The Divine Hunter

Chapter 58: point


"Yes, make some more force, hiss-cool!"

Roy was sitting in the bathtub, the dwarf stammered Bernie's black-haired arms gently kneading on his shoulders, and a rough and red face had a pleasing smile on his face.

"Now... now feel... how does it feel?"

"Yes, with this skill, you can open a professional massage parlour in Tanshan."

"Then, what about my debts..."

"We'll talk about it later, you can't be bothered anyway."

"Huh..." The big-tongued dwarf wiped away his sweat. He swore that he had never seen a man who played Gwent cards so strangely, always playing unexpected cards, making his opponent hard to guard against.

The big belly Diff, who entered the top ten with the entire Carbon Mountain skill, actually knelt ten in a row and directly lost the first round.

The remaining three were unwilling to take the seat and played against him for a few games.

But Bernie was unconvinced. This stubby, big-tongued dwarf has been defeated and defeated many times. He has no underwear left, and he has an extra 30 crowns in arrears, which is equivalent to one month's salary.

In the bath next to Bernie, Regan's butt shook as if insulted,

"Boy, you must not slander the reputation of the dwarves, Bernie will never deny it! We are short-tempered, but we have the advantages that humans lack - not only the appearance is majestic and majestic, but also the dwarves who grew up in Carbon Mountain attach great importance to credibility. And loyalty! Whoever dares to renege on the credits of Quint and the gambling, then never think of a foothold in Carbon Mountain!"

Roy nodded to show his respect.

He had heard of this for a long time. Although Mahakam dwarves were greedy for money, most of them were loyal to their friends and kept their promises. The representative of them was Zoltan Ziva, who risked his life to help his friends. .

In addition, the dwarves have a good reputation in the business circles.

Zionvanelli, Giancardi, and the Vivaldi dwarf family are all leaders in the banking industry, whether it is Vizima, Beauclair, Vangerborg, Novigrad, or even the Dragon Mountains, Blue Mountains, almost north All the big cities in the territory have their branches.

Knowing this, he agreed with the dwarves' "Old Rules of Carbon Mountain". If the opponent is replaced by a human or an elves, in a one-on-four situation, the chance of being reneged on is too great!

"Roy, even if you won the first round, do you dare to follow us to the shooting range and continue to the second round."

"Why don't you dare? It's just too early." He wanted to see the dwarf crossbowman's style.

A few people changed their clothes neatly, but before leaving, Roy stopped stammering, "Brother Bernie, if you promise to do me a favor, how about the debt will be waived for you?"

"You... say... just say it!" The dwarf immediately blushed as if he had been beaten with blood, and had a thick neck.

"Just stay in the bathhouse and come to the shooting range to find me when someone visits me. Don't miss anyone."

Although the dwarf was very curious about the other party's purpose, he did not talk much and agreed happily.

The group went out of the bathhouse, crossed the Tanshan Square, and went to the martial arts field behind the main castle.

Roy frowned on the way, and a strange feeling came from behind him. He glanced at him from the corner of his eye, but there was no ghost.

At this time, the sky was bright, and there were more people nearby. Most of the male dwarves wore dirty thick padded jackets and walked to the mining area outside the fortress with shovels and hoes. Back and forth between the cave and the market at the corner of the square.

Not all dwarves have beards, 80% of men are bearded, 20% of women are not inferior to men with thick body hair, and some have beautiful features, but they still cannot escape the fate of being short and fat.

A far cry from Roy's aesthetic.

"Boss Regan, Carbon Mountain doesn't seem to have a high income from work?" He thought that Mahakan's dwarves were sitting on "Golden Mountains", and all of them were rich, but just now the Gwent card game told him the opposite was true.

"You're right," the dwarf said without hesitation. "It's only fifty or sixty crowns a month, and after the drink and the maintenance of the weapon, there's not much left."

"Is the house in Carbon Mountain expensive?" He glanced at the dense cave dwellings, "How long can you save to buy it?"

"Little brother, don't you understand this?" the dwarf said proudly, "Carbon Mountain people don't need to spend money to buy a house, the elders give housing to all adults."

