The Divine Hunter

Chapter 45: leaving and returning


November 6, 1260.

Roy was wearing a thick khaki cotton coat, sitting on the edge of the roof of the Walls Tavern, his feet dangling in the air, and a painting in his hands.

Two smiling faces, Roy and Toya, are drawn in a pile.

On the day of November 1st, he secretly took the girl to the big house of the dwarf wine merchant without telling the miller and his wife, and enjoyed a luxurious and luxurious New Year's dinner together.

The scene at that time is especially in my mind.

The two were full of mead, sang a mess of songs, modeled for a crappy painter, and walked around the bonfire in the center of the courtyard with a group of bearded dwarf men and women, hand in hand, and danced for most of the night in Mahakam. The "Furnace Dance".

The next day, Toya, waking up from her first hangover in her life, was put on a carriage to Arethusa.

"Roy, when we get there, how can I contact you in the future?" Before leaving, the girl leaned out of the carriage window and grabbed his arm. Excitement, anxiety, and nostalgia flashed through.

"The witcher has no fixed place to live." Roy patted the little girl's head and joked, "I will visit you in Arethusa in a few years, and I hope you can perform for me. Perform real magic."

"That's for sure!" The girl's voice was a little naughty for the first time, "When I get back to normal, if you don't come, I will go to the world to catch you!"

In addition to the memories, Roy put the portrait in the space and squeezed the silver necklace between his necks.

Not long ago, he completely ended the course at Cadell's house, saying goodbye to Vivien, Tom, and Cadell. The principal didn't know what to think about it, and the revolutionary army had completely disappeared recently. Perhaps the corpse of the chief scared some of them.

Edsberg had a peaceful New Year without any marches, demonstrations, or street fights.

The mill's room was returned by Roy. He kidnapped the daughter of the miller and his wife, but did not leave a penny for them as punishment for their abuse of their daughter. If the two want to settle accounts with him, just come as long as they can find it.

Roy didn't intend to continue the work at the market. The study of common words came to an end. The vocabulary he mastered was enough to understand the contents of the witcher's notebook. He was ready to concentrate on conquering the above potion formula.

He got off the rooftop and entered the tavern lobby, an inexplicable sense of familiarity welling up in his heart.

The New Year is over, but the carnival atmosphere in the tavern continues.

Pointed-toe shoes and striped bodysuits leaned against the wall, bards fiddled with lutes and melodious melody.

A group of stout men on the dance floor, holding glasses of beer with white foam in their hands, pandered to the music and twisted their bodies wantonly.

The hops splashed, the lights and shadows intertwined, and several women with heavy makeup were wearing corsets, revealing a large piece of snow-white skin, carrying puffy skirts with bloated lower bodies, and occasionally cursed a few innocuous words in a man’s molestation. , and then smiled and stretched out his hooking fingers again and again.

In the corner of this hot tavern, there was an out of place figure. The wine table of the four people in front of him was filled with a dozen or so cups full of wines of different colors, but he was the only one toasting.

Under Leisuo's bright bald head, an old-fashioned face made him look as if he was in a claustrophobic room.

"Drinking alone here? Let me come to accompany you..." A moving body pressed against the man's right arm in the tender laughter.

Leto glanced sideways at the woman, the familiar smile thawed his expression a little, "Sorry, I'm not in the mood today, I'll take care of your business next time..."

"You are really ruthless. You have become so virtuous after not seeing you for more than a month... I still have a fresh memory of your strong body."

"Hee hee, how hard your arms are, relax and leave everything to me..."

The woman smiled sweetly and leaned her head on his shoulder, and suddenly stretched her neck. She noticed the bloodstains on the other side's leather armor that had dried up for a long time, but still gave off a strange smell.

But witchers are like that, and women are not surprised.

Looking further down, on the ground of the witcher's right hand, there is a huge package that bulges and seems to be about to crack. There seems to be a faint scarlet dampness on the blue surface, so he asked curiously,

"What is that?" As he spoke, he reached out to the package, but as soon as he reached it halfway, he was firmly controlled by another muscle knotted arm.

"Woman, control your curiosity, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Lesuo's tone was still flat, but the unfamiliar warning in his eyes made the woman feel like a mouse seeing a cat, her tender body trembled, and she got up anxiously.

She pursed her lips, and You Zi glanced at the witcher unwillingly, "Put up your pants and you won't recognize anyone, don't ask me to accompany you next time! Humph!"

After he finished speaking, he fled into the dance floor and started laughing with other men.

Leto wasn't annoyed either, women would always only be passers-by in his life, a concoction.

He suddenly felt something, and his amber pupils crossed the dance floor and instantly collided with the opposite line of sight.

"Little devil, haven't we seen each other for a year? How come you jumped so fast." The witcher looked at the young man approaching, and gestured with his thick palm to his chin. His keen perception told him that great changes had taken place in the child in front of him. From the thin body at the beginning, it became well-proportioned and energetic, and his eyes were black and bright, his face was ruddy, and his spirit was significantly higher than before.

Ordinary people need uninterrupted exercise for half a year to a year to produce such a huge change in their physical fitness. As for the young man in front of him, it has been less than two months since he left Kaye Village to today.

"I remember it was more than two years, one month and two years?" Roy sat down beside Leto, took a glass of sweet and sour fruit wine, and took two sips. "How, I lived alone in Edsberg for so long, did I pass your test?"

"You can live a good life by yourself." The witcher nodded.

Roy's eyes were cast on the strange package that the woman had noticed before, and his nose twitched like a hound.

"Leave me for more than a month just for this thing?"

"Guess what's inside?"

Letho's eyes gleamed with trials.

"Although you've handled it properly to get rid of most of the odor. But the stench can't hide it from me. The package contains... um... monster's organs, right?"

Leto threw the package directly, Roy hurriedly caught the package and opened a seam, his arm shook, and he almost threw the thing on the ground—

The first thing that catches the eye is a large eyeball, the size of a fist. The surface is smooth and dry. When you reach out and touch the back of the eyeball, you can also feel the slender, scarlet-like nerves and capillaries like sandworms.

Roy looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. He put his eyeballs in, and carefully took out a yellow velvety animal claw from the package. The bottom of the animal claw had a feline-like elastic pad. Three sharp toes protruded from the front end, shaped like hooks and dark in color.

Roy could almost imagine how the claws could easily cut through the leather armor of the human bodyguard and cut out the internal organs.

In addition to the eyeballs and claws, the package contained an oval heart, a bloody animal skull covered in brown lion mane with a plucked beak.


The huge package is stuffed with the most valuable body tissue of the griffin.

Roy's lips moved slightly,

"It took more than a month to hunt down a griffin? Is it for me to prepare a pro-drug?"

He was a little moved, this guy actually ran to singled out the gryphon.

Griffins are arrogant, difficult to deal with, have a keen sense of smell, strong bodies, claws and beaks that are comparable to steel, and have no obvious weaknesses. A mortal danger to any witcher.

Roy was a little regretful again, not to mention participating in person, it would be a valuable experience to witness the battle up close.

"Are you hurt?"

"Although the process has twists and turns, the result is perfect." Leto shook his head. "Let's go, I'll teach you how to decompose this pile of materials, and by the way, let's see if you've been lazy recently."