revolutionary army will launch a second protest march on the occasion of the New Year, but there are still two baron's men watching desperately outside."

"Mr. Sevier, do you want me to perform a magic trick for you?" Roy walked to the corpse, observed the limbs, pulled the trousers of the corpse, and saw a peculiar tattoo on the heel of his right foot - a dense circle rolled up hair.

Squirrel tail

He frowned, thoughtfully, but didn't mention it to the dwarf, but reached out and touched the body, and Vernon Ryan disappeared instantly.

"This?" The dwarf opened his mouth wide, and his chin was about to fall to the ground. "Brother Roy, how did you do this? Could it be that you are a hidden warlock besides being a witcher apprentice? You can use teleportation magic. ?"

"Secret... Your Excellency Sevier, please allow me to keep this secret..." Roy said sincerely,

"Well, dwarves respect their friends' secrets," Sevier said apologetically. "Also, please accept my apologies. I shouldn't have questioned you before. You have such a skill, the baron's bastards never imagined."

"Then the pay is still the same as last time?"

"How about when I finish the commission?"

"No problem," the dwarf said cheerfully. "As long as you do this, you will be my brother of Sevier Hogg. I will never treat my brother badly!"

For Kadel, the experience of the past few days really made her worry. First of all, in order to solve the hateful monster who kidnapped her children, she suffered a serious injury to her abdomen and was in constant pain.

Then bad news came from the revolutionary army, and the second protest march was very poorly organized. The baron's iron-blooded repression really scared off many speculators who were not firm enough in will and conviction.

So far, no more than fifty people can be organized. With such a small number of people, it is better to say that they are going to perform acrobatics on the streets.

"Ugh..." Cadell sighed, if only everyone had the same peace of mind as the new student. He is both smart and courageous, and his skills are not bad, and he is not at all cowardly in the face of monsters.

It's a pity that he is a witcher's apprentice and will be leaving soon.

Thinking of this, Cadell returned to the office with a sullen mood...

But as soon as the door was opened, a strong smell of alcohol came to her nostrils. She frowned and followed the smell of alcohol to the back of the desk.

Immediately afterwards, her pupils shrunk into a slit, and her eyes showed extreme horror.

A male corpse appeared under the desk. The face of the corpse was pale, swollen, and very familiar.

Cadell lost his soul in an instant.

"The great leader, my spiritual mentor, Vernon, is dead?!"

In the yard downstairs, Roy rubbed the hornbeam beside him with his palms and watched the lady principal enter the room. He soon took a letter out of the door with a grief-stricken face, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"I don't want to scare you either. But I only know you as a backbone of the revolutionary army... I can only apologize. Just treat it as the meal I owe me..."

"The headmaster of Kadel's House turned out to be the top executive of the Revolutionary Army..." The dwarf wine merchant nodded with satisfaction after listening to Roy's report, "My eyeliner has long noticed that there is something abnormal in that school, and I have suspected her, but No conclusive evidence has been found. All in all, Roy, you have done a very good job of this matter. The baron's dog-legs didn't notice it at all, and my dear brother Akon has returned to the place in his heart. "

The dwarf stretched out his hand to Roy and said solemnly,

"I will do what I say. I once promised that the person who will solve this problem is my brother... Brothers are welcome. Roy... Tell me, what do you want? Money, wine, weapons? Just say... "

The dwarf had long seen that he would accept the commission at such a time, and he must have something else.

"I still need some help from you? As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help you."

Roy didn't expect that a commission that Edsberg had just put on hold would play a role at this time, but in fact he didn't put much effort into it, it was only equivalent to sending a "courier".

"Mr. Sevier..."

"Don't, Roy, just call me by my name in the future, or you will look down on my brother!"

"Uh... Sevier," Roy immediately corrected his title, although he couldn't imagine how he could call himself a brother to a seventy-year-old dwarf, but the other party's words should be more polite.

"Do you have a familiar sorcerer? Live near Edsberg, preferably a sorceress graduated from Arethusa College."

Hearing the words, the dwarf stroked his beard and thought for a moment,

"Sorry, Roy, as far as I know, no spellcasters live near Edsberg, there's a black-haired sorceress over there in Vangerborg, but it's too far away."

"But why are you looking for a sorceress?" said the dwarf. "If you believe me, you might as well tell the truth, and maybe there are other ways to solve the problem. In this city, I'm not bragging, I have some energy. "

Roy thought about it and felt that it was all right. Then he told the story of Toya at the mill outside the city.

The dwarf's face became very strange after hearing this, and he looked at each other as if he was looking at rare animals, "Roy, if I remember correctly, you are a witcher apprentice, and you will become a witcher in the future. Why help a countryman? Ugly girl? Take the effort to get her to Arethusa. They don't necessarily remember you after years of training."

"Just because you pity her?"

"Sevier, don't you think that there are some similarities between witchers and warlocks... a tragic childhood, a life forced by helplessness, and no chance to choose life..." Roy said what he said in his heart, "I think she There should be a choice."

"I also hope that one day in the future, when I get to the point of embarrassment, someone will give me a chance..."

After hearing this, the dwarf's expression was slightly moved, and suddenly he felt that the face of the human boy in front of him was not as handsome as that of the dwarf, but it was also pleasing to the eye, and he said with a hearty smile,

"Roy, you're such an interesting person. Ninety-nine percent of the witchers I know don't mind this kind of business... But you just got involved."

"Just what you said just now, I will help you. I will send a carriage and dwarf guards to escort the child to Sinid Island, just like you said, give her a chance to choose her life! As for whether she can enter Ai Retusa, it's up to her own ability and luck."

"But it will take a few more days..." The dwarf stood on tiptoes laboriously and put his arms around Roy's shoulders. "Little brother, the new year is coming, and the coachman has the right to have a good year, right?"

"I hope that the group of revolutionary army can stop and stop, and inexplicably received the leader's body, and I don't know if they will make any other big moves."

"Actually, in addition to the corpse, I also left a letter to Ms. Cardell." Roy said, "The threat letter written in the tone of the Sparrow Gang, I don't expect Cardell to be deceived, but at least it can divert attention and let The revolutionary army will no longer blindly demonstrate to the baron, so as not to be used by people with ulterior motives.”