"But if anyone leaves Carbon Mountain without permission, the house will be taken back."

Roy was slightly envious, and the elders of Carbon Mountain also took great pains to retain the population.

"Are there many dwarves who leave Carbon Mountain to make a living?"

"Not many, but there are always a few every year."

While talking, they came to the martial arts field.

The fenced-in pavilion is very wide and divided into several sections.

At the end stood a shooting range with a row of dummies, a weapons training ground with weapon racks, and a ring surrounded by wooden fences for close combat and competition.

In one of the training grounds, there are about twenty sturdy dwarf guards carrying out their daily training.

They wore gray chainmail with a layer of cotton armor on the inside, and followed the instructions of the front row instructors, wielding their weapons in a strict manner.

The heavy two-handed weapons are freely wielded in the hands of the guards. Despite their short and fat, their moves are flexible and powerful.

It's like a sturdy small fortress. The two layers of armor can effectively block the arrows. The heavy two-handed weapon turns the disadvantage of the body into an advantage. Once he is approached by these guys, he may not be able to last a few rounds.

"My frontal combat ability is waste."

The means that Roy can rely on in battle have always been very monotonous, mainly the long-range shooting of the crossbow. Although the accuracy of shooting the crossbow is supported by the perception attribute, the power is not enough, even if the bonus of slaughter and crossbow specialization is counted.

It can't do much damage to armored enemies unless it hits the face.

The effective range is also a problem. Under normal circumstances, the target is guaranteed within 100 delays (30 meters). Once the distance, wind direction and wind force are exceeded, the interference will become more and more obvious.

And the dwarf Regan, who specializes in crossbow at level 5, is obviously a good study object.

The shooting range was filled with human-shaped archery targets of varying distances. After the four entered the field, Reagan stretched out his furry palm and felt it in midair for a moment.

Roy was surprised. Could it be that this guy can use the hair on his hand to test the wind direction and speed

"A day with no wind or light breeze is the best time to shoot a few arrows. Come on, little brother, let me show you your tricks this time around. See if your crossbow shooting is as good as a witcher's swordsmanship." Reagan borrowed two identical crossbows, threw one to Roy and picked up the other himself.

"You're young, you don't have heavy calluses on your hands, and your training time is obviously limited. I don't need to bully you with a time trial." Regan raised his chest and exuded unprecedented confidence, "Starting from the target of thirty late (9 meters), Shooting to the right with extended range, after ten arrows, the one with the fewest misses wins. How?"

Roy hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"I'll come first."

"what ever."

The crossbows and arrows Reagan gave him were made to dwarf standards.

The diameter of the bow body above the crossbow arm is four inches in diameter, much larger and heavier than the Gabriel Roy originally obtained. Due to repeated use, the crossbow body made of pine wood was soaked with sweat and turned brown. The bowstring pull was about sixty pounds, and it was a little hard to set the arrow with his strength.

He first selected the nearest thirty late targets, held the crossbow body with his left hand, and pulled the trigger with his right index finger, shooting the crossbow in a standing position.

Take a deep breath, the crossbow body rises slightly, the right eye is aimed at the target star, and then slowly exhale, in the short one or two seconds when the exhalation is heavier, the crossbow body just sags to the point where the exhalation moves. horizontal position, pull the trigger sharply,

"Whoosh—" The sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the human-shaped archery target 30 minutes away trembled, and the powerful kinetic energy of the crossbow sent the arrow into the red heart with extreme precision.

Reagan's eyes didn't change, Roy heaved a sigh of relief, shook his slightly numb arm, and started preparing for the second arrow.

In the next time, under the witness of everyone, the targets of the 60th, 90th, and 120th tarns all hit the red heart.

In a short period of time, Roy's forearms and legs began to feel sore after continuously pulling the strings and placing arrows. After all, this crossbow was much heavier than the Brielle that Jia usually used for training, and he was not used to it.

In addition to boring crossbow shooting training on weekdays, there are few opportunities to compete with others, especially when the opponent is an excellent crossbow rigen. Inevitably a desire to win.

The next archery target gave him a blow to the head.

