The Divine Hunter

Chapter 46: Pharmacy


The witcher first booked a room in the tavern, went upstairs to put away the luggage, and went through the Griffin's organizational materials a little.

Then he began to ask about Roy's recent encounter in Edsberg, who focused on the "child hunter" he encountered under the horn tree at Kadel House.

"You're lucky, that thing is similar to a water ghost in terms of combat power and danger, and it's just right for a rookie like you to practice." Lesuo said solemnly, "As long as you avoid its fangs and claws, and make good use of flame and salt, It's easy to kill. It's a little wasteful to use Dancing Star on it, but it's worth it if you survive and it dies.

"Little devil, you did a beautiful job with the Kadel House." Leto praised sincerely, not referring to Roy's fighting performance under the tree hole, but the process of analyzing doubts and finding clues in the whole thing .

A witcher who can use his brain will live longer than one who can only use force.

Next, Roy showed the yellow cheese-like vomit that he accidentally brought out to the witcher.

The witcher analyzed it from the aspects of taste and appearance, and said with admiration, "Child hunting ghosts are very rare. Among the people I know, only Oaks and Serrit hunted one more than fifty years ago, but they are very rare. Unfortunately, they didn't get enough fresh vomit."

He frowned, "The exact ingredients are unknown, but I can feel that after I take it, the flow of magic in my body is greatly hindered, and I can't even release a seal."

"Too little stock should not be able to achieve the original 'stripping' effect, but it at least has the effect of blocking magic gold, and to some extent it can restrain spellcasters and monsters that rely on spells... Maybe some warlocks will buy this thing at a high price Son. Here's your trophy, put it away." The witcher handed it back, "It's best to keep it in an earthen jar, when it's not so fresh, the effect will be greatly reduced."

Roy's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he felt regret instantly. Why didn't he take all the "vomit" out.

But he doesn't need to use the earthen pot to save it, he has a more perfect way to save it - throw it into the space.

The two chatted for a while, and the witcher took him to find an open space outside the city, and checked his crossbow shooting skills and herbal knowledge.

Roy has already unlocked the Crossbow Specialization LV1, and his training every night has never been interrupted. Whether it is shooting posture, accuracy, or reaction speed, compared to his short training time, he is impeccable. The witcher is naturally very good. satisfy.

As for the knowledge of herbal medicine, in addition to the more than 50 kinds of herbal medicines that were engraved into the brain by the witcher's usage and taught along the way, Roy expanded his knowledge during the time he helped the liar Tros run the herbal medicine stall at the market. a lot. Every day, I can come into contact with common plants such as sage, calendula, belladonna, and Datura, and also see rare herbs such as the flowers of the ghost needle, blood moss, buckthorn, and four-leaf clover.

At present, Roy has more than 80 herbs that have mastered the growth environment, medicinal properties, and appearance characteristics. This also left Leto speechless.

His theoretical foundation of herbal medicine is solid enough to be practiced.

"You said that you have spent most of the month studying common characters in school?" Leisuo rubbed his bare head, "I didn't think about it carefully and I forgot about your shortcomings, since you haven't started researching yet. The potion on the note."

"That's right, I'll teach you step by step. Anyway, the potions and alchemy bombs on the body are exhausted, and some replenishment stocks must be refined."

"By the way, there are also the prodrugs of the herbal medicines, which is a troublesome job. You will fight me when the time comes."

Pharmacy is a branch of alchemy.

The potions, decoctions, sword oils, and alchemy bombs produced by alchemy all require magic to reconcile, and some of them can only be used by witchers. The products of pharmacy can also be refined and taken by ordinary people.

Virtual alchemy, just need to collect all the materials and press a button, the finished product will appear in the bag. But unfortunately, the real world doesn't have that kind of beauty.

Alchemy is an extremely complex technology, and its branch, pharmacy, is equally complex. Involves materials, tools, instruments and techniques. Materials are further divided into medicine base, main medicine, auxiliary medicine, neutralizer and so on.

The tools and instruments for refining are more complex, and all these combined together can be called an alchemy platform.

Lesso spent a day buying some herbs, bottles and utensils in Edsberg, and rented a room, which was slightly transformed into an alchemy room.

After Roy entered the alchemy room to visit, he was stunned.

How is this different from a kitchen? !

The first thing that caught my eye was the stovetop with a human blower in the middle, and a large iron pot stood on the stovetop.

In front of the iron pot, close to the operator's waist, there are stone mortars, sand bowls, plates, and a pair of gooseneck stills on a small stove.

On the top layer of the right hand side hangs a clock, which is used to record the cooking time of the herbs, and beside the clock are placed various dried herbs needed to make medicines.

On the second layer on the right side, there is a pestle for pounding medicine, and the stone mortar in the middle is used to crush the medicine.

On the left hand side, over the blower cord that can heat the central large iron pot, there is a pot filled with dwarven spirits, water, oil, and other liquids on the top layer. Different medicines are added with different liquids as the base to boil.

On the second layer on the left, there are utensils used to hold potions and potions, and there are several sizes of different sizes.

"This... how is this different from what I thought?" Roy said hesitantly,

"Little devil, what do you think? Have you seen a different alchemy platform elsewhere?" Lesuo asked in confusion.