One hundred and fifty late, it is estimated that there are nine rings, one hundred and eighty late seven rings, two hundred and ten late five rings, and two hundred and forty feet (72 meters) one ring.

Two hundred and seventy late, completely shot in the air! The second arrow still missed.

After the announcement of the ten arrows, beads of sweat slid along his forehead to his chin, because his eyes were sad because of the continuous misses.

"Okay! Your aiming head is okay, and your posture for standing crossbow shooting is also very standard. It can be seen that you have been trained systematically, but the time is too short... I have a few suggestions, would you like to listen?"

"I'm about to ask you for advice."

Regan, who was holding the crossbow, was like a different person. His back was slightly bowed, his knees were slightly bent, his eyes became cold and sharp, and with a hook of his fingers, he lifted a light crossbow arrow from his quiver, and quickly pulled the string to set the arrow. Lifting the crossbow and pulling the trigger, a series of movements are concise and neat without any excess.

Roymo took less than half of his time to pull the strings and set the arrows.

On the surface, the dwarf looks exactly the same as his standing shooter, but a closer look reveals the difference in detail.

"Pay attention to the position of the crossbow."

Reagan lowered his head and started aiming.

Roy took a step back and observed the state of the dwarf and the crossbow.

"Three quarters."

The crossbow is located approximately three-quarters down the dwarf's body from the bottom to the top, between the neck and the collarbone. This is slightly different from his crossbow shooting stance. The standard standing shooting stance has been adjusted by dwarves to better suit his style.

But Roy's shooting level can't make these adjustments.

The dwarf's movements were fast and steady, and he shot three arrows with ease, hitting the bullseye.

"Do you have a custom crossbow?"

"Yes, I have."

"Why don't you take it with you?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, and he quietly pulled the trigger with his right hand.

"The most basic quality of a good crossbowman is that the crossbow does not leave the body. Whether it is eating or sleeping, you must bring it with you." There was a hint of tenderness in the dwarf's black eyes, as if he remembered his lover, and his movements were not affected, "You You have to develop a tacit understanding with it, understand every inch of its structure, and even close your eyes to be clear. The more familiar you are with it, the faster you will be able to fight in battle.”

Reagan spoke in a low voice, and showed an admirable rate of fire. Arrow after arrow, with no obvious aiming time, hit five bullseyes two hundred and forty three hundred feet late in a row, and won the victory without any suspense.

Roy was convinced that the other party's perception attribute was the same as his, which was 7 points.

"You also have to take care and maintenance of it like an arm. A durable weapon is the life of a crossbowman, and it must be cherished."

The dwarf took a fine long-necked oil bottle and smeared the arrows, crossbow blades and triggers with oil. "

"Under normal circumstances, the Mahakan crossbow can be used for several years, but there is a premise that it must be maintained every time the continuous shooting reaches 100 arrows. Do not shoot in the air, and do not wind it for too long, otherwise the damage will accumulate and the service life will be long. shortened.”

"If you don't know how to maintain it, and the crossbow fails suddenly on the battlefield, you will pay the price of your life."

Roy agreed.

"No wonder Leto has to wipe and oil his weapons after every battle. I haven't paid much attention to it."

The other party's words have indeed benefited him a lot. If he has experience in the skill of crossbow specialization, a large number of "plus signs will appear."

Roy thought again that the crossbow he brought from Kaye had never been maintained from beginning to end, and immediately asked the other party for a bottle of nursing oil.

"Now we're tied." Regan smiled heartily, swept away the depression of Quint's abuse, "I can't wait to compare your drinking with you... The elder promised you to be full of wine and meat?"

Roy nodded, his heart was amused, it turned out that this guy had been thinking of free drinks.

Dulu and Diff came together with greedy faces, and the wine hit their dead end.

"How about this third game tomorrow morning? Our four brothers have to stand guard from the afternoon to the early morning."

"Then meet you in the bathhouse as you wish." Roy readily agreed, making some friends with free drinks, why not.

"Haha, happy enough, boy, I'm starting to like you now. Remember to anoint my 'heart baby' with oil after going back, and take good care of it, I won't spare you if it breaks!"

"Go, go to the bathhouse and call that fool Bernie back!"