"I just think it's a little too rudimentary. Could it be that our school, Gersvid, also uses this set of alchemy equipment?" Roy didn't quite believe that the alchemy equipment would be so full of "local flavor". It feels like a small country workshop producing some kind of contraband.

In his impression, alchemy should have something to do with chemistry. At least there should be some transparent glass test tubes, alcohol lamps, iron stands and the like.

"Are you not satisfied?" There was a flash of surprise in Lesuo's eyes, and he couldn't understand where he got his confidence, but he explained patiently, "The alchemy equipment in the Snake School is indeed more advanced, complete and beautiful. But you You must know that it is no longer easy to meet the basic requirements of alchemy because the conditions outside are limited.”

"If there is an alchemy room that a warlock is willing to lend out, it's another matter. Most of those guys have obsessive-compulsive disorder and are very demanding on the details of everything, so they often have the most sophisticated alchemy equipment."

"But this set is completely enough for you as a beginner." The witcher suddenly reached out and knocked on Roy's forehead, intensifying his tone, "Now concentrate, I'll show you the most basic and easiest way. A kind of medicine, the refining process of calendula medicine."

Roy rubbed his forehead, lifted his spirits, and watched carefully.

Reso first took a bag of marigolds and nettles, put them on the platform on the right, weighed out a certain amount with a scale, put them into a stone mortar in turn, smashed and ground the two with a pestle, and put the samples. Show it to Roy.

The degree of grinding is also very particular. If it is not fine enough, it will affect the medicinal properties. If it is too fine, it is easy to overcook it and cause the refining to fail. As for how to control it, under the current rough conditions, it can only be judged by experience.

When Roy had seen enough, he added a quarter of the water to the central large iron pot, poured in one ounce of ground nettles and two ounces of marigolds, and stirred them evenly with a spoon. yellow suspension.

Then he pulled the traction rope of the blower to make the charcoal at the bottom of the pot set on fire. At the same time, he glanced at the wall clock and waited quietly.

Roy then seized the opportunity to ask about all the quantities involved before, the amount of nettle and calendula as the main ingredients, and the amount of the base water.

The witcher explained one by one, and through rhetorical questions, checked his mastery of the two herbs involved in alchemy.

A quarter of an hour after the clock passed, the medicinal liquid in the pot had not boiled, and a faint fragrance was faintly emitted.

Leto immediately turned off the flame, took the handle of the iron pot and poured the medicinal liquid into the translucent snake neck bottle with the length of his fingers. Every stitch is just right.

Finally, put the cork on cleanly.

The entire refining process, in Roy's view, can be summed up as follows: add water, add ingredients, pull the blower traction rope, ignite and boil the pot, and collect the juice.

A slightly comical thought popped into his mind.

If he watched the whole process from behind the other party, he would probably think that the bald man in front of him was a cook and was cooking some wonderful food.

"Calendula medicinal, internal or external application can speed up the healing of wounds and prevent wound infection... The effect is much better than simply smearing and swallowing calendula." Lesuo shook the bottle, looking very satisfied, "As a It is the most basic and most practical one among the potions, and you must master it. After all, your small body can't stand magic potions like 'Swallow'."

"It's not a potion, it's a potion." Roy said in his heart, looking at Leto with anticipation, "What is the specific effect of this potion?"

"It'll be clear when you're wounded, take a bottle," said the witcher. "If the wound wasn't that serious, it would probably cut your healing time in half."

"Shall I try it?"

The witcher gave up his position in front of the alchemy platform.

Roy rolled up his sleeves, skillfully took out a bag of marigolds and a bag of nettles from the side, came to the alchemy table, and began to copy the process in his memory. Take the amount and grind the two herbs into powder with a pestle.

He thought that he kept the refining process in his heart, and he didn't feel the difficulty at all. As soon as he started, the problem came. It took him a lot of effort to use the scale to weigh the appropriate amount of medicine, and the speed was much slower than that of the witcher.

After reluctantly picking up the herbs, how much should I grind with a pestle

"Uh, probably, it's thicker than the flour milled by a mill?" He pounded the herbs, took the time to launch a surprise attack, and glanced at the bald man next to him, trying to see something.

The other party was already prepared, and he raised his chin expressionlessly, signaling him to continue.

"Ugh… "

It was useless no matter how anxious he was in his heart, Roy simply let go and followed his intuition...

A quarter of the pot of water, the kettle is poured for ten seconds.

Heat on low heat and let the blower blow three times.

A quarter of an hour later, a small pot of steaming medicinal soup was boiled, exuding a strong yellow excrement and a pungent burnt smell.

Roy's face was serious, and the medicinal soup that Lesso boiled last time was obviously pale yellow and fragrant.

Why is the gap so big, but he is not discouraged at all. It is normal for him to fail for the first time.

He bit the bullet and bottled the pot. During the process, he placed his fingers in the wrong position. He was scalded by the iron pot, and the potion instantly splashed out.

He turned a blind eye, and continued to slowly pour the remaining potion into the snake neck bottle. With a slight shake, he closed the cork and placed it on the alchemy table.

"Is this a calendula potion? Can it reduce inflammation and stop bleeding?" Reisuo took the potion bottle and took a closer look, opened it and smelled it, and then his facial muscles twitched obviously. "Little devil, I think the only effect of this bottle of medicine is to moisten the bowels and defecate."

